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Csonka’s AEW Dynamite Review 10.23.19

Csonka’s AEW Dynamite Review 10.23.19
– AEW Tag Team Tournament Semifinal Match: The Lucha Bros defeated Private Party @ 12:30 via pin [****]
– AEW Tag Team Tournament Semifinal Match: SCU defeated The Dark Order @ 14:00 via pin [***¼]
– Kenny Omega defeated Joey Janela @ 13:30 via pin [***½]
– The Young Bucks defeated Best Friends @ 12:10 via pin [***¼]
– Dr. Britt Baker defeated Jamie Hayter @ 8:30 via submission [**½]
– Jon Moxley vs. THE BASTARD Pac went to a TV Time Remaining Draw @ 12:20 [***½]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– Jim Ross, Excalibur, & Tony Schiavone are the commentary team.
AEW Tag Team Tournament Semifinal Match: The Lucha Bros vs. Private Party: We have a full slate tonight so the competitors are in the ring, get announced and here we go. Fenix & Quen begin as they work into a series of fast-paced counters and Pentagon nails Quen, German by Fenix and then dropkicks Kassidy. The luchas isolate Quen and lay in chops. Quen counters back with a dropkick, Kassidy tags in and they double team Pentagon and then Fenix. Quen follows with a run up tope onto Fenix, Kassidy follows with the silly string on Pentagon, and Quen hits the 450 for 2. Pentagon fires back, Fenix hits a superkick and springboard double stomp. They double team Quen, Kassidy in and he’s cut off and the luchas follow with some great double teams. Fenix hits a dive and the penta driver follows for 2 on Quen. Pentagon follows with kicks, Fenix in and Quen battles back, hits a RANA and then tags in Kassidy. The RANA follows and he takes out Pentagon, RANA on Fenix and the tope follows, The moonsault to the floor connects and the crucifix bomb follows on Fenix for 2. Quen tags back in and Fenix battles back, is cut off with an assisted sliced bread, tornillo to the floor on Pentagon and Quen hits the shooting star press for 2. Fenix cuts off Kassidy and he attacks Quen and works over both members of Private Party. Pentagon in and follows with sling blade, powerbomb and the package piledriver/double stomp is countered. Gin & juice follows, Pentagon battles back and huts the destroyer! Fenix follows with a ropewalk kick and Pentagon snaps the arm. The package piledriver/foot stomp finishes it. The Lucha Bros defeated Private Party @ 12:30 via pin [****] This was a great, all action sprint of a match to kick things off this week. A hell of a start to the show.
– We get a Wardlow video package.
– Christopher Daniels is home recuperating and will be back in6 to 8 weeks.
– We get a Dark Order video package.
AEW Tag Team Tournament Semifinal Match: SCU vs. The Dark Order: These two had a great match in ROH a while back. Kaz and Grayson begin, they lock up and work into counters as Kaz follows with arm drags. Uno in and cheap shots Kaz as Dark Order works double teams and takes control. Kaz fires back with a flurry, tags in Sky and he follows with a dropkick for 2. Uno cuts him off and tags in Grayson. He takes control and covers for 2. Grayson hits knee strikes, but Sky battles back with a clothesline and Uno cheap shots Sky, but Sky battles back with a double stomp. Kaz tags in with a dropkick for 2 Kaz back in as SCU work double teams, but Grayson hits a PELE. They dump Sky as Uno slams him to the steps. Back in and Grayson covers for 2. The heels maintain control, isolating Sky and grounding him. Uno tags in and Sky battles back, looks for a tag, but Uno pulls Sky to the floor. He then works over Sky, tags in Grayson and they lay the boots to Sky. Grayson grounds things, keeping control over Sky. Sky again tries to fight back but Uno hits a suplex for 2. The Inner Circle arrive in the crowd as Uno rakes Sky’s eyes and follows with rights. Sky finally hits a neck breaker, tags in Kaz and he runs wild on the heels. The springboard leg drop follows, takes out Uno and the neck breaker follows for 2. Kaz heads up top and Grayson runs up, gets knocked down but Uno crotches Kaz. Grayson cuts off Sky, suplexes him into Kaz and covers for 2. Dark Order follows with a double team powerbomb for 2. Kaz runs them together, Sky in and a flurry of double teams follow and SCU lock on dragon sleepers. Grayson fights out and breaks it up. Sky fights on his own, runs wild and Grayson follows with a tope onto Kaz. Uno cuts off Sky and covers for 2. dark Order look for fatality, Sky fights out and Kaz hits a DDT. They take out Uno on the apron and SC later finishes it. SCU defeated The Dark Order @ 14:00 via pin [***¼] This was a good match, which gets us to a final with a heated story going into it. Dark Order still feels, as an act, like it’s not working.
– The finals are The Lucha bros vs. SCU, and that takes place next week.
Kenny Omega vs. Joey Janela: This is a rematch from their great unsanctioned match on AEW Dark. We get a fist bump and they lock up. Omega takes early control, Janela counters and looks to work the arm. Omega counters back and grounds the action. They trade strikes, knee strike by Omega and Janela spills to the floor. He follows with a plancha. Back in and Omega follows with strikes in the corner, lays in chops and Janela fires back with uppercuts, chops and a boot. Omega counters back but Janela dumps him. He heads up top and follows with a high cross to the floor. Back in and the cover gets 2. Omega fires back, they trade and Omega lays in chops. Post break and Omega hits the Finlay roll and the moonsault eats knees. Omega battles back with a snapdragon, another, but Janela cuts off the third and follows with a German to the buckles. Janela up top and follows with the elbow drop for 2. He follows with rights, they work up top and Omega stuns him off the buckles and hits a snapdragon, V trigger and covers for 2. Janela battles back with a German, they trade and Janela hits the fisherman’s buster. He follows with a big lariat for 3. Janela then pulls a PCO and misses the swanton onto the apron. Back in, V trigger by Omega and the one winged angle finishes it. Kenny Omega defeated Joey Janela @ 13:30 via pin [***½] This was very good as Omega picks up a big TV win and Janela gets to show he can go in a regular match.
– They hype Full Gear.
Cody Time: Tony interviews Cody. Cody tries to talk but the Inner Circle keeps blowing air horns, Cody uninterrupted by Jericho, but Cody says that this isn’t like the other place they came from and he could head up there and fight Jericho right now. Jericho tells the crowd to shut up and tells Cody not to do something stupid, and calls him a coward an entitled, millennial bitch. Cody teases attacking but thinks better of it. Dustin arrives and has Cody’s back. Jericho continues to run then down, but MJF and his lovely scarf arrive. Jericho keeps talking shit but DDP arrives. Jericho isn’t pleased now. They head up to Cody’s VIP box and the Inner Circle powder. They lock themselves in another room but Cody breaks the glass and they all brawl into the concourse. Cody tries to drown Jericho in a vat of ice cream as security separates them. This was tremendously fun and this crowd rules.
The Young Bucks vs. Best Friends: Orange Cassidy is here. He throws vicious superkicks and then eats a double superkick. Best Friends attack and here we go. They run wild with double teams, and isolate Nick early on. Nick battles back, follows with strikes and takes out Chuck and hits a slingshot x-factor and moonsault. Matt tags in and they double team Trent and take out Chuck and send him to the floor. Best Friends make the comeback on the floor and takeover. The doomsday knee follows on Nick, and they now isolate Matt in the ring as Trent lays in chops. Matt manages a DDT on Chuck on the apron but Trent cuts him off. Back in and the knee drop follows for 2. He follows with strikes, dumps Matt and slams him to the barricade. Post break and Nick Is cut off by a Trent German, and then a Saito suplex. Chuck tags in and starts throwing suplexes, sliced bread and a powerbomb for 2. Nick makes the save, but Chuck suplexes him into Matt and does the deal with the flacon arrow for 2. Chuck up top and Matt stops that, follows him up and Trent cuts him off with the super German. They hit the soul food/half and half combo on Nick, and hug. Cassidy hits a hands in his pocket dive off the top to the floor and strong zero connects on Mat but Nick flies in to make the save. Chuck dumps Nick, they look for doomsday, but Matt backflips out and we get a superkick party, Nick follows with a step up dive and more bang for your buck follows for the win. The Young Bucks defeated Best Friends @ 12:10 via pin [***¼] This was a good tag match with the right winners ahead of the PPV but Best friends still getting to look good.
– The Bucks accept Santana & Ortiz’s challenge for Full Gear.
– We get a Dr. Britt Baker video package.
Dr. Britt Baker vs. Jamie Hayter: Hayter charges and attacks right away, Baker fires back but gets suplexed to the buckles. Hayter dumps her and follows her out and posts Baker. She then whips Baker to the barricade, but Baker fights back with sling blade. Back in and baler cradles her for 2. The clothesline follows, Baker hits kicks but v grounds her and follows with strikes. Hayter chokes her out in the ropes, and follows with a camel clutch. Hayter keeps things grounded, Baker battles back and they trade. Hayter locks on a sleeper, but baker slams her way out. Hayter follows with a Michinoku driver for 2 and the running knee strike follows that for 2. Baker battles back, they work up top and Baker hits a superplex. Hayter pops back up with a uranage and clothesline for 2. Baker hits the superkick, cutter and a neck breaker for 2. Superkick by Baker and lockjaw finishes it. Dr. Britt Baker defeated Jamie Hayter @ 8:30 via submission [**½] After failing to win the championship and now being in her hometown, I feel they booked this wrong. It should have been a short and dominant showcase to allow Baker to shine in front of what had been a hot crowd Instead, it was a way too competitive match against Hayter, who the crowd didn’t know (but she looked good). Instead, it was a solid but forgettable match.
– Brandi attacks Hayter as he was about to be interviewed. Ok…
Pac attacks Moxley with a chair shot during his entrance and then choke shim out with the jacket. He whips him to the barricade, and then again.
Jon Moxley vs. THE BASTARD Pac: Moxley wants to fight so they ring the bell. Pac hits an enziguri, and follows with a dive. Moxley is rocked, back in and Pac covers for 2. He follows with elbow and knee drops, and covers for 2. Moxley fires up and lays the boots to Pac in the corner, but Pac follows with a flurry of kicks and covers for 2. Pac chokes him out in the corner, and then sends him into the barricade on the floor. Back in and Pac covers for 2. he grounds the action, Moxley fights to his feet and delivers rights. Pac cuts him off with uppercuts, but Moxley fires back with chops until Pac lays into him with vicious kicks. They work to the apron and Moxley scores with a bulldog, spiking Pac on the apron. Back in and they trade strikes, Moxley lay in knee strikes and a lariat. Pac back to the kicks, but Moxley kills him with a lariat. The dump suplex follows for 2. Moxley sets and the knee trembler misses as Pac powders so Moxley hits the suicide dive. Back in and Pac runs into the black hole slam for 2. The Moxley knee trembler follows for 2. He locks on the cloverleaf, but Pac makes the ropes. Moxley heads up top, but Pac crotches him. he follows Moxley up top and does the deal with the super falcon arrow for 2. Pac up top, as to jump over Moxley and Pac dumps him and follows with an apron PK. Pac hits an apron 450 to the floor, and back in, black arrow misses! Moxley crawls and covers for 2. Moxley hits death rider and both men are down. he manages to cover but Pac kicks out as TV time expires. Jon Moxley vs. THE BASTARD Pac went to a TV Time Remaining Draw @ 12:20 [***½] This was a very good main event between two guys that AEW obviously has big plans for and see as top stars. The action and layout was really strong and I have absolutely no issues with the finish as in AEW, draws have been established as reality. I have no issue with these two going to a TV time draw, they didn’t want Pac to lose, and Moxley has a big PPV match upcoming. There is more meat on the bone with Pa & Mox, and when you have the draw as part of your canon, it’s smart to use over sacrificing someone or running a fuck finish.
– Mox lays out the ref post match.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 61. On the show, the good brother, 411’s Larry Csonka breaks down a good Impact Bound for Glory 2019 PPV and then previews the upcoming ROH UK tour. The show is approximately 40-minutes long.
* Intro
* Impact Bound for Glory Review: 1:50
* ROH Honor United London Preview: 16:40
* ROH Honor United Newport Preview: 25:45
* ROH Honor United Bolton Preview: 30:55
You can subscribe and listen to the 411 on Wrestling Podcast via the above player on Transistor, or on the following platforms:
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– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.
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