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Cook’s WWE NXT Battleground 2023 Review

May 28, 2023 | Posted by Steve Cook
Carmelo Hayes NXT Battleground Image Credit: WWE
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Cook’s WWE NXT Battleground 2023 Review  

Hey kids! Steve Cook here with you, and I’m aware that I’m not usually the person that reviews these NXT shows. A quick look at my archives shows that I haven’t reviewed any NXT since September 14, 2021. That’s why when 411 management asked me which show I wanted to review during this incredible weekend of wrestling action, I jumped on NXT Battleground. A change of pace from time to time is usually a good idea, so let’s see what’s going on in NXT Land!

Cook’s NXT Battleground 2023 Review

We’re at the Paul Tsongas Arena in Lowell, Massachusetts tonight. You may or may not remember Tsongas as Bill Clinton’s main rival in the 1992 Democratic presidential primary. I remember him well, as I was a huge politics geek in my early years before I grew into a cynic and threw my creative writing efforts into pro rasslin punditry. Not sure if that was the right choice or not, but I am sure that Boston Celtics play by play announcer Sean Grande is here to talk about some of Lowell’s best WWE moments.

Vic Joseph & Booker T are ringside for commentary duty.

NXT North American Championship Match: Wes Lee (c) vs. Tyler Bate vs. Joe Gacy (w/Ava Raine): Some early near-falls by all three, trying to get the win before we can get situated. then a staredown with Gacy trying to instigate issues between BFFs Lee & Bate. Gacy gets tossed outside, and now Lee & Bate almost go at it. Gacy makes the mistake of taunting them, so they attack him on the outside. Lee & Bate get into an argument over who can follow Gacy into the ring and exchange punches before Gacy flops through the middle rope onto them. Gacy runs into a chop from Bate back in the ring, but catches him for a suplex that gets two. Bate with a go-behind, Gacy switches out of it, Lee does a sunset flip on Bate that sends Gacy flying. Then a rana by Lee on Gacy gets two. Some punches by Lee on Bate, Bate with a knee in a corner and a twisting elbow. Gacy gets exploded by Bate, as does Lee. Standing shooting star gets two on Lee. Gacy breaks it up only to get airplane spun. Lee tries to break it up, but ends up on the business end of a Giant Swing while Gacy gets spun. Gacy gets dropped on Lee, then clotheslined for two. Pretty cool stuff from the Big Strong Boi. Strikes exchanged by Lee & Bate. Lee seems to win, but gets whipped into a pop up powerbomb by Gacy, then Gacy tosses Lee into Bate. Bate up top, misses the elbow, Gacy with a DDT/Reverse DDT combo. Gacy with the Rings of Saturn on Lee! Perry’s from this area of the country if I remember correctly. Bate eventually breaks up the hold after waiting for a brief period. Bate misses the standing Shooting Star and Gacy puts him in the Rings. Lee double stomps Gacy to break it up. Fans think it’s awesome. Lee with some strikes to both men. Both men answer with punches, try to clothesline Lee and end up hitting each other. A double Cardiac Kick by Lee gets two counts on Gacy & Bate. Lee with strikes in the corner, Bate eats a kick but Gacy punches Lee in the opposite corner. Lee with a sleeper on Gacy, which is broken up when Gacy cannonballs in the corner. That gets two due to Bate, who hits the Tyler Driver 97 for two. Meteora by Lee on Bate gets two. Bate gets knocked off the apron by Gacy, who gets placed up top by Lee. Lee vaults over the top rope onto Bate, goes back in the ring and gets Rock Bottomed by Gacy. Lee almost immediately hits a Cardiac Kick on Gacy and gets the three count.

Winner: Wes Lee (11:58 via pinfall)
Match Rating: ***1/4

Fun little sprint to get things started with the go-go-go style that the kids like. Lee has now defended the NXT North American Championship more times than anybody.

Based off the pre-match video for the Women’s Championship match, I’m inclined to agree with Tiffany Stratton that she has “it”, whatever “it” is.

Bron Breakker & Carmelo Hayes walk around backstage.

NXT Heritage Cup Match: Noam Dar (c) ( vs. Dragon Lee (w/Nathan Frazier): Heritage Cup matches are contested under British Rounds Rules, which means the following according to Wikipedia:

Matches consist of six three-minute rounds with 20-second breaks between each round.
Matches are 2-out-of-3 falls.
Falls can be won by pinfall, submission, or countout.
Once a fall occurs, the round ends.
The match ends once a wrestler has won two falls.
In the event of a disqualification or knockout, the match instantly ends without the need for two falls.
If all six rounds are completed, whoever is ahead on falls wins the match.

Sounds fun! Each man is supposed to have somebody in their corner to give them advice & treatment during round breaks, which could provide some drama. Especially if you’re Noam Dar and nobody comes down to the ring with you. Some chain wrestling to start, Lee gets bodyscissored by Dar & worked into a wristlock. Lee eventually gets Dar’s arm and works it over. Dar with a legbar. Lee kicks out of it and gets Dar in a headscissors. Dar works out into a headlock. Series of missed kicks, Dar with a shove. Lee with a shot, then a dropkick to Dar on the outside before the bell rings to end the first round.

Here comes the second round and Oro Mensah to join Dar in his corner. Lee with a rana to send Dar in the corner, a dropkick and another kick in the corner. Running dropkick in the corner gets two. Dar gets a near-fall, then gets an actual fall at 1:33 in the second round. That puts Dar up 1-nil.

Dar starts running away, and Lee tries to mount and punch him. Dar works into an arm submission briefly before Lee fights out. Dar takes the offensive, hitting some elbows in the corner. Roll up gets two for Lee, then a knee & a foot to Dar. Lee sets something up, Dar goes to the apron, so Lee decides to rana him to the floor from there. Tope suicida by Lee, he rolls Dar back in the ring and runs him over with a knee for two. Dar manages to avoid getting pinned the rest of the round, then hits a rolling elbow right after the bell. The referee opts not to disqualify Dar, giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Dar misses in the corner, then Lee misses and Dar hits a Helluva kick. Running kick gets a two count. Lee with an inside cradle for two. Superkick by Dar, then tries to get Lee in a cross armbreaker. Dar doesn’t quite sinch it in though, and Lee nearly gets a three count. Super kick, then a Texas Cloverleaf by Lee. Mensah helps Dar get to the ropes, then pushes Frazier into the steps. Lee hits a headscissor into a splash to get a pinfall on Dar 2:04 into the fourth round.

Mensah & Frazier get ejected from ringside after they start fighting. Dar with a dragon screw into an anklelock, but Lee fights out. Lee tries another rana off the apron, but Dar drops him with a powerbomb to the floor! Rolling elbow gets a two count for Dar. Lee fights back with a snap dragon suplex, then a sitout powerbomb gets two. Here comes Jakara Jackson, then Lash Legend! Legend hits Dragon Lee with a trash can, then Noam hits the Nova Roller for the three count 1:17 into the fifth round.

Winner: Noam Dar (1:17 in the 5th round via pinfall)
Match Rating: **1/2

The rules are a little bit confusing, but a nice change of pace from other matches on the card. Not sure I would have put Dragon Lee in this spot though, as it didn’t really give him a chance to shine. Luchadores & rules don’t really go together. Also, I just remembered Noam’s relationship with Alicia Fox, which I had successfully pushed out of my mind until this very moment.

Last Man Standing Match: Ilja Dragunov vs. Dijak: Dijak gets the black & white treatment for his entrance. Dragunow has red eyes, but not like the red eyes I get after a night of drinking. Dijak hammers away on Dragunov in the corner, but Ilja comes back with some chops. Dijak clotheslines him down. Dragunov goes for a suplex, that doesn’t work, nor does the Constantine Special. Ilja gets sent to the floor and Dijak places some steel steps in the ring. Some forearms exchanged outside of the ring, Dijak sent into the announce table and kicked down. Ilja dives into Dijak’s boot, then gets vertical suplexed onto the steps on the floor. Dijak tries to set up a table, but Ilja dives through the table to knock Dijak down. A pause in the action takes place, but now they’re back in the ring kicking each other. Dragunov goes for a German suplex, but Dijak blocks using the ropes & Dragunov’s head bounces off the steps. Dragunoc fights back with a DDT on the steps that takes a bit out of him too. There’s a cut on Ilja’s jawline that I don’t think was the result of pre-match shaving. Ilja tosses the steps onto Dijak in the corner. He places the steps on Dijak, and does the ol’ Coast to Coast onto the steps onto Dijak. Dijak barely makes it kind of to his feet, so Ilja starts chopping. Dijak with a chop and a kick before getting chopped down again. Chop to Dijak’s throat. More chops on the mat. I don’t know if Dragunov’s chops are the hardest, but he does the most of them. German suplex dumps Dijak on his head, but that won’t keep him own too long. Ilja keeps chopping, but gets chokeslammed on the apron for his efforts. Dragunov makes it kind of to his feet at 9 with the help of the ring, Dijak hits the Feast Your Eyes on Dragunov, who remains on his feet with help from the ropes. Dijak finds a kendo stick under the ring, apparently the Sandman was in the building earlier. Dijak with some kendo stick shots on Dragunov’s chest, who seems to want more. The fans want more too, apparently they don’t like this kid. Dijak wants Dragunov to stay down, but Dragunov’s not having it. The fifth shot cracks the stick, so Dijak breaks it and tosses it aside. Dijak finds a steel chair under the ring and delivers a shot to Dragunov’s back. Dijak runs into a flying forearm from Dragunov. Dragunov climbs the steel steps and hits a forearm to the back of Dijak’s head, which bounces off the chair on the mat. Dragunov reaches his feet, Dijak does not.

Winner: Ilja Dragunov (15:55 via reaching his feet)
Match Rating: ****

These boys beat the holy hell out of each other, that much is for certain. One area that WWE definitely has it over most promotions is the brute physicality folks like Dragunov, Dijak, Gunther, Sheamus & others bring to the table. You don’t see that too many other places.

Duke Hudson is substitute teaching at Chase U. It’s been sucking his will to live, so he introduces Drew Gulak & Charles Dempsey to teach some scientific wrestling. They use Thea Hail’s lack of aggression in previous matches as a visual aid of what not to do. Thea takes off crying, and Duke takes exception. Drew replies that there’s no crying in wrestling, but Duke tells him to come up with a better lesson plan next week.

McKenzie Mitchell is with Noam Dar and his new group of friends. They seem pretty happy about Noam’s victory earlier tonight, I can’t really blame them for that.

The Great American Bash will be on Sunday, July 30. Didn’t somebody tell these guys when Forbidden Door is?

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Gallus (c) (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang w/Joe Coffey) vs. Brutus & Julius Creed (w/Ivy Nile): Some chain wrestling early with Mark & Wolfgang trying to work over Julius. It doesn’t last long as Brutus tags in. Nobody really gains an advantage and there’s a standoff before Brutus takes Mark down. Some knee strikes from the Creeds to Mark, then a back suplex gets two. Double axehandle from Brutus, who smashes away at Mark. Headlock takeover by Brutus. Wolfgang tags in and hits a hot shot on Brutus. Knees to the back of Brutus’s head, then a neck vice by Wolfgang. Mark tags in and keeps working the back & throat. Forearms are exchanged, a kitchen sink knee and a tag to Wolfgang, who cross-bodies Brutus and locks in a cobra clutch. Mark tags in and hits a shoulderblock off the second rope for two. Back to the headlock by Mark. Brutus finally suplexes his way out of it, but Wolfgang keeps the tag from happening. It finally does, and Julius is none too happy. Suplexes for both Gallus members. Some nipups. This keeps going for a minute, and down come the straps! Overhead belly to belly on Wolfgang, another nipup. Belly to belly on Mark, another nipup. Then some flips onto Mark by both Creeds get a two count. Mark fights out of the doubleteam attempt, Brutus gets knocked down on the turnbuckle. Julius gets double chokeslammed, but Brutus dives off the top onto Gallus. The Creeds hype each other up and square off with Gallus. Punches are exchanged with all four men. Referee has lost control, but Julius & Mark retake the ring. Julius suplexes Mark down. Joe gets tripped by Ivy and clotheslined out of the ring. This leads to Ava coming down and taking Ivy out, then Wolfgang & Mark hitting the Samoan Drop/knee combo for three.

Winners: Gallus (9:32 via pinfall)
Match Rating: **1/2

This was kind of disjointed, but you can see the potential in the Creeds. Once they get more seasoning they should be a force in any tag team division.

We’ll find out who’s been attacking NXT women in the parking lot this Tuesday! One of wrestling’s great mysteries finally revealed.

NXT Women’s Championship Tournament Final: Lyra Valkyria vs. Tiffany Stratton: Tiffany might be the stuck up heel, but NXT fans don’t seem to mind that personality trait. Some shoving into a headlock takeover by Valkyria. Stratton fights out into a wristlock, Valkyria rolls out into a wristlock of her own, then a headlock. Crucifix gets two on Stratton. Another nearfall and Stratton doesn’t look as confident as she did earlier. Headlock by Stratton, then a shoulderblock. Leapfrog by Lyra, but she lands awkwardly on her left knee, which was softened up by Cora Jade last Tuesday night. Monkey flip by Lyra, then an arm drag sends Tiffany outside to regroup. Lyra almost follows her but Tiffany rolls back into the ring. Another arm drag and Stratton is back outside. Lyra goes for a dropkick through the ropes, but Tiffany catches her and drops her on the apron. Then Lyra’s knee gets introduced to the ringpost. One more time off the other ringpost and Valkyria is in some pain. Stratton takes the knee brace off of Valkyria and delivers another kneebreaker in the ring. Dragon screw by Stratton, then another kneebreaker & dragon screw. Cover gets two. Tiffany with a modified kneebar on Lyra, then it’s a Mutalock. Always such a beautiful move, the Mutalock. Tiffany goes for another dragon screw but it turns into a slapfest before Lyra misses an enziguri. Tiffany rams Lyra’s knee into the mat and gets two. Stratton with a modified Stretch Muffler, Valkyria finds the ropes. Nearfall for Valkyria, Stratton tries a figure 4 but gets shook off. Rollup gets two for Lyra. Tiffany runs into an elbow & Lyra hits a missile dropkick off the middle rope. Valkyria & Stratton exchange strikes. Kicks from Lyra, a scissor kick sends Tiffany down. Northern lights suplexes by Lyra, Tiffany blocks the third and runs into an enziguri from Lyra. Lyra with a dropkick, then a crossbody on the floor. Crossbody off the top, but Tiffany rolls through! Gets Lyra on her shoulders, goes for a Samoan Drop but Lyra rolls through with a crucifix bomb for the two count. Lyra gets knocked into the Tree of Woe, Tiffany knocks her down, hits a twisting splash for two. Lyra goes behind, Tiffany fights out, hits the double knees twice for two counts. Tiffany with a series of handsprings, Lyra catches her & hits a German suplex! She goes for a roundhouse kick, but the knee buckles. Tiffany picks Lyra up, hits the Finlay Roll, but the springboards moonsault misses! There’s the roundhouse kick by Lyra! Tiffany’s foot finds the ropes on 2.5! Lyra climbs the turnbuckle & Tiffany follows her up…Lyra goe for the sunset flip powerbomb, but Tiffany holds on & hits a rana! There’s the Finlay Roll, and a picture perfect moonsault results in Tiffany Stratton claiming her first championship in WWE.

Winner: Tiffany Stratton (16:00 via pinfall)
Match Rating: ***1/2

I was really impressed with the efforts of both competitors here. Not sure how long Valkyria has been wrestling, but this was her highest profile match and we’re still very early in Stratton’s career. They went out there, told a story & got the job done at a level that many wrestlers with more experience would have a tough time doing.

Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne meeting in a weaponized steel cage should be interesting. As somebody that is pro-equality, I have no issue with women beating each other up with weapons in a steel cage.

NXT Championship Match: Carmelo Hayes (c) (w/Trick Williams) vs. Bron Breakker: Trick name drops all the local sports teams to make sure people are all about the local kid. Back in the old days this would have guaranteed a loss for Carmelo, so we’ll see how much times have changed. Hayes kicks Breakker’s left knee right away and is quick on the offense. Bron hits a couple of shoulderblocks, but runs into a kick from Hayes. A pump kick sends Bron outside, then Hayes does a flip dive! Nearly lands on his head, but he’s firing away on Bron so he’s all right. Breakker rams Hayes into the apron. Back in the ring, Bron hits a powerslam on Carmelo. Hayes takes some punishment in the corner but fights back. Carmelo jumps into a hip toss and Bron taunts the fans. Bron blocks a kick on the apron and knocks Carmelo to the floor. Trick removes his shirt, which distracts Bron enough for Carmelo to hit a jawbreaker. The Fadeaway gets two, and Hayes gets back to Breakker’s knee. Half crab by Hayes. Breakker fights out and hits a Breakkerline on Hayes. Bron talks about Boston sucking and tosses Hayes over his head. Belly to belly gets one, so Bron does some pushups. I’ve seen that somewhere. Hayes goes for a sunset flip, but Bron gets out of that and tosses Hayes again. Hayes gets placed up top, Bron gets knocked off, but runs back up and hits a Frankenbreakker off the top for two. Repeated clotheslines by Breakker on Hayes. Hayes tries to fight back but gets German suplexed. Breakker seems to be setting Hayes up for the Recliner, but Hayes goes low to break it up. Breakker tries a suplex, but Hayes reverses into a DDT. Hayes fights back with some pump kicks, then a springboard twisting forearm. Hayes hits a big move, but can’t even get a count on Breakker. Suplex into a cutter gets two for Hayes. Breakker goes for a press slam, but gets gutbusted. Melo up top, misses but avoids a spear from Breakker. Doesn’t avoid another Breakker spear off a springboard move, but that only gets a two count. Down come the straps, and Breakker gutwrenches Hayes a couple of times. Hayes gets an inside cradle for two to reverse a move and hits a number of kicks. Flying DDT by Hayes, then he goes up top & hits the Nothing But Net (top rope Rocker Dropper) for the three count!

Winner: Carmelo Hayes (14:15 via pinfall)
Match Rating: ***1/2

Solid main event that told a pretty easy story. Bron beat Carmelo up, Carmelo hit some big moves and narrowly escaped to the delight of his fans. It doesn’t always have to be rocket science.

Carmelo & Trick celebrate in the ring as our show comes to an end.

The final score: review Good
The 411
I wouldn't say it was a blow-away show in the vein of the TakeOver era, but NXT Battleground was a satisfying show that gave the people what they wanted to see. The top singles title matches were solid affairs that didn't disappoint. We got Dragunov & Dijak beating each other up as much as we hoped for. All in all, it was an enjoyable way to spend two & a half hours.

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NXT Battleground, Steve Cook