mma / Reports

411’s UFC Fight Night Report: Murphy Batters Barboza

May 18, 2024 | Posted by Robert Winfree
UFC on ESPN+ 99 Image Credit: UFC

MAIN CARD (ESPN+, 7 p.m. ET)
#12 Edson Barboza (145.5 lbs.) vs. #14 Lerone Murphy (146 lbs.)
Carlston Harris (169.5 lbs.) vs. Khaos Williams (170 lbs.)
Ramiz Brahimaj (170.5 lbs.) vs. Themba Gorimbo (170.5 lbs.)
Vinicius Salvador (136 lbs.) vs. Adrian Yanez (136 lbs.)
#12 Angela Hill (115.5 lbs.) vs. #9 Luana Pinheiro (116 lbs.)

Victor Martinez (156 lbs.) vs. Tom Nolan (155.5 lbs.)
Oumar Sy (206 lbs.) vs. Tuco Tokkos (205.5 lbs.)
Melissa Gatto (134.5 lbs.) vs. Tamires Vidal (134.5 lbs.)
Warlley Alves (186 lbs.) vs. Abus Magomedov (185.5 lbs.)
Ariane Carnelossi (115.5 lbs.) vs. Piera Rodriguez (116 lbs.)
Heili Alateng (136 lbs.) vs. Kleydson Rodrigues (135.5 lbs.)
Vanessa Demopoulos (116 lbs.) vs. Emily Ducote (115.5 lbs.)

Hello everyone and welcome to 411mania’s LIVE coverage of UFC on ESPN+ 99, I’m Robert Winfree and I’ll be your host for the event. Tonight the UFC is back in the warehouse and kind of just phoning this one in because there’s almost nothing on this card that actually stands out on paper. The main event is a decent featherweight fight, Edson Barboza has been around for a while but he’s rarely in a bad fight and Lerone Murphy could use the step up that Barboza represents so that fight is at least decent on paper. But it’s pretty much all downhill from there, only Adrian Yanez trying to break his losing streak really stands out. If there’s a benefit to the co-main it’s the hope that it’ll be exciting but both Khaos Williams and Carlston Harris are bordering on already showing their ceilings. The prelims are pretty barren, maybe Warlley Alves trying to prove Abus Magomedov doesn’t belong in the UFC but given the age of Alves and his overall UFC tenure I imagine this is about as close to a gimme as Magomedov is likely to get. Again, this is not a strong card on paper but we can always hope that it’s good in practice.

UFC on ESPN+ 99 comes to the world from the UFC Apex facility in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Brendan Fitzgerald, Dominick Cruz, and Michael Bisping will be on the call tonight with Megan Olivi doing the roving reporter bit. Also keep in mind that we’re in the smaller 25 foot cage set up, and Nevada does allow the use of instant replay.

Vanessa Demopoulos has gone 4-1 in her last five fights and she’s coming off of a win, now she’s trying to build another winning streak and begin climbing the strawweight ranks again. Emily Ducote has gone 2-2 in the UFC but she’s also coming off of a win and is trying to build her first UFC winning streak. Ducote is a surprisingly large favorite at -340 to a +270 comeback on Demopoulos.

Strawweight Bout: Vanessa Demopoulos (10-5, 116 lbs.) vs. Emily Ducote (13-8, 115.5 lbs.)

ROUND ONE: These two are the same height while Ducote has three and a half inches of reach advantage. Demopoulos comes out looking to engage, she keeps swinging and overhand right that isn’t landing. A few leg kicks from both women go back and forth. Leg kick from Demopoulos. Ducote lands a calf kick then checks a return. Left hand from Ducote. Demopoulos lands a one two. Leg kick from Demopoulos. Both women land in close. Demopoulos with a right to the body. Ducote is starting to get her counters working in between the loopier punches of Demopoulos. Calf kick from Ducote. Again they clash on punches then trade leg kicks. Bit of a left hook from Ducote. Demopoulos misses a wild left hand and eats a counter right that wobbles her for a second. A few calf kicks go back and forth. They trade rights again. Bit of a combination from Demopoulos then a body kick. Ducote lands a counter left hook but she’s bleeding from the nose now. Demopoulos with a right to the body then a left hook but she eats a counter punch in there. Ducote lands a right to the body. Sharp counter right from Ducote lands. Another right from Ducote will be the last blow of the round.

SCORECARD: 10-9 Ducote

ROUND TWO: They come out and get back to trading right away. Demopoulos is really pushing forward looking to brawl, Ducote circles and is able to land a few rights. They trade lefts. Both women land one twos. Demopoulos lands a leg kick. Counter right from Ducote lands. Demopoulos lands a body kick. Demopoulos with a right to the body but she eats a counter left hook. Ducote lands a left hook. Bit of a head kick from Demopoulos, now Ducote is cut around the right eyebrow. Ducote lands a left hook, she’s starting to be the one pressing forward. Another sharp one two from Ducote, Demopoulos tries a takedown after that but Ducote blocks it. A bit of stance switching from Ducote now and she lands a southpaw head kick. Demopoulos lands another body kick but again eats a left hook. Demopoulos with a body kick but she’s getting countered each time. Ducote lands a left to the body. Right hand from Ducote. Bit of a body kick from Ducote. They trade lefts, then both women land rights. Ducote with a front kick. Left hook from Ducote. Demopoulos lands a couple of short rights in close to end the round.

SCORECARD: 10-9 Ducote but a close one, 20-18 Ducote overall

ROUND THREE: Demopoulos tries a takedown but Ducote blocks it. Calf kick from Ducote then a left hook. They both land lefts. Demopoulos with a body kick then Ducote lands a left hook. Right hand from Demopoulos. Left hook then a right hand from Ducote. Ducote lands a right hand. Left hook then another right hand from Ducote. Again that right from Ducote lands. Front kick from Ducote then they trade punches. Demopoulos misses a right hand. Quick combination from Ducote lands in close. Demopoulos lands a hard right hand that wobbles Ducote, Ducote circles but is able to avoid the follow ups. Ducote lands a right hand of her own that backs Demopoulos off for a second. Left hook from Ducote. They trade rights. Ducote lands a calf kick. Solid counter right from Ducote staggers Demopoulos for a second. Right to the body then a left hook from Ducote, she’s starting to up the tempo now. Another exchange of rights. Ducote blocks a takedown and pushes Demopoulos over and gets on top in half guard with 40 seconds left. A few short punches and elbows from Ducote land. One last elbow from Ducote closes the round.

SCORECARD: 10-9 Ducote but again close, 30-27 Ducote overall

OFFICIAL RESULT: †WINNER – Vanessa Demopoulos via split decision (28-29, 29-28 x2)

29-28 either way is objectively fine, and while this feels like a case of aggression being overvalued I don’t think it’s entirely wrong. Mic time for Demopoulos, she mentions an arm injury in the lead up and gives glory to God for being able to be here and perform.

Alateng Heili has gone 2-1 in his last three fights but he’s coming off of a loss and is trying to avoid his first UFC losing streak. Kleydson Rodrigues has gone 1-2 in the UFC and he’s coming off of a loss, he’s likewise trying to avoid his first UFC losing streak as well as his first win at bantamweight with the promotion. The odds lean towards Rodrigues at -150 to +125 for Alateng.

Bantamweight Bout: Heili Alateng (16-9-2, 136 lbs.) vs. Kleydson Rodrigues (8-3, 135.5 lbs.)

ROUND ONE: These two are the same height while Rodrigues has half an inch of reach advantage. They touch gloves to get us going. A bit of pressure from Alateng as Rodrigues circles. Both men doing a bit of feinting, then Rodrigues lands a hard calf kick that drops Alateng then he grabs a front headlock on the mat. Alateng bulls through and hits an inside trip to get on top in full guard. A few punches and a glancing elbow from Alateng as Rodrigues keeps his guard closed. Nothing major in terms of damage but Alateng is staying active enough with punches to the body and head. Rodrigues fires a few elbows from his back but he’s getting controlled and beaten up. Alateng with some elbows of his own. The round will end with Alateng still on top working some strikes.

SCORECARD: 10-9 Alateng

ROUND TWO: Alateng back to forward pressure while Rodrigues shows kicks. Calf kick from Rodrigues. Alateng lands a jab. Both men miss punches. Rodrigues lands a calf kick. Another calf kick from Rodrigues lands. Alateng lands a jab. Bit of a left to the body from Alateng. Rodrigues land a couple of front kicks. Left hook from Alateng lands. One two from Rodrigues. They trade rights but it’s Rodrigues who gets wobbled. Another right from Alateng lands. Rodrigues lands a body kick. Alateng grabs a single leg then trips Rodrigues down and gets on top in full guard. Short elbow from Alateng. Rodrigues looks to hook a leg but Alateng blocks it. A few hammer fists from Alateng. The round will again end with Alateng on top.

SCORECARD: 10-9 Alateng, 20-18 Alateng overall

ROUND THREE: Rodrigues tries a spinning back fist that partially lands then a flying knee that doesn’t. Alateng avoids a high kick. Bit of an uppercut from Rodrigues. Rodrigues has a couple of strikes blocked but then lands a calf kick. Glancing right from Alateng. Rodrigues with a calf kick. Alateng keeps pressuring forward and lands a right hand. Alateng jabs the body. Spinning back kick from Rodrigues partially lands. They trade punches in close. Rodrigues tries a takedown, that hits the fence and Alateng defends then trips Rodrigues down to get on top in full guard yet again. Alateng is back to body to head punches and good control, Rodrigues should be making every effort to get up and he’s just kind of stuck. Hammer fist from Alateng, he looks for a final flurry as the round ends.

SCORECARD: 10-9 Alateng, 30-27 Alateng overall

OFFICIAL RESULT: †WINNER – Alateng Heili via unanimous decision (29-28, 30-27 x2)

I think there’s an argument for Rodrigues in the second, I don’t agree but I don’t think it’s the worst thing ever. No interview for the winner.

Piera Rodriguez has gone 2-1 in the UFC but she’s coming off of her first professional loss and is hoping to rebound from that with a win here. Ariane Carnelossi has gone 2-2 in the UFC but dropped her last fight, she’s trying to avoid her first losing streak. Rodriguez is a solid -220 favorite to +180 on Carnelossi.

Strawweight Bout: Ariane Carnelossi (14-3, 115.5 lbs.) vs. Piera Rodriguez (9-1, 116 lbs.)

ROUND ONE: Rodriguez is an inch taller with two inches of reach advantage. Rodriguez pokes out the jab to start. Both women land some punches in close, not much on any of them. Right hand from Rodriguez. Carnelossi lands a leg kick. Rodriguez lands a bit of a flurry. A couple of Rodriguez punches land then Carnelossi fires a right. Rodriguez lands a right hand then tries to tie up but Carnelossi blocks that. Carnelossi’s face is getting a little red already. Rodriguez lands a right hand and avoid the counters. Carnelossi is coming forward but she’s very stagnant in terms of her defense and Rodriguez is starting to land consistently. Bit of a front kick from Rodriguez. Carnelossi tries to blitz, she kind of lands at the end of it. Rodriguez lands the right hand again. Carnelossi pushes forward but Rodriguez hits a double leg into half guard. Carnelossi is able to hip escape to full guard but Rodriguez is swinging punches at her. Rodriguez stands over Carnelossi and lands a couple of leg kicks then passes towards side control. Bit of a flurry from Rodriguez on top closes the round.

SCORECARD: 10-9 Rodriguez

ROUND TWO: Carnelossi gets back to stalking forward but walks into a right hand. Rodriguez lands another right. Carnelossi avoids a takedown but Rodriguez gets a clinch and lands knees before forcing things to the fence. Bit of a knee from Rodriguez. Rodriguez looks for a single leg then just lands some punches instead while keeping the clinch. A couple more knees from Rodriguez to the body and head then she looks for a double leg against the fence but Carnelossi is able to defend that but she can’t get out of this clinch. More knees from Rodriguez then a combination of punches before she breaks the clinch. Rodriguez with a front kick to the face that hurts Carnelossi, Rodriguez follows up and gets on top in full guard. Bit of a headbutt from Rodriguez, then it feels like she does it again so we’ve got a time out. Replay shows there was definitely head contact to the face as Carnelossi is just laying on her back trying to recover. That replay does not look good, I’d imagine a point deduction at a minimum is warranted here but that’s just me. Time is running out on Carnelossi making up her mind about continuing, the doctor isn’t going to wave this one but at around the 4:55 mark of the time out Carnelossi indicates she’s not continuing. We’ll have to see if the ref rules this a DQ or not.

OFFICIAL RESULT: †WINNER – Ariane Carnelossi via Disqualification, headbutt, at 3:16 of Round 2

I’m fine with the DQ ruling here, that second headbutt didn’t look like incidental contact.

Abus Magomedov has gone 1-2 in the UFC and is on a two fight losing streak, he pretty badly needs a win here to validate his position on the roster. Warlley Alves has actually been with the UFC since 2014 but he’s currently on a three fight losing streak and needs a win pretty badly if he wants some job security. All things considered it’s not surprising to see Magomedov as the -265 favorite but given his track record overall the +180 comeback on Alves might tempt some bettors out there.

Middleweight Bout: Warlley Alves (14-7, 186 lbs.) vs. Abus Magomedov (25-6-1, 185.5 lbs.)

ROUND ONE: Magomedov is three inches taller with a significant six inches of reach advantage. They touch gloves to get us going. Alves avoids a right hand and lands a couple of punches before they clinch up. Magomedov gets things to the fence and trips Alves down into half guard. Alves quickly scrambles to his knees then wall walks into a clinch. Magomedov lands a couple of knees then Alves lands a right hand and slips free. Bit of a right from Alves but he misses a flying knee. Magomedov lands a front kick. Alves lands a right hand, they trade punches in close. Left hand from Magomedov. Alves misses a punch, Magomedov gets the back standing then rides things to the mat. Magomedov winds up on top in half guard and lands an elbow. Alves looks to scoot to the fence and then starts wall walking. Magomedov passes technically into mount and lands a few punches. Alves again works to wall walk while Magomedov lands some short punches. Alves does get up and lands a right to the body before they break. Magomedov goes for a takedown, Alves thinks about a guillotine but Magomedov moves to the safe side and negates that. Alves quickly scoots to his knees but Magomedov pushes him over into side control and that’s where the round will end.

SCORECARD: 10-9 Magomedov

ROUND TWO: They clinch up pretty quickly to start the round. Magomedov is able to ride things down and get the ride position on the mat. Arm triangle from Magomedov as he’s on top in half guard, but Alves is able to block that though he’s still stuck on his back. Magomedov moves to full mount now. Alves is able to hip escape to half guard but he’s struggling to get up. A few short elbows from Magomedov and he gets back to full mount. More elbows from Magomedov, Alves is cut now under the left eye. Alves is able to get half guard again but he’s struggling to get beyond that as the round ends.

SCORECARD: 10-8 Magomedov, 20-17 Magomedov overall

ROUND THREE: Alves lands a leg kick but gets off balanced briefly by a front kick. Alves pushes into a clinch, that’s a poor decision. Magomedov is able to slip free but eats a right hand. Hard body kick by Alves but Magomedov gets around to the back standing then drags things down to the mat with full back mount. Magomedov tries for an arm triangle attack but Alves is able to escape and stand only to get double legged on the fence. Alves tries another wall walk but winds up sitting on the fence. Magomedov is able to mount then pull Alves off the fence and start working from full mount yet again. Alves bridges to his knees, Magomedov to the ride position then gets the back again. Choke attempt from Magomedov, Alves is able to break that one though. They scramble but Magomedov is still on top in full mount. Some punches then an elbow from Magomedov. Alves tries a guillotine choke, only 15 seconds left though and Magomedov pulls his head out then stands over Alves as the round ends.

SCORECARD: 10-9 Magomedov, 30-26 Magomedov overall

OFFICIAL RESULT: †WINNER – Abus Magomedov via unanimous decision (30-26 x3)

No interview for the winner again as we’re probably still running a little behind time wise.

Tamires Vidal has gone 1-1 in the UFC but she’s coming off of a loss and is trying to avoid her first losing streak. There seems to be a lot of that going around on this card. Melissa Gatto has gone 2-2 in the UFC but she’s on a two fight losing streak and pretty badly needs to break that with a win here, she’s hoping the move up to bantamweight will facilitate that. Gatto is your favorite at -375 against +295 for Vidal.

Women’s Bantamweight Bout: Melissa Gatto (8-2-2, 134.5 lbs.) vs. Tamires Vidal (7-2, 134.5 lbs.)

ROUND ONE: Vidal is an inch taller while Gatto has an inch of reach advantage. They touch gloves to start. Gatto lands a punch to counter an inside leg kick. One two from Gatto. Another right lands for Gatto. Vidal misses a few punches and gets taken down, Vidal is after a guillotine but Gatto is in half guard though it is on the dangerous side. A few body shots from Gatto as she’s waiting out the guillotine attempt. Eventually Gatto gets her head out and starts getting to work from top position. Vidal has Gatto’s right arm caught in the half guard but Gatto is working to pass. Gatto gets the arm free and passes to full mount. Punches now from Gatto and some elbows to the shoulder/collar bone. Those are good for getting people to let go of posture control. More punches from Gatto now and some nasty elbows as well. The round ends with Gatto still on top in full mount landing strikes.

SCORECARD: 10-9 Gatto, borderline 10-8

ROUND TWO: Gatto with some inside leg kicks. Right hand from Gatto. Vidal lands a leg kick but eats a right. Gatto with a jab to the body then a right hand up top. Vidal misses punches and falls into a clinch that hits the fence. Not a whole lot going on in the clinch and they break then immediately Vidal clinches again. Gatto with some knees to the body as they fight for position. Eventually Gatto hits a trip and gets on top in the ride position. Gatto into leg drag now and lands punches. Vidal gives up the back and Gatto gets both hooks in. Gatto lands some lefts and transitions to full mount. Punches to the body and head from Gatto as she’s got Vidal pinned against the fence. Elbows to the shoulder from Gatto then she grabs an armbar but Vidal hangs on until the end of the round.

SCORECARD: 10-8 Gatto, another borderline one but that armbar at the end was tight, 20-17 Gatto overall

ROUND THREE: Jab from Vidal. Gatto lands a right hand. A body shot from Gatto seems to bother Vidal, I think she’s complaining about the wardrobe but Gatto keeps hitting her and the ref stops things. OK, Vidal got punched in the chest which is perfectly legal and then Vidal reacted badly so Gatto kept hitting her to get the stoppage.

OFFICIAL RESULT: †WINNER – Melissa Gatto via TKO, punches, at :37 of Round 3

The Final Round Finish Club thanks Ms. Gatto for her work this evening. Gatto and the translator get an interview, she is very happy to win and is amenable to fight either here or back at flyweight. She feels good about overcoming the challenges presented here.

Here’s the finish. And while low blows illegal for women’s fights, chest punches are fully legal so this is just a strong jab from Gatto that hits a vulnerable spot.

Oumar Sy is undefeated coming into his UFC debut, and he’s hoping to remain perfect after this fight while also making a good first impression on the UFC audience. Tuco Tokkos took this fight on very short notice but he’s won his last three fights and could make a bit of a splash with a win. Sy is a hefty favorite at -535 to +400 for Tokkos.

Light Heavyweight Bout: Oumar Sy (9-0, 206 lbs.) vs. Tuco Tokkos (10-3, 205.5 lbs.)

ROUND ONE: These two are the same height while Sy has a serious seven inches of reach advantage. Both men probe with some kicks. Sy then tries a double leg on the fence and gets things down into full guard. Sy moves to the ride position as Tokkos gets to his knees, now Sy has the back with one hook in. Choke from Sy but the angle is off so he bails to keep the position. Tokkos is stuck on his knees still and pinned on the fence. Sy lands a few punches then rides Tokkos back to the mat. Tokkos tries to wrestle around to a single leg but Sy is all over him and moves to his back with a body triangle. Sy works for a choke, and gets one in then forces the tap.

OFFICIAL RESULT: †WINNER – Oumar Sy via Submission, rear naked choke, at 3:43 of Round 1

The First Round Finish Club thanks Mr. Sy for his work this evening. Mic time for Sy and the French translator, he talks about the change of opponents he’s dealt with and is happy to have gotten the win. To closes he thanks his team and says he’s not here to be a goof he’s here to get wins and move up the ranks.

Pretty standard stuff here from Sy, but fundamentals done well will carry you a long way.

Victor Martinez had a seven fight winning streak broken when he lost his UFC debut, now he’s trying to get that all important first UFC win under his belt. Tom Nolan is in pretty much the same boat, he suffered his first loss in his UFC debut after building a bit of hype and now he’s firmly in rebuilding mode which requires a win tonight. That hype around Nolan persists enough for him to be a big -500 favorite here against +380 on Martinez.

Lightweight Bout: Victor Martinez (13-5, 156 lbs.) vs. Tom Nolan (6-1, 155.5 lbs.)

ROUND ONE: Nolan is a big 8 inches taller with three inches of reach advantage. They touch gloves, Nolan is fighting southpaw. Front kicks from Nolan early. Martinez with a right hand then a left behind it to counter a kick. Nolan misses a wheel kick. Inside leg kicks go back and forth. Nolan lands a body kick. Martinez lands a right to the body. Body kick from Nolan. Stepping knee from Nolan and he’s looking to flurry when they get close. Both men land punches in close then Nolan lands a knee. Spinning back kick from Nolan then a couple of punches but Martinez lands a right hand. A right shovel hook from Martinez drops Nolan after Nolan got a little loose in the pocket, Martinez gets on top in full guard. Nolan works for a high guard and fires some elbows from his back which have cut Martinez in the hair. Martinez knees the body as Nolan scrambles up. Nolan with a knee to the body that folds up Martinez and a few more punches on the mat to force the stoppage.

OFFICIAL RESULT: †WINNER – Tom Nolan via TKO, knee and punches, at 3:50 of Round 1

The First Round Finish Club thanks Mr. Nolan for his work this evening. Mic time for Nolan, he focused on staying calm when he got hit this time instead of getting sloppy like last time. He talks us through the finish and notes he had to deal with the punches of Martinez and did that by staying long and opening things up that way.

This is a well timed knee and note the angle, it more slashes across the body instead of digging in straight and that can be even more painful when hitting the relevant targets like the liver.

Luana Pinheiro just had a nine fight winning streak snapped when she lost to Amanda Ribas late last year, she’s trying to avoid her first losing streak now with a win tonight. Angela Hill has been enjoying a bit of a later career renaissance lately, she’s 3-1 in her last four fights and could build another winning streak tonight. Close on here on the odds, but they lean towards Hill at -150 to +125 for Pinheiro.

Strawweight Bout: #12 Angela Hill (16-13, 115.5 lbs.) vs. #9 Luana Pinheiro (11-2, 116 lbs.)

ROUND ONE: Hill is an inch taller with two inches of reach advantage, she’s also 8 years older. Both women do some early feinting as they move around. Bit of a left hook from Pinheiro. Front kick from Hill. Both women miss power punches. Hill lands a jab. Bit of a right from Pinheiro. Hill avoids a takedown but eats a right hand. They trade lefts in close. Stiff jab from Pinheiro then they trade in close and tie up in a clinch. Things hit the fence and Hill starts looking for a single leg. Pinheiro thinks about a guillotine but Hill gets the takedown into half guard on the safe side. Hill lands a right hand, Pinheiro kicks her off and lands an up kick before Hill goes back into half guard. They rinse and repeat that process a few times then Pinheiro stands but Hill trips her back down as the round ends.

SCORECARD: 10-9 Hill

ROUND TWO: Pinheiro misses a few punches to start the round. Both women miss in close. Hill pushes forward and lands a front kick. Hill smothers a spinning attack and gets the back standing. Things stall out a bit on the fence there before Pinheiro gets chest to chest and lands a knee. Hill with some knees of her own before they break. Bit of a front kick from Hill. Hill lands a jab. Pinheiro with a front kick. A jab from Hill off balances Pinheiro but she doesn’t go down. Both women start showing elbows but not landing them. Hill grabs a front headlock to defend a takedown and pushes things to the fence. Pinheiro is able to pull free but then fails on a takedown attempt. Left hook from Hill. Again Pinheiro reaches for the legs, Hill grabs a guillotine and jumps guard, rolls to mount with it and forces the tap.

OFFICIAL RESULT: †WINNER – Angela Hill via Submission, guillotine choke, at 4:12 of Round 2

Mic time for Hill after her fist submission win and her first stoppage win in 4 years, she talks about wanting to be in the top 10 after this win and puts over her coaches for all of their work. She talks us through the finish then wants a rematch with Jessica Andrade.

Pretty nice guillotine from Hill here, Pinheiro gets sloppy on her entry and pays for it.

Adrian Yanez had a fair amount of hype through his first five UFC fights but he lost both of his bouts last year and now is trying to rebuild. Vinicius Salvador has gone 0-2 in the UFC but he’s hoping a move up to bantamweight will rehabilitate his career. Yanez is your -425 favorite against Salvador’s +330.

Bantamweight Bout: Vinicius Salvador (14-6, 136 lbs.) vs. Adrian Yanez (16-5, 136 lbs.)

ROUND ONE: These two are the same height while Salvador has half an inch of reach advantage. Southpaw for Salvador and he misses a couple of lefts then Yanez lands a left hook. Yanez probes with some leg kicks as he moves around. Bit of a left hook from Yanez in close. Salvador lands a body kick. Left then a right from Yanez. Both men miss power hand punches. Bit of a left from Salvador. Quick combination from Yanez then a front kick. Salvador misses some hooks, he’s still swinging wide with his punches. Yanez with a left hook to counter a body kick. A right hand from Yanez drops Salvador, he gets on top and starts unloading with punches until the ref jumps in.

OFFICIAL RESULT: †WINNER – Adrian Yanez via TKO, punches, at 2:47 of Round 1

The First Round Finish Club thanks Mr. Yanez for his work this evening. Mic time for Yanez, he’s hopeful for a bonus but he’s got a heavy heart because Houston just got hit with a bad storm and his hometown needs help then lists resources for people affected by the that. He expected to go all three rounds tonight but wanted the finish and has worked hard on finishing his combinations which worked here. Next he talks us through the finish and puts over his team for their work, now he just wants to celebrate the win.

A really well timed right hand from Yanez here. He’d been lining that up for a while and finally got the timing and distance just right.

Themba Gorimbo has gone 2-1 in the UFC but he’s on a two fight winning streak and another win here could prove that he’s found his footing in the Octagon. Ramiz Brahimaj has been trading wins and losses since 2018, he’s coming off of a win though and could build his first winning streak in many years with a win here. The odds are with Gorimbo at -150 to +125 for Brahimaj.

Welterweight Bout: Ramiz Brahimaj (10-4, 170.5 lbs.) vs. Themba Gorimbo (12-4, 170.5 lbs.)

ROUND ONE: Gorimbo is three inches taller with five inches of reach advantage. Both men do some early stance switching before more or less settling into orthodox. Gorimbo stalks forward feinting a bit. Brahimaj tries a takedown, Gorimbo defends and pushes things into the fence. They fight for position along the fence, Brahimaj tries a drop takedown but Gorimbo reads it and lands on top in full guard. Brahimaj is able to scoot over and wall walk into a clinch. Gorimbo avoids an outside trip. Bit of a knee from Gorimbo. Brahimaj tries another trip but can’t find it. They keep jockeying for position, Brahimaj tries an inside trip but Gorimbo smothers him and gets on top in half guard. Some short punches from Gorimbo land then a knee as Brahimaj wall walks into the clinch. More fence wrestling and they sprinkle in a few knees to the body. Gorimbo lands a few short lefts before the round ends.

SCORECARD: 10-9 Gorimbo

ROUND TWO: Brahimaj comes out jabbing but mostly missing. Gorimbo lands a calf kick then they clinch again. Some knees from Gorimbo land as they fight for position. Gormibo reverses an outside reap and gets on top in half guard. A few punches from Gorimbo land then Brahimaj wall walks but Gorimbo takes him back down, then they scramble back up into a clinch. Some more knees from Gorimbo in the clinch as he’s got Brahimaj still on the fence. Brahimaj is able to spin Gorimbo and take him down, he’s almost got the back but Gorimbo spins into him and them switches to half guard as Brahimaj scoots to the fence. Brahimaj wall walks and Gorimbo gets back to landing some knees. Bit of an elbow from Gorimbo then he trips Brahimaj down. Gorimbo is in a ride position and that’s where the round will end.

SCORECARD: 10-9 Gorimbo, 20-18 Gorimbo overall

ROUND THREE: They quickly clinch up and hit the fence again. A few knees go back and forth as they fight for position. Brahimaj looks for a single leg but Gorimbo is defending and then spins Brahimaj into the cage. A bit more positional fighting but Gorimbo is just a step or so ahead of Brahimaj at every juncture. Gorimbo with a few more knees to the body. Not a whole lot changing here, Gorimbo just keeping Brahimaj on the fence and sneaking in knees. Brahimaj tries an inside trip again but again Gorimbo counters and lands on top in half guard. Gorimbo lands a few more punches then moves to a ride position as Brahimaj stands. Another takedown for Gorimbo, Brahimaj wall walks and they’ll end the round in the clinch.

SCORECARD: 10-9 Gorimbo, 30-27 Gorimbo overall

OFFICIAL RESULT: †WINNER – Themba Gorimbo via unanimous decision (30-27 x3)

Well that wasn’t interesting at all, but Gorimbo got the win. Mic time for Gorimbo, he apologizes for the performance then sends love to his family and team, especially his coach who lost his mother recently.

Khaos Williams has gone 3-1 in his last four fights but his last two fights have been split decisions and he’s hoping to get his first finish since 2021 tonight. Carlston Harris has gone 4-1 in the UFC only losing to Shavkat Rakhmonov, he’s on a two fight winning streak and if he can get to three in a row here it might earn him a shot at a bigger name his next time out. Another close one here but the odds lean towards Williams at -125 while +105 for Harris has to get a bit of action going on him.

Welterweight Bout: Carlston Harris (19-5, 169.5 lbs.) vs. Khaos Williams (14-3, 170 lbs.)

ROUND ONE: These two are the same height while Williams has an inch of reach advantage. They touch gloves to get us going. Harris lands an inside leg kick. Williams is the one moving forward early. Both men miss hooks. Bit of a left from Harris. Harris lands a right hand to counter an inside leg kick. Leg kick from Williams. Chopping right from Harris but Williams then floors him with a right hook and that’ll do it.

OFFICIAL RESULT: †WINNER – Khaos Williams via KO, punch, at 1:30 of Round 1

The First Round Finish Club thanks Mr. Williams for his work this evening. Mic time for Williams, he got things done how he expected and puts over his team for their work. He feels he’s a growing contender in the division then talks us through the finish. Asked what he might want next he’ll fight whoever they put in front of him.

Harris is leaning a bit here on the punches but he doesn’t really get off line while doing so and in the pocket that’s a poor decision, especially against someone who hits as hard as Williams.

Edson Barboza has been with the UFC since 2010 which makes for some impressive longevity, he’s 2-2 in his last four fights but he’s on a two fight winning streak and tonight looks to defend his ranking while turning back a young hungry opponent. Lerone Murphy is undefeated including being 5-0-1 in the UFC, this represents a step up in class for him but a win would be the biggest of Murphy’s career and would set him up against more ranked opponents going forward. Fairly close one here but Murphy closed at -160 against +135 on Barboza.

Featherweight Bout: #12 Edson Barboza (24-11, 145.5 lbs.) vs. #14 Lerone Murphy (13-0-1, 146 lbs.)

ROUND ONE: Barboza is two inches taller with an inch and a half of reach advantage. Both men do some early feinting. Barboza blocks a head kick then misses a leg kick. Murphy avoids a jab then lands one of his own. Right to the body from Murphy but he took a groin shot doing that and we’ve got a brief time out. Murphy doesn’t need much time and we’re back to fighting. Bit of a right from Murphy. Barboza lands a leg kick. A couple of jabs from Murphy land. Barboza lands a jab. Murphy eats a left to the body but lands a left hook. Barboza is bleeding from the bridge of the nose, that Murphy jab is working but he’s not built much off of it yet. Bit of a right from Murphy. Barboza eats a jab but lands a leg kick. Murphy lands a right that seems to bother Barboza for a moment. Murphy pressures forward now and looks to land again. Body kick from Murphy then a bit of a one two. Barboza has a leg kick checked then Murphy lands a calf kick. Murphy is still landing his jab somewhat regularly, then fires a head kick that’s blocked. Barboza lands a jab. They split a few jabs then Barboza slips throwing a knee and Murphy gets on top. Murphy lands some body shots then a right hand, he stands but Barboza cracks him with an up kick that seems to hurt Murphy just before the round ends.

SCORECARD: 10-9 Murphy but a very close one

ROUND TWO: Barboza comes out jabbing and Murphy is happy to jab with him. Murphy misses a right hand. Bit of a right from Murphy then a front kick. Barboza lands a calf kick. Murphy lands a right hand. They trade rights. Murphy again lands a right hand then a jab as he tries to angle off. Bit of a leg kick from Barboza. Murphy starts going forward more and eats a calf kick. Both men land punches in close, Murphy is playing with southpaw now to protect that left leg. A couple of lefts land for Murphy then he hits a double leg. Barboza looks to wall walk, Murphy gets to his back in the ride position though. They stand and Murphy lands some knees to the thigh before Barboza spins free. Left hook from Murphy lands then a jab. One two from Murphy and he’s got Barboza a little wobbled. A lot of pressure from Murphy including an up elbow. Barboza’s face is busted up now and Murphy lands another right hand. More punches from Murphy land, Barboza is slowing. Bit of an elbow then a left hook from Murphy. Barboza slips trying a wheel kick and Murphy jumps on his back as they stand. Murphy with knees to the leg then some lefts. The round ends with Murphy landing a combination.

SCORECARD: 10-9 Murphy, 20-18 Murphy overall

ROUND THREE: Murphy gets back to working the jab to start the round then lands a front kick. Barboza avoids a few punches but he still looks a little slow. Body kick from Barboza. Murphy responds with a few punches and backs Barboza to the fence again. Bit of a left hook from Murphy, he’s looking to start teeing off now and lands another left hook then looks for a double leg against the fence. They settle for a clinch and Murphy lands some lefts before Barboza spins free. Murphy checks a body kick then lands a left hand. Barboza is still trying to fire back but he’s visibly a step slower than Murphy. Elbow from Murphy in close then he hits a double leg. Barboza quickly wall walks but Murphy is on his back landing knees to the leg again. Murphy lands a knee to the head then a couple of punches before Barboza pulls away. Jabs from Murphy, he’s all over Barboza now and not letting him settle. Murphy with a spinning back kick then a combination of punches. More punches from Murphy then an elbow as they clinch. Murphy with elbows in the clinch before they break. Barboza manages to block a double leg, he’s thinking about an anaconda but Murphy scrambles up and they reset. Right hand from Barboza. Another spinning back kick from Murphy, that’ll be the last blow of the round.

SCORECARD: 10-9 Murphy but bordered on 10-8, 30-27 Murphy overall

ROUND FOUR: Murphy lands a couple of punches in close. Some side kicks to the knee from Murphy then a calf kick. One two from Murphy stuns Barboza for a second. More jabs from Murphy. Body kick from Barboza then they split jabs. Murphy lands more jabs then a calf kick. The jab war is just going to Murphy all the time. They trade calf kicks then Murphy lands a right hand. Murphy opens up with a combination and he’s got Barboza backing up again. Barboza lands a spinning back kick. Both men are bleeding from the nose now. Murphy lands a calf kick then a double jab. More Murphy jabs land then Barboza fires a wheel kick that’s mostly blocked. Bit of a one two from Murphy then a right to the body. Barboza lands a calf kick. Murphy pushes into a clinch and gets to the back standing. Some knees to the leg from Murphy then an elbow before Barboza gets free. Nothing will come of the last couple of seconds though.

SCORECARD: 10-9 Murphy, 40-36 Murphy overall

ROUND FIVE: Murphy comes out firing punches again. Barboza lands a calf kick. Left hand from Murphy. A few side kicks to the knee from Murphy then a left hand. They clinch and Murphy gets to the back. Barboza eats an elbow but then spins free. Murphy lands a right hand. Body kick from Murphy then a bit of a left hand. They split jabs again and again Murphy is getting the better of these. A couple of rights from Murphy but Barboza is still firing back. More Murphy jabs then a left hook. Murphy with some body jabs now then he fires a head kick that’s blocked. Bit of a one two from Murphy. Barboza lands a right hand, then Murphy cracks him with a left. Calf kick from Murphy then Barboza lands a spinning back kick but Murphy hits a double leg after that one. Murphy is on the back in a ride position and then gets one hook in. Barboza is working to wall walk, and he’s up with Murphy still on his back. Murphy drags things back down to the mat, Barboza regains his feet again and Murphy lands some knees while holding Barboza’s back. Barboza gets chest to chest but can’t get out of the clinch. Murphy breaks the clinch with an elbow just before the round ends.

SCORECARD: 10-9 Murphy, 50-45 Murphy overall

OFFICIAL RESULT: †WINNER – Lerone Murphy via unanimous decision (49-46, 50-45 x2)

Barboza getting the first because of that late up kick is perfectly fair. Mic time for Murphy, he admits he got hurt at the end of the first but after that he had been preparing too hard to give up and was ready for war. He’s been putting in the work and has showed his worth tonight and says he’s changing his nickname back to The Iceman because this is hard work not miraculous. The UFC seems to have a moratorium on anyone other than Saint Chuck using that so we’ll see. To close Murphy wants Fight of the Night, which I’d agree with, and wants to fight anyone ranked above him as he’s going for the belt.

Well on that note UFC on ESPN+ 99 comes to a close. We’ll be unpacking all the fallout from this event tomorrow on the 411 Ground and Pound MMA Podcast which I hope you’re listening to. There’s no UFC event next week but in 2 weeks we’ve got UFC 302 which could be a good PPV. I’ll be back for that event and I so will you. Until then thank you for reading, stay safe out there, and keep checking 411mania for all of your pop culture needs.