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Joe Hendry On How Cody Rhodes Helped Him Get Into TNA

July 5, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Joe Hendry ROH Supercard of Honor Image Credit: ROH

Joe Hendry credits Cody Rhodes with indirectly helping him get his foot in the door in TNA. Hendry revealed in his Insight With Chris Van Vliet appearance that Rhodes, who he worked with in WCPW, got him a chance to appear on ROH TV which ultimately led to his signing with TNA.

“The deal was done in five minutes and all of this happened because of that call,” Hendry said (per Wrestling Inc). “Because I wouldn’t have got to TNA if I didn’t have, I did the first ROH show back with the new ownership and so if I hadn’t of had my time in Ring of Honor I learned so much there, I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing right now, so I definitely owe Cody Rhodes a cigar for sure.”

Hendry has become a top name in TNA and made a much-discussed appearance on NXT last month as part of the WWE/TNA crossover. He is set to be part of the six-way match for the TNA World Championship at Slammiversary.

article topics :

Cody Rhodes, Joe Hendry, ROH, TNA, Jeremy Thomas