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Csonka’s Impact Wrestling One Night Only: Collision in Oklahoma Review

Csonka’s Impact Wrestling One Night Only Collision in Oklahoma Review
– Malico defeated Trevor Lee, DJZ and Fuego del Sol @ 6:03 via pin [**]
– oVe (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) defeated Phil Atlas and Brent Banks @ 7:40 via pin [**¾]
– Gail Kim defeated Rebel @ 9:15 via pin [***]
– The Von Erichs defeated The Arrow Club (Kid Kash & Ky-ote) @ 10:10 via pin [**¾]
– Allie defeated KC Spinelli @ 7:10 via pin [***]
– Allie and Rosemary defeated KC Spinelli and Sienna @ 6:25 via pin [**]
– LAX defeated The Young Guns @ 8:10 via pin [***]
– Hakim Zane and Mark Wheeler defeated Jon Bolen and John E. Bravo @ 8:00 via pin [**]
– Champion Eli Drake defeated Montigi Sika @ 9:30 via pin [**¼]
– Alberto el Patron defeated Lashley @ 18:00 via pin [**½]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– My Top 23 EVOLVE Matches of 2017.
– My Top 24 ROH Matches of 2017.
– My Top 8 Matches of December 2017.
– My NJPW WrestleKingdom 12 Takeaways.
– My Top 38 WWE Matches of 2017.
– My Top 25 Matches of 2017.
– Some of this was taped back in 2017 in Shawnee, Oklahoma at IWR’s second annual When Worlds Collide show, while some was taped in Windsor, Ontario at BCW’s annual Excellence event. The show is available on The Global Wrestling Network.
– Trevor Lee cuts a horribly forced heel promo, running down Oklahoma, and proclaiming his greatness. The delivery was largely good, but it felt too much like a guy playing wrestler.
Malico vs. Trevor Lee vs. DJZ vs. Fuego del Sol: Malico is a crazy George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelic clown, while Fuego is a luchadore. Lee attacks DJZ at the bell and tosses him to the floor as Malico tosses Fuego. Malico scares Lee, and Fuego and DJZ clear out the ring, and they pick up the pace, working some fun back and forth. Lee pulls Fuego to the floor and slams him to the barricade, He then takes out DJZ with a running forearm. Lee mocks DJZ fordoing flipity doos, so DJZ cuts him off and tosses him to the floor. Malico backing, but DJZ works jabs but gets tossed to the floor. Fuego flies back in but he camera missed it. Fuego and Malico work back and forth but Lee & DJZ return and it breaks down. DJZ busts out a lucha arm drag into a missile dropkick. Fuego sends DJZ to the floor, the camera missed it and he hits a dive, which was mostly missed by the cameraman. Malico and Fuego back in and Malico hits a toss up knee strike and reverse suplex and picks up the win. Malico defeated Trevor Lee, DJZ and Fuego del Sol @ 6:03 via pin [**] The match was ok, but Malico isn’t very good and the camera missing a lot of spots took away from things.
oVe (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) vs. Phil Atlas and Brent Banks: They start brawling on the floor, with oVe taking control early on. Jake hits an apron back breaker on Banks, and Dave rolls Atlas into the ring. Atlas hits an apron PK, sending Dave to the floor. The running senton on Jake gets 2. Atlas takes the heat, as he and banks work quick tags, isolating Jake. The quick tags and double teams follow, scoring a near fall on Jake. Nice work by Banks and Atlas so far as they continue the heat on Jake. Jake finally hits a desperation superkick and we get wholesale changes to Dave and Atlas. Dave runs wild, hitting a running kick and a charging knee strike. He takes Banks to the floor and covers for 2. Atlas fires back, but Dave cuts him off with chops. Dave follows with a bicycle kick, but Atlas hits a jawbreaker and dropkick. But Dave cuts him off with an apron DDT, covering for 2. Atlas fights off Dave and tags in Banks. Banks runs wild, hitting a dropkick and then a suicide dive. He then busts out a tope, taking control on Dave. They hit a magic killer variation for 2 on Dave. Banks accidentally takes out Atlas, but takes out Dave and heads up to hits the top rope elbow for 2. Banks looks for the top rope RANA< gets cut off and oVe hits the tombstone double stomp for the win. oVe (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) defeated Phil Atlas and Brent Banks @ 7:40 via pin [**¾] This was a pretty good match overall, with Banks really impressing. He’s a guy they should consider bringing in for the X-Division.
Gail Kim vs. Rebel: This is Kim’s final ONO match. They shake hands and here we go. Rebel looks to work the arm, but Kim escapes. Rebel takes things to the ground, working a side headlock. Kim now works a head scissors, but Rebel escapes. Kim takes control, and follows with a RANA. Rebel sweeps the leg, covering for 2. Rebel misses a back handspring elbow, allowing Kim to lock on an octopus. Rebel makes the ropes, but Kim continues to attack, hitting a corner splash. Rebel sends her to the floor, but Kim cuts her off and they trade strikes on the floor. They brawl into the entranceway, but Kim cuts her off with a reverse DDT on the floor. Back to the ringside area they go, but Rebel posts Kim to cut her off. Rebel rolls Kim backing, covering for 2. She then works a dragon sleeper, Kim counters out but Rebel hits the standing leg drop, covering for 2. They work to the corner, Kim follows Rebel up and they trade strikes. Kim hits the RANA off the ropes and looks to fire up, laying in rights and shoulder blocks. Rebel counters eat defeat, and we get a double down. Rebel hits a delayed suplex and the cover gets 2 for a good near fall. Rebel heads to the ropes, and the seated senton connects, but Kim rolls through into a sunset flip for the win. Gail Kim defeated Rebel @ 9:15 via pin [***] This was a surprisingly good match, and easily Rebel’s best singles match I have ever seen. She worked hard, and Kim laid out a smart match, that allowed them to tell a good story, kept the crowd interested and was very enjoyable.
– Post match. Rebel puts over Kim and says it was her dream to face her here tonight. Kim also puts over rebel post match.
IWR Tag Team Champions The Von Erichs (Marshall Von Erich & Ross Von Erich) vs. The Arrow Club (Kid Kash & Ky-ote): Kid Kash is in great shape at age 48. He’s also one of the more underrated talents from the early days of TNA, due to his reputation as a dude with a shitty attitude. Ky-ote and Ross to begin. Marshall hits a dropkick, and that backs off Ky-ote. Ross looks to ground things, Ky-ote gets to his feet, they pick up the pace and Ross cuts off Ky-ote with a dropkick. Marshall tags in and he hits a dropkick and a slam. The standing moonsault gets 2. Kash now tags in, laying in rights and raking the back of Marshall. Kash and Ky-ote now double team Marshall, but as Kash heads to the apron, Ky-ote eats a wicked lariat. Ross tags in, and grounds Ky-ote. Ky-ote fights to his feet, and tags in Kash as they cut off Ross. Kash grounds the action, talking a ton of shit as he does. He and Ky-ote work double teams, and isolate Ross in their half of the ring. Kash in and tosses Ross to the floor. Ross makes it back in, but Kash cuts him off and covers for 2. Kash works the arm a bit, picking up the intensity, and works for an arm bar. Ross fights, Ky-ote tags in and Marshall makes the mistake of trying to help, but it only distracts the ref, allowing Ky-ote & Kash to work double teams. Ross finally hits the desperation knee strike, Wholesale changes to Kash & Marshall, Marshall runs wild, hitting a pop up powerslam for 2. Marshal l& Ross send Ky-ote to the floor, leaving Marshall & Kash in the ring. Marshall hits a claw-assisted catatonic for the win. The Von Erichs defeated The Arrow Club (Kid Kash & Ky-ote) @ 10:10 via pin [**¾] This was a pretty good tag match, with a basic, and solid layout. There was nothing wrong with the work, but I do feel that it was a bit flat in terms of the drama. Still, this was a solid piece of business.
Allie vs. KC Spinelli: Spinelli refuses the handshake, and then takes Allie to the ground right away. Spinelli keeps control, pulling the hair and then shoves Allie around. Allie fires up, fighting back but Spinelli cuts her off right away. Spinelli misses the corner charge, allowing Allie to hit clotheslines and an elbow for 2. Spinelli stuns Allie off the ropes, and then tosses her down by the hair a few times. Spinelli celebrates and hits a corner attack on Allie. She whips Allie across the ring, but Allie fights back and hits a corner dropkick for 2. Spinelli cuts her off with a neck breaker, covering for 2 and follows with elbow drops, covering for 2. Allie is trying to get to her feet, does and follows with clotheslines. The sliding forearms follow, an Allie covers for 2. Spinelli now hits a fisherman’s buster, and that gets 2 but she argues with the ref. Allie cuts her off with the superkick and code breaker for 2. Spinelli picks up Spinelli, but Spinelli hits the rolling clothesline for 2. Spinelli heads up top now and MISSES the moonsault, and the Allie Valley Driver finishes it. Allie defeated KC Spinelli @ 7:10 via pin [***] This was a good back and forth match, and it’s so nice to see the crowd involved and actually caring, something so many of these ONO shows tend to lack. I love Spinelli as an addition to the knockouts division, she’s a really strong mechanic/role player, and is working well with just about everyone. She plays an important role.
– Post match, then Knockouts champion Sienna arrives and tells Allie to get into the ring. She says Allie is beneath her, and that the fans don’t care about her. Spinelli returns and attacks and they lay the boots to Allie. Rosemary arrives and makes the save. And that leads to a tag team match. Don’t fuck with Rosemary’s bunny.
Allie and Rosemary vs. KC Spinelli and Sienna: Sienna & Spinelli attack before the bell, tossing Rosemary and isolating Allie in their corner. Allie hits a running cross body and Rosemary follows with a high cross off the top. She runs wild on both, hitting an XPLODER on Spinelli. It breaks down as Spinelli slams Rosemary off the top. Elbows follow and Spinelli covers for 2. Rosemary gets a takedown and follows with rights. Spinelli now hits a dropkick, and stacks her up and covers for 2. Sienna tags back in, but Rosemary cuts her off with a tarantula. Sienna lays in slaps and follows with a Samoan drop. Rosemary does her sit up spot and they work into the double down with high kicks. We get wholesale changes to Allie & Spinelli, as Allie runs wild. Allie hits sliding forearms and a dropkick, covering for 2. Spinelli cuts her off with the rolling clothesline for 2. Sienna in and accidentally kicks Spinelli, and that allows Allie & Rosemary to hit the code breaker/German combo for the win. Allie and Rosemary defeated KC Spinelli and Sienna @ 6:25 via pin [**] This was an ok little match, I do love the Allie and Rosemary pairing.
LAX (Ortiz & Santana) vs. The Young Guns (Chandler Hopkins & Cody Dickson): Santana and Cody to begin. They work some back and forth, Ortiz tags in and the Guns takeover, working double teams, and Santana takes the ref, stopping the count. Chandler works over Ortiz, hitting suplexes and doing the deal with the falcon arrow for 2. Santana tags in, laying in chops on Chandler. The side back breaker follows for 2. Ortiz follows with suplexes, and the cover gets 2. Ortiz maintains the heat, and LAX follows with double teams and Cody makes the save. LAX maintains the heat, working over Chandler, and Ortiz following with a powerbomb for 2. Chandler tosses Ortiz to the floor and cuts off Santana. Ortiz pulls Cody to the floor, allowing Santana to hit a DVD for 2. Chandler fights off the double teams and tags in Cody. He runs wild, hitting suplexes and covering Ortiz for 2. Ortiz looks to fight back, but the Guns hit a variation on the death sentence for 2. It breaks down, but LAX dumps Cody and follows with double teams on Chandler. The big boot, tower of London finishes things. LAX defeated The Young Guns @ 8:10 via pin [***] This was good, the Young Guns worked hard and played thier role well, while LAX ewer having fun and trying some new things, avoiding the same old shit, and it helped make the match better.
Hakim Zane and Mark Wheeler vs. Jon Bolen and John E. Bravo: Bravo & Zane to begin. Bravo lays in rights, but Zane sweeps the leg, covering for 2. The running kick by Zane follows for 2. Wheeler tags in, lays in rights and a dropkick, covering for 2. Bolen tags in and Wheeler trips him u and follows with a senton and leg drop, covering for 1. Zane tags back in, and Bolen eats double superkicks. Zane & Wheeler now double-team Bravo, covering for 2. Bolen tags in hitting a pounce on Zane. The buckle bomb follows for 2. Bolen works over Zane in the corner, and then grounds him with a chinlock. Zane fights to his feet, lays in strikes and runs into a powerslam but Wheeler makes the save. Bolen hits another slam, Bravo tags in and double teams follow as Bravo covers for 2. Zane fires back with a kick and then a tornado DDT. He now looks for a tag and gets it as Wheeler is and runs wild. He takes Bolen to the floor, Bravo bails to the floor but Wheeler takes them out with a dive and lands on his face. Zane hits a suicide dive now. Back in and Wheeler does the deal, hitting the falcon arrow and Zane follows with a top rope double stomp for the win. Hakim Zane and Mark Wheeler defeated Jon Bolen and John E. Bravo @ 8:00 via pin [**] This was an ok little match, a bit lethargic in the middle and not always very smooth. Not bad, just ok.
– Post match, Bolen unnecessarily gets his heat back, spearing the winners.
– Drake cuts a pre-match promo, saying dummies & tingle in your loins about 20-times each. He runs down the looks of the fans, and also manages to fit in “Kavorka.”
Impact Global Champion Eli Drake vs. Montigo Sika: They lock up and work to the corner. Drake talks shit and attacks. They work some back and forth. Drake misses the dropkick and Sika gets a jackknife cradle for 2. The running cross body gets 2. The schoolboy follows for another 2. Sika looks to ground things, but Drake hits a belly to back suplex to cut off Sika. Sika hits a dropkick, and pulls Drake to the apron and follows with strikes. Drake stuns him off the ropes and follows with a draping neck breaker to the floor. Drake lays the boots to Sika, and then lays in elbows on the apron. It’s all Drake now, taking the heat and hitting the neck breaker for 2. Drake follows with knee strikes and then chokes out Sika. Sika fires back with rights, but Drake counters with another neck breaker. Drake follows with rights, and grounds Sika with a neck crank. Sika fires up to his feet, hits a jawbreaker, but Drake hits the powerslam and elbow drop for 2.Sika avoids the charge and is immediately cut off. Sika finally fires up, hits clotheslines and a corner dropkick, covering for 2. Sika up top and but Drake runs up with him and hits the superplex and gravy train and that’s that. Champion Eli Drake defeated Montigi Sika @ 9:30 via pin [**¼] This was a dominant win for Drake in an overall ok match.
Alberto el Patron vs. Lashley: After some stalling, they lock up and work to the ropes. Lashley attacks with strikes and elbows. Patron fires back, takes down Lashley and hits a basement dropkick. Patron now lays in leg kicks, and follows with rights. Lashley fires up and wipes out Patron with a running cross body. They head to the floor for some walk and brawl, as they work backing Patron catches Lashley with an enziguri as they return to the floor. Lashley gets whipped to the barricade, and Patron continues to control, slamming him to the barricade again. Back in we go and Patron heads up top but drops back down as Lashley rolls to the floor. Lashley throws a water bottle at Patron and attacks for some more walk and brawl. Lashley then slams Patron onto the timekeeper’s table, and rolls him back in. Lashley covers for 2. Lashley now works corner elbows, and shoulder blocks follow. Lashley now grounds things, working a side headlock. Lashley now lays in a clothesline, covering for 2. Lashley now chokes out patron in the ropes, follows with crossface strikes and then stomps away at him. Patron now fires up, laying in body kicks, but Lashley cuts him off, hitting a snap suplex for 2. The delayed suplex follows, and Lashley celebrates. He sets, looks for a spear and Patron cuts him off with a dropkick. Both men are down, and now trade strikes from their knees. Patron looks for kicks, Lashley cuts him off and levels him with the clothesline. They mess up an Irish whip spot; Patron hits a clothesline and backstabber, covering for 2. Lashley now hits a flatliner, countering the arm bar and covering for 2. Patron starts attacking the arm, follows with a DDT and Lashley counters the superkick, but Patron locks in the arm bar. Lashley fights it, powers up and escapes. Patron sends him to the floor, and hits a suicide dive. Back in and Patron misses the double stomp and Lashley follows with the spear. Lashley covers for 2. Lashley starts slapping Patron around, and follows with a DDT. Lashley now to the floor, looks around and can’t find what he wants. He finally grabs the ring bell, but Patron catches him with a superkick, but Lashley makes the ropes. Patron grabs the bell now, Lashley looks for the spear but eats the bell. Patron hits his double stomp and wins. What a shit ending. Alberto el Patron defeated Lashley @ 18:00 via pin [**½] This was average at best, as it was very lackadaisical, with no fire or sense of urgency. On top of that, it was 3-4 minutes too long and had an absolutely horrible finish.
– Patron cuts a post match promo, thanking the fans and local stars for supporting “real wrestling.” He says this was real wrestling because they always work their asses off and show real passion. He says that Lashley is one of the best and asks for the crowd to applaud him. As long as the fans support them, they will die for them in the ring. Ok then. Lashley returns and they shake hands, out of respect.
– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”
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