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Matt Riddle Talks About His Last Meeting With Triple H

February 7, 2017 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Matt Riddle Evolve EVOLVE 93

– During his appearance on the Fightful.com podcast, Matt Riddle spoke about his last meeting with Triple H. here are the highlights…

On His Last Meeting With Triple H: “Very few words. I talked to (Triple H) probably like a year ago,.It was last year’s Royal Rumble, not this year’s Rumble. He came up to me at an Evolve event and he goes ‘Hey, I appreciate what you’re doing here’ and I go ‘ I appreciate what YOU’RE doing here.’ Then he looked at me kind of weird and he goes ‘I just wanna thank you for everything you’ve done’ and I go ‘I just wanna thank you for everything YOU’VE done’, and he looked at me weird, shook my hand, and walked away,”

On Appearing on Screen at NXT Takeover: San Antonio: “I was at the wrestling show (Evolve 77), and I kicked that chair into Dustin’s head. Then on Twitter, somebody took a video, tagged me in it and was like ‘sweet kick in the head’. So I followed him and retweeted it and said ‘thanks’, you know whatever. He came up to my merch table, and he’s like ‘Bro, just to let you know I have an extra ticket for Takeover , if you wanna go I’ve got some floor seats. And I’m like ‘why not?,’ ” So we went there, I was just there to enjoy the show. I’ve never been to a live NXT event and it’s been a long time to any WWE related event, since I was like, a kid. It was good, great show. I saw Tyler Bate come up and they pop the camera on him. I’m like ‘come on.’ So I popped up, did the thumbs up, did the ‘Bro!’. Then I said I was gonna whoop his ass cause I’m wrestling him this weekend for OTT. But I think the camera cut off as I was pointing down at him saying I was gonna whip his ass.”

article topics :

EVOLVE, Matt Riddle, Triple H, WWE, Larry Csonka