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First Trailer Released For Animated Watchmen Movies

June 13, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Watchmen Chapters 1 & 2 Image Credit: WBHE

Warner Bros. has released the first trailer for their R-rated animated Watchmen movies. The studio released the trailer for Watchmen Chapters 1 & 2 on Thursday, teasing the “a faithful animated adaptation” of Alan Moore’s celebrated graphic novel. You can check it out below.

The animation in the trailer looks to be paying tribute to the original art by Dave Gibbons, with the short preview showing off some of the setup of the story that was previously brought to live action by Zack Snyder’s 2009 film. The films will be released on home video in two parts, the first coming later this summer and the second coming next year.

The original graphic novel by Moore and Gibbons is a deconstruction of the superhero genre and follows “the lives of the eponymous superhero team as they seem to decay alongside the ever-darkening America around them. Rorschach, Nite Owl, the Silk Spectre, Dr. Manhattan and Ozymandias reunite to investigate who’s behind a teammate’s murder, but find that the truth may be even more grim than the world they seek to protect.”

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Watchmen, Jeremy Thomas