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Csonka’s Impact Wrestling Review 4.07.20

Csonka’s Impact Wrestling 4.07.20 Review
– Willie Mack defeated Reno Scum @ 6:10 via pin [**½]
– Chris Bey defeated Daga @ 14:20 via pin [***¼]
– Havok defeated Madison Rayne @ 3:40 via pin [**½]
– Rhino & Dreamer defeated oVe @ 6:40 via pin [**½]
– Kiera Hogan defeated Suzie @ 5:10 via pin [**¼]
– Impact Tag Team Title Match: Champions The North defeated Tessa Blanchard & Eddie Edwards @ 17:35 via pin [***¾]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– We open with highlights from last week.
– Willie Mack arrives and calls out Ace Austin & Reno Scum for their actions last week against Swann. He wants them right now and Reno Scum arrive, and Mack wants them both
Willie Mack vs. Reno Scum: They brawl right away, with Mack controlling until he’s cut off with double teams. Luster grounds things, and then pity city follows. They continue with double teams, standing moonsault by Adam and that gets 2. He keeps Mack grounded, and then follows with a dropkick. Mack counters the senton with knees, fights off Luster and follows with the Samoan drop. The standing moonsault gets 2. Mack is cut off as Scum takes control with double teams for 2. Mack runs them together, hits the stunner and frog splash for the win. Willie Mack defeated Reno Scum @ 6:10 via pin [**½] This was solid, Willie Mack continues to be great.
– Post match, Ace & Scum lay out Mack.
– Kylie Ray fan girls out and meets Gail Kim. She then becomes friends with Suzie. Kiera arrives and plays mean girl, and says she will have a match with Kiera. Suzie thinks she’s mean and Kiera challenges her to a match.
Chris Bey vs. Daga: They lockup and work into counters as they trade near falls and end in a standoff. Daga counters the cuter. He follows with a head scissors and dropkick. Bey crotches him on the springboard arm drag attempt, and follows with an enziguri. Bey delivers grounded kicks. and the suplex follows for 2. They trade strikes, Bey cuts him off and covers for 2. Bey hits a backdrop as he maintains control. Post break and Daga fires back until Bey cuts him off with the double stomp for 2. He slows things with an abdominal stretch. Daga escapes until Bey grounds him with the body scissors. Daga fights to his feet and slams Bey to the buckles, escaping the sleeper. He follows with clotheslines, a dragon srew into the doctor bomb for 2. Bey to he floor as Daga follows and Bey slams him to the stage. They trade, Daga runs and dives off the stage with a high cross… landing face first. That had to suck. Back in and Daga heads up top and the high cross follows for 2. Bey counters into a sunset flip, get 2 but Daga counters until Bey bulldogs him with the ropes to pick up the win. Chris Bey defeated Daga @ 14:20 via pin [***¼] This was good with a nice pace to it as Bey really doing well with his overly cocky heel gimmick. The win comes off really well for him as Daga had been picking up good wins as of late
– Backstage, John E. Bravo is all padded up as Taya beats on him with a chair. Taya wants the knockouts title back and is using him to prepare, it’s the best use of Bravo ever.
– The Rascalz talk about tonight’s tag team main event, and the Deaners will be joining them later on, on Dez’s invite. Wentz invited Bahh & TJP. Trey invited XXXL. The Deaners arrive with Beer, Bahh arrives with food and no one likes Bahh’s food. XXXL arrives and they eat and love it. Trey & Wentz bounce as Dez is left alone.
Havok vs. Madison Rayne: Rayne runs to start, yells at Havok so Havok attacks. She laughs at Rayne’s attempts at offense, slams her around and follows with clotheslines. The corner boot follows, Rayne avoids a charge and fires away with chops as Havok no sells until the enziguri connects. She celebrates, Havok sneaks up behind her and takes her up top. Rayne keeps firing back, drops down and Havok counters into a suplex. Havok takes over again, choking her out in the corner and Rayne looks for a high cross, is caught and the tombstone finishes it. Havok defeated Madison Rayne @ 3:40 via pin [**½] This was executed well and was exactly what it needed to be.
– Tessa shows some attitude to Eddie, but Eddie just wants to focus on winning the tag team titles.
– Jimmy Jacobs interview Ken Shamrock. GOOD NEWS, HE’S NOT BLIND! There is some eye damage, he was on eye drops an antibiotics, and was afraid he’d lose his sight. Sami has no respect for anyone in this business, and will do anything to get ahead. Sami & Shamrock have a contract signing next week, and there is no physicality allowed. Sami hacks the lights and Shamrock goes after him.
– Rayne rejoins commentary, blaming her loss on having to carry Josh on commentary for the past two weeks.
Jake & Dave Crist vs. Rhino & Dreamer: Fulton is at ringside. Dreamer and Rhino take early control., isolating Jake. They work quick tags and Fulton attacks Dreamer. He’s tossed to the back and Dreamer takes control on Jake with jabs, the flip flop and fly, and a cross body. He bites Jake, Dave cuts him off and tags in. They isolate Dreamer and start picking up near falls. Dave grounds things, Jake tags in and continues to control. Quick tags and double teams follow for 2. Dave heads up top and Dreamer follows him up and follows with a superplex. Rhino tags in and runs wild on Jake, then Dave and the belly to belly gets 2. It breaks down, Jake hits a flurry of kicks, Gore by Rhino and that’s that. Rhino & Dreamer defeated oVe @ 6:40 via pin [**½] This was surprisingly solid, but while I get they are telling an oVe fall story without Sami, I still feel the wrong team won.
– Fulton returns, oVe beats down team ECW and stand tall.
– Jordynne Grace defends against Taya at Rebellion in a Full Metal Mayhem match.
– Rosemary is back in the bar. Looking for a victim. Swinger arrives and hits on her. She’s not impressed and Swinger puts over the old school way and has a young buck for her and he will prove next week how much better he is. Rosemary blows him off.
Kiera Hogan vs. Suzie: Hogan slaps her, but Suzie scores with takedowns. The bulldog follows for 2.Hogan cuts her of and covers for 2. She works her over in the corner, and chokes her out. Hogan follows with chops and an ass attack. The dropkick follows and gets 2. Suzie fires back. gets cut off but Suzie lays in palm strikes, and a Thesz press follows. Hogan counters, hits the superkick and gets 2. Suzie counters back, hits a head scissors and covers for 2. Hogan counters back and the purge finishes it. Kiera Hogan defeated Suzie @ 5:10 via pin [**¼] This was ok with the right winner since Hogan Is facing Kylie.
– Elgin wants one of the North to step aside so he can get his hands on Tessa & Eddie. They refuse, but say they will soften them up for him.
– Tenille is interviewed and runs down Taya. She then says that next week, she faces Taya.
– NEXT WEEK Johnny Swinger vs. M. Jackson, Tenille vs. Taya, and Sami & Shamrock’s contract signing.
– Added to Rebellion is Kylie Ray vs. Kiera Hogan.
Champions The North vs. Tessa Blanchard & Eddie Edwards: Page and Edwards start us off. They lockup, working into counters as Josh tags in, Edwards controls, Tessa in and Josh easily grounds her. Tessa counters into a head scissors but Josh counters the DDT and shoves her down. Tessa finally dumps him and Page cuts off the dive, Josh attacks and dumps Edwards. Tessa counters, tags in Edwards as he runs wild. Edwards follows with chops on the champions, and continues to control. He dumps Josh and follows with the suicide dive, Tessa then hits a high cross to the floor. Post break and the challengers are in control, with Edwards taking over until Page helps cut off an avalanche RANA and Josh hits the knee strike for 2. The champions follow with quick tags, double teaming Edwards and isolating him in their corner. They continue with double teams as Page takes control. Josh quickly tags back in and Edwards counters the double teams, hits the double RANA and tags in Tessa. Tessa flies in with the high cross, a RANA, and suicide dives. The cutter to Page follows for 2. Page counters the buzzsaw DDT, it beaks down and Tessa is double teamed and the cover gets 2. Edwards makes the save, but the challengers get run together until Tessa hits a desperation cutter. Edwards is back, Page cuts him off. Tessa dumps him and Edwards hits the tiger driver and Tessa follows with the destroyer for 2. The magnum is countered and the champions run wild, and the double crucifix bomb gets 2 as Edwards makes the save. He’s dumped and Tessa counters the double Gotch, hits Samoan drops and the tornado DDT. Tessa refuses to tag in Edwards, she’s run into Edwards and her dumb ass gets pinned with the Northern exposure. Champions The North defeated Tessa Blanchard & Eddie Edwards @ 17:35 via pin [***¾] This was very good, easily the best thing on the show. The North continue to deliver as the built some drama for the upcoming title match.
– Edwards & Tessa argue post match, Edwards leaves and Elgin arrives and levels Tessa with a lariat. Edwards bounces as Tessa is planted with the Elgin bomb. Elgin poses with the world title.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 104. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka, Jeremy Lambert, & Steve Cook deliver a complete breakdown both nights of WrestleMania 36. The show is approximately 112–minutes long.
* Intro
* WrestleMania (Night I) Review: 3:15
* WrestleMania (Night II) Review: 40:30
* The Head to Head Comparison/Final Thoughts on The Weekend: 1:28:45
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– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.
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