wrestling / TV Reports

411’s NWA Championship Wrestling From Hollywood Report 01.21.11

January 29, 2011 | Posted by Randy Harrison

Stu Stone welcomes us to the broadcast and runs down the card with The Manimal taking on Rico Dynamite, Buggy facing Lucky O’Shea and Natural Selection putting up their newly-won NWA Heritage Tag Team Championships in an open invitation bout against any team in NWA Hollywood . After the usual opening package we head into the ring for our first bout of the night!

Match One:
Famous B vs. Cedric The Hitman

Crowd is pretty heavily into B, popping for his entrance and cheering for him right from the get-go as they lay the boos on Cedric pretty heavily. Cedric lays some smack talk on the crowd and threatens them with the briefcase before making his way into the ring and there’s the bell! Crowd chants for Famous B and here’s the lock-up with Cedric working an arm-wringer until B uses the ropes to flip out of it and reverse into an arm-wringer of his own. Cedric reverses back into an armbar and chain wrestles into a headlock with B shooting him off into the ropes. Leapfrog from B and Cedric rolls through a monkey flip attempt before whipping B into the ropes for a backdrop attempt. B cartwheels away from it and trips Cedric to the mat for a standing moonsault that misses! Cedric off the ropes and he tries a flip legdrop but that misses as well and they trade armdrags before B hits a Japanese armdrag followed by a heel kick to the face. B tries another kick and misses but catches Cedric on the other side with a mule kick to the gut and hits the ropes for a floatover armdrag that gets a good cheer from the crowd.

Cedric recovers and grabs an arm, ramming his shoulder into B’s shoulder before pulling him in for a knee to the gut and a HUGE tornado DDT that gets a short two-count. Cedric chokes B across the middle rope and talks some smack before he picks B up for a modified blue thunder bomb…1……..2………B rolls the shoulder in the nick of time! Cedric pulls B out of the corner and drops him with a big European uppercut as the crowd chants for Famous B again. B with right hands to the gut and he lays in some kicks to the body before taking Cedric down with a spinning heel kick. Both guys struggle to their feet and Cedric hits a big chop before dragging B down into a modified backbreaker. Cover…..1…….2…………kickout from B! Cedric picks B up with a fireman’s carry and drops him neck-first across the knee with a vicious neckbreaker!!! Beautiful move from Cedric and he tries to capitalize with a cover……1………….2……………B barely escapes!! Another chant for B from the crowd and he flips through a snap mare attempt by Cedric, turning it into a headscissors into a pinning combination that gets a short two-count. They fight over a backslide and B wins it but can only get a one-count as Cedric’s shoulder pops up.

Cedric drops B with a huge knee to the face and comes off the ropes with a legdrop that gets two before he starts working a chinlock with B tangled up in the ropes. B hanging over the middle rope as Cedric heads up to the top turnbuckle…..GUILLOTINE LEGDROP FROM THE TOP TO THE FLOOR BY CEDRIC!!! B falls backwards into the ring and Cedric rolls in for a cover…..1…………….2…………………….B KICKS OUT AGAIN!! Cedric picks B up for a cradle suplex but B blocks it and fights out of it, locking in the double underhooks to take Cedric over with a butterfly suplex that gets him a two-count. Right hands from B send Cedric staggering into the corner and B whips him across into the opposite corner but Cedric reverses. B springs over a charging Cedric and does a backflip before charging Cedric in the corner, but Cedric backdrops him over the top to the apron. B with a shouler to the gut and he flips over Cedric into the ring, landing on his feet and setting up for the FLASHING LIGHTS SUPERKICK!! B drapes an arm over Cedric……1……………..2………………….CEDRIC GETS A FOOT ON THE ROPES!! B argues with the referee about the count and Cedric goes for the briefcase in the corner!! They fight over it and eventually Cedric WAFFLES HIM WITH IT and lays B out on the mat. Referee calls for the bell and Cedric stands over B, threatening to hit him again, but HERE COMES ANDREW HELLMAN FOR THE SAVE!! Cedric heads to the back with the case and Hellman challenges Cedric to get back in the ring.

Winner: Famous B (disqualification, briefcase shot) ***1/4

Shame about the finish as these guys worked a great bout that would have been rated even higher with a pinfall or a submission, but I have to admit that it sets up more between these two in the future with Andrew Hellman thrown in, so I can let it go this time. Cedric is starting to get over as a heel and Famous B is CRAZY over with the fans in Hollywood so the fans were way into this one. Great stuff from both guys to kick off the show and B may be someone to watch out for in the next few months if he keeps getting that kind of response.

YES!!! They run the Ricky Mandel package again and I have to admit that they’re doing everything they can to make the kid seem like a big deal so it will be interesting to see what happens when he finally makes his debut on the program.

Back from the break and Joey Ryan is in the NWA Hollywood interview area, saying that Adam Pearce has been ducking him and trying to send Kaos and Avalon after him to distract him, but all it did was buy him time. Ryan says that Pearce may have cashed a few extra paychecks from making title defenses for a little while longer, but his time is almost up. He adds that Kaos and Avalon were taken care of last week and their fifteen minutes of fame are done. Ryan says that in seven short days he’ll be the NWA World Heavyweight Champion and he asks Pearce how it feels for him to know that in one week there’s going to be an empty space on his trophy shelf. Ryan says that he’s a nice guy and talented and creative so he’s written a song for Adam and he’s dedicating it to his title reign. Ryan starts playing his keyboard scarf and warbles out a song about Pearce losing his title.

From there, we go straight into a sit-down interview with the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce. He starts off talking about how Colt Cabana spent weeks on end pining for the adulation of the people and how it’s his goal to become champion and that he gets his opportunity and blows it. He says that Cabana relies too much on other people and that he needs the people cheering in his ear and that all it got him was a trip to the hospital and that if he comes back sniffing for the gold again, he’ll be right back in the hospital. He says that the fans are Cabana’s problem because if you have to rely on the fans to pump you up, you’re one step behind the game. He talks about Colt waking up in the hospital and that the blame for that is squarely placed on the fans and no one else and that that should make Colt think about what he’s doing. Pearce goes back over the situation of the fan vote and how Colt’s blood is on their hands because he grew up on the wrong side of the tracks in Chicago and that the fans put him where he was most comfortable because he grew up fighting in the streets.

Pearce turns his attention to Nick Madrid and says that he is the perfect example of one guy getting the sun to shine on him for one day. He lays out what happened with Cabana being unable to answer the challenge and commends Madrid on having the guts to face him. He says that now he can look at himself in the mirror forever and know that for one moment, for one split second, he might have been better than the best. He says he’s watching Madrid now and that he’s opened up a lot of eyes and when the eyes of The Standard are on you, you have a whole lot to worry about. He moves on to Joey Ryan and says that it’s not his fault that it’s taken so long for Joey Ryan to get a title shot and that he’s not the matchmaker and he’s not to blame for that. He says that Ryan scored a fluke pinfall and that while everyone expects everything to happen instantly in a fast-food society, it’s not his job to make sure that every fluke win gets followed up on in ten minutes. He says that Ryan has had Avalon and Kaos on his plate and that he’s had to worry about those things and that it’s not his problem that he hasn’t gotten his shot yet. Pearce says that you need to ask David Marquez and Bob Trobich those questions since they have the “power” in the NWA and that he is just the best. He says it doesn’t matter if it’s seven days, seven weeks or seven minutes and that he hopes that Ryan has taken this time to prepare because if he hasn’t, he’ll end up the same way that Colt Cabana did.

After another commercial break, one half of the NWA Heritage Tag Team Champions, Shaun Ricker, is on the microphone and he’s talking about tonight’s open challenge. He says that everybody needs to focus on the gold belt sitting on his shoulder as that is the symbol of excellence and the symbol of the greatness that Natural Selection has gone to and will continue to go to. He says that it was a long time ago when he and Brian Cage came into Hollywood and that they said when they first arrived, they were going to ride in style and that means riding with tag team gold around their waists. He says that the prophecy came true and you can call him Rickerdamus because now the greatest tag team is walking around with the gold belts and no one is going to take it from them. He says that he was picking beef out of his teeth after having lunch at a burger joint and that it reminded him of the remnants of the RockNES Monsters. He tells them to sit back and relax because it’s the Natural Selection Invitiational as tonight, they’ll open it up to anyone in the deepest tag team roster in professional wrestling except for the Monsters. He says that they can watch what champions do from the back and then runs down the list of possible contenders including the “skinny dorks” Todd Chandler and Brandon Parker, the “tub of lard” Willie Mack or his tag team partner “the child molester lookalike” Joey Ryan. He says that it could be The Tribe and that they might do their little rain dance, but that it doesn’t matter because whoever comes down to the ring, they’re the champions and no one can take it from them because it’s all gravy, daddy. Pass that gravy and remember that they’re going to be the champs for a long, long time because that’s not an insult, that’s just a fact of life. Awesome, AWESOME promo from Ricker here and he’s got a ton of potential to get catchphrases over like crazy with his “Huh?” being my favorite. Tremendous stuff and probably one of the most enjoyable promos I’ve seen yet on this show.

Match Two:

The Manimal vs. Rico Dynamite

Todd Kenely welcomes former PWG star Excalibur to the ringside area as he’ll be providing color commentary on this one and he talks about how he had the displeasure of walking past Manimal backstage and that he’s got quite the odor coming off of him. Dynamite is out next and his stalker fan is back in the front row, screaming as referee Chris Massie tries to get Manimal to put down his bone. Dynamite locks up and gets caught in an arm-wringer before he pops him in the face with a right hand. Armbar from Dynamite and Manimal reverses into a standing armbar of his own before biting on Dynamite’s knuckles. Manimal bites at him again and whips him into the corner for a charge, but Dynamite gets the boot up and kicks him square in the face. Manimal charges again, but this time Dynamite elevates him and slams him into the top turnbuckle. Dynamite rakes at Manimal’s face and hammers him down with double axehandles before he hits a stiff chop and a big right hand against the ropes. Dynamite whips him into the ropes and hits him with a huge clothesline, but Manimal doesn’t go down! Jumping knee to the face from Dynamite and Manimal is still on his feet! Rico’s had enough of that and PLANTS Manimal with a huge belly-to-back suplex that rocks the ring.

Dynamite follows up with a knee to the spine and another before he locks in a reverse chinlock. Manimal fights back to his feet and elbows away at Dynamite before breaking the hold by stomping on Dynamite’s feet. Manimal hits the ropes and charges, but Dynamite catches him and drops him with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker! Dynamite covers, but can only get two as Manimal rolls the shoulder near the ropes in the corner of the ring. Dynamite whips Manimal into the ropes and goes for a clothesline that misses and Manimal comes back around with a huge jumping clothesline of his own! Manimal hits another clothesline and takes Dynamite down with a huge scoop slam followed by a big splash off the ropes. Cover gets a two-count for Manimal and he lines up for another charge, but Dynamite catches Manimal and takes him down with a double-leg and locks him into the RICO DEATH CLINCH!! Manimal fights it for a few seconds, but taps out to the RDC!!

Winner: Rico Dynamite (submission, Rico Death Clinch) **1/2

Dynamite is gaining some momentum with his recent winning streak and it looks like he might just be getting himself a valet soon as well judging from the female fan at ringside being there again this week. Manimal is a great throwback to the old-style gimmick guy and he’s actually starting to get over as well, which is a bit of a surprise. Very solid match from these two, even if they don’t seem to have much going on in terms of storylines at this point.

From there, we go into highlights from a couple of weeks ago with Scorpio Sky pinning Austin Aries and we head back to the NWA Hollywood interview area where Jonny Loquasto is with Sky and he asks him about the challenge laid out by Austin Aries on last week’s show. Sky asks if it looked like a fluke and Jonny says that the fans at home didn’t think it was a fluke but A-Double begs to differ. Sky says that it didn’t look like a fluke when he’s training at his gym, eating at his favorite restaurant or just out on the town in Hollywood with everyone telling him that he did it, he finally managed to shut Austin Aries’ big mouth. He says that it wasn’t a fluke, it was a victory. Sky says that he was going to reject the challenge because he’s working his way towards a title shot and that there was nothing for him to gain except another winner’s share of the purse. He says that he wants Aries again because even in defeat he was disrespectful when he picked Sky up off the mat at two instead of taking the three-count. Sky says that he’s going to make a statement and he accepts the challenge so if Aries is ready, let’s get it on!

After the break, Stu Stone hypes the next KDOC TV taping on February 12th as well as NWA Hollywood’s appearance at WrestleReunion, January 29th and 30th and then we see footage from the commercial break where Rico Dynamite plucked his stalker fan out of the crowd and took her to the backstage area for who knows what. Apparently her name is Sylvia and she’s Rico’s number one fan, which draws a chuckle out of David Marquez.

Match Three:
Lucky O’ Shea w/Mikey vs. Buggy

Lucky tries to hide around the opposite side of the ring to sneak attack Buggy, but Buggy is too smart for it and rolls into the ring. Lucky finally makes her way in and attacks Buggy, hitting her with some forearm shots and stomps before she snap mares Buggy over and stands on her back. Forearm shiver in the corner from Lucky and she backs off to take a running start before she hits another one. She tries it again, but Buggy moves and hits a hip toss out of the corner before slamming Lucky down to the mat. Armdrag takeover by Buggy into an armbar and she drops the knee on the elbow before moving back to the armbar. Buggy continues to work the arm with a standing arm-wringer and eats a knee to the gut before she blocks Lucky’s attempt at a suplex with a small package that gets two. Buggy with an Irish whip but Lucky reverses it and MIkey trips Buggy down, allowing his sister to get a pin attempt for two.

Lucky just slams Buggy’s head into the canvas before she pulls her hair and smack talks her. Buggy with some shots to the gut to try to mount a comeback but Lucky cuts it off with a forearm shot and an Irish whip into the corner. Buggy floats over a charge and hits a clothesline followed by a reverse elbow and another big clothesline. She whips Lucky into the ropes and takes her down with a big sidewalk slam, taking too much time for the cover and only getting a two-count. Buggy tries for an Irish whip and Lucky reverses it, but Buggy reverses the reversal, sending Lucky in and she gets tripped up by Mikey!! He tripped up the wrong girl!! Lucky is yelling at Mikey on the outside and Buggy rolls her up off the ropes and bridges into the pin attempt….1…….2…………3!! Buggy makes it two in a row over Lucky with a little inadvertant help from Mikey O’Shea!

Winner: Buggy (pinfall, bridging roll-up) *1/2

Another example of the lethal ladies of the NWA Hollywood promotion doing a good job of wrestling a clean match that even had a little psychology thrown in, something that doesn’t happen much with the other promotions. Interested to see where the trouble brewing in the O’Shea ranks goes in upcoming weeks or if this was just a one-off miscommunication. Either way, Buggy gets another win and is quickly becoming one of the more popular ladies in NWA Hollywood, as well as one of the most successful.

After a commercial break, we’re back with Natural Selection already in the ring and the music playing for the team that they’ll be facing and it doesn’t look good for Cage and Ricker…..

Match Four: NWA Heritage Tag Team Championships
Skullkrusher Rasche Brown and Slymm vs. Natural Selection (Shaun Ricker and Brian Cage) (C)

Todd Kenely references it on the commentary as Brown and Slymm make their way to the ring, but Cage and Ricker cut a TREMENDOUS promo in the ring before the match, complete with a set of bongo drums and everything. Content-wise it was very similar to what Ricker did in his separate interview earlier in the show, but it’s too bad that they had to cut the in-ring promo as it was hilarious stuff. Ricker and Cage look concerned as Slymm and Brown make their way into the ring and after they lose the belts and hand them over to the referee, it’s time to get down to action. Wait, before we can get the bell rung, referee Patrick Hernandez drops one of the title belts and Ricker goes off on him, pushing him and yelling at him before the bell finally rings to get this one underway.

Brown gets the crowd behind him with some clapping and they respond before he locks up with Cage and throws him down to the mat in the corner. Cage tags in Ricker and he fares no better with a lock-up of his own as Brown throws him to the mat in the opposite corner. Another lock-up attempt, but Ricker knees Brown in the gut and locks in a headlock. Brown shoots him off into the ropes and Ricker tries a shoulderblock but Brown doesn’t budge. Ricker hits the ropes again and Brown slows him down with a kick to the gut before setting him up for a huge vertical suplex. Ricker floats over and scrambles away to his corner, tagging in Cage as Brown tags in Slymm. Brown kicks Cage and takes him over with a HUGE vertical suplex with Slymm following up with his juking, jiving elbowdrop. Slymm with a cover, but he barely gets a one-count before he hammers on Cage with some shots. Slymm whips Cage into the corner and follows him in with a big clothesline, knocking Cage down with a right hand for a two-count.

Cage cuts off the offense with a cheap shot to the gut and hits a big kneelift before tagging in Ricker, who just starts choking at Slymm against the ropes. Ricker corners Slymm and drives the shoulder into Slymm’s gut before tagging Cage back in for a double-Irish whip into the ropes. They try for a double clothesline, but Slymm ducks under and takes them both down with a double-clothesline of his own! Slymm makes the tag to Brown and BROWN ROCKS CAGE WITH A BIG BOOT IN THE CORNER!! Inadvertantly gay comment of the night award goes to Stu Stone on color commentary immediately after that move…”Did someone order a facial?”. Brown with the cover….1……..2…….Cage kicks out just before the three-count. Inadvertantly gay comment of the night award honorable mention goes to Todd Kenely immediately after the kickout….”Cage is going to have to stick to those protein shakes.”. Brown shoves Cage into the corner and hammers him with a push chop to the chest before whipping him across to the opposite corner. Brown charges and misses a jumping knee, hitting it against the top turnbuckle as Cage ducks out of the way and tags in Ricker.

High-low clotheslines on Brown from Natural Selection!! Ricker with a cover…..1………2………Brown rolls the shoulder!! Ricker stomping away at the leg of Brown and he drops a knee to the knee and thigh area before tagging Cage back in. They make a wish and yank on Brown’s legs before Cage locks in a beautiful rolling submission that looks like a variation on a figure-four leglock and a scorpion deathlock. Cage rolls out of the hold and tags in Ricker and they both stomp away for a few seconds before Brown fires back at Ricker with some right hands to the gut to try to turn the tide. Ricker cuts him off by raking at the eyes and follows that up with some stomps in the corner. Ricker tags in Cage and they set up for a double-suplex, but Brown reverses it and drops both of them with a stereo DDT!! Crowd getting behind Brown and THERE’S THE HOT TAG TO SLYMM! Reverse elbow on Ricker!! Slymm cleans house and misses a charging clothesline on Ricker before catching a kick from Ricker and turning it into a HUGE discus clothesline!! Cage attacks him from behind and hits some forearm uppercuts against the ropes before running the ropes to charge at Slymm. Slymm follows and takes Cage down with a big jumping clothesline! Ricker grabs Slymm’s pants and flings him through the middle ropes to the floor before he tries to ram him into the barricade on the outside. Slymm blocks it and rams Ricker into the barricade before lighting up his chest with a knife-edge chop as all four men brawl on the outside to take us to our final commercial break.

Back from the break and The Tribe is on the outside, hammering on Brown near the entrance area as Slymm forearms Ricker in the back inside the ring. Slymm has Ricker up in a bodyslam position, but Cage dropkicks Ricker and turns it into a crossbody that takes Slymm down! Ricker mounts Slymm and hammers away with punches and then picks Slymm up in the powerbomb position and Cage comes off the ropes with the springboard clothesline….DESELECTION!!! Cage with the cover and it’s academic folks….1……2……..3!! After the bell rings, The Tribe throws Slymm into the ring and it’s a four-on-two beatdown of Brown and Slymm as the bell continues to ring away. HERE COMES THE ROCKNES MONSTERS!! They clear the ring of The Tribe and Natural Selection to drive them away from Slymm and Brown and we’re left with the other two teams staring down in the middle of the ring with Slymm and Brown looking confused about the save as the credits roll.

Winners: Natural Selection (pinfall, Deselection on Slymm) ***

Two weeks in a row with very good tag team main events for the NWA Hollywood promotion as these two teams did a great job of mixing in the brawling power style of Brown and Slymm with the high-impact offense that Natural Selection brings to the table. After seeing the RockNES Monsters and Los Luchas and other teams flying all over the ring, it was a little jarring to see a more mat-based tag team match, but it was actually a nice change of pace as well. Ricker said it before about NWA Hollywood having a deep tag team division and he’s right as this match showed there’s plenty of talent in those ranks, no matter which two teams are in the ring.

Final Thoughts: Really good show this week with Famous B doing his damndest to steal the show out of the gate yet again, Ricker delivering a tremendous promo to make things interesting in the middle of the show and the tag title main event bringing the physicality in a strong match. After last week’s show that felt a little off, the promotion is back in full force this week with an entertaining show from start to finish!

Southern California wrestling fans, the next big NWA Championship Wrestling From Hollywood KDOC-TV taping takes place on February 12th at the Regent Showcase Theatre in the heart of Hollywood and you could be there LIVE! The card, which will has a special matinee bell time of 4pm, already has six great matches signed including a tag team main event with The Standard’s “Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce and Austin Aries taking on “Hollywood’s Own” Joey Ryan and Scorpio Sky in tag team action, the third bout in the best of five series between Aries and Sky and a whole lot more. Visit the NWA Hollywood website for more information on the show and pick up tickets for just $15 at SaveFans.com or by calling 1-888-326-7697.

If you’re a fan of MMA, be sure to check out Nokaut.com for more of my work.


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Randy Harrison

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