Topic: Ask 411 Wrestling

wrestlingAsk 411 Wrestling: Did Bischoff Ever Take Blame for the Fingerpoke of Doom?

Has Eric Bischoff ever taken blame for WCW's Fingerpoke of Doom? Ryan Byers answers this and more in the latest...

wrestlingAsk 411 Wrestling: Who Was the Last Wrestler to Debut Under Vince McMahon?

Who was the last wrestler to make their debut under Vince McMahon? Ryan Byers answers this and more in the...

wrestlingAsk 411 Wrestling: Why Wasn’t Mike Awesome Used More In WWE?

Why didn't Mike Awesome get used more in his WWE run? Ryan Byers answers this question and more in...

wrestlingAsk 411 Wrestling: Why Did We Never See Hulk Hogan vs. Steve Austin?

Why did fans never see Hulk Hogan vs. Steve Austin come to pass? Ryan Byers answers this and more in...

wrestlingAsk 411 Wrestling: Who Was Going To Be Black Scorpion If Not Ric Flair?

Who was going to be the Black Scorpion if it wasn't Ric Flair? Ryan Byers answers this and more in...

wrestlingAsk 411 Wrestling: What if WCW Never Fired Steve Austin?

What would wrestling be like if WCW never fired Steve Austin? Ryan Byers answers this and more in this...

wrestlingAsk 411 Wrestling: Is Miz the Least Successful Wrestler in Royal Rumble History?

Is The Miz the least successful wrestler in Royal Rumble history? Ryan Byers answers this question and more in this...

wrestlingAsk 411 Wrestling: Could We See John Cena vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi in 2025?

Could we see John Cena vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi in 2025? Ryan Byers answers this question and more in this week's...

wrestlingAsk 411 Wrestling: Will AEW Try To Get Its Own Saudi Arabia Deal?

Is AEW likely to try and get its own deal with Saudi Arabia? Ryan Byers answers this question and more...

wrestling411 Wrestling Fact or Fiction: Is Savage vs. Steamboat At WM III a 5-Star Match?

Is Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat at WrestleMania III a five-star match? Ryan Ciocco, Theo Sambus and Steve Cook...