wrestling / Live Coverage
411’s LIVE Monday Night Raw Coverage 06.12.06: Mick Foley/Ric Flair
See No Evil crap. I’m pretty sick of it.
**Mick Foley’s music hits**
Mick Foley is here! Damn, he got messed up last night, folks.
Foley on the mic: Thank you – man, have I got some great news for all of you. It turns out that the blurry vision I suffered last night is going to heal up in about a week or so. As will all the lacerations I suffered last night. But most importantly, the old Mick Foley is back again. The cuddly guy, the human muppet – there’s a new chapter in my career and what better place to turn that chapter than right here at the University of Pennsylvania. What I’m trying to understand as I think about my efforts lats night at ONS. I think what you guys have to know is….
Ric Flair is BACK! Flair makes his way down the ramp!
Flair on the mic: WOOOOO!
Foley: Wait a minute – I gave you your entrance because of who you are and what you’ve done. What I don’t know is what the hell you are doing in this ring.
Flair: It’s because of who I am that you’re not going to say anything because I”ve been wanting to talk to you for three years. I don’t care about last night. I don’t care about anything you did last night including lighting yourself on fire. Tearing your body up with barbed-wire. Please, that means nothing to me. I want to talk to you about you and me. Ok? It occurred to me and I’ve heard that you have made innuendos about what I’ve said about your wrestling career. And God only knows I’ve wanted to come out here and say it for three years. I’m gonna say it. You guys like that? WOO! (WOO) You realize that my name is Ric Flair (WOOOO!). And around here there’s only one name that’s on an equal basis and that would be Joe Paterno. Joe Paterno, the Naitch – equal playing ground. So my friend I want to let you know this whole scenario about you standing up for the WWE – it’s just a bunch of crap. You wanted to bring back that wild west show – ECW – because that’s all you are. A glorified stuntman! And for ten years, ten years – guys like the Nature Boy Ric Flair, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Stone Cold, Undertaker, Kurt Angle have walked out that curtain to greatness. They have wrestled their way to greatness. Wherever I go people say to me – Ric Flair – you know the coolest thing I ever saw? What – me wearing that 16th title. They go no – Mick Foley going off that cage into a table at Hell in the Cell. That pisses me off. Brother – we bled, sweat, and wrestled our way to greatness!
Foley: That’s not what this is all about. That’s not what this is all about. Not whether or not I was a great wrestler. I know all about you – these people don’t care about you and Harley Race at the first Starrcasde. They don’t care about you and Steamboat in New Orleans. Hell, they’re too young to remember you and Terry Funk in 89. What bothers you wherever you go despite you being a limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing……..to my WWE fans – you will never be in the same league. You and your 10,000 dollar custom made suit. You still don’t live up to me! It drives you crazy, Ric – Woooo…..and you know more than anything else what’s really got you – what’s really gnawing at you is the fact that you can do nothing about it because the glorified stuntman in the ring could rip you apart like that!
Flair: Did you say – like that?!?!?
Ric rips off his coat and elbows his microphone.
Flair: Right now – say it! Take it..I’m looking you in the face!
Foley: I’ve got blurred vision! I could take you out like that! Just not now!
Mick on the outside now.
Foley: Ric…my eyes are so screwed up – I may mistake you for the wrong old guy and start slapping Joe Paterno around.
Flair: What do I gotta do? Throw some thumbtacks around the ring? Get a ladder, get a table, get a chair? I want your ass in this ring right now! Foley, Foley, Foley – you, your ass, right here now!
Foley: You don’t get my ass or any other body part here and now because I’ve got a challenge for you Ric. I’m not going to fight you in barbed-wire, you don’t have to sprinkle thumbtacks on the ground, you don’t have to grab a ladder – because I’m going to out wrestle you at Vengeance. Two weeks from tonight Ric in your hometown in Charlotte, North Carolina. And to make no mistake about it I’m going to do it 2 out of 3 falls!
Flair: After I wrestled Edge in that TLC match I woke up the next morning, and I said I want Foley! It’s ECW-WWE – Charlotte, by God, North Carolina. You’ve got it.
Foley: I’ll embarrass in front of your own home fans. The legend of Ric Flair will be done!
Flair’s music hits.
Flair: Do you hear that? WOOOOO! WOOOOOO!!
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