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Join 411’s LIVE ROH War of The Worlds Coverage

May 12, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
ROH War of The Worlds (Night III)

Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results
I will be doing the coverage in my regular review style; final ratings and extra thoughts will be in the final version of the review. Have a good time chatting, and thanks for joining 411 for your live coverage needs.

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– My preview for the show is at this link.

– My review of night one is here.

– My review of night two is here.

EVIL vs. Shane Taylor: Taylor talks some trash and then runs over EVIL with a shoulder tackle. He follows with strikes but EVIL cuts him off, laying in chops and a superkick. EVIL now hits the shoulder tackle, and looks for a German, but Taylor fights him of and hits a running elbow, covering for 2. Taylor chokes him out in the ropes and mocks EVIL. EVIL fires up with chops, but gets cut off with a side slam for 2. Taylor lays in mounted strikes, and follows with a knee drop for 2. The head butt follows and then a chokeslam and big splash gets 2. EVIL hits a big boot and neck breaker as both are down. EVIL lays in corner clotheslines and a bulldog; the senton gets 2. Taylor lays in elbow strikes and hits a lariat for 2. Taylor to the apron and hits a leg drop. He grabs a chair, lays in rights and EVIL grabs another chair and cuts him off with a smash mouth. He wraps it around his head and uses the other chair to knock it off, classic EVIL. EVIL rolls back in and Taylor struggles to his feet and rolls back in. EVIL hits the broncobuster and covers for 2. EVIL follows with clotheslines, Taylor is rocked and he hits a desperation lariat for 2. The Samoan drop follows and he heads to the second rope and misses the splash. Darkness falls connects from EVIL and both men are down. Taylor hits a knee strike and sitout powerbomb for 2. EVIL escapes the power slam and hits a big German. The head butt follows and decapitates him with a lariat. Everything is EVIL finishes it. EVIL defeated Shane Taylor @ 13:25 via pin

Sumie Sakai & Stella Grey vs. Jenny Rose & Tenille Dashwood: Rose faces Sakai for the title at tomorrow’s TV tapings. Sakai and Rose start us off. Rose attacks with chops, it Sakai gets a roll up for 2. Grey tags in and hits a shoulder tackle. They trade arm drags and Rose hits a side slam for 2. Dashwood tags in and grounds Grey, working the arm and hits a running boot. Sakai tags back in and Dashwood lays in rights and gets a sunset flip for 2. They go for repeated pins and Dashwood hits a butterfly suplex for 2. Rose back in and Sakai takes them down, Grey tags back in and she hits an elbow drop for 2. The fisherman’s suplex follows for 2. Rose cuts her off with a DDT for 2. The crab follows, but Grey makes the ropes. Dashwood back in and Grey cuts her off, but eats a kick and neck breaker in the ropes for 2. Rose tags back in and lays in knee strikes. Grey manages to get the tag to Sakai and Sakai runs wild with forearms. She heads up top and hits the missile dropkick for 2. The belly to back suplex follows, Grey tags back in and they look for double teams, but Rose avoids it. Dashwood cuts off Grey, and attacks Sakai and takes her to the floor. Rose hits the uranage for the win on Grey. Jenny Rose & Tenille Dashwood defeated Sumie Sakai & Stella Grey @ 7:45 via pin

– Post match, Rose grabs the title and then brawls with Sakai.

Punishment Martinez vs. Adam Page: They have been doing a good job of building this feud. Page sneaks in and attacks Martinez with a chair and they brawl to the floor. Page then spears Martinez through a table. Punishment Martinez vs. Adam Page never started [NR]

Marty Scurll vs. Kenny King vs. Matt Taven vs. SANADA: As you’d expect, Marty is wildly over. This is everyone in rules, no tags. Taven talks shit and powders. King then wipes him out with a plancha and SANADA attacks Marty. They work into some slick exchanges, and into a stand off, the crowd loves it. Everyone back in and Marty looks for handshakes and they all attack him, and toss him to the floor. Taven hits a suicide dive but eats more barricade than Marty. SANADA dropkicks King, but King hits a chin checker. Taven flies in with a missile dropkick on both and dumps Marty again after a slip on the ropes. King cuts him off with a spinebuster and knocks Marty back to the floor. SANADA back in and Taven cuts him off. They eventually head up top and Marty is back for a tower of doom. The superkick takes out SANADA and then King. Taven cuts him off and Marty takes him down with a superkick to the knee. The chicken wing is fought off and Taven takes out King and Marty joins in for a three-way submission, and then SANADA joins in. Taven escapes and cuts him off. SANADA gets the paradise lock on Taven and then King. Marty cuts him off, but doesn’t know how to do the hold on him. Marty gets him umbrella and Taven’s staff, hands one to SANADA, but the ref takes them. They work together to work over King & Taven, and SANADA looks for paradise lock on Marty, but Taven cuts it off. Taven up top and misses the frog splash. King then misses a splash. SANADA now misses the moonsault. Marty cuts him off and he heads up top. He hops down but eats a superkick from Taven. King brawls with Taven, and Taven hits just the tip. Marty attacks and it breaks down. Skull end by SANADA on King, but Marty gets the chicken wing on SANADA. SANADA powers up to his feet and escapes. King now locks on the last chancery, but Taven takes out Marty and covers, but the ref was distracted. Low blow by Marty and he cradles Taven for the win. Marty Scurll defeated Kenny King, Matt Taven, and SANADA @ 11:52 via pin

Roppongi 3k (Sho & Yoh) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick) vs. The Motor City Machineguns (Sabin & Shelley): Sho and Sabin begin. Sho looks to ground things, but Sabin escapes and they work shoulder tackles. Sho hits a dropkick and tags in Yoh. They work double teams and lay the boots to Sabin. Yoh grounds the action, Sabine escapes and tags in Shelley. They trade chops and light each other up. Shelley with an eye poke, and Yoh hits a flying forearm. Sabin tags back in and the Guns follow with double teams and then take out Sho. They then double-team Nick and Matt is in and lays in rights, but they cut him off with the dream sequence. The Guns clear the ring and Sabin follows with a dive. They roll Yoh back in and the Guns work more double teams. The Bucks rush in and they run wild with double-teams and they clear the ring. They now work over Shelley, running wild with double-teams. Matt in and takes Shelley to his corner, and tags in Nick. He hits a double stomp to the arm, as the Bucks work quick tags. Nick accidentally takes out Matt and Shelley cuts him off with a lariat. Sabin tags back in and hits a high cross. He fights of the Bucks and hits a great looking head scissors. Sho in and Yoh joins him and they double-team Sabin, and pick up a near fall. Sho dumps Nick and continue to work over Sabin, but Sabin hits a desperation PK. Nick pulls Shelley to the floor and Matt tags in and 3k looks for double teams, but he lays them out with clotheslines. Sliced bread follows and then a superkick to Shelley connects. Matt up top and the elbow drop gets 2 as Yoh makes the save. 3k gets dumped and the Bucks look for sharpshooters, and lock them in on 3k, but the Guns break it up with superkicks. The Guns get dumped, and 3k cuts off Nick with double knees and a back stabber. Nick fights off 3k with a DDT, and the Guns pull him to the floor as Matt hits a dive. Nick runs wild now, hitting an x-factor and moonsault to the floor. The Bucks him the buckle bomb combo on Yoh, and the assisted swanton follows for 2. More bang for your buck is cut off by Sabin, and that leads to the Bucks & Guns brawling. They take out Sho, and then go back to brawling. The Guns take control with kicks and the Bucks fire back with a flurry of superkicks for all! More bang for your buck is countered and Sabin hits a SUPER German. Sho & Yoh return and take out Sabin with 3k for the win. Roppongi 3k defeated The Young Bucks & The Motor City Machineguns @ 16:25 via pin

INTERMISSION – they show Tanahashi vs. Bennett

Silas Young & Beer City Bruiser vs. The Boys: The boys dump Bruiser and then Young. They brawl to the floor, Bruiser gets posted and back in, Young takes control. The boys cut him off and work double teams, and a high cross gets 2. Young quickly cuts them off; Bruiser helps out and tags in. He beats down a boy and they work quick tags. Double teams follow and the boys pull the switch. Bruiser looks for the frog splash, but the boy moves and Bruiser crashes and burns. The boy fires up and runs wild, hitting a tornado DDT on Young. The boys hit double soul food on Bruiser and Young accidentally spears Bruiser. The boys attack Bruiser, and hit a double suplex. Young cuts them off, and works them over with rights while yelling at them. They fights back, but one gets tossed. Young hits the knee strike and misery and Bruiser hits the frog splash for the win. Silas Young & Beer City Bruiser defeated The Boys @ 7:15 via pin

SoCal Uncensored (Daniels, Kaz, & Sky) vs. Jushin Liger, Cheeseburger, & Flip Gordon: Burger is all beat up from Bully kicking his ass twice on this tour. Burger and Daniels start us off. Daniels mocks him and Burger fires up, but Daniels catches the high cross and Liger flies in to make the save. He and Burger pose as Sky tags in. Flip in as well. They lock up, Sky hits a shoulder tackle and Flip cuts him of with an enziguri. He follows with kicks and chops, and then a standing moonsault gets 2. Kaz & Liger tag in. Liger takes control and works a Romero special. It breaks down with SoCal being tossed to the floor. They eventually cut off Liger, and work him over in their corner. Daniels cuts off the tag and they work over Liger’s arm. Liger turns things around and makes Kaz & Sky attack Daniels as they have their backs tuned. Liger finds this amusing. Liger drops to the floor and Kaz realizes what he’s done. He apologizes and SoCal now argues. Flip flies in and runs wild on the heels. Burger tags in and hits a double sledge on Daniels. Kaz cuts him off allowing Daniels to hit an STO. Kaz tags in and they take the heat on a taped up Burger. He dumps him to the floor, and the heels work him over. Back in and they work quick tags, continuing to work over Burger. Daniels back in and just beats on poor Burger, focusing on his taped up ribs. Slingshot elbows, leg drops and splashes follow for 2 as SoCal dominates. Burger hits a RANA and tags in Flip. He runs wild, hitting a Spanish fly and springboard sling blade. He follows with a dive. Back in and Sky cuts him off with a cutter. Flip runs Sky & Kaz together and hits a superkick. Hot tag to Liger. He lays in chops, and clotheslines. SHOTEIS follow. Daniels cuts him off and Kaz takes him up top, but Liger escapes and hits a Liger bomb for the near fall. Burger tags back in and hits a flying knee strike. The Addiction cut him off and the best Meltzer ever finishes him. SoCal Uncensored defeated Jushin Liger, Cheeseburger, & Flip Gordon @ 16:10 via pin

– Bully Ray arrives and low blows Liger; he then powerbombs Burger again and beats Liger down with his chain. Flip returns and makes the save, hitting a superkick and runs Bully off.

Cody vs. Hiromu Takahashi: Burnard the Business Bear & Daryl Takahashi Jr. are at ringside. The bell rings and Cody takes his time and stalls as usual. Takahashi plays to the crowd and brings in Daryl, who gets the biggest pop so far. Two minutes in and they finally get to action as Takahashi gets a roll up for 2. Takahashi uses Darryl to work over Cody and knocks him to the floor. Burnard gets involved, but Cody backs him off. Takahashi holds Daryl back as security hold Burnard back. The crowd chants let them fight, the bear and cat are the most over part of this match FOUR FUCKING MINUTES IN. Burnard gets tossed to the back. Takahashi and Cody to the floor, and Takahashi follows with an apron dropkick. Back in and Cody cuts him off, and slows things, as if they needed to be any slower since nothing has happened. Cody does pushups and then stomps away at Takahashi. The cradle gets 2. Cody mocks Omega and teases a V trigger, and then refuses to do it. Cody lays in some chops, but Takahashi now fires back only to be cut off. Cody follows with the figure four. Takahashi eventually makes the ropes. The crowd chants for Kenny as Cody dumps Takahashi. He now teases rise of the terminator. But refuses to do it and drops to the floor. Back in and Cody sets Takahashi up top and looks for a superplex, but Takahashi dumps him to the mat. They slowly trade strikes, and Takahashi hits a RANA and sliding dropkick. Cody cuts him off, but Takahashi counters out and hits a clothesline for 2. The crowd has died here. Cody counters dynamite plunger and hits a disaster kick for 2. Cody hits a snap slam for 2. Takahashi counters cross Rhodes into a cradle for 2. Takahashi then hits cross Rhodes for 2. Cody gets his ring now but Takahashi hits a superkick. He tries the unset bomb to the floor but Cody hits him with the ring. This is still going, Cody looks for a vertebreaker, but Takahashi escapes, and Cody then hits cross Rhodes for 2. The vertebreaker finishes Takahashi. Cody defeated Hiromu Takahashi @ 16:55 via pin

ROH Tag Team Title Match: Champions The Briscoes vs. Tetsuya Naito & BUSHI: Jay & Naito start us off. Mark distracts him and Jay attacks. Naito fights him off, and dumps Jay. Tranquilo time. Naito then gets a chair and takes a seat in the ring. BUSHI now tags in as does Mark. BUSHI takes control until Jay gets in a cheap shot. The champions now work double teams and the cover gets 2. Jay back in and he grounds the action. BUSHI tries to fight back but eats a dropkick. Mark back in and covers for 2. Mark grounds things with a camel clutch and attacks the mask of BUSHI. The champions now lay the boots to BUSHI, keeping him grounded. Jay mocks Naito, and Mark continues to beat down BUSHI. The champions continue to work quick tags but BUSHI hits a desperation dropkick. Mark cuts off the tag as jay returns for double teams. BUSHI hits a DDT, and enziguri and finally tags in Naito. He runs wild on Jay and hits a RANA. The neck breaker and dropkick follow. Naito follows with the corner dropkick combo. He takes Jay up top and Mark cuts him off. BUSHI makes the save and tosses Mark. LIJ works double teams on Jay and Naito take shim up top and hits a RANA off the ropes for 2. Jay fights off destino, and counters into a powerslam. Wholesale changes to Mark & BUSHI, BUSHI cuts him off and hits a missile dropkick. The fisherman’s neck breaker gets 2. Jay in and cuts that off, BUSHI keeps fighting and hits a RANA on both. The champions quickly cut him off with double teams, and Mark is now hurting and favoring his previously injured arm. Jay hits the neck breaker on BUSHI for 2 as Naito makes the save. The champions double team and toss Naito. BUSHI fights off a Jay driller, tries to mist Jay, but misses. Low blow, Jay driller, and froggy bow finish BUSHI. Champions The Briscoes defeated Tetsuya Naito & BUSHI @ 13:50 via pin