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Sanders’ AEW Rampage 12.25.21 Review

And a good Saturday night and Merry Christmas to you all! Lee Sanders back with you all as it’s great to be back talking AEW RAMPAGE. What a treat we’re in for as for this weekend only we are getting RAMPAGE on a Saturday night! This weeks’ HOLIDAY BASH edition sees Jungle Boy vs. Isiah Kassidy, meanwhile Hook vs. Bear Bronson. “Legit” Leyla Hirsch is in action against Kris Statlander. And in the main event match, for the TNT Championship, Sammy Guevara (c) vs. Cody Rhodes.
On a side note, as we all know Jimmy Rave passed away and his daughter setup a Gofundme campaign for his memorial. Anyone that makes a donation of at least $30 and can show me proof will get an exclusive AEW card. Your choice of CM Punk or Adam Cole, available on a first come, first serve. Donate via Gofundme by clicking here and afterwards feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected]
Commentators: Taz, Excalibur, and Ricky Starks
MATCH 1: Jungle Boy vs. Isiah Kassidy
Isiah is throwing caution into the wind early on offense with a few high risk maneuvers. Big Money Matt Hardy gets in a cheap shot on Jungle Boy from outside the ring while the referee is distracted. Back from commercial as Jungle Boy comes in with a big back elbow, followed by a dropkick to the ankles of Kassidy, and a comeback lariat! Fisherman Falcon arrow applied to Kassidy as Jungle Boy looks for a pin attempt, near fall. Kassidy comes back with a Posionrana for a two count as the crowd is loving it! Jungle Boy comes back with a Belly to Belly followed by a German Suplex. Jungle Boy has a nice waist lock on Kassidy. Kassidy quickly goes to the ropes as Jungle Boy tosses him outside the ring. Jungle Boy now into the ropes and crashes into Kassidy with a Suicide Dive in between the ropes. Mark Quinn tries to get involved as Christian throws him a few haymakers. Luchasaurus delivers a chokeslam onto Jole as Hardy tries to look for the Twist of Fate on him but is speared by Christian. Inside the ring Jungle Boy manages to apply the Snaretrap on Kassidy for the tap out and victory.
Winner: Jungle Boy (8:00)
Rating: **
Thoughts: Not too shabby of an opener. Excellent chemistry between Jungle Boy and Kassidy but this match for me felt way too short just as things were starting to pick up between the two. This felt more like pushing the ongoing feud between Jurassic Express with Christian vs HFO than anything. This match was what it was in my book.
Post-match Ricky Starks has words for Dante Martin as basically he hasn’t forgotten how Dante screwed Starks and Team Taz out of the Dynamite Diamond championship.
Another Miro video package is shown as The Redeemer promises to bring joy to his cruelty or shame in their God. So says The Redeemer!
MATCH 2: HOOK vs. Bear Bronson
Both men begin with a lookup as Bear is quickly taken down by HOOK as he tries to apply a single Boston Crab but Bear manages to reach for the ropes for a break. Bear picks up HOOK but HOOK counters and follows up with body shots and a massive headbutt. Bronson counters and sends HOOK into the corner and delivers strikes of his own. HOOK comes in with a nice sweeping STO followed up with a hammerlock Sugar Hold. Bronson gets his leg to the bottom rope for the break. Bronson gets in a cheap shot while the ref isn’t looking followed by a rake to the eyes. Bronson connects with a spike on HOOK as HOOK no-sells it to clothesline the heck out of Bronson, followed by a Northen Lights release. Nice high collar suplex by HOOK as he delivers trikes to the face of Bronson followed by the REDRUM submission move for the victory.
Winner: HOOK(4:00)
Rating: **
Thoughts: HOOK is really picking up great body definition and more bulk. I continue to be impressed to be impressed by Mr. HOOK Tom Holland. He actually does look like the Spider-Man actor a little bit. HOOK continues to look very smooth and effortless in his second outing and when compared to his first matchup, the style in which he went about facing his opener for this week was from a different approach. Well timed and just right of a showcase for HOOK.
MATCH 3: Kris Statlander vs Leyla Hirsch
Leyla is using her size and speed to her advantage early in this encounter. Statlander gets in a nice stalling standing suplex. She only gets a near fall for her efforts as she’s no behind Leyla with a chokehold. Leyla gets out and connects with an explosive dropkick. Leyla comes in with a nice spinning-grounded arm breaker as Statlander powers Leyla into the turnbuckle. Statlander tries charging at Leyla and is kicked to the head. Leyla connects with a back moonsault from the top rope followed by a running knee strike for a pin attempt. It’s only a two count as Leyla sizes her up and smacks her in the face. Shouldn’t have done that as Statlander goes into another gear with a Blue Thunder Bomb on Leyla for a near fall. Leyla gets in a German Suplex pin attempt for a near fall. Statlander with a nice high boot to Leyla’s face followed by a Spider Crab submission hold for the victory.
Winner: Kris Statlander (6:00)
Rating: **
Thoughts: Get seeing Leyla back on TNT/TBS television again as it’s been a good minute since we’ve seen her. A very good back and fourth involving excellent technical wrestling. Refreshing to see Statlander shine here as she’s proving to me little by little that she has what it takes to be a future AEW Womens’ Champion. It felt obvious who was winning here but still great storytelling in this match. Now if we can see more of Leyla Hirsch in the coming year that be pretty solid. I for one forgot she was still on the AEW Roster.
MATCH 4: TNT CHAMPIONSHIP: Sammy Guverra(c) vs Cody Rhodes
David Crockett is introduced by Justin Roberts before the main event commences. Great seeing Mr. Crockett as he’s aged quite well. Sammy comes in white hot with a drop kick to Cody followed by the GTH but Cody gets out of it in time. Sammy is coming out of the gate very fast and aggressive! It’s so bad as Cody gets out of the ring to collect himself. Double A tries to calm him down as Cody gets back in the ring. Chants of CODY SUCKS echo the arena as Cody is looking a bit rattled. Gotta say Cody has one of the prettiest stunners off the side ropes but the fans ain’t having any of it as he tries to send Sammy over the ropes. No man as Sammy counters and sends Cody out the ring as the two are brawling now. Cody eats a chop by Sammy as Sammy tries to follow up with a Shooting Star press but misses as Cody moves out the way in time. Cody takes advantage as he sends Sammy into the guard rails before bringing him back inside the ring. Cody now with a sit down hip toss, followed by a short arm scissors submission hold. Cody is putting some torque in it but Sammy isn’t letting up. Vertical Suplex connects on Sammy as Cody goes to the top rope, looking for a moonsault press but misses Sammy as we’re back from commercial break. Sammy gets in a beautiful springboard cutter on Cody for a near fall. CrossRhodes finisher is applied to Cody but Cody, sensing danger, gets out of the ring to avoid being pinned. Sammy does a 450 Splash onto Cody Rhodes from the outside! Sammy looks for a Hurricana as he’s caught by Cody! Cody throws him into the crowd and my man in the blue shirt and black pants OVERSELLS like a mofo! That needs to be a GIF of his overselling lol. Back inside the ring now as Cody is waiting for Sammy so he can apply CrossRhodes. Sammy drops to his back while trying to roll up Cody and gets a near fall! Cody comes right back and connects with CrossRhodes but Sammy kicks out! Sammy appears to be out as Cody is teasing finishing the job. Cody puts Sammy on the top turnbuckle and is thinking about a reverse suplex but Sammy lands on his feet! Sammy manages to connect with the GTH but it’s only a near fall! Wow! Sammy can’t believe it as he goes up to the top rope looking for the 630 but Cody gets his knees up in time and follows up with not 1, not 2 CrossRhodes followed by the Tiger Driver 98:for the victory! WHAT???
Winner: Cody Rhodes (14:00)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Excellent main event match! Can I say that again? An excellent main event match and with a stunning finish. Was not expecting for Cody to get the championship and before people get upset we need to remember how much the Rhodes family meant to the territories back in the day. Not justifying it but helping make sense. Wasn’t really a fan of seeing Sammy get taken out the way he did but at least you could make an argument that Sammy came off as a resilient champion.
End of Show
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