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New Detail Found in Avengers: Endgame Trailer Bolsters Possible Fan Theory

March 7, 2019 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Avengers: Endgame Image Credit: Marvel Studios

Reddit sleuths have discovered a bit of information in February’s Avengers: Endgame trailer that hints at a possible fan theory being true. Let’s start off by saying that this is all very speculative, as the words “fan theory” should pretty clearly imply anyway. That said, a Reddit user played with the gamma settings on a screenshot of the final shot of the newly-assembled hero team walking through the Avengers compound (per Uproxx) and found that Bruce Banner is not in the lineup, as popularly believed. Instead, as you can see below, the figure appears to be Ronin/Hawkeye.

Why is this relevant? Well, fans have theorized that the gap between War Machine and Ant-Man is where another character has been digitally removed — or more signficantly, not yet added. While some believe this could be Captain Marvel, another theory is that it is Bruce, specifically in his “Professor Hulk” persona.

Professor Hulk is the name given to the version of Hulk that has Banner’s intelligence and Hulk’s physical prowess. The promo art for Hulk which released late last year showed a more human-looking Hulk in a suit, which many believe is an indication that Professor Hulk could be appearing.

Again, it’s all fan theories and by no means confirmed, so take it with the usual grains of salt. We’ll find out when Avengers: Endgame bows on April 26th.

Endgame TV Spot shows Hawkeye/Ronan with the Avengers when boosted brightness & frame by frame. (Behind Rhodes) from r/marvelstudios

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Avengers: Endgame, Jeremy Thomas