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CHIKARA vs. Beyond Wrestling Clan Feuds Results 7.14.18: Mr. Touchdown Beats Tracy Williams

July 15, 2018 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris

– Below are results for last night’s CHIKARA vs. Beyond Wrestling Clan Feuds event. The card was held at the CHIKARA Wrestle Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The results come courtesy of PWInsider.

Chikara and Beyond Wrestling co-present Clan Feuds, featuring a best of five series between the two promotions.

EYFBO defeated Cornelius Crummels and Sonny Defarge with a double team backbreaker. From a Chikara standpoint, Crummels and Defarge have displayed fewer rudo tactics and started endearing themselves to the crowd in recent outings. With this loss, Crummels and Defarge lost their three points and will have to start over in their quest for title contention. Beyond is up 1-0.

Solo Darling pinned Deonna Purrazzo. Purrazzo got hit in the face early in the match, which clearly affected her. With this win, Solo Darling got her third point and can challenge for the Chikara Grand Championship. Ties it up 1-1.

Chris Dickinson defeated Dasher Hatfield with the Pazuzu Bomb. Beyond goes up 2-1.

Icarus, Tony Deppen, Travis Huckabee, and Fire defeated Green Ant, Thief Ant, Worker Ant, and Razerhawk after a pedigree from Icarus to Worker Ant. Icarus has christened himself, Deppen, and Huckabee as a new version of FIST. This was Worker Ant’s first match in almost a year and a half. After the match, FIST continued their assault on Worker Ant, attempting to hit a spike piledriver on the floor, before Fire Ant returned to save Worker and fight FIST off, but left without endorsing Thief Ant and Green Ant.

After intermission, Young Lions Cup Champion Cam Zigami came out and tried to cut a promo promising not to defend the Cup at the Chikara Wrestle Factory, but was drowned out by boos. The Xyberhawx music hit, and Danjerhawk came out and cashed in his Golden Opportunity, which he won at the Infinite Gauntlet, to challenge for the Young Lions Cup.

Danjerhawk defeated Cam Zigami, in his street clothes, with the Solar Flare 450 splash to win the Young Lions Cup.

Juan Francisco de Coronado defeated Jonathan Gresham when Gresham passed out in the Coronado Clutch. Ties the series at 2 a piece.

Mr. Touchdown defeated Tracy Williams with the delayed superplex to win the Best of 5 Series for Chikara.

After the match, Denver Colorado mentioned Chikara won with home field advantage, so Mike Quackenbush responded that Chikara would be up to doing this again on their turf.

Notes: Rich Palladino and Preston Blathers traded ring announcing, announcing the representatives from their respective companies. Denver Colorado, Bryce Remsburg, and Mike Quackenbush rotated on commentary. Solo Darling joined Travis Huckabee as the next in line to challenge for the Grand Championship. With Crummels and Defarge losing their points, there are no imminent contenders for the Campeonatos de Parejas.