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Leighty’s Retro Review: WWF In Your House: Beware of Dog (1 and 2)

May 24, 2023 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
WWE In Your House: Beware of Dog Image Credit: WWE
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Leighty’s Retro Review: WWF In Your House: Beware of Dog (1 and 2)  

-So, this is an interesting one as the initial PPV had an issue where the power went out from a severe thunderstorm after the first televised match and didn’t come back on until it was time for the WWF Championship Main Event.  So what we have here is the opener and then The Main Event playing back to back.  The crowd in attendance saw the other matches, but they were dimly lit and nobody at home saw anything until the satellite feed came back just before Shawn vs. Bulldog.  On May 28 the WWE replayed the two matches that took place first and then had the 3 matches not seen happen again in a different arena.  This was all part of a SuperStars taping.  This is my first time watching this show since it aired over those two nights so this should be fun.  Let’s get to it!

WWF In Your House: Beware of Dog 1

-Announce Team: Vince McMahon and Jerry “The King” Lawler
-Date: May 26, 1996
-Florence Civic Center, Florence, South Carolina
-Attendance: 6000
-PPV Buys: 110,000

Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Marc Mero (w/ Sable)

-Mero made his WWF debut at WrestleMania in a backstage segment where Hunter interrupted him with his yelling at Sable (who accompanied HHH to the ring in his SQUASH loss to The Ultimate Warrior).  That led to the two men brawling and Sable siding with Mero (who was her real life husband).  This feud would last basically the rest of the year. Hunter tries to attack before the bell and that doesn’t work so he bails and forces Mero to chase. Back in the ring Mero unloads with rights and lefts in the corner and sends Hunter over the top to the floor. Mero follows with a dive over the top and fires Hunter back into the ring. Slingshot legdrop gets two! Hunter gets in a thumb to the eye, but gets a whip reversed and takes an upside down bump in the corner for another two. Mero hits shoulder to post after missing a charge in the corner. Hunter sends Mero shoulder first into the opposite corner and to the floor. The crowd is not happy with Hunter! Armbar into a DDT to continue the work on the damaged shoulder. Vince mentions there are storms in the area, and if they happen to leave, they won’t be gone for long. Sure! Hunter lands a high knee for two and goes back to working on the arm and shoulder. Mero avoids a knee to the gut and gets a roll-up for two as Lawler continues to make jokes about how ugly Sable is. Just wild to hear after decades of Uncle Jerry and puppies! Hunter wraps the arm around the ring post and Mero does a good job of selling as he tries to back away and fight with one arm. Mero gets sent shoulder first into the buckle and Hunter goes to an amrbar, but Mero keeps his hands together to fight it off. Hunter eventually separates the hands and Mero nearly gets counted down, but is able to roll and get his shoulder up. Mero finally gets to the bottom ropes to break, so Hunter just drives him face first in the canvas and then drops a knee to the damaged arm. Mero fights back with one arm, so Hunter goes back with the thumb to the eyes much to Vince’s disgust. Mero gets a flash roll-up of out of nowhere, but Hunter is out at two and lands a clothesline to snuff out that rally. Hunter yanks the arm over the top rope as he heads to the floor. I am digging the onslaught from Hunter here as this match has a sweet old school vibe to it. Hunter hooks another armbar and uses the ropes for extra leverage which is always a plus. These Sable is ugly jokes from Lawler are wearing on me though. Hunter makes a mistake and heads up, which lets Mero hit the ropes and crotch Hunter on the top rope. Mero brings him down with a rana to pop the crowd. Hunter with a whip to the corner and Mero gets a head scissors as he is finding ways to hit some offense without using his arm. Backdrop from Mero as he starts to fire up. He heads up top and comes off with a sunset flip for two. Dropkick sends Hunter over the top to the floor and Mero follows with a flip dive, but Hunter moves and Mero hurts his knee on the way down. Lawler: “Do you know what you would call Mero if you threw him in the water? Bob.” Okay, that made me chuckle. Hunter tells Sable to watch and preps for The Pedigree, but she turns her head. Hunter goes out after her and tells her to watch. Back in the ring he slaps Mero around, but the Pedigree is countered with a catapult into the ring post and Mero crawls over for the pin at 16:24.

Winner: “Wildman” Marc Mero via pin at 16:24
-I dug the old school nature of this match with Hunter targeting a body part and just keeping on it for the rest of the match. Mero sold it great and had to adapt his offense based off having a bad arm. Good stuff from both men here. ***3/4

-Note: So this is where the PPV feed got knocked out by the storm. The show went on inside with limited lighting as mentioned and here are the results:

-Savio Vega over Steve Austin: Caribbean Strap Match 15:00
-Yokozuna pins Vader 3:00
-IC Title: Casket Match: Goldust (c) over The Undertaker 8:00
-Jake Roberts pins Justin Bradshaw in 30 seconds

-We quickly cut to Jim Cornette in the back with Bulldog, Owen Hart, Clarence Mason, and Diana Smith. Cornette lets us know that Owen is authorized to be at ringside as Bulldog’s manager. They also promise to drop a bombshell on Shawn tonight.

-Shawn Michaels cuts a promo backstage and seems annoyed by everything that has happened tonight with the storm. He walks into Mr. Perfect and they stare each other down for a second as I assume that was leading somewhere and never happened.

WWF Title: Shawn Michaels (c) (w/ Jose Lothario) vs. The British Bulldog (w/ Owen Hart and Diana Smith)

-Vince lets us know that this match and Mero/Hunter will be replayed on Tuesday plus all the matches that weren’t shown, will be shown as well. Back then I took it that they were going to replay the matches that were in the dark. Vince and Lawler have a discussion about Shawn’s Playgirl appearance and Vince thinks it was just an interview. Nope and it would be used against him by Bret and others. Clarence Mason drops the secret as he claims Shawn tried to break up the marriage of Bulldog and Diana. Mason serves Shawn with a summons as a defendant charged with attempted alienation of affection. Shawn rips up the summons and then gets attacked from behind by Bulldog. Shawn gets sent into the corner but floats over on a second attempt. Shawn with an armdrag, but gets backdropped to the apron. Shawn slides back in and looks for Sweet Chin Music, but Bulldog bails so Shawn hits a slingshot dive. Shawn gets back in the ring and waits as Owen hypes Bulldog up on the floor. Shawn hooks a weak looking standing headlock and uses the buckles to take it to the mat where Bulldog has to roll the shoulder up to avoid a pin. Lawler to Vince: “When a woman looks at you she wants her tubes tied.” Probably states that in the NDA he made them sign. Bulldog is able to escape and gets a brief bearhug, but Shawn breaks and gets a roll-up for two. He connects with an enziguiri for another two count and then goes to work on the arm. Bulldog breaks, but gets caught with an armdrag into a short arm-scissors. We know where this is leading as it gives Bulldog a chance to do the spot where he picks Shawn up by one arm and drop him off his shoulders to break. Bob Backlund used to the do the spot! It does looks impressive! Bulldog with a big backdrop as the crowd starts a HBK chant. Bulldog picks Shawn up by the hair, slams him down and then hits a double bicep pose. Bulldog hooks a chinlock and this match is just dragging! Bulldog gets an overhead backbreaker which goes on for a bit. Shawn breaks the hands to escape and tries a crucifix, but Bulldog counters with a Samoan Drop and drops a leg for two. Bulldog hooks a side headlock as the crowd lets Owen know that he sucks. “I am a Slammy award winner and my brother-in-law will be the next WWF Champion.” Owen is great! Shawn gets to his feet and fights out of the hold. Something gets botched as Shawn ends up flying out of the ring. It looked like he was supposed to take a knee, but Bulldog went for a clothesline and it just all went wrong. They show a replay which is weird as usually they would just pretend like it didn’t happen. Shawn gets in a shoulder from the apron and drops Bulldog throat first over the top rope. He comes in with a slingshot clothesline to leave both men down. They hit another double down spot as they collide in the middle of the ring. This is just a bad night for these two! Bulldog misses a clothesline and Shawn hits the flying forearm. Kip up followed by a slam and a boot to the face. Shawn up top and he hits a double axe for two. He sets too early on a backdrop and eats a boot to the face. The ref gets bumped as Shawn avoids a charge. Shawn gets a slam and heads up top for the elbow drop. He tunes up the band and catches Owen, who was sneaking into the ring, with Sweet Chin Music. Another ref enters as Bulldog tries a powerslam. Shawn slides off and gets a German Suplex into a pin and it seems Bulldog is the new WWF Champion at 17:22.

-Hebnar comes in and raises Shawn’s hand and now the refs argue over who won the match. Diana walks out with The WWF Title, but Gorilla Monsoon snatches it off her and is here to figure this out. It is announced that both men had their shoulders down and each ref counted out a pin, so it’s a draw which means Shawn is still WWF Champion.

Result: Draw via double pin at 17:22
-I don’t know if it was the chaos with the storm causing issues and throwing things off, but this was not a good match from these two. You could also see Shawn throw a tantrum while in the headlock when Hebnar relays a message to him. Just not a fun match and I wasn’t a fan of the ending either as your new face of the company just took a pin only two months after winning the Title. **1/2

-The replay shows both men had shoulders down, but there was a flinch from Bulldog where it looked like he rolled his shoulder. BULLDOG WAS SCREWED BY HEBNAR! FORGET MONTREAL! THIS IS THE ORIGINAL SCREWJOB!

WWF In Your House: Beware of Dog 2

-Announce Team: Jim Ross and Mr. Perfect
-Location: North Charleston Coliseum, Charleston, SC
-Date: May 28, 1996
-Attendance: 4500

Caribbean Strap Match: Savio Vega vs. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin

-They show footage from the match on Sunday and yeah, it was crazy dark in that arena. It’s amazing they even ran matches. Part of me wants to see those matches though and they should just throw them on The Network. Last night on RAW, Dibiase announced he would leave the WWF is Austin loses. If Savio loses he becomes Dibiase’s chauffeur. This match is the version where to win you have to touch all four corners in succession while dragging your opponent around the ring. Tug of War to start as they jockey for position. Savio swings and misses, so Austin bails to the floor. Back in and they reel each other in and Austin lands the first blow with a kick to the gut and then some clubbing blows to the back. Savio responds with a backdrop and takes another lash at Austin, but he rolls out again. Savio uses the strap to pull Austin into the ring apron and then lands a shot to the throat. The leather gets flying as Savio unloads on Austin including one that looked like it caught him in the head. Austin tries to run, but there is nowhere to go and he gets stuck on the apron for some more lashes. Savio with a suplex to bring Austin back into the ring. Roundhouse kick from Savio and he starts his journey around the ring and makes it to two corners, but gets yanked back reaching for the third. Now Austin puts the strap to good use, though Savio is wearing a shirt unlike Austin. It still probably sucks! They brawl on the floor where Austin runs Savio back first into the apron and then more lashes. Austin drops Savio throat first on the railing and then hangs him from the ropes on the apron. Heavy shot from the strap from Austin! Damn! Suplex brings Savio from the outside back in and from there Austin ties the strap around Savio’s leg. He drags to corner one and two, but Savio stops the momentum. He spins Austin around the ring and sends him into the corner. Savio uses the strap for a clothesline and Austin takes more lashes to the back and chest. Austin backdrops Savio to the floor, but since he is tied to him he ends up going up and over as well. Cool spot! Austin tries a suplex on the floor, but Savio blocks and gets one of his own. JR: “Would you want to be leaving the WWF?” Perfect: “Not now.” About 14 months later he would be in WCW. Back in the ring Savio drags Austin around the ring and gets to three corners, but Austin sweeps the leg to stop that. Austin swings the strap like and bat and catches Savio in the chest. Austin gets placed on the top and Savio lands some chops and goes to climb but Austin gets a headbutt to knock him down. Austin preps to come off, but Savio kicks him so that he crotches on the top rope. Savio gets a superplex as Dibiase loses his mind on the floor. He is selling the stakes of this one really well! Savio gets three corners, but Austin positions himself so that he is blocking Savio from the final corner and then catches him charging with a spinebuster. SWEET! Austin uses the middle ropes to choke and then drops his weight on Savio’s back. More choking in the corner and JR points out that in this match, a choke is legal. Austin gets two buckles, but Savio goes to the eye to stop that attempt to win. Austin responds with a right hand and then looks for a Tombstone. They keep reversing and it ends up with Savio falling over the top to the floor. Austin goes back to choking, but Savio lands a head kick. Austin heads up top with Savio on the floor and Savio yanks him down as Austin goes flying into the railing. OH MAN! You don’t see stuff like that from Austin, so you know he was feeling it here as he’s trying to gain traction in the company. Savio goes to a different strategy and carries Austin around to each corner. He gets three and runs for the fourth, but Austin pulls him bank forcing Savio to do a U Turn. The crowd is really getting into this one now! Austin plants Savio with a piledriver and Dibiase tells him to hit another one. Austin doesn’t see to think it’s needed but goes for it and gets backdropped. Austin hooks The Million Dollar Dream but Savio touches two buckles before fading. He kicks off the buckle in corner three to break the hold. Stun-gun drops Savio head first on the ring post. Austin wraps the strap around Savio’s neck and touches the buckles, but Savio makes sure to touch each corner as well. They get to three and the crowd is freaking out now. They struggle for the fourth and Austin gives a yank which sends Savio head first into the final buckle giving him the win at 21:24.

Winner: Savio Vega at 21:24
-This was great as they hit each other hard and built up some great drama that sucked the crowd into the match. Savio’s best match in the WWE and Austin’s best match until the Bret series launched him up the card later in the year. ****1/2

-Austin just walks out while Savio gets on the mic and has the crowd sing goodbye to Dibiase. It was later revealed by Austin that he threw the match to get rid of Dibiase. He would be in WCW and the nWo in 4 months.

-Shawn Michaels is chatting online with America Online!

Vader (w/ Jim Cornette) vs. Yokozuna

-This match has been brewing for months and they show Vader breaking Yoko’s leg seven weeks back on RAW. They start trading bombs before the bell and JR lets us know this one won’t be pretty. Vader backs into the ropes to force a break. Yoko wants a Sumo match and Vader seems ready to collide, but decides to take a walk. Vader poses and wants to go for real this time. Vader thinks better of it again as they are stalling right now. They finally collide on the third go and Vader loses that battle and ends up on the floor after a clothesline. Back in the ring Vader unloads with right hands, but gets dropped and Yoko hits an elbow drop on Vader’s leg. Vader sells the knee as Yoko has barely moved from his spot in the ring. Back in and Vader lands more right hands. Yoko gets another trip and drops another elbow to the leg. Yoko lands some blows in the corner, but Vader gets in a thumb to the eyes. Vader goes for a slam and JR notes Ahmed Johnson is the only man that has slammed Yoko as far as he can recall. I guess we are forgetting July 4 and All American Lex Luger since he is in WCW now. No slam obviously and Yoko ends up hitting a Samoan Drop. Seeing Vader take these moves is kind of cool. Cornette gets on the apron and tries to use the racket, but Yoko catches him and brings him into the ring. Yoko hits a headbutt on Cornette and looks for a Banzai Drop, but Vader pulls him to safety and Yoko lands on his ass. Vader drops an elbow on the leg followed by a splash and a Vader Bomb finishes at 8:53.

Winner: Vader via pin at 8:53
-If you take out all the stalling this was basically a five minute match that Yoko dominated until the final 30 or so seconds. Yoko couldn’t do much out there sadly, and really Vader should have just mauled him since he was the one on his way up the card to face Shawn soon. *1/2

-King of The Ring 1996 commercial featuring Jerry Lawler in Hell!

-Perfect and JR run down some of the matches we will see at King of The Ring including Lawler vs. Warrior. They also show the bracket for the KOR Tournament which started last night on RAW:

-Warrior/Goldust: No winner; Vader over Ahmed, so Vader gets a bye to the semi-finals. Still to happen: Hawk vs. Godwin, Roberts vs. Helmsley, Holly vs. Austin, Savio vs. Jannetty, Yokozuna vs. Owen Hart and Skip vs. Mero.

WWF Intercontinental Title: Casket Match: Goldust (w/ Marlena) vs. The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer)

-Goldust had been feuding with Ahmed and we see Goldust giving Ahmed “mouth to mouth” on RAW last night. Meanwhile, Undertaker has been feuding with a debuting Mankind since the night after WrestleMania. This seemed like a weird match back when I watched live and I am still kind of confused by it. Taker just appears in the ring and drops Goldust with a big right hand. Goldust tries to fight back, but Taker tosses him on the back of his head and whips him from corner to corner. Back elbow from Taker as JR notes this would be Taker’s first IC Title if he wins. Goldust gets freaked out as he lands on the gold casket, and I don’t blame him. JR mentions that both these guys are great at playing mind games. You know, that would make for a catchy name of a PPV. Taker lands a slam and drops a leg. Taker walks the ropes and hits Old School as even Perfect has to note “that’s pretty good.” Goldust is able to get in a slam, but Taker sits up and backs Goldust into the corner. He tries a backdrop, but Goldust slides down and hits an uppercut. He hits a really weak Tombstone which Taker thankfully no sells as he sits up again. Basement clothesline from Goldust as the refs open the casket. Goldust pushes Taker in, but can’t shut the lid as Taker fights his was out. Taker lands a big boot, but gets backdropped over the top and to the floor. Goldust follows out on the floor and uses the camera cable to choke Taker out. Back in the ring Taker fires out with strikes to regain control for a brief second before Goldust hooks a sleeper. With Taker out, he releases and drags Taker into the casket. Again though, he can’t shut the lid as Taker get his arm out just in time. Goldust lands some right hands and tries to get on top of the lid to force it closed, but Taker just pushes him off. Goldust misses a clothesline which lets Taker hit his leaping clothesline. Another clothesline sends both men over the top to the floor. Taker grabs a chair, but Goldust hits a nice kick right to the face followed by a clothesline. Cool! Back in the ring Goldust gets a powerslam and heads up top where he comes off with a clothesline. He goes for a cover for some reason and the refs explain how stupid that is to do in a casket match. Now Goldust wants to go Old School, but Taker just yanks him down and it makes you wonder why people don’t do that to Taker? Taker plants Goldust with a Tombstone, but when he opens the casket, Mankind pops out and gets the Mandible Claw. He gets Taker in the casket and shuts the lid which gives Goldust the win at 12:38.

Winner and Still WWF Intercontinental Champion: Goldust via casket closing at 12:38
-This was decent as Goldust put up a good fight here and didn’t back down from Taker like others have in this situation. Taker was never winning the IC Title, so the ending makes sense as he loses, but thanks to Mankind which keeps the heat on that program. **1/2

-Even though the lid is broken, Mankind still locks the casket lid and then leaves with Goldust. Smoke pours out of the casket and when they open the lid, Taker is gone as a fan laughs in the crowd. The lights go out as JR closes the show. Kind of fitting that a show messed up by a storm causing a power outage ends in darkness.

-Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
-Putting aside the craziness with the show having to take place over two days, this was a really good show. The Austin/Savio match alone makes this a winner as these shows run under two hours. Add on a quality Mero/HHH match and this is one of the better In Your House PPVs. Bulldog/Shawn was disappointing, but it's still 1996 Shawn so even his bad matches are decent. Easy show to watch and definitely check out out Savio/Austin!