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Winfree’s MLW: Fusion (Ep. 159) Review 12.15.22

December 15, 2022 | Posted by Robert Winfree
MLW: Fusion Image Credit: MLW
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Winfree’s MLW: Fusion (Ep. 159) Review 12.15.22  

Hey there people, we’re back in the land of MLW again. Tonight our big match is Davey Richards trying for his first defense of the National Openweight title against Dragon Gate’s SB Kento. The budding feud between Alexander Hammerstone and EJ Nduka is likely to continue in some capacity, Mance Warner continues to call out Mads Krugger.

We get a recap of the brawl between Hammerstone and Nduka from last week before the intro hits.

Commentary runs down the matches for tonight, and I’ll remind you all we’re still dealing with the Super Series tapings from September.

Match #1: Cosmos vs. Star Roger

They circle to start, then trade arm wringers and escapes before Roger grabs a side headlock and hits a shoulder block. Some rope running and a few escapes then a double drop kick and a stand off. Cosmos with a bit of a cheap shot then he hits the ropes but Roger tries an Oklahoma roll then Cosmos counters into a crucifix pin for a 2 count. Suplex from Cosmos gets another 2 count. Cosmos up to the top rope for a diving sunset roll through then he lands a knee strike. Roger winds up out of the ring then Cosmos hits a suicide dive. Cosmos sends Roger back into the ring, then plays with the fans long enough to let Roger hits his own suicide dive. Some ringside brawling from Roger and they head back into the ring as we get a cut. We come back and I don’t think we missed much. Cosmos flips out of a back suplex, then they trade trips until Cosmos hits a slingshot drop kick to a downed Roger for a 2 count. Wheel kick from Roger lands and he takes over. Corner chops from Rogerm but Cosmos avoids a running chop and lays in chops of his own to Roger. Roger lands a kick then kicks Cosmos into the second rope so he can follow up with a drop kick and a German suplex for a 2 count. Cosmos fights back with a boot and a modified hurricanrana. Corner punches from Cosmos, then Roger shoves him down but just waits around for Cosmos to jump up onto the ropes with him. Roger then hits Cosmos with a release second rope gordbuster but when he goes for a double springboard moonsault to follow up Cosmos rolls away and Roger eats canvas so both men are down. Cosmos fires up with a series of clotheslines and kicks then hits a satellite DDT but only gets a near fall. A flurry of strikes from Roger then a rolling neckbreaker for a 2 count. They start trading strikes on their knees and fight up then trade elbows. Super kick from Roger, but he runs into a Spanish Fly for a 2 count. Botched Code Red from Cosmos gets a 2 count, but he lands a pump kick after that. Cosmos goes up top, but Roger meets him there and hits a top rope Spanish Fly to get the pin.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Star Roger won in 10:20

Rating: 2.5 stars

Acceptable match, I’m a little surprised it got over 10 minutes, and boy was the crowd dead for this one. I think in the original taping this went on last so that might help account for a slightly disinterested crowd but I have to point it out if nothing else.

We get a medical update on Hammerstone after the fall last week, apparently Hammerstone needed 52 stitches to close the cut under his lip. We get a video of EJ Nduka in a parking lot, he wonders how Hammerstone tackled him but wound up knocking himself out. Hammerstone’s now got a big hole in his face because he doesn’t know how to tackle. Let the Judge do the spears, and the gavel has taken out the hammer. That’s actually a pretty good line. EJ promises to become world champion.

The Samoan Swat Team are in the back, they need the titles and Lance tells Juicy to lock it up. Jacob Fatu walks in and encourages them in their quest for gold. Lance responds by reminding Fatu that he’s the longest reigning MLW World champion. Fatu says they’ve got each other and it’s time to make some moves.

Mads Krugger video now, he says Battle Riot was his chance to finish what he started with Hammerstone, but Mance Warner cost him that. Mance should have stayed away, and now the Black Hand is hunting him.

Mance Warner video, he’s in the woods hunting the biggest nastiest thing he can find, Doc Gallows also known as Mads. Mance finds Microman with a butterfly net. Microman decides to come along with Mance on his hunt.

Promo from Lady Flammer, she calls herself the best and most beautiful and warns Taya that her title is coming back with Flammer. That match will be next week. As will a tables match between Mance Warner and Mads Krugger.

Video of Alex Kane talking about the Opera Cup, now it’s the Bomaye Cup of the Gods. Kane says he runs things, there wont be a tournament. Instead we’ll get the Bomyaye Cup tournament, and everyone else will get a participation trophy. Then he yells bomaye, because that’s mostly what he does. Not a bad promo but nothing interesting or memorable either.

Back to the ring for our main event.

Match #2 – MLW National Openweight Title Match: (c) Davey Richards vs. SB Kento

They circle, then Kento tries a single leg, switches to a front headlock and Richards counters into one of his own then gets a hammerlock and Kento heads into the ropes for a break. Cheap shot from Kento on the break and he takes over with strikes in the corner. They hit the ropes and Richards lands a drop kick leading to Kento taking a powder then jumping Richards and choking him with his shirt. They head out of the ring and Kento lays in strikes as they engage in some ringside brawling. They head to the apron and Richards blocks a suplex then Kento switches to hit an apron DDT. That sends us to a break.

We come back to Kento landing stomps in the corner then hitting a nice sliding drop kick. Kento ties up Richards in the ropes and tears at his face before giving an evil laugh. Kento calls on Richards for a striking exchange, and Richards obliges but Kento then rakes the eyes. Richards tries to fight off a powerbomb, and eventually does so with a back body drop then he counters a roll up attempt from Kento with a double stomp. They start trading strikes again, then Richards starts laying in kicks to gain momentum then hits the Dragon Screw leg whip through the ropes. Richards goes up top but misses a double stomp, then ties up the Trailer Hitch. Kento crawls to the ropes and is able to get there after a bit. Richards tries a brainbuster but Kento slips free and they trade counters before Kento lands a knee strike and a super kick to set up a rebound bridging German suplex for a 2 count. Nice sequence. Kento heads up top but takes a little too long getting there and Richards climbs up with him. They fight on the top rope, eventually Richards his a superplex then covers for 2 and turns the kick out into an Ankle Lock but Kento slips free then eats a punt kick but he no sells and fires up. Strikes from Kento but he runs into a roundhouse kick and a German suplex. Richards with a clothesline, then a brainbuster but again only 2, this time Richards gets the Ankle Lock again on the kick out. Richards sits with the hold and cranks it down, forcing the tap.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Davey Richards retained the title in 10:30

Rating: 3 stars

We lost a little bit during that break, the original match time was a little over 11 minutes. Still, a fun little match between these two and I was rather impressed with Kento as this was my first exposure to him.

Richards poses with the belt, then tries to get the crowd to chant for Kento with mixed results. The two wrestlers kneel and share a bow then a hand shake.

Post match interview for Richards, he says he became better because of his time in Japan wrestling guys like Kento and he can’t wait to see more of what Dragon Gate can send to MLW. Richards says he and Alex Kane are meant to do this forever, calling Kane a disgrace before warning he’s coming for his Cup, the blood of Kane, and he’s love to devour Kane’s soul.

Mance Warner and Microman give us a wholesome close as they’re hunting butterflies together.

The final score: review Not So Good
The 411
I went back and forth on this one with the rating, we only had two matches but the main event was solid enough. Minimal story advancement though, which is kind of a bummer and definitely knocks it down a few pegs. Ultimately I settled on not quite Average given the first match being overlong filler and the episode not advancing much beyond what we got in the main event.

article topics :

MLW: Fusion, Robert Winfree