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Taika Waititi Teases ‘Over the Top’ Script For Thor: Love & Thunder

Taika Waititi says that as it currently stands, Thor: Love & Thunder has quite the script. Waititi did a live watch party of Thor Ragnarok with Tessa Thompson on his Instagram account (per JoBolo) and weighed in on where the script’s at so far.
“It’s so over the top now in the very best way,” the writer-director said. “It makes Ragnarok seem like a really run of the mill, very safe film…this new film feels like we asked a bunch of 10 year olds what should be in a movie and just said yes to everything.”
Waititi also talked about Korg returning for the film, which sounds like an an example of the kind of over the top he’s talking about. “We do touch on Korg’s — how should I say it? — culture,” he said. “Where he’s from…a few of the cultural specificities of Kronans…if you look in the comics there’s some stuff about how they procreate”
As to what he’s talking about, Kronans are an enitrely male species, without any female counterpart. They reproduce by holding hands and standing in a lava bed for three days, after which an infant grows and develops. It’s worth noting that Waititi said that the film is on its fourth or fifth draft, and thus not finished by any measure. So whether we’ll actually see discussion of Korg’s biological drive is not yet certain.
Thor: Love & Thunger will star Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tessa Thompson, Christian Bale, and Waititi himself as the voice of Korg. It is set to release on February 18th, 2022.