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Csonka’s Lucha Underground Review 11.02.16

November 2, 2016 | Posted by Larry Csonka
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Csonka’s Lucha Underground Review 11.02.16  

Csonka’s Lucha Underground Review 11.02.16 (Season Three, Episode 9)

Lucha underground Title Match: Champion The Monster Matanza Cueto vs. Cortez Castro @ 2:22 via pin [NR]
– Son of Havoc defeated Dr. Wagner @ 5:25 via pin [**½]
Loser Leaves Lucha: Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr. @ 13:40 via pin [***]

– We get the usual slick opening video package.

– Chavo Guerrero Sr. is in attendance.

– Aztec Warfare is in two weeks, but tonight we get Dario’s Dial of Doom and a Matanza title defense tonight. The dial landed on “Dario’s Choice,” and Dario teases Rey and Pentagon, and then says there is a guy backstage who had his arm broken by Pentagon and keeps coming to work in hopes of getting a chance. Cortez Castro gets the shot.

Lucha underground Title Match: Champion The Monster Matanza Cueto vs. Cortez Castro: Castro is still wearing an old school cast and brings a kendo stick to the ring with him. Castro tries to stay away, but Matanza attacked and went right after the broken arm. Matanza then broke the cast, which had a delicious and crunchy sound effect to it. Dario demands that Matanza keep attacking, he ripped off the cast but Castro fought back and used pieces of the cast to beat down Matanza. Matanza had enough of that shit and wiped him out with a charging uppercut. Wrath of the Gods and Castro is done. Champion The Monster Matanza Cueto vs. Cortez Castro @ 2:22 via pin [NR] That was exactly what it needed to be, a quick and violent win for Matanza and a chance for Dario to punish Castro for being a cop and trying to bring him down.

– Dario apologized; because “he didn’t know” that Castro wasn’t ready to return to the ring. He then called him a rat, BECAUSE HE KNOWS.

– Dario and Joey Ryan share a laugh backstage over Cortez Castro’s misfortune. Son of Havoc arrives, and is there on behalf of Mascarita Sagrada. Sagrada wants to face off with Famous B, one on one. Dario says of Havoc beats Dr. Wagner tonight, Sagrada can have the match and they can pick the stipulation. If Havoc loses, Wagner gets to pick the stipulation.

– Prince Puma is in the ring, and reminds us that he defeated Mil Muertes two weeks ago. But that is not enough; because Mil put Konnan in a coffin and we never saw him again. Puma challenges Muertes to Grave Consequences. Catrina arrives and says that they accept. Muertes, in a pimp suit, arrives and attacks Puma. They brawled back and forth, Puma sent him to the floor and teased a dive, but opted for the superhero pose. One of my favorite things in wrestling is a Luchador in a sweet suit. Rock on Mil.

Dr. Wagner w/Famous B and Nurse Brenda vs. Son of Havoc w/Mascarita Sagrada: Havoc sent Wagner to the floor right away and hit a pair of suicide dives. They then brawled on the floor, with Havoc keeping control and hitting a moonsault off of the barricade. Back in the ring, Wagner rolled way from a possible shooting star press. He then hit a lariat and then the sitout powerbomb for 2. Wagner choked out Havoc in the rope, where Famous B landed cheap shots. Sagrada tried to make the save and was tossed away. Wagner continued to control, hitting a cutter out of the corner, which got 2. Havoc started to fight back with chops, Wagner dropped the straps and they traded chops and strikes. Havoc used his speed and hit a boot and then a lariat. Another got a cover for 2. Havoc hit a back handspring elbow and then a high cross for 2. Havoc up top, Wagner cut him off and followed him up. Havoc sent him to the mat, shooting star press connects and Havoc wins. Son of Havoc defeated Dr. Wagner @ 5:25 via pin [**½] This was a perfectly fine match, but it lacked a smooth flow. It felt way too segmented for such a short match, and never really built to a good climax. It wasn’t bad, just fine.

– Next week, Mascarita Sagrada faces Famous B in a “Believer’s Backlash” match, and this time, all of the fans can bring whatever matches they want to use. Famous B is fucked.

– We get a video package for the White Rabbi, talking creepy. The best part about this is that they just had to let the camera run and let Paul London be himself.

– It’s official, next week we will get Muertes vs. Puma in Grave Consequences.

Loser Leaves Lucha: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.: Basic back and forth to begin, with Chavo taking Mysterio down repeatedly and going for pins. Mysterio fought to his feet, hit a RANA and rolled into the cover for 2 Mysterio sent Chavo to the floor, and then hit a RANA off the apron, which sent Chavo into Chavo Sr. Back in the ring, Mysterio went up to and hit a moonsault press for 2. Mysterio worked corner mounted strikes, and then a baseball slide to the balls of Chavo. Mysterio looked for another RANA, but Chavo dumped him to cut him off. Chavo took the heat, and started to attack the knee of Mysterio. Mysterio fought back, sent Chavo to the floor and then hit a plancha, but grabbed at his knee and couldn’t follow up right away. Chavo then cut off the springboard dive with a dropkick, and then Chavo went right back to the knee. Chavo set Mysterio up top, Mysterio tried to fight him off and finally sent Chavo to the mat. Chavo returned and went for an electric chair off the ropes but Mysterio turned it into a rough looking powerbomb out of the corner for the double down. They traded strikes back and forth, Mysterio hit a cross body and that got 2. Chavo cut off Mysterio with a side back breaker, and then went into Eddie mode; Shimmy and three amigos until Mysterio cut him off. Mysterio made the comeback; Chavo Sr. came in the ring and hit Chavo Jr. with a chair to that Jr. could win via DQ.

Dario arrived, and he didn’t buy this bullshit because you do not call for DQ in his temple during his main event, because he LOVES violence! Dario says there will be no more DQs because anything goes. Rey tripped up Sr. and Jr. hit the 619 to Sr. but Jr. escaped. Mysterio hit the seated senton, but Chavo rolled into the single leg crab. Mysterio got the ropes, but Chavo pulled him back. Mysterio escaped, Chavo then hit the amigos and the Gory bomb, but Mysterio kicked out at 2. Mysterio countered the sunset flip, rolling through and hitting a dropkick. Mysterio then hit the RANA, 619 and splash for the win. Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr. @ 13:40 via pin [***] This was a good main event, the Chavo Sr. tease actually worked well, as did the Dario involvement. Dario isn’t a clichéd authority figure, he runs a show because he wants to make money, and wants to be entertained by violence. He’s not a bad guy just out there “just to screw over the faces.” The match was good, but I can’t say any better. Rey has worked hard since coming to Lucha Underground, but his best work has come against stars like Pentagon and Puma. Chavo is just… Chavo, and more importantly, he’s Chavo in 2016. He’s fine, but doesn’t have a great singles effort in him. There was nothing wrong with the match, they told a good story and the work was good, unfortunately the match couldn’t measure up to the amount of praise and hyperbole Striker and Vampiro threw onto it. I appreciate that they have a job to do, and that they have to sell the product and certain guys, but when you constantly refer to Chavo as this living legend, well my eyes nearly rolled out of my head.

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

The final score: review Average
The 411
Overall this week’s Lucha Underground was a pretty good effort, and easily better than last week’s show. They tried to make this feel really important, but the overselling of Chavo’s importance and the fact that the match was just good, couldn’t elevate the overall show. This felt like more of a set up show for next week’s Grave Consequences match, which should be awesome. The show rebounded and has me excited for next week.