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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 2.03.23

Well everyone, it’s time for another episode of WWE Smackdown. This week, boy this week could be a doozy. I’m sure you all know what happened at the Royal Rumble and the fallout starts hot and heavy here. No word yet on the status of Sami Zayn but if he’s going to show up it will be on Smackdown sooner or later, but we do know Undisputed WWE Universal champion Roman Reigns will be here tonight. Our Tribal Chief is set to address the Sami Zayn situation, plus begin building and discussing his WrestleMania match with Cody Rhodes. More immediately though, there’s the looming question of Jey Uso. Jey bailed on the beatdown of Sami Zayn at the Rumble and while logic suggest he’ll be back in the Bloodline fold before Mania, how exactly we get there will be interesting. Roman and Jey proved they have darn good chemistry be it in the ring or on the mic when Roman first recruited Jey to the cause, and how Roman lures him back intrigues me. On the in ring side of things we’ve got a Smackdown women’s title match between Charlotte Flair and Sonya Deville (yawn), Shayna Baszler vs. Shotzi vs. Zelina Vega vs. Natalya for a spot in the women’s Elimination Chamber match, and the finals of the tag team tournament when Imperium’s Giovanni Vinci and Ludwig Kaiser battle Braun Strowman and Ricochet. Other lingering threads include what Bray Wyatt will be up to now that he beat LA Knight, Drew McIntyre and Sheamus taking issue with the Viking Raiders, and what specifically is on the horizon for Intercontinental champion Gunther after his MVP performance at the Rumble. Well that’s the preamble folks, let’s get to the action.
First a recap of the end of the Rumble PPV, which remains one of the best bits of wrestling in years.
Kayla is outside the arena waiting for the Bloodline, and here they come. Jimmy, Solo, Paul Heyman, and Roman Reigns. Roman just ignores Kayla’s questions about Jey Uso and walks by, but here’s Paul Heyman. Heyman can’t believe such a warm hearted person would ask such a cold question. There is no update on Jey, but he does thank her for wearing the Bloodline color of red.
Michael Cole and Wade Barrett welcome us to the show, no McAfee? I’m hurt, because I like McAfee. Though putting Rick Boogs on RAW does ruin some of the potential fun.
Out first, here come Braun Strowman and Ricochet.
Match #1 – Tag Team Match: Imperium (Giovanni Vinci and Ludwig Kaiser) w/ Gunther vs. Braun Strowman and Ricochet
As a reminder, the winner of this match will win this tournament and get a shot at the Usos tag team titles. Vinci and Braun get us going. They tie up, and Braun shoves Vinci around. Kaiser tags in, leading to a misdirection but Braun still prevails and all of Imperium hold a conference outside the ring. Ricochet tags in to face off with Kaiser, he grabs a side headlock then they hit the ropes with Ricochet landing a dropkick. Kaiser lands a right hand, then eats a jawbreaker. Vinci distracts Ricochet allowing Kaiser to hit an uppercut. Braun heads down to run over Vinci then gets in the face of Gunther to argue before Kaiser dives at him but Braun catches Kaiser, then Vinci tries a top rope cross body, he kind of overshoots Braun and Kaiser but lands enough to get the sell from Braun as we go to break.
Vinci posts Braun as we come back, Kaiser tags in and Braun takes then tandem kicks through the ropes. Kaiser works to keep Braun grounded then tags in Vinci. Braun works to his feet and tries to power towards Ricochet, eventually he gets there and tags out. Ricochet gets to run wild on Vinci for a bit including a standing Shooting Star Press for a 2 count. Vinci fights back and posts Ricochet then tags in Kaiser but Ricochet avoids the double team kicks and hits a handspring back elbow. Braun knocks Vinci off the apron to set up an assisted dive with Ricochet onto Kaiser and Vinci. Gunther and Ricochet shove each other, which the ref sees and then ejects Gunther. Now Gunther trash talks Braun as he’s leaving, Braun follows Gunther and the ref is distracted setting up a double team on Ricochet for 2 as we head to break.
We come back to Ricochet and Kaiser trading strikes. Uppercut from Kaiser, then Ricochet counters with a knee strike. Vinci tags in and Ricochet takes some tandem offense for a 2 count. Vinci wants the Imperial Bomb, but Ricochet fights free and kicks Kaiser. Kaiser tags out and we get the tossing brainbuster from Kaiser to Vinci but here’s Braun to break up the pin. Braun wants the hot tag, Kaiser tags in but Ricochet gets to Braun and Braun starts running over Kaiser. Vinci bounces off of Braun after a springboard crossbody, Kaiser lands an uppercut but Braun comes off the ropes with a clothesline. Braun wants the Monster Bomb, he hits it and tags in Ricochet. Ricochet goes up to the shoulders of Braun, hits a Swanton Bomb off the shoulders and gets the pin.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Braun Strowman and Ricochet won
Rating: 3 stars
A little disjointed because of the commercial breaks, but the action was mostly solid. Shame that Imperium lose again, though if the Usos are still going to lean heel it makes sense to put good guys against them.
Up next, a video recap of Rhea Ripley winning the women’s Rumble match and deciding to challenge Poochie at Mania.
In the back Kayla interviews Poochie, who claims Mania will be epic. She’s focused on Sonya Deville tonight, and here’s Sonya to interrupt. Sonya insults the crowd, then says Hollywood needs a star like Sonya Deville. Charlotte laughs at that, like the rest of us, then they mercifully end the segment. That sends us to break, with the promise of another video recap afterwards.
We come back and do get the promised video recap, this one about an incident in NASCAR when Judgement Day confronted Rey Mysterio and New Day during a photo shoot for the NASCAR event leading to a race, a very visibly slow race which Rey narrowly wins over Dominik. I appreciate product synergy but boy was that a waste of time.
Oh joy, we’re following that up with Poochie’s title defense after this break. So we used an entire segment on that fake race. Poorly thought layout.
Post break, here comes Charlotte and her sweetened crowd noise. Kind of a shame they’re faking it here because there does seem to be a positive Charlotte contingent here in South Carolina.
Match #2 – Smackdown Women’s Title Match: (c) Charlotte Flair vs. Sonya Deville
Some stalling early, I guess they’re really hard up for time this episode. Charlotte with a shoulder tackle and poses. Mat return from Charlotte then she grabs an arm wringer. Sonya grabs the hair and tries her own arm wringer, Charlotte counters then boots Sonya through the ropes. Charlotte up top, hits a crossbody for a 2 count. Sonya avoids a corner rush, then Charlotte sends Sonya to the apron and lands an elbow. Hair pull from Sonya, this counts as taking over as we head to break.
Sonya with a few kicks as we come back, Charlotte then avoids one and covers for 2. Another kick from Sonya, then a chin lock making very sure she’s facing the hard cam. Charlotte fires up with strikes, they lose their spot for a moment then Charlotte slams Sonya into the corner. Kick from Sonya, then Charlotte decides to ignore that and land strikes. Back suplex from Charlotte then she goes after the leg of Sonya. Big Boot from Charlotte gets a near fall, and audibly consults with the ref about the time left. Sonya avoids a boot and snaps Charlotte’s leg across the ropes. Pump kick from Sonya, only a 2 count to near silence. Charlotte fights back with a backbreaker, misses a boot, takes a really awkward kick then she has to remind Sonya where they are in the match. Sonya with a flying knee for 2. Now Sonya things about a Figure Four, Charlotte counters with a small package and Sonya botches the kick out but the ref knows that wasn’t the finish. Step over clothesline from Charlotte, she’s yet to actually measure that move properly. Charlotte goes up top, tries a moonsault but Sonya with the legs up to block, then a school boy with the ropes but only 2. Sonya tries another Figure Four, Charlotte counters into the Figure Eight and Sonya taps.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Charlotte Flair retained the title
Rating: 1.5 stars
Too long by half, kind of heatless, sloppy in more than a few places, and more than a little disjointed. There was no chance of Sonya winning here, several places where they mistimed things, Charlotte has a few moves she likes to do but can’t land them consistently, and Sonya’s work has never been anything to write home about.
Next a recap of Cody Rhodes winning the Rumble.
Roman Reigns is in his locker room, he asks Jimmy where his brother is. Jimmy hasn’t heard from Jey at all. Roman finds that disrespectful, Jey walks out on them but doesn’t care enough to communicate. They’ve got a title match next week, and here’s Jey walking out on his obligations. Roman asks again, has Jimmy talked to Jey. Jimmy repeats, he hasn’t heard from him but Jey will be there next week because they’re brothers. Roman wants to know if Jey will be there for the entire Bloodline, and asks Solo if he’s talked with Jey. Jimmy says Jey hasn’t talked to anyone. Roman tries to impress upon them the seriousness of this, it’s WrestleMania season, and he sends Jimmy and Solo to find Jey.
Back to the ring, here comes the Brawling Brutes, they’ll take on the Viking Raiders. Well, allegedly at least as I’d bet on Drew and Sheamus getting involved. We get a Kofi Kingston highlight to send us to break.
Post break here come the Viking Raiders.
Match #3 – Tag Team Match: Brawling Brutes (Butch and Ridge Holland) vs. Viking Raiders (Erik and Ivar) w/ Valhalla
Ivar and Butch get us going, Ivar backs him into a corner. Butch with some strikes, Ivar doesn’t appreciate that and shoves him back then unloads with strikes. Hard whip into the buckle from Ivar then he tags in Erik. Butch fights back with a kick then goes for the fingers of Erik but Erik counters only for Ridge to tag in. Ridge with a flying shoulder block, Erik hits an elbow and they fight over a suplex spot with Ridge landing one. Butch back in, he and Ridge with some Bodhran beating to Erik. Butch tries to dive, but misses and gets distracted by Valhalla allowing Erik to slam him into the barricade and lay him out with a forearm to send us to break.
Butch attacks the fingers of Erik then tags in Ridge. Ridge with an exploder suplex, then another one. Arm trap belly to belly from Ridge, you’d think he’d retire that one. Ridge tries to fire up to zero reaction, he runs into a knee and Ivar tags in. Ivar tries a piledriver, Ridge powers up and hits an Alabama Slam for a 2 count. Back elbows from Ivar, Butch with a blind tag and kicks Ivar to save Ridge. Erik tags in, eats an enziguri then turns Butch over with a clothesline. Knee from Erik gets a 2 count. Ivar tags back in, they set for the avalanche World’s Strongest Slam, Ridge tries to get involved but Erik slams him into the barricade. Meanwhile Butch hits a top rope hurricanrana to Ivar for a near fall. Butch goes up top, Ivar blocks a moonsault and hauls Butch up onto his back, Butch tries a choke but Erik tags in and clubs Butch down. Ridge charges Ivar and runs into a wheel kick. Ivar tags in, Ragnarok to Butch and we’re done.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Viking Raiders won
Rating: 2.5 stars
Perfectly acceptable match, poor Butch has to do so much work in these matches you’d like to think there’s something in the pipe for him in the near future.
Post match here come Drew McIntyre and Sheamus, they brawl with Erik and Ivar on the entrance stage with Drew and Sheamus standing tall.
Now a recap of the Mountain Dew Pitch Black match. I actually dig the idea they were going for here but I think it actually needed a smaller venue, a big crowd and venue struggled to pick up all the details. Also Howdy missing that dive by comical margins.
Bray Wyatt is in the back in his chair, he says nothing but Uncle Howdy walks up then jump scares the camera.
To the ring, here comes Shotzi as she’ll be in the Fatal 4-Way to determine one of the participants in the upcoming Elimination Chamber match. That match will be up after this break.
Match #4 – Fatal 4-Way Match: Shotzi vs. Natalya vs. Zelina Vega vs. Shayna Baszler
Natalya and Baszler go right after each other. Shotzi wants to attack Baszler as well, she and Natalya eject Baszler. Vega trips up Shotzi then ties up with Natalya. Missed kick from Vega leads to a two count. Natalya avoids a discus clothesline, hits a Code Red but only 2 as Baszler breaks up the pin. Gutwrench from Baszler then she hits a backbreaker on Shotzi. Baszler goes after the arm of Shotzi, but Natalya attacks her from behind. Vega gets clotheslined hard on the floor by Baszler, then Baszler with the seated knee strike to Natalya for a 2 count and we get a commercial break.
Baszler and Shotzi are trading strikes as we come back, Shotzi winds up getting the better of things then sets for a dive, hitting the heat seeker suicide dive. Vega then hits a moonsault onto both of them. Natalya finds the pile of bodies, decides to bring Shotzi back into the ring. Sharpshooter from Natalya but here’s Vega with a bulldog to break it up. Shotzi with a Tiger Suplex to Vega, but Baszler drops Shotzi with a German suplex. Kirifuda Clutch to Vega, Vega fades but here comes Natalya to break things up. Natalya with the Sharpshooter to Vega who taps.
Rating: 2 stars
Kind of heatless with no one here having any kind of momentum, the winner being clearly just a body to fill out the Chamber match. That said it was a lot cleaner in terms of execution than Charlotte and Sonya.
In the back Paul Heyman has bad news for Roman, Jey’s phone just goes to voice mail. Jimmy and Solo are here, they couldn’t get ahold of Jey either. Roman, displeased, doesn’t understand. Of all the times of the year for this to happen. Things were going so well, the Bloodline was a well oiled machine. Roman has a ton of stress, the burden of the position he holds is tremendous. He’s being pulled in different directions, but he loves Jimmy and Solo and apologizes for speaking the way he did. Roman needs them, he needs the Bloodline to be strong, because if they’re not then all of this goes away. Heyman had catering sent to their bus, he says Jimmy and Solo should go eat, Roman will handle business in the ring. Again he says he needs Jimmy and Solo, Jimmy appreciates that and he and Solo head out. After this break Roman will have promo time.
Post break, here come Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman. Some serious boos for Roman as he gets the mic from Heyman, they switch to “Sami” chants. Roman tells Greenville to acknowledge him, which they do. More “Sami” chants as Roman paces just a bit. Roman was going to ask who the fans want to hear about, but it seems obvious. He’d rather talk about Cody Rhodes, you know, the guy that won the Royal Rumble, someone who deserves his attention. But the simple people want him to talk about the past. Alright then, Roman will talk about Sami but you’re going to hear his side this story. In order to hear his side of the story we have to head back to War Games. Roman told the whole world he saw everything he needed to see in Sami’s eyes that night, he saw greed. He saw the same thing he always sees, everyone around him wants from him, everyone wants something from Roman. So he gave Roman the opportunity of a lifetime, but all Sami did was use Roman, use the Bloodline, and use the Island of Relevancy. No different from anyone else, everyone just wants to take from Roman. Sami interrupts this with an attack from behind. Roman and Sami brawl for a bit, Roman landing some knees to the head, he then tells Heyman to get him a chair. Heyman obliges but Sami is able to hit a Spear. Sami gets the chair but Roman evades and retreats. Sami gets a mic, he says Roman is wrong about him, he never wanted anything from Roman until now. Now Sami wants the titles that Roman holds. But here are Jimmy and Solo, Jimmy with a super kick to Sami. Jimmy and Solo unload on Sami and Solo crushes Sami with a Samoan Spike. They go for the chair assisted hip attack, but Roman stops Solo. Roman takes the chair away from Sami’s neck. The crowd chants for Jey Uso, and Roman says Sami broke up his family. Roman gave Sami a chance to to be family and Sami repaid him with betrayal. Well Roman will give him what he wants, he’ll fight Sami in Montreal and he’s repaying Sami by breaking him in front of his family. All of Sami’s friends, family, his wife, his kid, all of them get to witness Roman show what happens when you mess with the Bloodline. OK, I can’t express how much I appreciate Roman going this direction, he’s not running, he’s not avoiding, he wants to repay Sami in kind for what he perceives as having happened to him. Roman poses to end the show.
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