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The Triple Threat 11.06.11: The 256th Edition – Bourne’s Wellness, Foley to WWE, Roode World Champion, More

November 6, 2011 | Posted by David Martell

Topic # 1 Evan Bourne got suspended this past week for a wellness violation. How do you feel about this?

Evan Bourne Pictures, Images and Photos

David Martell: Well this was a surprise. He was one of the last people I would think to get a Wellness violation. Once again, how in the hell is Mason Ryan bypassing this system. Just look at the guy, its unnatural! I doubt Bourne did anything too hardcore. The question is, what happens to Air Boom? Will they be disbanded? Will Kofi replace Bourne till he comes back? My friend told me it would be interesting to have Brodus Clay return and take out Evan in his first match. It would work but I don’t know if they will have Bourne on the show since he already apologized for his suspension. I do like how each wrestler that has been suspended, they have apologized for their actions. I think that’s a good thing and it will keep people caring about them till they return. Personally, I feel like if you get suspended, you should lose your belt. I like Evan Bourne but this would be the best way to teach him not to do it again. WWE has been building up more tag teams of late that it wouldn’t really be a big deal if Air Boom lost the belts. They can have a rematch when Evan returns and everything will be ok. Whatever Evan Bourne got caught with, I hope he fixes his ways.

Jacob San Antonio: The rumors going around are that Bourne got busted for that synthetic marijuana, and if that’s the case I just gotta wonder if it was really worth it. I don’t make a habit of telling people what to do, but it just seems silly to me when a talent gets a wellness suspension over marijuana. It’s a risky gamble that’s costed wrestlers’ a big push more often than not. Even if the stuff was synthetic, Bourne should have seen the writing on the wall for that stuff. Personal decisions aside, this comes at a really bad time for AirBoom. They’re getting over as a legitimate tag team, and despite being pretty lonely in the tag division their existence brings hope that we will see said division expand. I don’t think this suspension is going to throw the plans for AirBoom out the window for the foreseeable future, but it won’t surprise me when they lose their titles. A boneheaded mistake in the WWE rarely affects only one person. My biggest concern right now is how Kofi is going to do in these thirty days without Bourne to work with.

Zach Brown: Well this is kind of an unfortunate surprise. This announcement came so hot off the heels of Raw that it makes me think that WWE knew he was getting suspended after Raw. So if that was happening, why couldn’t we have seen new tag champs on Monday night? It makes sense for Air Boom to drop the titles to someone like Awesome Truth. Or Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett for crying out loud! That match they had on Monday could have just been a title match and all would have been well. I would have been totally on board to see Rhodes and Barrett as tag champs. But no, that couldn’t happen. Now its incredibly likely that Air Boom will have to do some sort of vacating the titles this Monday. Either that, or we have to go one month without seeing the tag champs which I don’t think is all that worth it. I’d like to see how WWE handles this on Monday. As for Evan, it’s all around disappointing. There really have been a bunch of Wellness violations, and it makes me shake my head when good wrestlers like Bourne get busted. Hopefully this is the last violation for a long time because it is really making WWE look bad.

Topic # 2 Mick Foley made his return to a WWE ring this past week in Dublin. Your thoughts?

David Martell: It is good to see Foley finally back with the WWE. It wasn’t a shock though. I think all of us called him to return at some point. I don’t really understand all the Foley hate. Yeah, I didn’t like the stuff he did in TNA but he went their with good intentions. He wanted to make their product better. Of course he ultimately failed. I think he could play a good role in the WWE, whether it is playing an authority character, or having a match from time to time. He could become the next RAW GM and I would be perfectly fine with that. He obviously isn’t going to be wrestling full time. Hell, who wouldn’t want to see his interactions with the Rock. With the Rock Reunion show coming up, Mick Foley is the perfect person to have. I am glad Foley is back and I look forward to seeing what he does in his return to the WWE.

Jacob San Antonio: Cool stuff, but it’s actually got me questioning whether the WWE is going to fully sign on to bringing Foley back. I’d love to have him back, as I think he’s got a lot to offer outside of the ring. I’d mention commentary, but there’s a lot of talent already behind the table being ignored so I don’t think Foley’s addition will help things. I realize it’s been missing for the past couple of
months, but the door’s still open to Foley being the anonymous GM. I loved Foley as the commissioner back in the day, and I think he could hold himself well as an authoritative figure on either show. However, if Foley only made his appearance at a Dublin house show due to a convenient comedy show being close-by, I think this might have been a one time favor and nothing more. I don’t count Foley out from coming back, but for now I just can’t really say if I think he’s coming back or not.

Zach Brown: It’s about time Foley made his way back to WWE. He never should have left in all honesty. TNA was just a giant waste of time for him. He was champion in TNA when he obviously never should have been. I really couldn’t stand the storylines he was a part of, especially the backstage stuff. But none of that is his fault honestly. He’s definitely an entertaining guy, and it was TNA who didn’t give him interesting things to do. And understandably, he kind of got fed up with the company. So now, being back in WWE is the right decision for him. He makes a good authority figure that the fans love, a good special referee, and so on. I would like Foley to somehow replace Laurinitis as the GM of Raw. There’s some much needed comedy that is missing from that authority position in WWE. Lately, Triple H and Laurinitis have been playing the role so deadly serious that it’s annoying and dull. Foley should take that role and liven things up. I doubt he’ll do much in the ring, and that’s how it should stay. At this stage of his career, Foley should be paid for his personality, not for what he can do in the ring. Because for him to keep going with his style of wrestling is dangerous and unnecessary. Whatever happens, I’m excited to see Foley debut on Raw in the near future.

Topic # 3 Do you think Zack Ryder will ever become more than a mid card comedy act?

David Martell: I like where Zack Ryder is right now. He worked his way from the bottom and has gotten over on his own merit. Now he is actually in contention for the US Title. Right now he needs to keep doing what he is doing and gaining fans. People love this guy. He gets chants during RAW, he gets a lot of TV time, and he wins matches. All because he started some YouTube show. Why fix what isn’t broken. Yeah, this gimmick probably wont last forever, but its hot right now and its working. If Zack Ryder actually wins the US Title, that’s a big deal. I am digging that he has this petition to get a US Title shot. I like his use of social media and in a way, I think this has helped the WWE explore it more. I do hope Ryder become a more serious character as time goes on but he is still young and its working right now. Let him work it out on his own.

Jacob San Antonio: Did you see his match against Dolph Ziggler on Raw? Granted, some of that may be on Ziggler’s shoulders, but I think people shouldn’t be too quick to brush Ryder aside as a comedy bit. The guy’s got the drive to do whatever he sets his mind to, and if given enough opportunities he’s bound to improve in a variety of ways. Ryder is far from being even close to the top of the midcard, but he’s still young and he’s proving he can get himself over when he needs to. If he can improve his in ring skills and continue to have competitive and entertaining matches along the way, what’s stopping him from being something bigger a few years from now? The biggest mistake you can make about Ryder is comparing him to Santino. Santino has never been that great of a talent in the ring, still pretty much isn’t, but is pushed solely due to his ability to make people laugh. He’s gotten better on the mic, but his matches are still very simply affairs. Ryder is capable of more than that, and I think if you sell him short as a comedy bit you are pretty much shooting his career in the foot. Give him a chance to improve some more, and then make your judgments. I think we could see something pretty dang good come out of Ryder in the next couple of years.

Zach Brown: As much of a fan as I am of Ryder, it’s difficult to tell. Everyone got on the bandwagon of saying that Ryder is a great personality who deserves more TV time. And that’s because it was definitely true. But the thing is, Ryder was a great personality who deserved TV time because he got nearly no TV time at all. At the most, he was getting matches on Superstars and random backstage spots on Raw. Yes, a great personality and great wrestler like Ryder deserved to at least be on the Raw midcard and to one day hold a title like the IC Title or US Title. But with his current personality, I fear that the midcard is all that Ryder is destined for. The fans are behind him and he is a great wrestler, no doubt. But if he is to enter the main event one day, his character needs to take a serious turn at some point. And the question is, will WWE let him? Zack Ryder is a great wrestler that I would love to see hold the WWE title one day. He often reminds me of a young Chris Jericho with how Jericho used to sneak in funny comments and pop culture references in his promos and that’s how he got over. I want Ryder to make it to the main event, but I don’t see him making it there and keeping his current gimmick.

Topic # 4 Bobby Roode won the TNA World Title this past week. Your thoughts?

David Martell: This would have been cool if he won it at Bound for Glory but now its just stupid. They took his moment away and now this win just doesn’t mean as much. They could of went at this better. They could of built a longer storyline by build a slow turn of Roode on Storm. Of course TNA has no idea how to build quality storyline and this is the kind of shit we get out of it. Instead of building a long term storyline to hook people in, they try a quick title change to boost up the ratings for one night. With that said, I do congratulate him on his win of the TNA World Title. He does deserve it but it sucks that he didn’t get that big win at Bound for Glory.

Jacob San Antonio: I don’t think there are words to describe the look on my face when this happened. I can say there was disappointment, face-palming, and a lot of questions. I don’t have a problem with Robert Roode winning the TNA Championship in theory. In theory, he made his rise to the top recently and proved that he could be a contender for the top title. In theory, his tag partner being his roadblock to his TNA Championship reign is an exciting situation where you think you’re going to get an emotional, top notch match. In theory, these events don’t sound too bad. In execution, I’m just about ready to video tape action figures wrestling and start my own wrestling league. For TNA to give Roode the title now reeks of backpedaling backed with a huge helping of “I missed the point.” There’s nothing wrong with Roode bouncing back from his BFG Series defeat, climbing his way back to the top and proving to everyone that he is, in fact, champion material. There’s a ton wrong when Rooder’s partner beats Angle days later, and then promptly loses his new title to Roode in a matter of weeks. It cheapens the belt, it’s sabotaging both Roode and Storm’s credibility as champions, and it’s yet another chapter in TNA’s book of horrible, brain dead mistakes. I want to wish to Roode congratulations on finally getting that belt. I also want to wish him the best in whatever mess is about to come his way. If TNA’s recent booking is any indication, I wouldn’t be surprised if somehow Dixie Carter won the title from Roode after pinning Samoa Joe in a submission-only match. Gah, I want to hit my head on something.

Zach Brown: Well the right decision finally happened, but with way too much stupid drama. At the end of the day, it made both James Storm and Robert Roode look bad. What was the point of all that stupid shuffling of the title around? It would have been much more worthwhile if Robert Roode won the title from Kurt Angle at Bound for Glory. Essentially, the whole storyline says that Bobby Roode can’t beat Kurt Angle, but James Storm can. And then James Storm can’t defend against Bobby Roode. Wow. And the point of all this was? It was as if Hogan got things how he wanted with Storm becoming TNA World Champion, but then TNA realized they should have gone with their original plan and made Roode champion. All of it seems like TNA has no idea what they are doing with their main event scene. And now AJ Styles is challenging instead of James Storm. Again, where is the sense here? I like AJ as much as the next guy, but if you are going to subject us to some of the most non-sensical title swapping in the last few years, at least keep James Storm in the main event for a while longer. It all just makes me shake my head.

Topic # 5 CM Punk and Chris Jericho have been taking pot shots at each other recently. Would you like to see this bring back Jericho to the WWE?

Chris jericho Pictures, Images and Photos

David Martell: IT is hard to tell if Jericho is just being a total jackass or if he is actually fueling the fire for his possible return. I would love for Jericho to come back and feud with Punk. It might just give us the best back and forth promos we have ever seen and that excites me. Jericho coming back as a disgruntled wrestler who is pissed at everyone “stealing” from him would be a change of character and something interesting to watch. Jericho is always better as a heel and this would suit him. This could also bring back great CM Punk promos that haven’t been around for some time now. This could set up a great Wrestlemania feud if they do decide to go in this direction. Or Chris Jericho is just being a total ass. He could just be jealous of the push CM Punk got. Maybe he is jealous that he never got quite as over as Punk did. Who knows. Either way, its interesting and hopefully he does make his return to the WWE once again.

Jacob San Antonio: Until this topic was presented to me, I did not want to see Jericho back in time for Wrestlemania. I think it’d be cutting it way too close for him to come back within the next month or two, and expect to develop an interesting Wrestlemania-level feud in that short amount of time. However, I am willing to risk that if it means he faces CM Punk. I do not say this as Captain Smark, lover of all wrestlers formerly Indie, but as someone who wants CM Punk to keep his distance from HHH. Regardless of how a possible Punk/HHH feud would develop now, it would end in Punk losing to HHH at Wrestlemania, and that’s just unacceptable. It’s not a matter of win/loss records, it’s a matter of who needs the reputation. HHH needs no introduction, he has forged himself into an icon over the years (albeit some might say unfairly), and he gains absolutely nothing by defeating Punk. Punk, while still one of the top draws of the show, needs to regain some momentum after the travesty that was the HHH/Punk/Nash/Laurinaitis/Vince/Steph smorgasbord. He’s not losing his appeal, mind you, but the last thing he needs is another run with that veteran that loves going on the mic and burying everyone else on the roster. If Jericho came back and started a feud with Punk, I’m all for it. They’re both talented talkers, and you could have so many weeks where neither of them wrestle but just berate each other that by the time their match finally does come up the crowd is white hot for it. I still think if he came back now it’d be awkward timing, but if Jericho’s return ensured Punk’s escape from HHH, I will deal with it and smile.

Zach Brown: I can’t really tell if these interactions are actual put-downs and signs of disrespect, or if they are just working to generate buzz. I did get a big kick out of CM Punk saying on Raw that he should “get a cheap suit, frost his hair, and completely sell out.” Totally genius. CM Punk seems to definitely be getting the better of Jericho. Maybe this is Punk’s attempt at getting Jericho to come back earlier than expected? Who knows. I remember back when Miz and Jericho would talk trash to each other for a good length of time on Twitter, but then at one point, they were acting like best buds on screen. So it may all be just jokes amongst professionals. But what I do know is that Punk and Jericho have had great chemistry in the ring. I have always loved the random but great matches they have had on Raw in the past. It makes me feel confident that a full blown feud between them would be the best feud of the year. Both of them are phenomenal on the mic, and they can do even better things in the ring. I would totally be on board with this if it happened.


Our thoughts on Brodus Clay.

David Martell: I am really digging these promo video for Brodus Clay. I always like Brodus Clay. He is a great wrestler for his size. He kind of reminds me of a fatter Taz. He isn’t the best on the mic but he’s one of those wrestlers who doesn’t need to talk often or be better with a mouth piece. I feel like they are going to give him one of those pushes that briefly bring him into the main event. Maybe going against the likes of John Cena or Randy Orton. Although I don’t think that would be good right now since Mark Henry is currently playing that position. I am sure we will get week after week of him squashing people until he actually has a legitimate feud. Maybe he can feud with Daniel Bryan. After all, Bryan needs a feud and it would look good for him going into next year defeating someone who is getting a monster push. I have a feeling Brodus Clay will be around for quite some time.

Jacob San Antonio: Not much to say about Brodus Clay, other then that he’s soon to return. Yay. I enjoyed Brodus and his through NXT. He’s got the monster style of a big man, but the guy can really move in the ring. Speed and power rarely get packaged together with monster-type wrestlers, so every match Brodus has been in has been a bit eye opening for me. He’s capable of some great stuff in the ring, though he’s still got some work to go in terms of mic ability. That said, when you have a unique look that screams “I am going to get violent with you, and you are not going to enjoy it” you can sometimes go without skills on the mic. Just look at Mark Henry. Who cares what he says after he demolishes his opponent; he just demolished his opponent and that is frightening. My concern with Clay will be where to fit him on the card for either Raw or Smackdown. If he comes back as a heel, which I imagine he would, he really needs a shot on his own and not as Del Rio’s lackey again. You gotta take the training wheels off at some point, and see how well you can ride the bike. I can’t really say if Brodus is going to be a smash success in a place like the WWE, but he’s got enough physical ability to take him far in the business.

Zach Brown: I’m excited for Brodus Clay’s return to Raw, because they have been building him as if to tell you that he will eat your children. This guy looks scary. They are building him very well, even just through these video packages. I think he could be a solid replacement for the void that Umaga left behind. He looks like a solid and scary big man who can do impressive things in the ring. We’ll have to wait and see what kind of treatment Brodus will get these next coming weeks on Raw, but I am excited. I’m expecting they run some sort of undefeated streak with him, because who looks like they could beat him aside from the top men in the company? At first, I didn’t understand why they took him off Raw for a while, but in the end, it’s good that they separated him from Alberto Del Rio. ADR is his own man, he has the title, and he doesn’t need a bodyguard. Brodus works better on his own because he looks like an already dominant force in WWE. For now, I think Brodus Clay has a very bright future.

That is all for this week. Fell free to comment at the bottom of the page and have a great week in wrestling. CYA!

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David Martell