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The Undertaker Names His Dream Survivor Series Team

July 25, 2024 | Posted by Andrew Ravens
The Undertaker Farewell Survivor Series WWE Image Credit: WWE

On the latest episode of Six Feet Under, The Undertaker talked about his dream Survivor Series team, Razor Ramon, and more. You can check out some highlights below:

On his dream Survivor Series team that he would captain: “So there’s five of us. I hate when I have to think of like, several people right off the cuff… We’ll take Kane, Stone Cold (Steve Austin), Andre (The Giant)… I’m in it to win it, brother. This ain’t a beauty pageant? I got one more. Just to make things right, Koko B. Ware. [laughs] Full circle moment right there. I came all the way back, I’d make it right… And if Koko wasn’t available, I’d probably take either Shawn (Michaels) or Triple H probably. If Koko couldn’t make it.”

On Scott Hall not wanting his arm crossed after taking the tombstone: “Yeah. So we were doing double shots, so we had two shows that day. And the first show was in Scranton, and then the night show was going to be in Philadelphia. And he stiff-arms me in Scranton, right? And I get backstage, and I’m like, ‘Dude, what’s up with the arms?’ And he goes, like, ‘Well, I don’t wanna look like Jabrone.’ I’m like, ‘Dude, I beat everybody by crossing their arms. It’s part of the gimmick.’ He’s still kind of hmm-hawing, kind of gloom and doom about the whole deal. Somebody got in his ear by the time we got to Philadelphia about, ‘Yeah, he should probably cross his arms.’

“So I had already decided what I was going to do in Philadelphia. ‘If you’re not gonna cross your arms, I’m gonna pin you with one finger.’ That was what my plan was. So I don’t know, maybe Curt Henning probably got in his ear. So I spiked him that night, we’re in the Spectrum and boom, I give him a spike. And as I’m getting ready to put my finger on his chest, he threw his arms up by himself. So I didn’t have to.”

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit Six Feet Under an h/t to 411mania.com for the transcription.