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Slimmer’s WWE SummerSlam 2020 Review

August 23, 2020 | Posted by Scott Slimmer
Roman Reigns SummerSlam Image Credit: WWE
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Slimmer’s WWE SummerSlam 2020 Review  

Welcome to 411’s WWE SummerSlam 2020 Report. We are LIVE in beautiful Orlando, Florida. Tonight’s Kickoff Show panelists are Charly Caruso, Booker T, Renee Young, JBL, and Peter Rosenberg. Young does briefly mention that tonight will be her last hurrah in WWE. They start by running down the entire card before heading to a video package for Braun Strowman vs. The Fiend. We head down to the ring where Sarah Schreiber is interviewing Andrade, Angel Garza, and Zelina Vega. Vega continues to deny poisoning Montez Ford, and Andrade guarantees that we’ll have new Raw Tag Team Champions tonight.

Next up is a video package for Mandy Rose vs. Sonya Deville followed by a video package for Bayley vs. Asuka and Sasha Banks vs. Asuka. Shayna Baszler interrupts the Kickoff Show panel to once again remind us that it doesn’t matter who wins the Raw Women’s Championship tonight, because she’s got next. We head to a video recap of Retribution’s recent actions followed by a video package for Dominik Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins.

Apollo Crews vs. MVP for the United States Championship is up next on the Kickoff Show.

Kickoff Show Match
United States Championship Match
Apollo Crews (Champion) vs. MVP
Apollo Crews vs. MVP photo Apollo_Crews_vs_MVP_Cropped_zpsodicloki.jpg

MVP takes control early and catches Crews with a knee bar, but Crews makes it to the ropes to break the hold. MVP takes Crews down to the mat in a sleeper hold, but Crews flips backwards to put MVP in a pinning predicament for a two count. Crews catches MVP with a sunset flip for another two count, so MVP heads to the outside to regroup. MVP head back into the ring but immediately eats a drop kick and an arm drag. MVP muscles Crews to the corner to force the break, so Crews whips MVP to the opposite corner. Crews charges at MVP in the corner, but MVP uses Crews’ momentum to toss him to the outside. MVP head out of the ring and slams Crews’ head into the announce table. MVP rolls Crews back into the ring, but Crews levels MVP and heads up top. MVP hits the ropes to make Crews lose his balance and then heads up top to deliver a superplex. MVP goes for a big boot, but Crews blocks and clotheslines MVP to the outside. Crews dives and takes out MVP on the outside, but both men make it back into the ring before the count of ten. Crews and MVP slug it out in the middle of the ring, and Crews works over MVP in the corner. Crews connects with a running splash in the corner and follows up with a spinebuster and a standing moonsault for a two count. Crews goes for the Toss Powerbomb, but MVP blocks. MVP goes for the Playmaker, but Crews blocks. Crews successfully hits the Toss Powerbomb, and that’s enough for the three count. Bobby Lashley and Shelton Benjamin charge down to the ring after the match, but Crews evades them and heads to the back with the title.

Match Result: Apollo Crews defeats MVP with the Toss Powerbomb.
Match Length: 6:32
Slimmer’s Rating: **½

We head to a video package for Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton, and then the Kickoff Show finishes up with Renee Young saying goodbye to WWE.

SmackDown Women’s Championship Match
Bayley (Champion) w/ Sasha Banks vs. Asuka
Bayley vs. Asuka photo Bayley_vs_Asuka_Cropped_zpsiryny28w.jpg

Bayley and Asuka lock up to start, but Asuka takes control with a drop kick to the gut. Asuka goes to work with kicks to the chest and then takes Bayley down to the mat with a modified octopus hold. Bayley gets her foot on the ropes to break the hold and heads to the apron, but Asuka connects with a low drop kick to the ankles to take Bayley off her feet. Asuka hits a hip attack between the ropes that knocks Bayley off the apron and then catches Bayley with a diving DDT off the ring steps. Asuka drags Bayley back into the ring, but Bayley drapes Asuka over the middle rope and hits a diving elbow drop to the back of the neck for a two count. Bayley delivers a suplex but only gets a two count. Bayley locks in a sleeper hold, but Asuka breaks free. Bayley lands a volley of punches, but Asuka fights back with leg kicks. Bayley hits Bayley-to-Belly, but Asuka kicks out at two. Asuka levels Bayley with a roundhouse kick, but she can’t make the cover. Asuka levels Bayley with a shoulder block and follows up with a hip attack in the corner. Asuka hits a German suplex and another hip attack for a two count. Bayley and Asuka brawl on the apron and Asuka goes for a hip attack, but Bayley catches Asuka and drops her knees-first onto the apron. Bayley rolls Asuka back into the ring and catches Asuka with a chop block to further damage the knees. Bayley locks in something that looks like an inverted figure four, but Asuka fights out and hits a Code Breaker for a two count. Asuka heads up top and goes for a diving missile drop kick, but Bayley catches Asuka by the leg and locks in another leg submission. Asuka makes it to the bottom rope to break the hold, but Bayley quickly regains control with a sunset flip into the turnbuckles. Bayley heads up top and goes for the diving elbow drop, but Asuka catches Bayley by the arm and locks in an arm bar. Bayley breaks free and Asuka goes for a hip attack with Bayley against the ropes, but Banks hops up onto the apron and takes the hip attack shot for Bayley. Bayley rolls up Asuka with an inside cradle and gets the three count. After the match, Banks and Bayley double team Asuka to cause even more damage before her match with Banks later tonight.

Match Result: Bayley defeats Asuka with an inside cradle.
Match Length: 11:43
Slimmer’s Rating: ***¼

Raw Tag Team Championship Match
The Street Profits (Champions) vs. Andrade & Angel Garza w/ Zelina Vega
The Street Profits vs. Andrade & Angel Garza photo Street_Profits_vs_Andrade_and_Garza_Cropped_zpsi9w9tt1r.jpg

Kevin Owens has joined the Raw announce team for this match. Ford and Andrade start the match, and Andrade connects with a chop to the chest. Ford dumps Andrade to the outside and dives over the top rope, but Andrade and Garza catch Ford in mid-air and double team powerbomb him onto the floor. Andrade rolls Ford back into the ring and makes the tag to Garza. Andrade positions Ford on the apron, and Garza drop kicks him to the floor. Garza drags Ford back into the ring and makes the tag to Andrade. Andrade locks in an arm bar over the top rope but breaks it before the count of five. Andrade goes back to the arm bar in the middle of the ring before making the tag back to Garza. Garza ties up Ford in the tree of woe and makes the quick tag back to Andrade so that Andrade can hit a double stomp to the chest from the top. Garza once again gets the quick tag and works over the arm before making the tag back to Andrade. Andrade goes for a clothesline, but Ford ducks and finally makes the hot tag to Dawkins. Dawkins eats a back elbow shot from Andrade but fight back with a spear. Ford and Garza get the tags, and Ford connects with a diving crossbody from the top. Ford covers Garza, but Andrade puts Garza’s foot on the ropes to save the match. Garza connects with a super kick, but Ford stumbles backward and accidentally knocks Vega off the apron. Garza tries to tag Andrade, but Andrade is on the floor checking on Vega. Ford heads up top and connects with From the Heavens for the three count.

Match Result: Montez Ford defeats Angel Garza with From the Heavens.
Match Length: 7:43
Slimmer’s Rating: **¾

No Disqualification Loser Leaves WWE Match
Mandy Rose vs. Sonya Deville
Mandy Rose vs. Sonya Deville photo Mandy_Rose_vs_Sonya_Deville_Cropped_zpsb4ho2fkm.jpg

Deville shoves Rose to start, and then the action spills to the outside. Rose tosses Deville into the barricade and then slams her face into the ring steps. Rose drags Deville to the ramp and hits a suplex on the ramp. Rose drags Deville back to ringside and once again whips her into the barricade. Rose waits for Deville to get back to her feet and levels her with a diving clothesline off the announce table. Rose retrieves a table from under the ring and sets it up at ringside. That gives Deville enough time to grab a steel chair and connects with a chair shot to the gut. Deville takes control and repeatedly slams Rose’s face into the announce table. Deville rolls Rose back into the ring and connects with a knee shot for a two count. Deville goes for a kick in the corner, but Rose catches the leg and takes down Deville for some ground and pound offense. Deville regains control with a dragon sleeper and then transitions to a triangle. Rose shifts her weight to put Deville in a pinning predicament, so Deville is forced to break the hold. Rose hits Deville with a pump knee strike and gets a two count. The action again spills to the outside, and Rose repeatedly slams Deville’s face into the announce table. Rose rolls Deville onto the table, but Deville gets off the table before Rose can mounts additional offense. Deville drags Rose into the ring, but Rose catches Deville with a three running knee strikes. Rose hits the Bed of Roses and follows up with one more running knee shot for the three count. After the match, Otis rushes down to the ring to celebrate with Rose.

Match Result: Mandy Rose defeats Sonya Deville with a running knee shot.
Match Length: 9:51
Slimmer’s Rating: ***¼

Street Fight
Dominik Mysterio w/ Rey Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins w/ Murphy
Dominik Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins photo Dominik_Mysterio_vs_Seth_Rollins_Cropped_zpsrknaaj1u.jpg

Rollins toys with Mysterio to start and catches Mysterio in a standing side head lock. Mysterio breaks free with a volley of punches and levels Rollins with a hurricanrana. Rollins regains control and stomps a mudhole in Mysterio in the corner. Rollins calls for Murphy to hand him a kendo stick, and Murphy obliges. Mysterio hits a drop kick and grabs the kendo stick. Mysterio chases Rollins around the ring, but Rollins kicks the kendo stick out of Mysterio’s hands when the head back into the ring. Rollins whips Mysterio to the corner and follows up with a suplex. Rollins locks in a modified camel clutch as he taunts Rey. Mysterio gets back to his feet and charges at Rollins, but Rollins levels Mysterio with a Sling Blade. Murphy slides a steel chair into the ring, and Rollins takes a seat while continuing to taunt Rey. Rollins goes for the Stomp off of the chair, but Mysterio evades and then drop toe holds Rollins onto the chair. Mysterio goes to work with mounted punches in the corner and then counters a buckle bomb into a hurricanrana. Mysterio hits a tornado DDT from the corner and then goes to work with kendo stick shots to Rollins. Mysterio shatters the kendo stick across Rollins’ back and then heads up top, but Rollins hits the ropes to make Mysterio lose his balance. Rollins heads up top with Mysterio, but Mysterio shoves Rollins back down to the mat. Rollins leaps back up to the top rope and hits a superplex into the Falcon Arrow for a two count. Rollins grabs a fresh kendo stick and lands several shots to the back. Murphy slides a table into the ring, and Murphy sets it up near the corner. Rollins takes Mysterio up top, but Mysterio crotches Rollins on the top rope. Mysterio grabs Rollins’ kendo stick and uses it to drive Rollins through the table. Mysterio heads back up top and hits a gorgeous frog splash for a two count. Who… who is his papi? Rollins regains control with a powerbomb and goes back to the kendo stick shots. Murphy gives Rollins a pair of handcuffs as Angie Mysterio comes out to the ramp. Rey heads up the ramp to keep Angie from getting involved, and Murphy takes the opportunity to attack Mysterio. Murphy dumps Mysterio out of the ring and tries to take out his eyes using the ring steps, but Rey makes the save. Rollins and Murphy whip Mysterio into the barricade and then handcuff Rey to the middle rope. Rollins starts to head for Angie, but Mysterio makes the save. Mysterio rolls Rollins back into the ring and hits the 619. Mysterio heads up top and goes for another frog splash, but Rollins gets his knees up. Rollins hits the Stomp right in front of Rey, and that’s enough for the three count.

Match Result: Seth Rollins defeats Dominik Mysterio with the Stomp.
Match Length: 22:35
Slimmer’s Rating: ***½

Raw Women’s Championship Match
Sasha Banks (Champion) vs. Asuka
Sasha Banks vs. Asuka photo Sasha_Banks_vs_Asuka_Cropped_zpsqxodwjof.jpg

Banks goes right after Asuka’s injured knee to start, but Asuka answers with a volley of head kicks. Banks heads to the outside to regroup, but Asuka gives chase. Asuka tries to roll Banks back into the ring, but Banks hits a spinning kick from the apron. Asuka drags Banks off the apron and into a knee bar, but Banks breaks the hold and flees back into the ring. Asuka goes for an arm bar, but Banks escapes to the apron. Banks and Asuka brawl on the apron. Asuka goes for a roundhouse kick, but Banks evades, and Asuka’s leg slams into the ring post. Banks hits a SICK sunset bomb off the apron, and Asuka SLAMS into the floor. Asuka makes it back into the ring, but Banks immediately connects with a head kick. Banks works over Asuka in the corner and goes for slingshot double knees, but Asuka catches Banks in mid-air and hits a facebuster into a knee bar. Asuka transitions to an ankle lock and then hits a DDT from the second rope. Banks rolls out of the ring, but Asuka follows her to the outside and whips her into the apron. Asuka rolls Banks back into the ring and heads up top for a diving missile drop kick for a two count. Banks fights back with a Code Breaker out of the corner and gets a two count. Banks heads up top and goes for a frog splash, but Asuka rolls out of the way. Banks and Asuka charge at each other, but Asuka catches Banks in the Asuka Lock. Banks shifts her weight into a pinning predicament for a two count and then transitions into the Bank Statement. Asuka counters into the Asuka Lock, but Banks fights out. Asuka goes for a hip attack to Banks on the apron, but unlike how Banks saved Bayley in that exact situation earlier in the night, this time Bayley decides not to sacrifice herself for her partner. Asuka locks in the Asuka Lock on Banks, and Banks has no choice but to tap.

Match Result: Asuka defeat Sasha Banks with the Bank Statement.
Match Length: 11:32
Slimmer’s Rating: ***½

WWE Championship Match
Drew McIntyre (Champion) vs. Randy Orton
Drew McIntyre vs. Dolph Ziggler photo Drew_McIntyre_vs_Randy_Orton_Cropped_zpsznfxpfy1.jpg

Orton rolls out of the ring as soon as the bell rings and makes it clear that he will be dictating the pace of this match. Orton heads back into the ring but immediately flees to the safety of the ropes when McIntyre gets too close. McIntyre chases Orton around the ring, but Orton takes control when they head back into the ring. Orton goes for a quick RKO, but McIntyre blocks. Orton goes for another quick RKO, but McIntyre again blocks before heading to the outside to regroup. McIntyre climbs back into the ring and works over Orton in the corner. McIntyre blocks a third RKO attempt, but Orton successfully posts McIntyre in the corner. McIntyre tumbles to the outside, and Orton whips him into the barricade. Orton whips McIntyre into the ring post and then drop him back-first onto the announce table. Orton suplexes McIntyre off the announce table and then rolls him back into the ring for a one count. Orton goes to work with the Garvin Stomp, and at some point McIntyre was busted open between his eyes. Orton lands a few jabs and hits the ropes, but McIntyre catches Orton with a spinebuster. McIntyre locks in the Figure Four, but Orton breaks the hold with a thumb to the eye. McIntyre gets back to his feet and connects with a stiff chop to the chest. McIntyre blocks yet another RKO attempt and levels Orton with a clothesline. McIntyre hits a belly-to-belly suplex and heads up top for a diving clothesline. McIntyre takes Orton up top and goes for a superplex, but Orton crotches McIntyre on the ropes. Orton ties up McIntyre in the tree of woe, but McIntyre pulls himself up and tosses Orton back down to the mat. McIntyre hits the Future Shock DDT, but Orton kicks out at two. It looks like Orton got busted open as well at some point. McIntyre heads up top and goes for a diving clothesline, but Orton evades and then catches McIntyre with a power slam. Orton goes for his patented rope-assisted DDT, but McIntyre counters with the Glasgow Kiss. McIntyre clotheslines Orton to the outside, and both men end up down and out on the floor. They roll back into the ring, but Orton quickly hits the rope-assisted DDT. Orton sets up for the RKO but then decides to go for the Punt instead. Orton goes for the Punt, but McIntyre counters with a powerbomb. McIntyre sets up for the Claymore, but Orton ducks. Orton goes for the RKO, but McIntyre counters into a backslide pin for the three count.

Match Result: Drew McIntyre defeats Randy Orton with a backslide pin.
Match Length: 20:39
Slimmer’s Rating: ****

Falls Count Anywhere Match for the Universal Championship
Braun Strowman (Champion) vs. The Fiend
Braun Strowman vs. The Fiend photo Braun_Strowman_vs_The_Fiend_Cropped_zpsawbn5ywj.jpg

Strowman muscles the Fiend to the corner as soon as the bell rings, but the Fiend just laughs in Strowman’s face. The Fiend hits a uranage and then wrenches on Strowman’s neck. The action spills to the outside, and the Fiend pulls a toolbox out from under the ring. The Fiend slams the toolbox into Strowman’s gut and then into his back. Strowman lands a volley of punches and then drives the Fiend through the barricade. The Fiend gets back to his feet, but Strowman choke slams the Fiend onto the announce table. The Fiend rises and slams Strowman into the ring steps, but Strowman grabs the steps and slams them into the Fiend’s face. Strowman rolls the Fiend back into the ring and splashes him in the corner. Strowman hits a running power slam, but the Fiend kicks out at two. The Fiend rolls to the outside, so Strowman whips him into the barricade. Strowman beats the Fiend up the ramp and throws him into the stage. Strowman drags the Fiend backstage, but the Fiend whips Strowman into a wall and follows up with Sister Abigail for a two count. The Fiend drags Strowman back out onto the stage and beats him down the ramp. The Fiend goes for the Mandible Claw, but Strowman blocks. Strowman whips the Fiend into the ring apron and then clubs him down to the floor for a two count. Strowman rolls the Fiend into the ring and hits a second running power slam, but the Fiend kicks out at two. Strowman rolls out of the ring and grabs a box cutter from the toolbox. Strowman heads back into the ring and uses the box cutter to cut the canvas and mat off the ring to expose the wooden base. The Fiend gets back to his feet and hits a uranage onto the exposed wood. The Fiend hits two consecutive Sister Abigails onto the exposed wood, and there’s no way Strowman can kick out of that. After the match… ROMAN REIGNS CHARGES INTO THE RING AND ATTACKS THE FIEND!!! Reigns spears Strowman on the outside and then grabs a chair and delivers a volley of chair shots to Strowman. Reigns heads back into the ring and spears the Fiend. The show ends with Roman Reigns holding the Universal Championship over the Fiend.

Match Result: The Fiend defeats Braun Strowman with Sister Abigail.
Match Length: 12:03
Slimmer’s Rating: ***

The final score: review Good
The 411
After a disappointing and frustrating outing at Extreme Rules, WWE came back strong with their first PPV in the new WWE ThunderDome. The show built steadily from beginning to end, and there were no duds or nonsensical finishes to derail the momentum. Every match delivered just about as well as expected, but none of them were outstanding. This show may have lacked any truly great matches, but it was a solid and entertaining show that was a huge improvement over Extreme Rules.

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Summerslam, Scott Slimmer