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Chuck Liddell Thinks Conor McGregor vs. Donald Cerrone Should be the Main Event
TMZ recently spoke to former UFC champion and Hall of Famer Chuck Liddell, who was asked about a prospective Conor McGregor vs. Donald Cerrone fight. As previously reported, Donald Cerrone indicated that talks for the fight have halted because McGregor wants the fight to be a main event. However, UFC doesn’t want a non-title fight as a headliner in this instance.
In his way out of 10AK in Los Angeles, Liddel stated that he thinks the two UFC fighters should fight and thinks it’s a great match-up, saying, “They should fight. That’s going to be a great fight. Both of them are good strikers. It’s goign to be a lot of fun. I’m excited for that fight. I hope it happens. I think McGregor’s trying to pull the hood back and make sure he gets paid right.”
Liddell added on McGregor wanting it to be the main event, “It’s a main event fight for sure. No matter what. Come on, Conor McGregor and Cowboy?! Two of my favorite fighters! I love watching those guys fight. Whether you like them or not, they fight tough and fight great man.”
Liddell continued: “I don’t have to tell Conor anything. He’ll get to it. Conor will fight anybody, any place, anytime. I know how he is. He’s just trying to make — he’s a businessman too. He’s just trying to make some money, so I ain’t getting in the way of his making money. But hey, make it happen, boy!”
You can check out a video for that chat below.