wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s AEW Dark Review 2.25.20

Csonka’s AEW Dark Review 2.25.20
– Jimmy Havoc defeated Marko Stunt @ 7:30 via pin [***]
– The Dark Order defeated CIMA and T-Hawk @ 8:40 via pin [***½]
– Falls Count Anywhere Match: Joey Janela defeated Kip Sabian @ 13:00 via pin [***¼]
– Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall defeated Peter Avalon and Shawn Spears @ 11:45 via pin [**¾]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
-Taz & Excalibur are on commentary.
Jimmy Havoc vs. Marko Stunt: Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus are at ringside. Stunt uses his speed to begin, counters Havoc and follows with the top rope elbow drop. He follows with two suicide dives and turns the third into a DDT. Back in and Stunt heads u p top, but Havoc counters the RANA into a buckle bomb, The brainbuster follows for 2. Dr. Luther & Mel arrive to watch Havoc in action, following up on a previous Luther promo. Havoc chokes out Stunt in the corner, slams him down and covers for 2. He follows with a guillotine, into a suplex and follows with a neck breaker for 2. Stunt fires back, but Havoc counters into a LeBell lock. Stunt barely makes the ropes, works the neck in the ropes and then on the turnbuckle. He dumps Stunt to the floor, and back in the fisherman’s suplex follows for 2. Stunt fires back with a superkick, strikes and Havoc quickly cuts him of and Stunt counters the acid rainmaker. He follows with an enziguri and hits a double stomp and knee strike as Havoc spills to the floor. Havoc avoids the dive, back in and the acid rainmaker kills Stunt for the win. Jimmy Havoc defeated Marko Stunt @ 7:30 via pin [***] This was a good opener, Stunt sold well and non-garbage wrestler professional grappler Jimmy Havoc intrigues me.
– Dasha & Tony are back and send us tour next match.
The Dark Order vs. CIMA and T-Hawk: Silver & Reynolds are at ringside. Uno and Hawk begin, they lockup and Uno follows wit a shoulder tackle. Hawk fires back with chops, eye poke by Uno as Grayson tags in for double teams. Hawk counters back, follows with the dropkick and CIMA tags in. He follows with kicks as double teams follow on Grayson. CIMA rounds things into a modified koji clutch but Grayson makes the ropes. Hawk back in and Grayson cuts him off, Uno tags in and delivers chops. Hawk fires back, Uno powders and Hawk chases as Grayson cuts him off with the uranage for 2. Double teams follow on Hawk, Uno follows with the big boot and Grayson covers for 2 following the suplex. The knee strike and clothesline follows for 2. Hawk fires back, takes Grayson down and tags in CIMA. CIMA runs wild on Uno, hits knee strikes and the double stomp on Grayson. Hawk in and double teams follow as they dump Uno. Hawk & CIMA follow with suicide dives and back in, Uno fires back until CIMA flies in with the flying knees, they work over Grayson and CIMA hits a missile dropkick and perfect driver for 2. Hawk back in and Uno cuts them off, runs them together and tags in Grayson. He DDTs CIMA to the apron, and the double team powerbomb follows for 2 on Hawk. The fatality finishes Hawk. The Dark Order defeated CIMA and T-Hawk @ 8:40 via pin [***½] This was really good with a tremendously fun closing stretch; the exalted one is pleased.
– Tony & Dasha hype upcoming AEW events.
Falls Count Anywhere Match: Joey Janela vs. Kip Sabian: Ford is at ringside. Janela low blows Kip right away during the entrance and cradles him for 2. Ford attacks and Kip follows with a superkick. He accidentally takes out Ford and checks on her as Janela attacks. They brawl by the stage as Janela controls. Ford follows with the high cross off the stage and takes out Janela as Kip takes control back. Janela fights off Kip with a superkick, avoids Ford’s next attack but Kip cuts him off as they brawl to ringside. In the ring and Kip grounds him into a submission. Janela fights and makes the ropes as they roll to the floor. Janela follows with chops, they fight back into the crowd and Janela follows with a running bicycle kick. They fight up and into the crowd, Janela hits him with a bottle of water and Kip cuts him off with a chair shot. He follows with chops, sits Janela in a chair and misses the dropkick and eats the chair. Janela gets a prosthetic leg from a fan (I swear that it wasn’t me) and nails Kip with it. Janela gets the table and Ford tries to stop him. Janela sets it up and they work to the apron. Kip counters into a German on the apron for 2. He follows with a suplex through the table for 2. Ford & Kip get another table and set it up. They get another and set that one up as well. Kip looks for another suplex, Janela fights it off and follows with jabs. Kip is rocked and Ford flies in with a RANA on Janela. She slaps him and Janela counters and tosses Ford onto Kip as they fly onto a table. BUT I AM THE TABLE. Janela follows him out and follows with a kendo head shot for the win. Joey Janela defeated Kip Sabian @ 13:00 via pin [***¼] This was good, played well to the stipulation and may have finally ended the feud.
– Dustin & Marshall are interviewed and Marshall is honored to team with Dustin. Dustin has a surprise tonight.
– Avalon arrives, shushes the fans and is interrupted by Dustin & Marshall. Brandi is with them.
Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall vs. Peter Avalon and Shawn Spears: Tully, Bates, & Brandi are at ringside. Marshall and Avalon begin, as Avalon takes him down. Marshall fires back, Dustin tags in and double teams follow for 2. Spears tags in and he looks to ground Dustin. Dustin fires back, shoulder tackle by Spears and teases the 10 taunt. He mocks Dustin and follows with kicks until Dustin follows with the drop down uppercut. He suckers Dustin in, follows with chops, strikes until Dustin counters back with strikes, jabs and it breaks down as Marshall jabs away at Avalon and the faces clear the ring. Marshall and Avalon tag in, Marshall follows with strikes and dumps Spears. Leva distracts him as Avalon attacks. Spears tags in and shoots Marshall to the barricade. He slams him to the apron and back in, Avalon follows with the leg lariat for 2. Spears back in and follows with a slam, gets water and spits it on Marshall. Marshall fires back with an enziguri, Dustin tags in and he runs wild on the heels with clotheslines, uppercuts and the snap slam. One for Spears as well and he teases shattered dreams on Avalon. Spears tags in and cuts off Dustin with the spinebuster. Marshal is dumped, but Dustin cradles Spears for 2. Dustin counters back into code red for 2. They work up top, Spears gets a book from Bates, hits Dustin and the frog splash follows for 2. Avalon tags himself in, and Spears hits him and leaves him alone. Dustin follows with strikes, shattered dreams is stopped by Bates, Dustin drags her in and Brandi slides in and spears Bates. Shattered dreams on Avalon and the combo DDT finishes Avalon. Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall defeated Peter Avalon and Shawn Spears @ 11:45 via pin [**¾] This was a pretty good and fun tag match to close out this week’s show.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 93. On the show, Ian Hamilton joins Larry Csonka for a long-form discussion on NXT UK, Mark Radulich helps preview WWE Super Showdown, & Steve Cook joins for a retro TNA Lockdown 2009 review. The show is approximately 181-minutes long.
* Intro
* NXT UK: The Birth, Lack of Growth, & Issues With The Brand: 3:10
* WWE Super Showdown Preview: 1:26:06
* Retro TNA Lockdown 2009 Review: 2:19:10
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– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.
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