wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s AEW Dark Review 1.14.20

Csonka’s AEW Dark Review 1.14.20
– Darby Allin defeated Brandon Cutler @ 8:59 via pin [**½]
– Nyla Rose vs. Shanna went to a no contest [NR]
– Billy & Austin Gunn defeated Shawn Spears & Peter Avalon @ 11:15 via pin [**]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– Tony Schiavone and Dasha Gonzalez welcome us to the show.
– Justin Roberts introduces the legends.
– Handsome Jimmy Valiant
– Kevin Lawler representing Brian Christopher
– Dave Brown
– Shane Russell representing Lance Russell
– Austin Idol
– Doug Gilbert representing the Gilbert family
– The Rock N’ Roll Express
– Lanny Poffo representing the Poffo family
– We get a 10 bell salute for the deceased Memphis legends; it was a nice segment for the legends.
– Excalibur and Dave Brown are on commentary.
Brandon Cutler vs. Darby Allin: They lockup and work to the ropes, and separate. Allin grounds things and cradles him for 2. Cutler counters back, they trade shoulder tackles and Allin takes him down, picks up the pace and follows with a dropkick. Cutler fires back and almost dies on a moonsault press spot landing on his face, coming up a bit short. Cutler regroups, maintains control and whips him to the buckles. Allin fires back, but Cutler counters into a black hole slam for 2. Allin cradles him for 2, work for the arm bar and Cutler makes the ropes. He fires back, hits a slingshot enziguri, which looked rough. The torture rack follows, Allin counters out and hits code red for 2. Allin’s nose has a cut on it, he heads up top and Cutler cuts him off and knocks him to the mat. He follows with knee strikes, and works him over in the ropes. The slingshot leg drop connects, Allin fights back and follows with a suicide dive. Back in and Allin follows with clotheslines, Cutler counters and springboard into a stunner from Allin, The coffin drop finishes it. Darby Allin defeated Brandon Cutler @ 8:59 via pin [**½] This was solid at best with some obvious rough spots from Cutler.
– Tony & Dasha relive Mox turning down Jericho’s offer on last week’s Dynamite.
– I am jealous of Dave Brown’s silky smooth voice.
Nyla Rose vs. Shanna: Shanna jumps Rose during her entrance, looking for revenge, and they brawl at ringside. Rose takes over until Shanna hits a hook kick. Rose cuts her off with a spinebuster and Rose gets a table, sets it up and takes Shanna to the apron. Shanna counters the powerbomb, stuns Rose off the ropes and spears her through the table of the apron. Officials wave it off. Nyla Rose vs. Shanna went to a no contest [NR] A fine angle to continue their feud.
– Tony & Dasha hype upcoming events.
– Austin cuts pre-match promo, and wants Billy to do his old shtick. Billy does the old suck it line. Avalon & Bates arrive as Avalon cuts his usual generic heel promo, mocking Jerry Lawler’s restaurant as well as Elvis. He mocks the Gunns and calls Austin the ass boy. Bates apologizes for Avalon.
Billy & Austin Gunn vs. Shawn Spears & Peter Avalon: Austin has been signed by AEW. Tully & Bates are at ringside. Spears and Billy begin. They lockup, shoulder tackles by Billy follow and Billy tells him to suck it. Spears wants Austin, he tags in and gets ass boy chants. Spears attacks, follows with chops and Avalon tags in for double teams. Austin counters back and hits a hip toss neck breaker for 2. Billy back in and double teams follow. Spears powders and Avalon fires back, and hits a high cross for 1. Spears tags in and delivers chops. Billy no sells and Spears lays in more strikes, Billy counters and delivers chops. Spears calls for time out and Austin delivers chops. They trade, Austin misses a dropkick and Spears posts him twice. He starts working the arm, Avalon tags in and grounds Austin. He cheap shots Billy as Spears sneaks in and takes over. Austin fights for a tag, Avalon helps and Spears follows with crossface strikes. He hits clotheslines, Austin fires back and takes him down. Avalon & Billy tag in, Billy runs wild and hits a powerslam. One for Spears follows, it breaks down, Billy is dumped and Avalon cuts of Austin with an enziguri. Austin counters back, hits a fameaasser and that gets 2. the ass is not strong with this one. Austin up top, gets crotched and Avalon follows him up. Austin fights him of and Billy hits cobra clutch slam and the Austin senton finishes it. Billy & Austin Gunn defeated Shawn Spears & Peter Avalon @ 11:15 via pin [**] This was ok, if a bit disjointed. Austin shows potential, but still needs more experience at this time.
– Tony & Dash hype bash at the Beach to close the show.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 82. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka is joined by Backbodydrop.com’s Ian Hamilton to breakdown NXT UK Takeover: Blackpool II. From there, Larry reviews Impact Hard to Kill 2020 and shares some thoughts on ROH & Marty Scurll. The show is approximately 105–minutes long.
* Intro
* NXT UK Takeover: Blackpool II Review: 2:05
* Impact Hard to Kill Review: 1:13:33
* ROH & Marty Scurll Thoughts: 1:35:20
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– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.
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