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Click Here to Join 411’s LIVE Impact Wrestling Coverage

November 2, 2017 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Impact Wrestling Anthem Media

Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results
I will be doing the coverage in my regular review style; final ratings and extra thoughts will be in the final version of the review. Have a good time chatting, and thanks for joining 411 for your live coverage needs.

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

Csonka: Potential 2017 GFW Hall of Fame Candidates.
Csonka Ranks The Impact Knockouts Roster.
Csonka Looks at Jim Cornette’s Impact Departure & More Roster Changes.

– We get highlights from last week’s show.

Tonight is the go home show/hard sell for Sunday’s Bound for Glory PPV. I will have a full PPV preview this weekend.

– We get a big Bound for Glory hype video.

– We get a video package on the Rosemary vs. Taya Valkyrie feud.

FROM BCW: Rosemary & Allie vs. Sienna & KC Spinelli: Sienna Spinelli attack before the bell, and immediately take control, working over Allie. Allie makes a comeback and tags in Rosemary. Rosemary hits a high cross to the heels and starts to run wild. Rosemary hits the XPLODER on Spinelli and covers for 2. Rosemary up top and gets cut off, Spinelli press slams her back into the ring, hits elbow drops and covers for 2. Rosemary takes her down, lays in some ground and pound, but Spinelli hits a dropkick and the cover gets 2. Sienna tags on, Rosemary works the tarantula but Rosemary escapes and cuts her off. Sienna hits a Samoan drop, and celebrates. Sienna hits a kick, but Rosemary rises up and they both hit kicks for the double down. We get wholesale changes to Allie and Spinelli, Allie runs wild with clotheslines and a dropkick, covering for 2. Spinelli battles back, hitting a clothesline for 2. Sienna tags back in and accidentally hits Spinelli. The code breaker and German combo connects and Allie pins Sienna. Rosemary & Allie defeated Sienna & KC Spinelli @ 6:35 via pin

– We get a video package, hyping Lashley & King Mo vs. Moose & Stephan Bonnar.

– Lashley, Dan Lambert, and ATT make their way to the ring. Lambert says that they are about to expose wrestling and the wrestlers as frauds. He says that Lashley and Mo are in the primes of their fighting careers. Moose is a big dude, but he’s not a fighter, and Bonnar is a historical fighter for losing a famous fight. The same thing will happen on Sunday. When Bonnar lost the first fight it helped a company rise, but this time, it will destroy a company.

– We get a video package for the Abyss vs. Grado match on Sunday.

Moose & Okabayashi vs. Nakajima & Kitamiya: Nakajima and Moose in, and Nakajima lays in kicks, but Moose overpowers him and hits a shoulder block. The big dropkick follows, Kitamiya in and cuts off Moose for a moment. Moose fires up and hits a run up the ropes high cross on Nakajima. The corner dropkick follows and he covers Kitamiya for 2. Moose follows with chops, but Kitamiya shakes them off. Moose then follows with jabs, a big right but Kitamiya fires up and lays in rights and then misses a charge and posts himself. Okabayashi tags back in and gets cut off with a suplex, Nakajima back in as well and he and Kitamiya work over Okabayashi. Double teams follows and Moose makes the save. Nakajima hits a brainbuster on Moose, and Kitamiya hoots the spear on Okabayashi, covering for 2. Moose and Nakajima brawl on the floor As Okabayashi hits a lariat on Kitamiya for a near fall. Okabayashi up top and hits the splash on Kitamiya for the win. Moose & Okabayashi defeated Nakajima & Kitamiya @ 7:35 via pin

– Commentary runs down the BFG card.

– LAX is at the clubhouse, and Eli Drake & Chris Adonis arrive. Drake is wearing a bandanna as Konnan runs them down for being in the wrong place. Drake says that in tonight’s match, they can all take out their BFG opponents and all walk away with gold. Konnan says this is a one time arrangement and threatens to go after the world title. Konnan tells the rest of LAX that this is for one night only.

– We get highlights of the LAX vs. oVe feud.

– We get an X-Division video package.

Non-Title Match: Trevor Lee vs. Dezmond Xavier vs. Matt Sydal vs. Petey Williams vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Garza Jr.: Konley & Everett are out with Lee. Lee tries to bail, Dutt follows to the floor but Lee’s flunkies attack. Back in the ring, Garza runs wild until Williams trips him up. They work back and forth, Garza rips off his pants and Williams hits a dive into Sydal. Xavier and Garza now work back and forth, Sydal back in and takes out Garza and Xavier. The standing moonsault gets 2. The basement dropkick connects on Xavier, but Lee returns and cuts him off. Dutt also returns and works over Lee, heads up top and gets crotched. Sydal cuts off Lee with a kick, but Lee whips Sydal to the buckles and takes control back. Post break and Sydal is battling back against Lee, hitting a kick and Dutt returns to take out Lee. They pick up the pace and Dutt tosses lee to the floor. Dutt up top and moonsaults to the floor to wipe out the pile. Back in and Garza and Williams work back and forth. Xavier in and Garza slams them both down, covering for 2. Sydal hits meteora on Xavier, Williams hits the destroyer on Sydal but Xavier makes the save. Cutter by Xavier and the Sasuke special follows. Nice. Lee, Konley and Everett attack Dutt, and Lee hits a powerbomb for 2. Lee accidentally takes out Everett, Xavier hits the rolling kick to Lee and picks up the win. Dezmond Xavier defeated Matt Sydal, Petey Williams, Sonjay Dutt, Trevor Lee, and Garza Jr @ 11:38 via pin

– We get a video package for the Team AAA vs. Team Impact match.

Gail Kim Talks: We get a Gail Kim video package, discussing her retirement and Sunday’s title match. Borash is here to interview Kim, and brings up that Sunday is the 10th anniversary of the knockouts title. Kim was the first champion, and she says she came to the company with a dream and it came true when she won the knockouts title. Sunday will be Kim’s final BFG match, competing against Allie, who Kim says she loves, but when they compete, it’s all business. And then there is the champion Sienna. Kim says at her last BFG she will bring the title back to where it belongs.

– We get Global Forged footage.

– Commentary hypes the BFG card; the X-Division title match is not labeled as an Ultimate X match, just a 6-way.

– We get an Eli drake vs. Johnny Impact video package.

LAX (Santana & Ortiz) & Eli Drake vs. Johnny Impact & oVe (Jake & Dave Crist): Konnan, Diamante and Adonis are at ringside. LAX, oVe and Drake brawl on the floor as oVe rushed the ring. Drake grabs the tile belt and attacks Impact as he makes his entrance, and beats him down on the ramp and then tosses him down towards the ring. Adonis helps out, but Impact fights them off and hits a corkscrew moonsault onto the pile on the floor as we take a break. Post break and Impact & oVe have taken control, picking up a near fall on Ortiz. Triple teams follow, as they have Ortiz isolated. Ortiz manages a sitout powerbomb, covering for 2. Drake gets the tag, and they isolate Jake in their corner and work quick tags. Santana in now, he puts the beat down on Jake and tags in Ortiz. LAX continues to work quick tags, Impact tries to make the save but Drake tags in and continues the assault on Jake. Drake hits a pop up toss, covering for 2. Jake manages to fight back and hit a high cross, and gets the hot tag to Impact. Impact runs wild, Dave in and it breaks down. Jake hits a dive, Impact cuts off Santana and gets a sunset flip for the win. Johnny Impact & oVe (Jake & Dave Crist) defeated LAX (Santana & Ortiz) & Eli Drake @ 12:13 via pin

– Post match, Drake & LAX make the babyfaces pay for their win and beat them all down. LAX & oVe brawl to the back, Drake exposes the buckles and slams Impact into the corner. Adonis cuts the mat free, and he and Drake expose the boards underneath. Drake then hits the gravy train onto the exposed boards to stand tall ahead of Sunday’s PPV. He then holds the championship in front of Impact as Adonis holds him, telling Impact that he will ever be the champion.

article topics :

Impact, Impact Wrestling, Larry Csonka