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Hall’s AEW Rampage Review 6.14.24

June 15, 2024 | Posted by Thomas Hall
AEW Rampage PAC 6-14-24 Image Credit: AEW
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Hall’s AEW Rampage Review 6.14.24  

Date: June 14, 2024
Location: Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, Iowa
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard

We are just over two weeks away from Forbidden Door and that means it is time to start putting things together before the show. While you are not likely going to see anything big added this week, there is a good chance that you are going to get a nice boost for some of the things that have already been announced. That’s a fine way to use Rampage so let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Toni Storm vs. Alex Windsor

Non-title and Luther/Mariah May are here with Storm. Windsor jumps her at the bell but Storm is right back with a Thesz press and some hip attacks to the face. A running hip attack sends Windsor outside, where Windsor grabs a suplex. Storm’s head and leg are both posted but Windsor goes to yell at Luther, including shoving him into Storm and May. We take a break and come back with Storm hitting another hip attack in the corner. A fisherman’s suplex gets two but Windsor grabs an Angle Slam for two of her own. Windsor hits a Shining Wizard but Storm grabs a quick Storm Zero for the pin at 8:01.

Rating: C+. They were working had here with Windsor getting in a lot. It’s nice to see Storm have to do something a bit more serious but still doing her usual spots. I’m not sure where things are going with May/Storm/Mina Shirakawa, but at the very least, they have made a story where I’m wondering what is going to happen. That is a great sign for the future, and hopefully they are going to make it work again when it really matters.

Harley Cameron is in the Owen Hart Cup.

Video on Thunder Rosa vs. Deonna Purrazzo in a No DQ match this week on Collision.

Cage Of Agony vs. Solomon Tupu/Jay Marston/Kevin Gutierrez

Kaun dropkicks Tupu into the corner to start and the beating is on in a hurry. Gutierrez comes in and gets elbowed in the face so it’s off to Marston. A spinebuster, Open The Gates and the triple lifting slam finishes Marston off at 2:39. Total destruction.

We look back at Dynamite.

Rocky Romero vs. Shota Umino

They fight over arm control to start until Romero’s chop just annoys Umino. Some hard shots to the face rock Romero and Shota even gets in some dancing. A low bridge sends Umino outside though and Romero hits a suicide dive. We take a break and come back with Romero hitting the Forever Clotheslines, only to be sent to the apron.

Umino DDTs him onto the apron but Romero is back with a tornado DDT of his own. The running Sliced Bread gets two on Umino but the regular version is blocked. Umino elbows him in the back of the head and hits a double arm DDT (homage to his friend Jon Moxley) for the pin at 10:06.

Rating: C+. Perfectly fine match here with both guys getting to showcase their talents. There is nothing wrong with having a basic, back and forth match with good wrestlers involved. In theory this is something of a preview for Forbidden Door, which might make sense, though that show is going to need more than “here are wrestlers you might have heard of”.

Forbidden Door rundown.

Satnam Singh vs. Rosario Grillo

Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt are here too as Grillo chops away and gets bearhugged for the tap at 19 seconds.

Post match Lethal brags about Singh and wants his own opponent out here right now.

Jay Lethal vs. Pac

Lethal knocks him into the corner to start and stomps away but Pac hits a superkick to the floor. Dutt offers a distraction though and Singh trips Pac down, which is enough for Singh to get ejected. Lethal sends him hard into the steps and we take a break. Lethal’s Figure Four being reversed into a small package and the Lethal Injection being blocked as well.

Pac strikes away and the missile dropkick connects for two. Lethal gets in a shot to the leg though and Pac is down again. They go up top where a superbomb is countered with a backdrop but Dutt’s distraction breaks up the Black Arrow. Lethal hits a cutter but Pac clotheslines him into the Brutalizer for the win at 12:34.

Rating: B-. This was the kind of main event you would expect around here, with a bigger name like Pac being able to get a nice win over a name in Lethal. The wrestling was good and the result wasn’t exactly in doubt, but that didn’t bring the match down. Pac getting to be all dominant and angry is a good thing and it was worth a look here.


Toni Storm b. Alex Windsor – Storm Zero
Cage Of Agony b. Solomon Tupu/Jay Marston/Kevin Gutierrez – Triple lifting slam to Marston
Shota Umino b. Rocky Romero – Double arm DDT
Satnam Singh b. Rosario Grillo – Bearhug
Pac b. Jay Lethal – Brutalizer



Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.

The final score: review Good
The 411
This is just kind of what Rampage is: an hour of acceptable wrestling with little in the way of anything that actually matters. It helps to have some big enough names involved here, as there is only so much effort you should be putting in for an hour on Friday nights at 10pm. Not a bad show at all, but as usual, nothing you need to watch.

article topics :

AEW Rampage, Thomas Hall