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George Lucas Explains Why He Sold Lucasfilm to Disney
George Lucas’ sale of Lucasfilm to Disney was a watershed moment for blockbuster filmmaking in 2012, and Lucas has revealed his reason for doing so. Writer Paul Duncan shared a portion of his book The Star Wars Archives. 1999–2005, which features comments from Lucas regarding why he decided to sell the company. Lucas noted that it was difficult for him to give up control of his family, but chose to do so in order to prioritize his home life.
“At that time I was starting the next trilogy; I talked to the actors and I was starting to gear up. I was also about to have a daughter with my wife. It takes 10 years to make a trilogy – ‘Episodes I ‘ to ‘III’ took from 1995 to 2005,” Lucas said. “I’d still be working on ‘Episode IX!’ In 2012, I was 69. So the question was am I going to keep doing this the rest of my life? Do I want to go through this again? Finally, I decided I’d rather raise my daughter and enjoy life for a while.”
He went on to say, “I could have not sold Lucasfilm and gotten somebody to run the productions, but that isn’t retiring. On ‘The Empire Strikes Back‘ and ‘Return of the Jedi‘ I tried to stay out of the way but I couldn’t. I was there every day. Even though the people were friends of mine and they did great work, it wasn’t the same as me doing it. It was like being once removed. I knew that probably wouldn’t work again, that I’d be frustrated. I’m one of those micro-manger guys and I can’t help it. So I figured I would forgo that, enjoy what I had and I was looking forward to raising my daughter. Also, I wanted to build a museum, which I’d always wanted to do, so I was thinking, ‘If I don’t do this now, I’ll never get that done.’”
Lucas also shot down the rumor that he was just sick of the franchise, noting, “I’ve spent my life creating ‘Star Wars’ – 40 years – and giving it up was very, very painful. But it was the right thing to do. I thought I was going to have a little bit more to say about the next three because I’d already started them, but they decided they wanted to do something else. Things don’t always work the way you want it. Life is like that.”
Why did George Lucas sell Lucasfilm in 2012? He tells me why in this extract from my new book The #StarWars Archives Eps I-III. My unboxing video here:
— Paul Duncan (@kershed) December 3, 2020