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Sambus’ NJPW G1 Climax 34 Night Two Review

July 21, 2024 | Posted by Theo Sambus
NJPW G1 Climax 34 Night 2 Image Credit: NJPW
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Sambus’ NJPW G1 Climax 34 Night Two Review  

Hey everyone! The NJPW G1 Climax 34 rolled on this morning with Night Two of the tournament, again featuring both A & B block action before we begin alternating blocks later this week.


Location: Osaka, Japan

Venue: Edion Arena

English Commentary: Chris Charlton & Walker Stewart


[A Block] SANADA [0] vs Callum Newman [2]

SANADA has some making up to do for his humiliating defeat last night. SANADA backs Newman into the ropes, and we get a clean break. SANADA with a leg trip, attempts the Paradise Lock but Newman kicks him away, picks up speed, and knocks SANADA down. Misses a wheel kick but hits a dropkick to SANADA on the apron, sending him to the floor. Newman ascends the buckles, moonsaults to the floor but SANADA avoids it. SANADA capitalizes and hits the Magic Screw from the guard rail to the floor. Fireman’s carry from SANADA, drops Newman throat first across the railing.

SANADA brings his opponent back in the ring, side Russian leg sweep, and a cover for 2. Newman manages to sweep the legs and fires off a double stomp to the back. Uppercut, penalty kick gets a 2 for Newman. He hooks the arms looking for the Tiger Suplex, can’t get it, SANADA gets another Magic Screw and kips up. Shining Wizard, SANADA heads to the top, misses the moonsault, Newman catches him with the running knee! Running kick in the corner, misses the double stomp, SANADA misses a Shining Wizard. Stundog Millionaire counters the Skull End and the Tornado kick connects but he can’t get the Oscutter. Dead Fall connects for SANADA, 1, 2, 3.

Winner: SANADA

Time: 8:41

Rating: *** – Good stuff and I’m warming to Newman, having found him a tad generic in the past. SANADA came back strong after the Night One defeat, but Newman certainly held his own here.



[B Block] Boltin Oleg [2] vs HENARE [2]

Time for the big boys! They go tit-for-tat with forearm exchanges, charge at each other with shoulder blocks, but neither man goes down…until Oleg sends HENARE flying! HENARE is livid on the floor at that. Back in the ring, Oleg gets a splash and another shoulder block, followed by a standing splash for 2. Gutwrench but HENARE battles out of it and avoids another splash in the corner. HENARE kicks the back of the leg and a kick to the THROAT! HENARE opens up a can of whoop ass in the corner with a multitude of body shots and then kicks Oleg in the spine. Kick to the chest and a senton, cover, 1, 2, no.

HENARE pulls the knee pad down, goes for the rising knee but Oleg catches him and hits a version of the Oklahoma Stampede. Scoop slam in the corner by Oleg and the Boltin Bomb connects for 2. Gutwrenches applied into the suplex, and Oleg kips up, gets HENARE on his shoulders, HENARE fights out of it. Back elbow, springboard Disaster kick, and a BIG jumping knee in the corner, that rocked Oleg!

HENARE charges but is met with a dropkick. Kamikaze! 1, 2, NO! He goes for it again, HENARE grabs the arms looking for the Full Nelson, Oleg fights out. Spin kick catches Oleg. Hammer headshot from HENARE and he hits the Streets of Rage for the 1, 2, 3.

Winner: HENARE

Time: 8:07

Rating: ***1/2 – I love the G1 for matches like this. On paper, I would not be excited about this match at all, but they had a great sprint here with some pretty snug strikes. Oleg in particular will be feeling this one tomorrow.



[A Block] Great-O-Khan [0] vs Gabe Kidd [0]

Gabe mocks O-Khan in the opening moments, and O-Khan tosses him with a release suplex and a belly-to-belly suplex to show him he means business. O-Khan sends Kidd to the floor and whips him into the guard rail. O-Khan stands in the crowd and challenges Kidd to meet him there. Full steam ahead by Kidd and he charges O-Khan, knocking him through a guard railing. They fight among the fans now, double Mongolian chop from O-Khan and he continues to stalk his opponent as the fans disperse. Kidd bites the forehead of O-Khan as the referee finally begins the count. Kidd brings O-Khan back towards the ring and sends him head-first into the ring post before tossing him back inside the ring. Kidd takes a moment to talk trash to Takahashi on commentary before returning to the ring.

Kidd with chops and a shoulder block but here comes O-Khan right back, dumping Kidd over the top rope back outside again. O-Khan with a plancha to the outside! He tosses Kidd right through a railing into a pile of chairs, DAMN Kidd bumped hard on that. O-Khan traps Kidd’s shoulder between two chairs, does the same with the other arm, and then stands on the chairs, posing with his arms folded! That’s cold, man. Back to the ring, cover, 1, 2, no.

Kidd manages to boot O-Khan away to create some space, and then suplexes O-Khan all the way from the ring to the floor! Back to their feet, they battle on the entrance ramp but the referee is counting, gets up to 19!! They sprint back at the last second and back it. German suplexes exchanged! GFO connects, 1, 2 but Kidd kicks out. Eliminator attempt denied, Kidd lariats him down for just a 1 count. Kidd goes for a piledriver, O-Khan counters with a collegiate slam. Headbutt from Kidd, met with a big right hand from O-Khan, both men on wobbly knees now. At opposite ends of the ring they charge, duck, and rebound off the ropes…huge lariat connects for Kidd! 1, 2, 3.

Winner: Gabe Kidd

Time: 12:17

Rating: ***1/2 – What can I say, I’m having a great time here, this is good stuff. I often feel like Kidd’s gimmick is just “swear a lot” which doesn’t do much for me, but he can go in the ring. O-Khan similarly gets overlooked – with the right opponent, he can really deliver, as we saw here.



[B Block] El Phantasmo [0] vs Ren Narita [0]

As pointed out, I missed the story of Sad Face ELP yesterday who feels like he shouldn’t be here. Narita attacks as the bell rings, but ELP whips off a dropkick. Step up tijeras off the ropes and ELP sends Narita to the floor, following up with a springboard plancha. ELP rolls Narita back inside, but Narita rolls through to the other side, and ELP follows him to catch him off guard with a tope suicida. ELP climbs to the top, moonsault to the floor but Narita moves! Narita whips Phantasmo into the railings and traps the leg between the guard rail. Narita grabs the push-arm bar, Jado grabs it from him but the referee distraction allows Narita to hit ELP in the leg with a chair. Narita keeps up the assault, driving the knee into the floor.

They work their way back into the ring, single-leg atomic drop, and Narita drapes the leg over the bottom rope, stomping on it with added leverage. ELP is on one wheel here but tries to mount a comeback only for Narita to rake the eyes. Vertical suplex from ELP, he tries to kip up but the leg gives out. Springboard crossbody, ELP tries for another springboard but the leg is bothering him. He manages a tornado DDT from the apron to the outside though! ELP tries to work through the pain, hits a springboard flipping senton and a moonsault. Narita with a running boot in the corner and a bridging Northern Lights pin for 2. Kneebar to the bad leg, ELP reaches the ropes, but Narita transitions into a single-leg crab. Phantasmo grabs the bottom rope to break the hold.

ELP gets Narita down in the corner, stomps him down, and grabs the push-up bar, but Jado tries to talk him out of it. Narita wills him on, but ELP gives the bar to Jado, seeing sense. Backslide by Narita, 1, 2, no. Jacknife in return gets 2 for ELP. Guillotine by Narita, 1, 2, no. Narita gets crotched on the ropes, ELP heads up to stand on the top rope, TOP ROPE FRANKENSTEINER. Thunderkiss 86 connects, 1, 2, NO! Narita kicks out. Shot to the back of the leg by Narita, and the Double Cross spikes ELP on his head. 1, 2, 3.

Winner: Ren Narita

Time: 14:16

Rating: *** – When Narita is in control, the pace is ground to a halt. The nearfalls near the end got me kinda into it though; that was a good one after the Thunderkiss 86.



[A Block] Jake Lee [2] vs EVIL [2]

EVIL gives the Bullet Club salute, but Lee pokes the eyes instead! Lee grabs the legs of Togo and looks to stomp him in the balls…but relents, and lets Togo roll outside instead. The bell rings, they head to the floor, where EVIL whips Lee into the railing chest-first. EVIL wraps the microphone cord around the throat of Lee and talks trash into the mic while he does it. Back in the ring, EVIL has the tag rope and wraps that around the throat too but the referee catches it.

Double axe handles to the back of Lee, cover for 2. Togo trips up Lee while EVIL distracts the referee, and when the ref turns, Togo blames it on a Young Lion at ringside. EVIL mocks Lee’s gestures, fisherman’s suplex gets a 2 count. EVIL attempts the Darkness Scorpion, gets it but Lee crawls to the bottom rope. Lee fights out of a fireman’s carry, knee to the midsection against the ropes. Chinlock applied, Togo up on the apron but Lee knocks him back down. Lee looks for the Boston Crab, stomps EVIL in the stomach and turns him into it. The bell rings? It wasn’t official, Togo rang it, and now Lee is caught off guard…but he sends EVIL into the referee. Togo in, tag rope round the neck to choke him again, Lee fights it and chokes out EVIL instead. Lee does the Eddie Guerrero as the referee comes to, dropping to the mat and tossing the rope to EVIL. Back suplex, 1, 2, no.

Lee goozles, but EVIL with a thumb to the eye. Knee to the gut, goozle, chokeslam connects this time. 1, 2, no. Lee looks for the face break, EVIL avoids it and Togo is right there to throw powder into the eyes. Everything is EVIL, 1, 2, 3.

Winner: EVIL

Time: 11:23

Rating: *1/2 – Oof, that was a struggle. Night Two and the House of Torture stuff is already overplayed. It also sadly overshadowed Lee, who didn’t get to show off his character as much here, save for the Eddie Guerrero spot which played nicely into his ‘Smart Bastard’ gimmick.



[B Block] Hirooki Goto [0] vs Yuya Uemura [2]

Cautious tie-up as we get a feeling-out process to begin. Takedown and a knee wrench by Goto, Uemura counters into an armlock. They break free and get back to their feet. Shoulder block by Goto met with a dropkick from Uemura. Chops in the corner, referee pulls Uemura back but Uemura charges back in with a big boot. Armdrag attempt, but Goto pulls the hair and slams him down. Kick to the spine, kicks to the gut in the corner and some vicious forearms, those had some mustard. Spinning wheelkick and a back suplex gets 2 for Goto, and now he locks in the Boston Crab; insult to injury for the former Young Lion. Uemura makes his way to the ropes to break it, but Goto stays in control. He gets Uemura on his shoulders, but this is countered, Uemura with an armdrag and a dropkick. Back suplex from Uemura now, 1, 2, no.

Uemura to the top rope, Goto cuts him off and heads up there with him. Headbutt from Uemura knocks him down but Uemura misses the dive, and Goto hits the ushigoroshi. Forearms on their knees, to a standing base and they trade chops and overhand slaps, building up speed and intensity. Double-handed chop from Uemura and Goto goes to a knee. Reverse GTR and a lariat from Goto though! GTW, 1, 2, no. A barrage of kicks to the chest ensues, Uemura catches the leg on a kick and unleashes a big headbutt to knock Goto down. Enziguri, Goto looks for the GTR but Uemura gets a backslide. Uemura hooks the arms, Deadbolt! 1, 2, 3.

Winner: Yuya Uemura

Time: 12:38

Rating: *** – Uemura continues to impress and gets another victory over a New Japan stalwart. Decent outing, nothing too crazy.



[A Block] Shota Umino [0] vs Shingo Takagi [2]

Umino with a shotgun dropkick right out the gate, and he delivers forearm after forearm in the corner, until Shingo turns the tables with headbutts. Knee to the gut met with a dropkick from Umino. To the apron, Shingo looks for possibly a backdrop driver but Umino fights out of it. Back suplex on the ring apron eventually connects, and Shingo follows up by whipping Umino into the railings. As Umino slides back in the ring, Shingo meets him with some kicks and stomps and then traps the arms, driving his knee into the back. Vertical suplex and Shingo looks pretty pleased with himself. Shingo offers Umino to give up, but Umino is having none of it.

Swinging neckbreaker from Umino, uppercuts delivered and a bridging Northern Lights suplex gets a 2 count. Atomic drop from Shingo, but Shingo gets sent into the ropes, and Umino jumps over the ropes for a DDT into the ring apron. Back inside, Umino to the top for a diving dropkick and an overhead suplex for another 2 count. Umino looks for a tornado DDT, but Shingo holds on and sends him hard into the turnbuckle with a suplex! Back elbow and a Dangerous Driver connects as Osaka get rowdy for Shingo. Lariat in the corner, Umino sits Shingo on the top rope, climbs, delivers an Exploder off the buckles!

Shingo right back with a Corner Bomber, and they go back to the top rope now. Top rope superplex by Shingo. Sliding Pumping Bomber gets 2, and Shingo instantly hits a running senton. Hammer and anvil elbows, Shingo with an Argentine Backbreaker, into a gutbuster, but Umino somehow follows up with the tornado DDT. Side slam and now Umino is poised… Ignition! Enziguri, but Shingo cuts him off with a lariat. Shingo calls for Made in Japan, instead gets a Gory bomb, runs the ropes, Pumping Bomber. Made in Japan! 1, 2, NO.

Last of the Dragon? No, Umino elbows his way out. Lariat from Shingo, elbow, Pumping Bomber. But a backslide from Umino into an elevated variation of the Death Rider. Back to their feet, Shingo fires off some shots, but Umino catches a pumping bomber attempt, Half Dragon suplex, damn this is quick. Blaze Blade, 1, 2, no. Death Rider attempt, Shingo headbutts out of it. Death Rider catches him! 1, 2, 3!

Winner: Shota Umino

Time: 18:22

Rating: ***3/4 – The story here was Umino’s resiliency in the face of a competitor who was evidently overlooking him. Very strong showing with both guys digging deep into their arsenal. The closing minutes were hard to keep up with, they went full pelt there. Very nice indeed.



[A Block] Tetsuya Naito [0] vs Zack Sabre Jr [2]

Zack takes the piss and hits the LIJ salute, Naito goes to do the same but spits in his face. Quick rollup by ZSJ, 1, 2, no. Zack rolls to the floor, Naito with the tranquilo pose. Jackknife by Naito for 1, reversed into another attempt by Zack for 2. Cravate locked in by Naito, ZSJ grapevines the legs around the head of Naito, but Naito escapes that. ZSJ escapes the cravate and twists the neck and head of Naito with his feet. He goes to the apron and does the same again. An uppercut levels Naito, and then a straitjacket surfboard is applied, but Naito gets his feet on the ropes.

Naito gets ZSJ caught in the ropes and drops him backwards with the reverse DDT on the knee. Armdrags by Naito now and a low dropkick, followed by a stalling neckbreaker. Zack to the apron, elbows his way out, and locks in a rope-assisted octopus stretch until Red Shoes breaks it up. Uppercuts on the outside from Sabre Jr, goes to whip Naito into the railing but Naito reverses and sends Zack into them instead. Reverse Hangman’s neckbreaker off the apron!

Inside the ring now, Naito maintains arm control and delivers a series of elbows to the neck and shoulders. Esparanza connects, but ZSK manages to get a body scissors, with a slight dragon sleeper applied too. Naito gets the ropes and ZSJ breaks the hold. Naito looks for the tornado DDT, but Zack throws him off and hits a PK. He picks Naito up again, but Naito counters with a Destino! They eventually get to their feet…where Naito goes for Destino again, but is countered with the Zack Driver! Uppercuts from Sabre Jr, Naito battles back with some forearms. Naito traps the arms and delivers a series of elbows to the neck, Destino attempt, Zack Driver attempt, Zack traps Naito in the pin attempt, 1, 2, no. Enziguri misses, Zack with the prawn hold, 1, 2, 3.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr

Time: 16:04

Rating: ***1/4 – I feel like I have seen this match countless times before, and while it’s always a good pairing, they didn’t offer anything new here. They know each other so well, so the wrestling itself is always smooth as hell at least.



[B Block] Yota Tsuji [0] vs David Finlay [0]

Both men grab each other’s hair as they back into the ropes. Finlay gives a clean break but goes for a forearm, headscissors by Tsuji as Finlay spills to the floor, and a tope suicide follows up for Tsuji. Finlay is sent into the railings a few times. Back in the ring, Tsuji locks in a Boston Crab but Finlay reaches the ropes. Hard overhand slaps from Tsuji, Finlay spits in the face of his opponent, and Tsuji charges in for a massive splash in the corner. He goes for another, Finlay dodges and gets on top of him for some grounded punches. Pendulum backbreaker gets a 2 count for Finlay. Tsuji is whipped into the turnbuckle again and receives a release suplex out of the corner. Finlay rakes the forearm and the elbow across the face of Tsuji. Off the ropes, Tsuji catches Finlay with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Back elbow, body slam, flying body sausage, and a double knee gutbuster keeps Tsuji in control.

They trade strikes, uranage attempt misses, Tsuji with the stomp around the head of Finlay, driving him head first. Finlay cuts off a top rope attack and dropkicks Tsuji from the apron to the floor. Tsuji gets whipped into the railings and then lawn-darted into the ringpost! Finlay does jumping jacks in the ring while the referee makes the count on Tsuji on the floor, makes it in at 19. Dominator connects as Tsuji gets in the ring, 1, 2, no.

Finlay calls out that he’ll give him 10 powerbombs. Tsuji prevents a suplex attempt and gets one of his own. Tsuji with the short reverse DDT and curb stomp duo gets the 1, 2, kickout. Tsuji misses a dive, but he cuts off Finlay on a charge with a huge knee to the face and a Falcon Arrow. Finlay blocks the next attack, hits the Into Oblivion, 1, 2, NO. Powerbomb from Finlay, followed by a buckle bomb, and another powerbomb in the center as Finlay collapses in exhaustion. Rollup by Tsuji gets a 1, roaring lariat from Finlay in response. Roaring elbows from Finlay, repeatedly…headbutt and the Gene Blaster connects for Tsuji! He claws his way up the ropes, Marlowe Crash! 1, 2, 3!

Winner: Yota Tsuji

Time: 19:48

Rating: ***1/4 – A good back-and-forth outing, and both guys are building a strong portfolio of matches already this G1. Didn’t quite have the level of excitement or heat that other main events have, but they packed those 20 minutes with some fun action that didn’t let up.



A Block Standings:

EVIL – 4

Zack Sabre Jr – 4

Callum Newman – 2

Jake Lee – 2

Shingo Takagi – 2

Shota Umino – 2


Gabe Kidd – 2

Great-O-Khan – 0

Tetsuya Naito – 0


B Block Standings:


Yuya Uemura – 4

Boltin Oleg – 2

Jeff Cobb – 2

Konosuke Takeshita – 2

Yota Tsuji – 2

Ren Narita – 2

El Phantasmo – 0

Hirooki Goto – 0

David Finlay – 0



Up next, Night Three takes place this Tuesday 23rd July, main evented by Naito vs Jake Lee. Can Naito finally get on the scoreboard or will the losing streak continue?

The final score: review Good
The 411
No absolute standout match tonight, but Shingo/Umino rocked, and we had a really solid undercard, including the surprise treat in how good HENARE/Oleg was. Lee/EVIL was grim, and I felt every second of those 11 minutes. Semi and main event didn't deliver as well as I would have hoped, but on the whole this was consistently a 'good' show, and we can safely say that the opening weekend of the G1 has been positive this year.

article topics :

NJPW, NJPW G1 Climax 34, Theo Sambus