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Watchmen Co-Creator Says HBO Series Will Be ‘What The Fans Need’
In an interview with Deadline, Watchmen co-creator Dave Gibbons praised Damon Lindelof’s vision for the upcoming HBO adaptation, which he said will be “what the fans need, not what they want.” Here are highlights:
On attempts to adapt the comic: “The original is something that we always saw as standing alone and it never in our mind required prequels or sequels or homages or pastiches or anything like that. It isn’t that we thought it should be treated with great reverence, it’s just that we thought: If you’ve done something right just leave it alone.”
On Lindelof’s version: “I think as happens with all works that are around long enough and are successful enough, that people do want to explore things further. As far as this new one, TV clearly is the medium of the moment. It’s where the preeminent and most exciting areas for telling stories of the moment. The fact that Damon Lindleof has found a way to bring Watchmen into that area and do it with something I consider exciting, entertaining and absolutely worthwhile on the subject matter? I think that’s great.”
On the timeline: “It does pursue the idea of an alternative reality. And that’s essentially what Watchmen was [in its original comics form], an alternate-reality story. I think what’s happening with the TV version is it presents yet another variation. And while I’ve only read the screenplay — and I can’t speak to the tone or the way the things been shot — I’d say the reality it inhabits is one that feels quite authentic. It’s not here, it’s not now, it’s something slightly sideways.”