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Comics 411: Favorite Comic Book Holiday Stories

Welcome back! I’m Steve Gustafson and if you enjoy discussing anything comic book related, you’ve come to the right place. Each week we cover something in the industry and I always enjoy your input in the comment section below.
Previously on…
Last time we discussed the Update on George Perez Here’s what some of you had to say:
Jake “Cold Pizza” Fury: “Perez is a living legend. I hope the remainder of his days bring peace and he’s surrounded by friends and family.”
rf: “I’m not going to lie, my heart is broken. One of the best artists of all time.
I met him at a Con a few years ago. It was his last tour so he was signing everything and trying to spend time with the fans. I had a book chronicling his earlier works for him to sign. He spent a few minutes looking through it, commenting on some of the work. I felt so happy to be in his presence that I asked him to sign it and personalize it. He was so gracious and kind. He thanked me for the memories. I said “No THANK you for the memories.””
Tayo Jones: “George is an amazing person. His work will live on forever I cannot think of anything else to say at this point it is still a shock.”
Wheeljack84: “George Perez is one of the all-time greats. So grateful for what he’s given to the comics industry and fans”
Wrestling Fan: “Can’t lie, I’ve been on the verge of tears all day. George Perez is the first name I think of when I think DC Comics. But more than that, he is just a genuinely nice man. I’ve never had the opportunity to meet Mr. Perez in person, but over the years I’ve had a number of conversations with him on social media, and has has always been warm, friendly, personable, and just someone eminently likeable. That people like him are repeatedly stricken with such a vile disease, while the truly horrible in the world get to live long lives, just isn’t fair.”
Excollector: “Perez was often one of my favorite artist. His work with Kurt Busiek was always amazing. Perez’s eye for detail always captivated me and his love of splash pages and crowd scenes made sure I always picked up whatever book he was working on.”
Benjamin J: “George Perez is a huge inspiration to me as an artist, and in other areas. He’s drawn some of comics’ all-time greatest moments. And he’s a hell of a nice and kind-hearted person in real life as well. Heartbreaking doesn’t even begin to describe it.”
Some awesome comments last time! Go and check out the rest, if you can. Thanks for the input and keep it coming!
This week we discuss our…
Favorite Comic Book Holiday Stories
I hope everyone is enjoying being in the midst of another holiday season! I thought it would be fun to sit back by the fire and fondly remember those comic book specials and stories that celebrate this time of the year.
When it comes to Christmas stories, comic book fans can usually put aside their differences and relish in a good ole fashion tale of hope, heroism, and overcoming the odds. Christmas stories always stuck out to me because the best ones usually involved our favorite heroes and villains in a situation outside the norm. And the question of Santa’s existence was always debated. To me, that was always funny because these were people dressed up in costumes with crazy powers talking about if a man in a red suit and delivering presents to kids was real. Only in comic books.
Whenever someone mentions Christmas themed comics, my first thought usually goes to Lobo: Paramilitary Christmas Special #1. This is one crazy stand-alone comic that has the Easter Bunny hiring Lobo, an intergalactic bounty hunter, to kill Santa Claus. It’s as bloody as you can imagine and the perfect gift for that “odd” person on your list.
Speaking of violence, I have to include The Goon #10. Often overlooked and forgotten, the cast of The Goon perform their version of the holiday classic, ‘A Christmas Carol’. With a twist. It’s a tale about a deadbeat dad who’s always late for work and refuses to work on Christmas to provide his invalid son with proper medical attention. It wouldn’t be a yuletide treat if it didn’t have three ghosts visit and “inspire” an old rich guy into paying for the medical expenses. In case you needed more incentive to seek this one out, it won the 2004 Eisner Award for Best Single Issue.
‘The Santa Contract’ from Hitman #22 from the minds of Garth Ennis, John McCrea, and Steve Pugh is told in Dr. Seuss Grinch prose. Violent, twisted, and filled with Ennis humor. The perfect issue for those who want a non-traditional Christmas story.
If you need another example of non-traditional, if you’ve ever wanted to see Santa Claus take on Darkseid, seek out the DCU Holiday Bash II from 1998. It’s only two pages but it’s better than a piece of coal in your stocking. If you’re looking for a story that’s always overlooked, pick up Starman #27 and enjoy ‘Christmas Knight’ by the fire.
Switching things to a more traditional take, The DC Special Series #21, ‘Wanted: Santa Claus: Dead or Alive’ may be my personal favorite. Actually, this makes a lot of “Best Lists” and with good reason. Not only does Batman knock a dude out by throwing a Christmas tree at him (Seriously), this was Frank Miller’s first time working with Batman. Frank was 23 at the time but you could see the seeds of his future here. Or maybe I’m reading too much into it.
Superman: Peace on Earth is a beautiful read that’s set during the holiday season and Clark Kent reflects on the poverty suffered by so many throughout the world and decides to use his vast power to feed the starving and impoverished masses. But as Superman sets out to accomplish the impossible, he encounters unexpected resistance to his humanitarian efforts. Great stuff.
Another personal favorite of mine is 1995’s The Batman Adventures Holiday Special. It’s a simple tale from Paul Dini and Ronnie Del Carmen and was even made into an animated episode. Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn get into some shenanigans when Ivy hypnotizes Bruce Wayne with a poisoned kiss. Which seems to happen a lot to poor Bruce. Batman saves the day but not before a massive shopping spree is committed on his credit card.
Moving on, the only thing I have to say about the story ‘Yes, Tyrone, There Is a Santa Claus’ from the DC Infinite Holiday Special is: Batman with a jetpack and Bat-Santa.
Batman’s had a number of adventures during the season and it’s hard to pick just a few but back in 1970, Batman #219 is a feel good tale of joy. No, really. ‘The Silent Night of Batman’ is about the villains in Gotham taking a break from robbing and committing crimes so Batman can enjoy some peace and quiet. Commissioner Gordon and Bats spend Christmas Eve together and the Dark Knight goes caroling. A far cry from Batman Returns
Keeping with movie sequels, when I saw Spider-Man 3 back in 2007, the Sandman story rang familiar to me. That’s because it was very similar to the very first issue of Marvel Team-Up way back in 1972. Spidey and the Human Torch team up to take up Sandman. It’s pretty basic: The heroes fight Sandman, he gets the upper hand and escapes, they find him…but wait. What’s this? He’s visiting his mother on her deathbed and asks the heroes to help him save face in front of her since she doesn’t know he’s a bad guy. Spider-Man being Spider-Man gives Sandman’s mom the present he bought for his girlfriend. A feel good moment, to be sure. Sandman agrees to go peacefully but escapes while Spidey and Torch talk about doing good deeds in the hall. They aren’t too concerned because it’s the holidays and all.
For the adventurous among you, seek out a short Spider-Man story from Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Annual #1 called ‘Leah’. A touching story of a young, sick homeless girl that has a lot of love for Spider-Man. The ending will stick with you long after the holidays are over. It’s a wonderful example of the power comic books have.
I enjoy simple tales. Like ‘T’was the Fight Before Xmas’ from Spider-Man’s Tangled Web #21. Peter Parker goes to the mall on Christmas Eve to get something for J. Jonah Jameson’s wife. Crystal, Wasp, and Invisible Woman are also shopping at the mall and Mr. Flash Thompson is there dressed as Spider-Man, selling Spider-Man action figures. Looks like a recipe for Christmas trouble. Puppet Master controls Medusa and Flash and starts causing chaos at the mall (as if he needed them to do that! Christmas Eve at the mall is crazy enough!) and this gets the attention of the Fantastic Four. Bottomline, it’s light-hearted and cartoonish fun.
The Hulk was involved in a few well done stories, one of them being 1990’s ‘Rhino Plastered’ that ran in Incredible Hulk #378. The creative team alone is enough to get your interest with Peter David, Kurt Busiek, Bill Jaaska, and Jeff Albrecht. It’s a flashback tale starring the gray Hulk and the supervillain Rhinoak, who has taken a job as a mall Santa. It has bratty kids, a cool fight between Santa-Rhino and Hulk, and a cheesy ending. Just what you need from a Christmas Special.
You’d think the X-Men would have plenty of Christmas classics (Same thing with the Fantastic Four) but the only two I can really recall are Uncanny X-Men #230 and Uncanny X-Men #340. I wasn’t a big Longshot fan but did like this story in #230 about how he could tell the story of any object he touches. Once he proves it to his teammates by using some stolen merchandise, the team makes it their priority to return the items to the rightful owners. And it happens to be on Christmas. Aww.
In issue #340, Joseph is able to give Rogue a Christmas kiss with the assistance of some power-dampening tech.
Finally, it just isn’t holiday cheer with the Ultimate Warrior’s Christmas Special. I’ll leave it up to you to decide if I’m being serious or not.
Well, I could sit here all day but I’ll turn it over to you all. What holiday tales warm your heart?
That’s all the time I have. See you next week!