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Join 411’s Live NXT Halloween Havoc Coverage

October 27, 2024 | Posted by Robert Winfree
NXT Halloween Havoc Image Credit: WWE

Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results

Alright people, time for NXT Halloween Havoc. Tonight we’ve got a decent card, Trick Williams defends the NXT title against All Ego Ethan Page in a Devil’s Playground match and while I’d love Page to regain the belt as I’ve got a serious soft spot for the guy, Trick seems like a bit of a lock at this point. Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade will take on Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer, Tony D’Angelo and Oba Femi rematch in a Tables Ladders and Scares match which could be a fun car crash, the North American women’s title will see Kelani Jordan defend against a random member of Fatal Influence (Jacy Jane, Fallon Henley, or Jazmyn Nyx), and Ridge Holland will try to put Andre Chase in an ambulance in kayfabe rather than legitimately. There’s potential for some violence and while NXT has been in a little bit of a down swing over the last few months with some of the bigger names having been called up to the main roster tonight is usually a fun enough barrage of gimmick matches to make up for that. So let’s get to the action.

We open with the North American title match.

Match #1 – NXT North American Title Tables, Ladders, and Scares Match: (c) Tony D’Angelo vs. Oba Femi

You can only win via pinfall but plunder is highly encouraged. They don’t even let the ring announcements get going before they brawl. Tony hits a pretty quick Spear then we head out of the ring. Femi with some strikes but Tony sends him into the ring post then Spears Femi through the barricade into the time keepers area. Tony gets a ladder and sends it into the ring, then gets another one that’s bigger and bridges it between the ring and the announce table but Femi then whacks him with a chair. Femi sends more chairs into the ring then sends Tony in as well. Tony throws a chair into Femi’s head but Femi recovers and whacks him with a chair as well. Chokeslam to Tony on a chair for a 2 count. Femi puts the ladder into a corner then whacks Tony with a chair, then some shots to the ribs of Tony with a chair. Tony gets launched into the ladder then Femi hits an uppercut before setting the ladder up between the ropes to pin Tony in the corner. Tony is able to kick the ladder into Femi, didn’t look great but it worked. They head out of the ring and Femi slams Tony onto the edge of the ring apron before they head back into the ring. Femi gets the ladder in the corner again and scoop slams Tony onto it as the crowd chants for tables.

Femi goes looking for more plunder and finds a table to a big pop and he slides it into the ring and sets it in a corner. Tony starts fighting back but Femi hits him with a running uppercut and Tony obliterates the table as he flies into it but that just gets a 2 count. Femi pulls a crowbar out while Tony has a chair, Tony blocks some crowbar shots but then Femi boots him and whacks him with the crowbar. Some neck cranking from Femi with the crowbar to assist then hits an enzui lariat for another 2 count. Again Femi cranks on the face of Tony with the crowbar, Tony fights to his feet and eventually gets free but Femi clubs him in the back of the head again. Tony avoids the Fall from Grace with a back body drop and both men are down.

Tony with some chair shots now then a belly to belly suplex onto a chair. Spinebuster from Tony gets a 2 count. Now it’s Tony who gets a table and slides it into the ring then sets it up. Femi hits kind of an F5, that looked awkward and Tony starts selling his right knee. The ref checks and talks with both men, Femi heads out of the ring to get some zip ties and secures Tony’s right hand to the bottom rope. Tony’s goons show up to help and while Femi disposes of two of them Rizzo tries to get the zip ties off but Femi sees her. Femi starts stalking the woman while Tony yells at him not to touch her, but Femi looks at the table as well and continues menacing Rizzo. Rizzo tries to back away but Femi keeps after her, she gets the crowbar and Femi just takes it from her. Tony has broken the zip ties though and Spears Femi from the apron through the bridging ladder. Back in the ring Tony tries a Spear but runs into a lariat. Fall From Grace from Femi but only a near fall.

Rizzo clocks Femi with the crowbar then Femi takes a chair assisted Shatter Machine from the goons, then Tony with a spinebuster to Femi through the table to retain the belt.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Tony D’Angelo retained the title in 15:24

Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: Fine enough plunder match but featured a bit too much spot to spot stuff with no real connective tissue. I’m also always a little leery of the good guys needing numbers edges to overcome one guy but that’s a personal thing. Femi still looks like a beast and is probably close to main roster ready.

Lexis King gets an interview with Sarah in the back, he’s struggling to find a corner for his Heritage Cup match. Lots of rejection coming his way and rejection sucks. Over comes William Regal to be King’s cornerman, he knew King’s father well and imagines the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Regal appreciates that King is trying to be his own man, and he’ll be his cornerman. King accepts.

We get a recap from something earlier today where Kelani was told she’ll have a gauntlet match with all of Fatal Influence, specifically Jazmyn, Jacy, then Fallon.

Match #2 – Tag Team Match: Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez vs. Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer

Jade and Vaquer start us off, they go to the test of strength then Vaquer quickly begins out wrestling Jade. Jade gets sent to the corner then Giulia tags in and starts working the arm of Jade. Vaquer tags back in and kicks Jades arm the Jade scurries over to tag in Perez. They tie up then shove each other before Vaquer grabs a side headlock then hits a mat return. Perez counters with an arm drag and goes to an arm wringer. Vaquer counters into a roll up, they trade covers for a bit then Vaquer grabs a head scissors and slams Perez’s head into the mat repeatedly for a 1 count. Giulia tags in and Perez takes some tandem offense. Jade walks into a superkick from Vaquer then a double elbow drop. Giulia gets caught in a Crossface but Giulia quickly counters into a roll up then grabs an STF. Vaquer intercepts Jade and grabs her own STF and Perez has to scoot to the ropes to break the hold. Perez and Jade roll out of the ring to recover.

Back in the ring Giulia lands a right hand then heads to the apron to land a kick then up top for a dropkick and a 2 count. Perez avoids a suplex but Giulia lands a kick then Jade trips her up to set up an attack from Perez so the heels can take over. Jade tags in and lays in knees then Perez hits a dropkick in the ropes for a 2 count. Some elbows from Jade then the dreaded chin lock. That goes on for a bit then Giulia fights free and rolls up Jade for 2 then Jade lands a clothesline. Perez tags back in but Giulia fights back with elbows to Perez then we get a double slap and both women are down. Vaquer wants in while Jade is down, Giulia kicks Perez away and tags in Vaquer. Diving crossbody from Vaquer then Sole Food. Headbutts to Jade then a yakuza kick to Perez and double knees to Jade. Vaquer catches a kick from Perez and hits a sick looking Dragon Screw leg whip for a 2 count. Jade breaks up the package piledriver and everyone now starts fighting.

Stereo headbutts from Giulia and Vaquer then superkicks from Jade and Perez. Perez hits a suicide dive onto the floor then Jade follows with a trust fall drop. Back in the ring Perez with La Mistica but Vaquer is able to get free fairly quickly. Vaquer with a body kick then up top but Perez cuts her off and climbs up with her. Avalanche hurricanrana from Perez then she tags in Jade who hits a Swanton bomb and Giulia breaks up the pin. Perez and Giulia start fighting, Giulia hitting a wrist clutch spinning Michinoku Driver. Jade with a gutwrench suplex to Giulia. Vaquer and Jade start trading strikes, Vaquer with a back drop to put them both down. Giulia gets a tag and hits a sick knee to Jade but only a near fall. Jade avoids a Northern Lights bomb and Perez with a cheap shot then Giulia avoids a doomsday move and hits a back suplex on Jade then tags in Vaquer. Giulia with an avalanche butterfly suplex to Perez then Vaquer with a sick Sky Twister Press to get the pin.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer won in 13:40

Rating: 3.5 stars
Thoughts: This was good stuff, though that’s not surprising given the talent involved. Giulia and Vaquer came across like big deals and the action was solid all around.

Post match we get a shot of Zaria looking over everything.

In the back Cedric Alexander and Je’Von Evans talk and Alexander gives him advice and they talk about it being OK to do bad things every once in a while and they want to win the tag team belts.

Bubba Ray and Dave are in the crowd and hype things up. Bubba enjoyed that women’s tag team match. Do we really need a recap of the first two matches already?

Match #3 – Ambulance Match: Ridge “Bron Breakker at home” Holland vs. Andre Chase

