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Quentin Tarantino Teases Kill Bill 3 As His Last Film, Talks About Other Projects He Wants to Do

In an interview with Variety, Quentin Tarantino teased that Kill Bill Vol. 3 could be his next film, but said that he has another project he wants to make first. Tarantino had previously said that his tenth movie would be his last, and he’s currently at his tenth. Here are highlights:
On if he’ll do Kill Bill 3: “Why not? But first I want to make a comedy.”
On a comedy he wants to make: “It’s not like my next movie. It’s a piece of something else that I’m thinking about doing — and I’m not going to describe what it is. But part of this thing, there is supposed to be a Spaghetti Western in it. I’m looking forward to shooting that [thing] because it’s going to be really fun. Because I want to shoot it in the Spaghetti Western style where everybody’s speaking a different language. The Mexican Bandido is an Italian; the hero is an American; the bad sheriff is a German; the Mexican saloon girl is Israeli. And everybody is speaking a different language. And you [the actors] just know: OK, when he’s finished talking then I can talk.”
On learning he wanted to direct during acting classes: “I realized that, not only did I love movies more than the other kids in the class. But I cared about them, whereas I think they only cared about themselves. And the reason why is that I loved movies too much to be an actor. I didn’t want to just appear in them: I wanted the movie to be my movie.”