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411Mania 2010 Independent Draft 6.30.10: Part Three – Rounds Eight Through Eleven

June 30, 2010 | Posted by Ari Berenstein

=In the Draft War Room=

There are times when someone is waiting for their turn to pick someone and their choice is taken before they get the chance. That has led to some incendiary expressions of frustration. The following were some of the best of the worst reactions to picks up to this point in the draft:

After Roderick Strong was selected at #19:
Chris (to Aaron): **** you sideways Hubbard.

After YAMATO was selected at #20:
Jasper (to Chad): Damn you to hell.

After Mat” I
Mat: OK then, Tara. I’ll take the chance…. (realizes she’s been selected already) OH TO HELL WITH YOU.
Jeremy: Had to be mercenary. All’s fair in love and drafts.
Jasper: Who gets to tell him?
Jeremy: *Coughs*
Sam: Petey’s clean good pick
Chris: He’s available, not sure he’s clean
Mat: *rimshot*

After Lance Storm was selected at #33:
Mike: RULING! Where is Storm on the cheat sheet?
Jasper: Give me five minutes and I’m fairly sure I can find him announcing his retirement somewhere on his site.

After Sean Morley was selected at #39:
Jasper: Bauer, I really hope you plan to put some sort of plastic sheet between the ring and the seats, otherwise the CDC might want a word with you.
Mike: The Who and the what is the CDC?
Jeremy: Center for Disease Control.
Mike: Well, regardless, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

=Round Eight=

With the 58th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Wrestling…on the WEB!! (WOTW) selects…

Teddy Hart
-Wrestling out of: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
-Infamous Third Generation Member of the Hart Family
-Currently a Regular in AAA
-Finisher: Shooting Star Elbow Drop

Chris Lansdell: One of the most talented men to burn every bridge he’s ever found is Teddy Hart. The Hart family member has had more high-profile firings than anyone on the TPWE roster, and since his firing from the WWE he’s been spending his time in JAPW where he teamed with Samoa Joe to try and capture the Tag Team Titles among other things. He’s also been working in AAA where he’s joined Jack Evans as the Hart Foundation 2.0 in Konnan’s heel stable Legión Extranjera (the Foreign Legion). If Teddy can keep his ass out of trouble, he might just have big things in his future in TPWE…otherwise, he’ll find just another wasted opportunity and another burned bridge.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: 13th round, 85th pick overall, Thomas
2008 Draft: 7th round, 62nd pick overall, Domingo
2007 Draft: 8th round, 47th pick overall, Domingo

With the 59th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, New York Knock-Out Wrestling (NY-KO) selects…

Skullkrusher Rasche Brown
-Wrestling out of: Gary, Indiana
-Survived a Head-On Collision with a Truck
-Versatile Big Man
-Finisher: Burning Hammer

Ari Berenstein: PAIN IS COMING TO NY-KO! Okay, readers of my column know I’m high on Rasche Brown’s current ability (he is an intimidating big man with big man moves but also big ups on dives) not to mention his future potential. At 59 I’m very willing to take a flyer on him for my promotion, bringing that “tough guy” presence to the roster and an ability to dominate the competition. I like him as a crowd-pleasing face backing down the bully-heels, but he can play the bully as well. The bodies are going to pile up with Brown in my company, that’s for sure.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: Not Selected
2008 Draft: Not Selected
2007 Draft: Not Selected

With the 60th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Wichita Wrestling: Junior Division (WWJD) selects…

The Future Is Now Jimmy “Equinox” Olsen & Helios
-Wrestling out of: Aburdeen, Washington & Paducah, Kentucky
-Equinox: CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Champion
-Helios: Uses High Flying Lucha Style
-Finisher: Equinox: Superkick, Overbomb; Helios: Shooting Star Press, 630 Splash

Aaron Hubbard: This draft pick, as it turns out, should have been used to draft Amasis and make sure my risky trade paid off. However, I still believe that Amasis was safe, at least for another round, and decided to use my other tag pick to draft this high-flying duo. This helped make a future trade easier and ended up setting the pace of my undercard.

Previous Draft Selection

2009 Draft: 10th round, 64th pick overall, Martinez
2008 Draft: Not Selected
2007 Draft: Not Selected

2009 Draft: Not Selected
2008 Draft: Not Selected
2007 Draft: Not Selected

With the 61st pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Professional Wrestling of Windsor and Detroit (PWWND) selects…

Jimmy Wang Yang
-Wrestling out of: Southern Ohio via Hollywood, California
-Recently Cut by WWE
-Has Wrestled for WCW and ROH
-Finisher: Yang Time

Chad Nevett: Remember when Jimmy Wang Yang was tagging with Shannon Moore and looked like he might actually go somewhere in the WWE? I was a big fan of his then, especially when he and Moore were feuding a little with the Miz and John Morrison. He’s talented in the ring and can go with anyone. He also makes for a good contrast with some of the bigger, more power-based guys in the promotion.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: Ineligible
2008 Draft: Ineligible
2007 Draft: Ineligible

With the 62nd pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Total Package Women’s Wrestling (TPWW) selects…

Nikita (a.k.a. Katie Lea Burchill)
-Wrestling out of: England (Born in Germany)
-Portrayed Paul Burchill’s Sister in WWE
-Accomplished Woman’s Wrestler
-Finisher:Spinning Neckbreaker Onto Knee

Jeremy Thomas: This far down the roster, Nikita is a steal of a pick for TPWW. Nikita is a alumni of SHIMMER and OVW, not to mention a former member of the WWE where she was better known as Katie Lea. The big dogs of the wrestling world unfortunately never gave this talented lady a chance to show what she could really do. She’ll get that chance in TPWW and we think our fans will enjoy what Nikita brings to the ring, both in beauty, talent and attitude.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: Ineligible
2008 Draft: Ineligible
2007 Draft: Ineligible

With the 63rd pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, KOAKH Pro selects…

-Wrestling out of: Sleepy Hollow
-Former CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas (with Delirious)
-Now Teams With Frightmare
-Finisher: Graveyard Smash (Sit Out Spinebuster), Super Fisherman’s Buster, Go To Sleepy Hollow

Sam Berman: Arguably the top student to come out of the CHIKARA Wrestle Factory (though KOAKH mainstay Eddie Kingston might beg to differ), Hallowicked is the kind of versatile performer that KOAKH is built on. With the 63rd overall selection, KOAKH Pro is pleased to bring in yet another wrestler with a sustained history of excellence, and one who has proven to be a player both as a singles performer as well as a tag team competitor.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: 13th round, 87th pick overall, Sforcina
2008 Draft: 7th round, 57th pick overall, James
2007 Draft: 12th round, 67th pick overall, Berenstein

With the 64th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Pro Wrestling Symphony (PWS) selects…

The Funky Pharaoh Amasis
-Wrestling out of: Egypt
-Former CHIKARA Campeones de Parejas
-Can Bust A Move
-Finisher: The Osirian Sacrament (w/ Ophidian), Twist of Funk

Jasper Gerretsen: For its eighth pick, Pro Wrestling Symphony has picked The Funky Pharaoh, Amasis. While we are well aware that Amasis’ regular tag team partner, Ophidian, has already been picked up by another company, we feel that there is still plenty of value in picking Amasis now, both as a singles wrestler and in a brand new tag team.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: 2nd round, 11th pick overall, Hubbard
2008 Draft: Not Eligible
2007 Draft: Not Eligible

With the 65th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Pro Wrestling 3.0 (PW3) selects…

Arik Cannon
-Wrestling out of: Chicago, Illinois
-Mainstay of AAW and IWA Mid South
-Member of the F1rst Family
-Finisher: Glimmering Warlock, Burning Hammer

Mathew Sforcina: Arik is a guy that flies somewhat under the radar. Given that he’s been involved in at least one major Indy group formation, you’d think he’d be better known and popular. But I got him, and was looking forward to some stuff I had planned for him. But, things came up, and those plans must go unrealized. But for a brief moment, Cannon was in
PW3.0. Never forget.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: 12th round, 75th pick overall, Berman
2008 Draft: 9th round, 79th pick overall, Berman
2007 Draft: 15th round, 85th pick overall, Berman

With the 66th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Sports Entertainment Xtreme (SEX) selects…

Rocky “Azucar” Romero
-Wrestling out of: Mexico via Havana, Cuba
-Extended Stay in AAA in Mexico
-Feuded with Alex Koslov
-Finisher: Diablo Armbar, Tiger Suplex

Michael Bauer: Rocky Romero is pretty the modern age “Latino Heat” and very happy to be able to draft him this year. Our ace in A-Double was not pleased with this pick, given their history, but that’s too bad. We needed a pick to appease the Latino population in the area and this was a shoe-in.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: Ineligible
2008 Draft: 2nd round, 15th pick overall, Westerfeld
2007 Draft: 3th round, 14th pick overall, Domingo

=Round Nine=

With the 67th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Sports Entertainment Xtreme (SEX) selects…

Bobby Dempsey
-Wrestling out of: The ROH Wrestling Academy
-Consecutive Winner of the Bobby Dempsey Battle Royal Invitational
-Really Likes Chocolate Cookies
-Finisher: Dempsey Driver

Michael Bauer: Now, it is true. Bobby Dempsey looks like the worst pick in the world here. But I tell you something; this kid has support like no other and is looking to grow himself while in Vegas. Probably should have made this pick later, but we want the big man in SEX.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: 9th round, 54th pick overall, Lansdell
2008 Draft: Not Selected
2007 Draft: Not Selected

We have a trade to announce!

WWJD has agreed to send Ophidian to PWS in exchange for Jigsaw.

Aaron Hubbard: This is where everything truly went wrong for me. I figured I had the Osirian Portal locked up, that nobody would draft Amasis without Ophidian. So I decided to draft the Colony and go about my business and build up my roster. Well, then Jasper drafted Amasis, and he wasn’t willing to trade. This made me say to myself, “Well, great, what do you do with the freaking snake?” I was trying to get rid of Ophidian, and fortunately Jasper didn’t have any plans for Jigsaw, and I had already drafted Jig’s stablemates The Future is Now, so that turned out okay. But still, my gamble got me screwed, as I lost both my third and my fourth pick. Next year I’ll be playing it safer.

Jasper Gerretsen: It is with a heavy heart that Pro Wrestling Symphony says goodbye to Jigsaw, as he is being traded to the Wichita Wrestling Junior Division. In return, we welcome into our locker-room the other half of the Osirian Portal, the Venomous, Vile, Serpent from the Nile, Ophidian!

With the 68th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Pro Wrestling 3.0 (PW3) selects…

“Textbook” Tyson Dux
-Wrestling out of: New Brunswick, Canada
-Trained By Scott D’Amore
-Once a Member of Team Canada in TNA
-Finisher: Kryptonite Crunch DDT

Mathew Sforcina: Dux plays a coward so very, very well in my opinion. Hence I wanted him, so he could play the coward in my company. And I got him. So he will. QED.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: Not Selected
2008 Draft: Not Selected
2007 Draft: Ineligible

With the 69th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Pro Wrestling Symphony (PWS) selects…

“Super Hardcore Anime” LuFisto
-Wrestling out of: Sorel, Quebec
-Unafraid to Fight Men or in Hardcore Bouts
– Short But Plucky
-Finisher:Burning Hammer

Jasper Gerretsen: For its ninth pick, Pro Wrestling Symphony has secured none other than the First Lady of Hardcore, LuFisto. LuFisto recently suffered a minor stroke, but she has been cleared to wrestle by two neurologists and two cardiologists. Pro Wrestling Symphony is more than happy to give LuFisto the opportunity to prove that she’s not just one of the toughest women’s wrestlers out there, but the toughest wrestler, period.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: Not Selected
2008 Draft: Not Selected
2007 Draft: Not Selected

With the 70th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, New York Knock-Out Wrestling (NY-KO) selects…

“The Innovator of Violence” Tommy Dreamer
-Wrestling out of: Yonkers, New York
-He’s Hardcore
-Wrestling Around the Indies, Including Dragon Gate USA, EVOLVE and CHIKARA
-Finisher:Dreamer DDT, Death Valley Driver

Ari Berenstein: A wrestling promotion based out of New York has to have some sort of New York representation, so here it is with Tommy F’n Dreamer! Dreamer is New York to the core—tough, hard working, never shy about telling you how he feels about something, and generally tries to do the right thing to make a living for himself and his family. Dreamer takes the hits and keeps on coming—and that sort of never-say-die attitude is just what is necessary to thrive in NY-KO. Let the Dreamer Respect The Indiez Tour continue!

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: Ineligible
2008 Draft: Ineligible
2007 Draft: Ineligible

With the 71st pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Total Package Women’s Wrestling (TPWW) selects…

Daizee Haze
-Wrestling out of: Forrest Park, Illinois
-Liaison For Delirious in ROH
-Member of BDK in CHIKARA
-Finisher: Heat Punch + Yakuza Kick, Mindtrip

Jeremy Thomas: Daizee is a great pick for TPWW not only for her talent in the ring, but for her other skills as well. Haze is the head trainer for SHIMMER and has a lot of experience bringing young talent up to speed. As we look to the future, we know we’ll be relying on Daizee to help teach the stars of tomorrow. She’s also a great talent in her own right and looks to be following up on her recent SHIMMER heel turn by continuing down that path for our promotion. It will be very interesting to see what Haze brings to our promotion.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: 8th round, 46th pick overall, Sforcina
2008 Draft: 12th round, 103rd pick overall, Thomas
2007 Draft: Not Selected

With the 72nd pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Professional Wrestling of Windsor and Detroit (PWWND) selects…

-Wrestling out of: United Banks of Switzerland
-Co-Leader of Bruderschaft des Kruzes in CHIKARA
-Co-Founder of $wiss Money Holding
-Finisher: Toblerone Driver, Money Maker

Chad Nevett: Aggressive, highly skilled, and has some power behind him, Ares seemed like a good fit with the general layout of the promotion by this point. He’s been doing some great work in CHIKARA this year and I think he could be even better on his own.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: Ineligible
2008 Draft: Ineligible
2007 Draft: Not Selected

We have a trade to announce!

KOAKH has agreed to send the rights to the 99th and 117th picks overall to PW3 in exchange for the Arik Cannon!

Sam Berman: No performer in Independent wrestling history has been more underrated than “The Anarchist” Arik Cannon. While untimely injuries have derailed him on more than one occasion, Cannon proved last year in KOAKH that he can still reach the heights he first hit in 2004 when he tore through most of the top names on the Independent scene. He holds victories over such names as Homicide, Chris Hero, AJ Styles, and “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson. While KOAKH is once again giving up multiple picks in an attempt to gain a specific commodity, we feel that there are few performers who exemplify the KOAKH style as much as “The Anarchist”. Many thanks to PW3 for making Cannon available for trade.

Mathew Sforcina: Simple logic here. I got something out of this (more guys), and Arik got something out of it (a chance to ride again with his old buddies). So it was good for me, and good for him. So good for everyone!

With the 73rd pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Wichita Wrestling: Junior Division (WWJD) selects…

Jack Evans
-Wrestling out of: Parkland, Washington
-Extended Stay with AAA in Mexico This Past Year
-Has Teamed With and Feuded Against Teddy Hart
-Finisher:630 Splash

Aaron Hubbard: Not to take anything away from Jack Evans, who is a tremendous athlete and deserved to be drafted, but at this point I was having a minor meltdown after Jasper ended up stealing the Portal from me and really made me pay for my gamble. I was trying to draft someone who had star power, and had I taken a better look, I probably would have drafted another talent like Jerry Lynn. Fortunately, Jack Evans provides a couple of easy connections to help boost my roster a bit.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: 5th round, 29th pick overall, Hubbard
2008 Draft: 2nd round, 13th pick overall, Thomas
2007 Draft: 3rd round, 15th pick overall, Bauer

With the 74th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, KOAKH Pro selects…

“The Professional” Scott Lost
-Wrestling out of: San Diego, California
-Co-Owner of PWG
-Long-Time Member of The Dynasty International
-Finisher: Big Fat Kill, Sharpshooter

Sam Berman: Having been relegated primarily to the West Coast Independent scene, “The Professional” Scott Lost is an unknown to far too many fans. With the 74th overall selection, KOAKH Pro is pleased to welcome a distinguished performer into the fold. Certainly if Lost’s reputation is any indication, he will live up to his nickname and then some.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: Not Selected
2008 Draft: 5th round, 44th pick overall, Domingo
2007 Draft: 5th round, 25th pick overall, Berman

With the 75th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Wrestling…on the WEB!! (WOTW) selects…

Irish Airborne Jake & Dave Crist
-Wrestling out of: New Carlisle, Ohio
– Real Life Brothers
-Has Wrestled for ROH, HWA, FIP and IPW
-Finisher: Irish Air Raid

Chris Lansdell: I always thought these two guys weren’t getting their dues. One of them does a top rope Canadian Destroyer for mercy’s sake! With the two quality tag teams I’ve already drafted, there’s serious possibility here for the Airborne to finally come into their own. Copious workrate!

Previous Draft Selection
Jake Crist
2009 Draft: 11th round, 73rd pick overall, Sforcina
2008 Draft: Not Selected
2007 Draft: Not Selected

Dave Crist
2009 Draft: 12th round, 74th pick overall, Sforcina
2008 Draft: Not Selected
2007 Draft: Not Selected

=Round Ten=

With the 76th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Wrestling…on the WEB!! (WOTW) selects…

Matt Cross
-Wrestling out of: Cleveland, Ohio
-Acrobatic / Gymnastic Background
-Wrestled as a “Spartan” in International Wrestling Companies
-Finisher: Phoenix Splash, Shooting Star Press

Chris Lansdell: M-Dogg Matt Cross is what Evan Bourne wishes he could be. Just as good in the air but far more believable on the mat, Cross can easily fill the acrobat role we were looking for in a match with Teddy Hart or even as part of a team against the Airborne.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: Not Selected
2008 Draft: 7th round, 58th pick overall, Westerfeld
2007 Draft: 7th round, 38th pick overall, Domingo

With the 77th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, New York Knock-Out Wrestling (NY-KO) selects…

Necro Butcher
-Wrestling out of: Morgantown, West Virginia
-Crazy Brawler
-Wrestles Barefoot
-Finisher: Tiger Driver

Ari Berenstein: Necro fell way far down this year, but that descent stops here. Necro Butcher is a tough man’s tough man—and while he may have been somewhat overexposed and neutered over the years in Ring of Honor, NY-KO will not only allow Necro to be Necro, but fully encourage him to unleash his hardcore side. At his best, Necro is not just bad-ass, but he’s dangerous and unpredictable, and that chaotic energy is what he will bring to my promotion.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: 1st round, 3rd pick overall, Thomas
2008 Draft: 3rd round, 20th pick overall, Bauer
2007 Draft: 3rd round, 18th pick overall, Berenstein

With the 78th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Wichita Wrestling: Junior Division (WWJD) selects…

“The Littlest Lumberjack” Grizzly Redwood
-Wrestling out of: The Yukon Pass
-Fear The Beard
-When The Straps Drop, It’s Serious
-Finisher: Springboard DDT

Aaron Hubbard: I don’t even remember what my logic in drafting this guy was. I think I was a bit concerned with the multitude of masked guys I had and Grizzly was one of the first guys with a gimmick that came to mind. This was, quite frankly, a waste of a pick at this point in the draft, which shows that I clearly wasn’t thinking straight.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: Not Selected
2008 Draft: Not Selected
2007 Draft: Not Selected

With the 79th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Professional Wrestling of Windsor and Detroit (PWWND) selects…

Hardcore Bob Holly
-Wrestling out of: Mobile, Alabama
-Former WWE Mainstay
-Known to be Curmudgeonly
-Finisher: Alabama Slam

Chad Nevett: “Hardcore” Bob Holly: A pick that had some of the other guys wondering what I was thinking, but Holly is a solid performer and could work in the veteran role. Or, playing into the natural heat, as the veteran that you know will do his best to kick the crap out of a young guy.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: 11th round, 71st pick overall, Thomas
2008 Draft: Not Eligible
2007 Draft: Not Eligible

With the 80th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Total Package Women’s Wrestling (TPWW) selects…

Mercedes Martinez
-Wrestling out of: The Bronx, New York
-Frequent Competitor in SHIMMER
-High Impact Wrestling Style
-Finisher: Saito Suplex, Fisherman’s Buster

Jeremy Thomas: Another steal for us late in the game, Mercedes (also known as Maria Toro in Wrestlelicious) has been establishing a well-deserved reputation as one of the top women wrestlers. She has an unbeatable fighting spirit and has won gold in multiple independent promotions around the country, from IWA-MS to wXw to the NWA and more. TPWW is proud to add her to the roster and is looking forward to see how far her dreams of capturing gold will go.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: 14th round, 91st pick overall, Hubbard
2008 Draft: Not Selected
2007 Draft: Not Selected

With the 81st pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, KOAKH Pro selects…

“The Playa From the Himalaya” Sonjay Dutt
-Wrestling out of: Bollywood, India
-Former TNA X-Division Champion
-Good Run With ROH in 2009
-Finisher: Corkscrew 450 Splash

Sam Berman: KOAKH Pro management is shocked that an International superstar of Sonjay Dutt’s status is still available with the 81st overall selection. KOAKH clearly gambled through the last few rounds that Dutt would remain undrafted, and that gamble has clearly paid off. Dutt’s track record speaks for itself, as he has been a star both in Japan as well as domestically as a part of Total Nonstop Action’s X-Division. Dutt was a star last year for KOAKH, and hopes to continue that in the coming year.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: 7th round, 44th pick overall, Berman
2008 Draft: Not Eligible
2007 Draft: Not Eligible

With the 82nd pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Pro Wrestling Symphony (PWS) selects…

“The New Age Punisher” B-Boy
-Wrestling out of: San Diego, California
-Popular With Fans
-High Impact Wrestling Style
-Finisher: Shining Wizard, Cross Special Brainbuster

Jasper Gerretsen: For its tenth pick, Pro Wrestling Symphony has decided to keep going in a more hardcore direction, selecting the New Age Punisher, B-Boy. Originally making his mark on the SoCal scene, B-Boy has successfully branched out to the east coast over recent years. With plenty of belts and big wins to his name, B-Boy brings a lot more to the table than his tenth pick position suggests.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: Not Selected
2008 Draft: Not Selected
2007 Draft: Not Selected

With the 83rd pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Pro Wrestling 3.0 (PW3) selects…

The Order of the Neo Solar Temple Ultramantis Black & Crossbones
-Wrestling out of: The Neo Solar Temple
-The “Pinky & The Brain” of CHIKARA
-Ultramantis is Particularly Great on Commentary
-Finisher:Mantis: Praying Mantis Bomb; Crossbones: Frigging Sweet Driver

Mathew Sforcina: Hell yes, Crossbones! Oh yeah, and that other guy who’s a really good talker, with the main components of a stable that’s established, with
a tag team with rich experience working together and stuff. But still, Crossbones! Crossbones baby! You could end the draft here, I’ve won!

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: Not Selected
2008 Draft: Not Selected
2007 Draft: Not Selected

With the 84th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Sports Entertainment Xtreme (SEX) selects…

Up In Smoke Cheech & Cloudy
-Wrestling out of: New York
-Cool Surfer Dudes in CHIKARA & ROH
-Young, Fan Friendly & Charismatic
-Finisher:Partly Cloudy With a Chance of Cheech, Ultra Combo Go To Cheech

Michael Bauer: So they have hosted Raw, one went on Celebrity Jeopardy… wait… that’s Cheech and Chong? So what did we draft? Well, we have another team that’s on the rise and can hopefully channel whatever those other guys were on.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: Not Selected
2008 Draft: 11th round, 97th pick overall, Berman
2007 Draft: Not Selected

2009 Draft: Not Selected
2008 Draft: 12th round, 102nd pick overall, Berman
2007 Draft: Not Selected

=In the Draft War Room=

Readers will have noticed that Jeremy is selecting female wrestlers exclusively for his promotion, which makes sense because that is the basis for his company. However, that certainly opened the door for some rather snappy comments made in his direction regarding that decision. I’m sure only about half of them were not actually intended to be taken seriously.

After The Canadian Ninjas were selected at #53:
Sam: Who?
Mat: Portia Perez and some other chick.
Sam: Oh, some chicks Whatevs…
Ari: Yeah, feel free to join us in THIS draft Jeremy!
Mike: Aren’t they the SHIMMER Tag Champs?
Sam: I mean ‘wrestle’ is such a strong word…
Aaron: Yes but Sam’s sexist.
Sam: In the midwest, we call it progressive, but whichever

=Round Eleven=

With the 85th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Sports Entertainment Xtreme (SEX) selects…

-Wrestling out of: Minneapolis, Minnesota
-Manager for the International Home Wrecking Crew in SHIMMER
-Formerly “in relationships” with Austin Aries and Jimmy Jacobs in ROH
-Available as a Manager Only
-Finisher: Lung Blower

Michael Bauer: Ah, the tradition continues. We assured the Lovely Lacey that we will not be doing any women’s wrestling as soon as this pick was made. But what will she be doing? You gotta come into Vegas to find out.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: 8th round, 49th pick overall, Hubbard
2008 Draft: 7th round, 56th pick overall, Bauer
2007 Draft: 7th round, 39th pick overall, Bauer

With the 86th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Pro Wrestling 3.0 (PW3) selects…

“The Psycho Shooter” Drake Younger
-Wrestling out of: Indianapolis, Indiana
-Frequent Mid-West and CZW Wrestler
-Ultra-Tough Crowd Favorite
-Finisher: Drake’s Landing (Vertebreaker)

Mathew Sforcina: So why is a guy who is on record as being somewhat anti-Ultra-Violent pick a guy like Younger, who while having some skills as a wrestler,
is known more for his deathmatch stuff? Easy, I want to rip offwas inspired by something I saw in some guy, Jed I think his name was, something he did in his EWR thread, and I wanted to use it. Drake was a good starting point for it…

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: Not Selected
2008 Draft: Not Selected
2007 Draft: Not Selected

With the 87th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Pro Wrestling Symphony (PWS) selects…

Jerry Lynn
-Wrestling out of: Minneapolis, MN
-Former ROH World Champion
-Pioneer of Independent Light Heavyweight Style
-Finisher: Cradle Piledriver

Jasper Gerretsen: For its eleventh pick, Pro Wrestling Symphony is proud to announce that it has secured the services of Jerry Lynn, one of the most experienced wrestlers active today. While we have no idea how Lynn is available so far down the road, we are more than happy to add his invaluable experience and skillset to our roster. Even at his age, we are sure that Lynn is more than ready to live up to the expectations that both the fans and the management have of him.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: 4th round, 26th pick overall, Thomas
2008 Draft: Not Selected
2007 Draft: Not Selected

With the 88th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, KOAKH Pro selects…

“The New Horror” Sami Callahan
-Wrestling out of:The Last house on the Left
-Eccentric Character and Personality
-Tags With Jon Moxley as Switchblade Conspiracy in AAW & Mid-West Independents
-Finisher: Koji Clutch

Sam Berman: KOAKH Pro is dedicated to helping up-and-coming talent reach the next level in their careers, and last year helped put “The New Horror” Sami Callahan firmly on the Independent wrestling map. Bringing back Callahan for a second year of KOAKH action seemed, quite frankly, like the right thing to do, especially with Sami available with the 88th overall selection. Callahan already seems intent on avenging a series of losses last year to KOAKH’s own Eddie Kingston.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: 15th round, 100th pick overall, Berman
2008 Draft: Not Selected
2007 Draft: Not Selected

With the 89th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Total Package Women’s Wrestling (TPWW) selects…

The Pink Ladies Madison Eagles & Jessie McKay
-Wrestling out of: Australia
– Sydney, Australia
-Eagles-New and Current SHIMMER Champion
-Finisher:Eagles: Hellbound (DVD on knee); McKay: Boyfriend Stealer (Sitout Uranage)

Jeremy Thomas: This team has been grooving along together since McKay turned heel in May of 2008 on a PWWA show. Since that time, the Ladies have found success both as a team and as singles competitors. McKay held gold twice in PWWA, while Eagles of course defeated MsChif in April to become the third-ever SHIMMER Champion. These two ladies from Australia have proven that they can hang with the top names in the scene. Whether they compete as a team or as singles competitors, they’re sure to make an impact on the TPWW landscape.

Previous Draft Selection

2009 Draft: Not Selected
2008 Draft: Not Selected
2007 Draft: Not Selected

2009 Draft: Not Selected
2008 Draft: Not Selected
2007 Draft: Not Selected

With the 90th pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Professional Wrestling of Windsor and Detroit (PWWND) selects…

Flip Kendrick
-Wrestling out of: Detroit, Michigan
-Teams With Louis Lyndon as Aeroform
-High Flying-Gets Big Air
-Finisher: Spiral Tap

Chad Nevett: One half of Aeroform with Louis Lyndon, I’ve seen a bit of Kendrick and he’s good. Since having a few viable tag teams was one of my goals, I liked the contrast of Aeroform to a group like Dark City Fight Club.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: Not Selected
2008 Draft: Not Selected
2007 Draft: Not Selected

With the 91st pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Wichita Wrestling: Junior Division (WWJD) selects…

“The Golden Lynx” Lince Dorado
-Wrestling out of: Juarez, Mexico
-8th Member of the BDK in CHIKARA
-Embittered Fallout with The Future Is Now
-Finisher: Shooting Star Press

Aaron Hubbard: I had tried to draft Lince earlier as part of a tag team but had that ruled out. Since I now owned all three current members of The Future is Now, it made sense to me to draft the former member for storyline purposes. Dorado is a fine talent who I have no problem welcoming to my roster.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: Not Selected
2008 Draft: 9th round, 81st pick overall, Domingo
2007 Draft: 15th round, 90th pick overall, Berenstein

With the 92nd pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, New York Knock-Out Wrestling (NY-KO) selects…

“The King of Old School” Steve Corino
-Wrestling out of: Sea Isle City, NJ via Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
-Has Won Countless Titles on the Independents and in International Competition
-Former ECW (original) Heavyweight Champion
-Finisher:Old School Expulsion, Northern Lights Bomb

Ari Berenstein: Speaking of huge drops, from a keeper all the way down 92nd? I have no problem picking Corino up if others won’t but he being available so late in the draft was still quite a surprise to me. Corino has rebuilt his career and presence in Ring of Honor, especially managing and bringing out the dark side in Kevin Steen. Corino’s ability to go to extremes is well documented, so there is a lot to do with him as well in terms of building hot angles. Speaking of, expect a now reunited Steen and Corino to tear things up in NY-KO. Corino antagonizes with the best of them, and no doubt he will help Steen pick on the good guys and create some great crowd heat as well.

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: Keeper, Thomas
2008 Draft: 3rd round, 24th pick overall, Thomas
2007 Draft: 5th round, 29th pick overall, Larry Csonka

With the 93rd pick in the 2009 411Mania Independent Pro Wrestling Draft, Wrestling…on the WEB!! (WOTW) selects…

The Man Who Defies Gravity PAC
-Wrestling out of: Newcastle, England
-Dazzling High Flying Displays of Awesomeness
-Frequent Wrestler for PWG & Dragon Gate
-Finisher: Corkscrew Shooting Star Press

Chris Lansdell: PAC is even better than Cross in the air, and is underrated elsewhere. I cannot believe this guy dropped so low! PAC has everything needed to be a solid mid-card guy, and no fed can hope to survive without a solid mid-card. Gravity and the rest of the 411 staff may have forgotten him, but I didn’t!

Previous Draft Selection
2009 Draft: 11th round, 69th pick overall, Martinez
2008 Draft: 4th round, 33rd pick overall, Westerfeld
2007 Draft: 5th round, 26th pick overall, Domingo

We’re almost done with the draft selection process. Three more rounds to go as the players look to pick-up the best finds and sleeper picks with the rest of their choices!


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Ari Berenstein

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