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Cara Noir Suffered Multiple Fractures At PROGRESS Show Last Month

May 10, 2023 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Cara Noir PROGRESS Chapter 151 Image Credit: PROGRESS Wrestling

Cara Noir is out of action with multiple fractures suffered during his match at PROGRESS Wrestling Chapter 151 in April. Noir posted to Twitter on Wednesday and revealed that he suffered three fractures in his steel cage match against Spike Trivet at the April 23rd show, writing:

18 days post cage match – I finally have a diagnosis. Turns out I wrestled for 20 min on 3 fractures. 🩺

* intra articular fracture to the cuboid
* chip on the calcaneus
* chip on the navicular

+ a spot of traumatic arthritis on the talus & ligament damage.

Thanks NHS”

PROGRESS also posted about the injury, as you can see below. On behalf of 411, our best wishes to Noir for a quick and full recovery.