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FTR On Who Had Their Backs in WWE, Why Their Feuds Went Nowhere, Say They Wanted to Do ‘Ucey Hot’ Segment

June 16, 2020 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
The Revival The Revolt Cash Wheeler, Dax Harwood FTR WWE Image Credit: WWE

During their appearance on the Jim Cornette Experience, FTR spoke with Cornette about who stuck up for them backstage in WWE and the famous “Ucey Hot” segment with the Usos. Cornette asked if the team had anyone backing them up backstage and Dax Harwood said that there were a ton of people, both agents and in-ring performers, who spoke up for them including some of the top names like Roman Reigns, Randy Orton and more who specifically asked to work with them. However, he noted how those feuds would go nowhere because there would be no follow up and they would vanish off TV and that even their more extended run with Orton was only due to Orton arguing for it every week.

Harwood also talked about their feud with the Usos, which drew considerable attention because the Usos were embarrassing them regularly in segments that drew speculation that WWE was trying to humiliate them over their desire to leave the company. Harwood noted that they wanted to do the “Ucey Hot” segment but that the feud was undercut when they got pulled from it and paired with Shane McMahon for a bit, then put back with the Usos after the angle had cooled. You can check out highlights and the full podcast featuring FTR below:

On who had their back in WWE: “Oh man, Jim. There were a ton of guys and it was, you know, not just tag teams. Arn told us, and Fit Finlay told us that every single producer on every live event had rave reviews for our matches. And then we would have opportunities with top guys on TV. And they would — we would watch them. We would watch Roman Reigns, we watched Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy. We watched the greatest wrestler they have there right now, we watched Randy Orton. We watched them all go up to Vince after matches and bring us over, and say, ‘We want to work with these guys.'”

On fans not looking at the whole story of what happened with them: “If you go back and look — and this is the thing that kind of bothers me a little bit is, the fans, they just look at the story part of our career. And they say, ‘Oh well, they got to work with Roman Reigns and Randy Orton, and they got three championship reigns.’

“But what they don’t understand is we got to work with Roman Reigns for two weeks. We beat Roman Reigns on television in tag team matches, two weeks. We put him down with the Shatter Machine for two weeks. And then the next week, nothing. It was taken away… The same thing with Matt and Bray. The same with Randy, who has become one of our mentors and one of our close friends, who we talk to every single day. He fought for us so hard to get us on TV with him every single week. Because he believed in our work ethic, and he believed in what we brought to the table. And we watched him go to Vince every single week, or Hunter, or whoever and, say, ‘We gotta keep this up.'”

On being moved back and forth in feuds: “It was a ton of these guys that went to Vince and said we want to work with these guys. And they let us work with them, and then they’d take it away. For example, we were working with the Usos, and they did the stuff where they put Ucey Hot on our balls. Which was fine, we wanted to do that. And then two weeks later, after this angle started gaining some steam? They took us away and put us with Shane because Shane wanted to work with us. And then they took us away from Shane and put us back with The Usos a couple of weeks later. But instead of there being any heat behind it, they just put him in wrestling matches. So everything that we gained from working with these top guys that wanted to work with us, we would lose because of the hot and cold booking.”

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit The Jim Cornette Experience with a h/t to 411mania.com for the transcription.

article topics :

FTR, WWE, Jeremy Thomas