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Erick Redbeard On His Emotions During Brodie Lee Tribute Show, Being Last-Minute Pick For Survivor Series 2014

Erick Redbeard touched on his emotions during AEW’s Brodie Lee tribute show, his appearance at Survivor Series 2014 and more in a recent Reddit AMA. Rowan did the AMA on Thursday promoting the new short film Tito that he co-stars in, and you can see a couple of highlights below:
On how he got the role in Tito: “I have a very talented friend in Anthony Notarile who co-wrote Tito with Andy Tworischuk with the role of Hammer in mind for me. He reached and after reading the script I was drawn to the character because it was something different than you’re used to seeing, which is the stereotypical angry 6’7, 300lbs giant. He is a very articulate, well-read man on socialism who treats people with respect but demands it as well. I was honored to play the role.”
On how he ‘kept it together’ during AEW’s Brodie Lee tribute show: “I didn’t feel like I kept it together. I grieved with everyone else. He was there in spirit that night with everyone who attended and watched from home.”
On his most underrated talent he’s worked with: “Neville (PAC). He deserves the world.”
On if he gets nervous before matches: “Always. If you don’t get butterflies or nerves while you’re performing you might as well stop. The adrenaline leading to live performance is what I love most about it.”
On when he was added to Team Cena for Survivor Series 2014: “One commercial break before I was fully dressed. Michael Hayes ran out in a frenzy telling me to get dressed in my gear and I was needed for after commercial. No one on either team knew I was coming out. A good lesson for future wrestling stars: stay for the whole show.”
On his pairing with Daniel Bryan: “I loved it because it led somewhere. To me feeling like a second wheel, which is funny because I’m twice the size of him but the story of feeling like a background character was one that was a blessing to tell. Plus we were the greatest tag team of all time #Fickle”
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