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Cazer’s AEW Dark Review 4.26.22
Happy Tuesday folks we’re back for another episode of AEW Dark and it looks like we have a BANGER on tap for this week. Last weeks episode was really fun and had a few stars but I think this week beats it by quite a bit. We’ll see rising stars like Lee Moriarty and Anna Jay in action, we’ll also see established talent like Pentagon, and we’ll also see the FREAKIN HARDY BOYS on AEW Dark. I recall hearing some chatter on the internet of the Hardy’s appearing on Dark but I assumed it was for Dark Elevation, this is a hell of a match for Dark so i’m pumped. As someone who often complains about the star power on Dark, I have absolutely no qualms this week. All of that said let’s get into the action.
Red Velvet vs. Dulce Tormenta
Interesting opening match for this episode of Dark, Velvet has recently had a change of attitude aligning herself with Jade and becoming a bit more of a heel. Velvet controls the match early as she and Dulce exchange grapples with Velvet coming out on the upper hand. Commentary discuss the baddies and Excalibur asks why he and Taz don’t make tiktoks. Tormenta gets a moment of offense in but it’s quickly stopped by a clean dropkick from Velvet. The crowds relatively quiet for this one but they give Velvet a small reaction following the dropkick. Tormenta with the reversal and a tribute to Eddie Guerrero with a trio of suplexes getting the crowd firmly behind her. I liked the tribute but I do think she could clean that spot up a tad. Velvet with a corkscrew kick and cover on Dulce for the victory in 2:35.
Rating: **1/4
Review: This was too short to give it too much, it wasn’t bad but never really too exciting or interesting. The finish was clean and Velvet has grown a ton even in the last few months, this character change for her is definitely a step in the right direction for her.
Serpentico vs. Lee Moriarty w/ Matt Sydal
Serpentico catches Lee before the match even begins and tries to attack him early but Lee quickly regains control as the ref begins the match. Lee with a series of roll up attempts on Serpentico but he manages to escape. Lee looks for a suplex but Serpentico counters out, Lee sends Serpentico face first into the turnbuckle. Serpentico catches Lee from behind and then catches him with a lariat to the back of the head. Excalibur tells us that Luther is still in the Boston catering room and that’s why he’s not here for Serpentico. Serpentico with a series of moves finishing with a headbutt on Lee before covering for a two count. Serpentico with the submission locked in but Lee counters out before kicking at the arm of Serpentico. Lee with a backdrop on Serpentico, he lays into him with the knees and shows a bit of aggression slamming Serpentico face first into the mat. Lee with a lariat into the corner and a big boot on Serpentico. Sydal cheers on Lee but its a bit odd as its typically the claps that occur during a comeback and Lee’s been in control. Lee with a unique suplex into a flatliner and covers Serpentico for the victory in 3:50.
Rating: **3/4
Review: Again too short to give this match some out of this world rating. Lee partnering with Sydal is so odd, he feels like he’s stuck in his current spot and won’t grow much as just a generic babyface. He’s an amazing talent I just find his pairing with Sydal to be the worst
Anna Jay and Skye Blue vs. The Bunny and Raychell Rose
Raychell getting an entrance teaming with the Bunny, it’s interesting seeing these two work together despite having little to no chemistry at all as a team. Skye and Anna are also a bit of a unique pairing. This match starts off with the heels attempting to attack early but the babyfaces see it coming and send them running. Anna runs wild on the Bunny really working her over early, going for a cover but she kicks out at two. The Bunny sends Anna into the ropes allowing Raychell to grab her by the hair and give the Bunny the upper hand. The bunny with a running cross body in the corner and covers Anna for a two count. Commentary really in their own world during this one discussing some movie, but i missed the reference. The Bunny looks for a suplex but Anna counters into a roll up but she kicks out, Anna with another pinfall attempt again the Bunny kicks out. Poor Excalibur having to do ten thousands reads during every episode of AEW television. The Bunny catches Anna with a knee to the face and covers for a two count, she gets into the face of the referee after he refuses to count. Excalibur points out how silly this match is as it’s a tag match but neither Anna or The Bunny are making a tag. The Bunny gets Anna in the corner and chokes her with her boot, before screaming at Raychell to make the tag. Raychell finally getting to show some offense, Anna with an awkward flatliner on Raychell before tagging in Skye Blue. Skye with the hot tag she runs wild on the heels. Skye goes for a superkick, Raychell catches it but Skye with a sweet enziguri instead. The Bunny breaks up a pinfall attempt before Skye sends her to the outside. Skye tags in Anna who locks in the queen slayer and we get an IMMEDIATE submission.
Rating: **
Review: I did not enjoy this at all. I get the purpose but I don’t think Anna Jay is the one to be taking the lead in a match like this, I know the Bunny was there but if we’re looking to get eyes on Skye and Raychell this was a weird way to do it, they hardly got to work and when they did it was not really that great. It’s good that Raychell was clearly the weakest link but I think Skye Blue still has a lot of progress to make up to start moving up the ranks of the Women’s division.
QT Marshall vs. Penta Oscuro
Pre match QT cuts a promo and demands the crowd gives him the receptions he truly deserves as he works hard to make AEW exist. QT demands that a member of the crowd be thrown out for flipping him off. The lights go out for a bit before Penta makes his way to the ring carrying a shovel. Penta’s accompanied by Alex Abrahantes who is dressed in a unique get up. This should actually be a really good match if given the time as both QT and Penta can really go. The crowd chants QT sucks and he takes offense to this so he grabs the mic and lets them know that for the record he does not suck. Not much action early on in this one, but the crowd is into everything they’re doing. Well done. Penta looking for a dive but Solo gets involved, QT looks for the cheap shot but Penta hears him coming, Penta with two slingblades and covers for a two count. I love Penta’s slingblade. Penta goes for the package piledriver and QT reverses out, Penta springboards off the middle rope right into a forearm from QT. QT uses Penta’s mask against him tying it to the ropes and distracts the ref. Aaron Solo jumps Penta while the ref is distracted, Alex Abrahantes grabs the shovel and charges Solo narrowly missing him. Penta with a double stomp on QT who is set up in the tree of woe. Penta with the cover for a two count. QT struggles to his feet and exchanges strikes with QT. QT as a heel is so good when given the opportunity against someone universally enjoyed like Penta. Penta with a chop on QT and follows with a series of strikes. QT with the enziguri off Penta as he bounces off the ropes. QT then bounces off the ropes but runs right into a shot from Penta. Penta tries to lock up the arm of QT but Aaron Solo again with the distraction. Abrahantes distracts Solo allowing Penta to drop him with a superkick. Nick Comoroto sneaks in and hits Penta with the spear. They say the referee didn’t see it but i’m convinced they used the angle because Knox saw it clear as day. QT covers but Penta kicks out, QT goes for a diamond cutter, Penta counters, QT goes for a moonsault for some reason right into a superkick from Penta. Penta with the armbreaker on QT and covers him for the victory in 7:15.
Rating: ***1/4
Review: This was a really solid match for AEW Dark, the crowd was super into both guys for different reasons. They hate QT and love Penta so it worked well. They both work great in their respective roles so while the result was never in qustion it was a solid match top to bottom and Comoroto getting involved did allow for a moment of doubt.
Charlette Renegade vs. Abadon
Abadon has a great record but almost never beats anyone worth noting and this will not be much different. I’ve loved the Renegade twins but i’m not going to act like this is a huge win. Charlette and Abadon with a solid opening sequence, Charlette not showing much fear for Abadon early in this one and that may be her downfall. Abadon with a leaping legdrop on Charlette, she follows with the sitout senton on Charlette. Abadon with the Black Dahlie leg draping DDT. She covers for the victory in 1:09.
Rating: N/A
Review: Impossible to rate such a short match but I have to say Abadon has gotten SOOO much better at her gimmick and character work. This is pretty much what her matches should be until she gets into more consistent ‘main roster’ feuds but I think she’s getting to that point. Her in ring work is really starting to match up with the character work and she’s starting to really hit another level.
The Hardys, Top Flight and Frankie Kazarian vs. Private Party, The Blade, Angelico and Max Caster
This is the debut for the Hardy’s on AEW Dark and boy is it a HUGE match. It’s a big ten man tag featuring a number of popular AEW tag teams. It’s exciting to see Top Flight team with The Hardy’s it sucks that Darius is hurt again but it’s fortunate that they at the very least got this match. A bit odd to see Max in this one as a solo with Bowens right there but I guess you can’t beat the team. Loud delete chant from the crowd before the match starts. Angelico and Kaz kick this one off exchanging holds, Angelico getting a moment of offense but Kaz counters out only for Angelico to lock in another headlock. Kaz and Angelico exchange pinfall attempts but neither getting more than a one count over the other. Stagehand jones needs to wipe the dirt off Taz’s monitor c’mon. Dante tags in and drops an arm on the Blade before getting sent into the corner and lit up by a series of strikes from the blade. Blade looks to ground Dante but Darius tags in quickly and they drop Blade with the double dropkick. Blade tags in Isaiah Kassidy. Darius sent into the counter but he dodges Blade and captures Kassidy making the tag to Dante. Matt Hardy with the tag as does Caster, Hardy lays into Caster and sends him face first into the turnbuckle. Matt tags in Jeff and the crowd is pumped for it. Tag team action from the Hardy’s and we get a senton fist drop combo on Caster. Angelico gets involved but is dropped for his effort. The Hardy’s with a pair of leg drops ton Caster. Everyone gets involved in this one and it breaks down for a moment before they all decide to take it outside of the ring. Caster beats up on Jeff Hardy in the corner doing his Acclaimed handshake with Bowens. Blade tags in and lays into Hardy with a series of strikes choking him in the corner. Angelico tags in and works over the knees of Jeff Hardy locking in a submission on Jeff. Matt interjects and breaks up the submission. Angelico tags in Quen who lays into Hardy with some kicks before taunting Matt. Jeff tries to make a tag but it’s broken up by Quen. Quen tags in Kassidy who uses the middle rope to choke at Jeff Hardy. Jeff struggles for a tag again but Kassidy breaks it up nailing Jeff with a suplex instead. Kassidy covers for a one count and Jeff continues to look for a tag. Kassidy with the chin lock and the crowd tries to will Jeff to make a tag, Kassidy slams him back first into the mat preventing the tag. Kassidy looks for a Swanton of his own but Jeff Hardy dodges it. Again Jeff goes for a tag but Kassidy tries to drop Jeff’s partners. Kassidy turns around into a backbody drop from Jeff. Jeff struggles to his feet and finally tags Kazarian. Kazarian runs through both members of Private Party, then drops Angelico with a scoopslam followed by a leg drop, Kaz with the same for the Blade and then Caster as well. This was a fun spot, the crowd loved it. Private Party catch Kaz sleeping and drop him with some combination kicks. Kassidy tags in Queen and sets Kaz up for a double back drop, Kaz flips onto his feet and tags in Darius. Darius with a double drop kick and does a kip up. Darius looks for the dive but instead catches Quen with a feint kick to the back of the head. Dante with a dive on everyone outside the ring. Darius with a deadlift German on Quen and covers for two before Angelico breaks it up. The heels isolate Darius, they drop him with a double team maneuver and cover him for a two count. Quen is shocked Darius kicks out. Kazarian gets back involved and sends everyone to the outside but Kassidy. Kaz with the cutter on Kassidy. Blade sends Kaz to the outside but he runs into a combination move from Top Flight, Caster drops Darius but Dante sends him to the outside. Dante helps Darius up but Quen sends him to the outside then rolls up Darius. Darius kicks out, Quen looks for a suplex but Darius hits a brainbuster on Quen. Matt Hardy tags in and hits Quen with a twist of fate, Jeff Hardy tags in and hits Quen with the Swanton Bomb! Jeff Covers for the victory in 12:40.
Rating: ***1/2
Review: This was a solid ten man tag I do think it has two teams that are rather odd pairings. It’s not like they make no sense just in terms of match style and everything else it does feel like a strange pairing. I wish they’d do more ten man tags like this not just on Dark but in general as they’re great ways to get people featured even if the pairing is odd to me I like the concept and I get why these groups were paired together even if it’s wacky. The match itself did leave a little bit to be desired but i’d say that happens maybe half the time with ten man tags, they’re either bonkers from start to finish (which some people hate) or they’re more like this and slower while still allowing mostly everyone to get their cool stuff in. Neither is better than the other but I do prefer the nonstop banger between two established stables.
Top 3 Names to Watch Following AEW Dark
Dante Martin – It would be Top Flight but with Darius being injured i’d say he’s a name to watch but also someone to just hope can make a speedy recovery. Alternatively Dante again becomes the focal point and was really starting to ascend as a solo act, this was a great moment for him and his brother to get a win and shine alongside two of the industries best of all time and truly one of the best tag teams of all time. I think Dante has made the best of a tough situation before and will do so again.
Lee Moriarty – I don’t love his pairing with Sydal but that does feel like it may not last too long. I could be wrong but commentary mentioning Garcia and Yuta just made me feel like they recognize Lee deserves similar elevation. For now a victory here is fine but I don’t think Sydal adds a whole lot to Lee in any capacity.
Red Velvet – Her match tonight was short but she’s grown a TON since joining AEW. She’s not gonna give you a five star classic just yet but she’s steadily improving and now that she’s a heel her character work feels a lot more natural, even as a babyface she felt a bit too cocky and it did seem to turn the crowd against her at times so this was a great move and I expect big things for her and all the baddies going forward.
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