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Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman Series Released on HBO Max

December 24, 2020 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Wonder Woman Lynda Carter

HBO Max is gearing up for tomorrow’s Wonder Woman 1984 release, and their hype train includes the release of the classic TV series on the service. HBO Max has announced that all three seasons of the iconic 1970s TV series starring Lynda Carter are now available for streaming.

The series ran for three seasons between 1975 and 1979 and starred Carter as the DC heroine as she travels to 1940s America disguised as Diana Prince, assistant to the handsome but trouble-prone Major Steve Trevor (Lyle Waggoner). Using her golden belt that imbues her with astonishing strength, her bullet-deflecting bracelets, a golden lasso that dispels dishonesty and an invisible supersonic plane, Wonder Woman fights for peace and leads with compassion.

Wonder Woman 1984 hits HBO Max tomorrow and stars Gal Gadot as Diana, Chris Pine as Steve Trevor, Kristen Wiig as The Cheetah, Pedro Pascal as Max Lord, Robin Wright as Antiope, and Connie Nielsen as Hippolyta. It is available day-and-date with its theatrical release worldwide.