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Ciocco’s AEW Dynamite Review 10.16.24

October 16, 2024 | Posted by Ryan Ciocco
AEW Dynamite Christian Cage 10-16-24 Image Credit: AEW
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Ciocco’s AEW Dynamite Review 10.16.24  

Hey there, Sickos! It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means! Dynamite is back to its usual Wednesday Night spot, and we have the fallout from WrestleDream! No one is safe, as Jon Moxley and the BCC are on top of the company, and we have seen the end of the full-time, in-ring career of one Bryan Danielson. What is next for the BCC faction, and who is going to be the first person to challenge Moxley for the AEW World Title?

So, what is going on with you Sickos tonight? Hope you are all doing well on this Wednesday Night! Glad you are in the comments section, or checking this live coverage out, and glad to be here again to bring you the good word of AEW Dynamite!


Tonight, AEW make their debut in San Jose, California at the SAP Center! Our announcers tonight are Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Nigel McGuiness.

*Cold Open to start the show, with Jon Moxley narrating. Guess he has to take the blame for what happened at WrestleDream. Moxley states the obvious about the roster and how many people there. He hates what AEW has become, too much dancing and partying. He will burn down the forest to plant a new one.

(I think you have to plant seeds first, but okay)

You can come with us, or if you don’t, run while you can. Stay down while you can. Get out of the way. What is the need to know? What is the new paradigm. It’s simple, you work for me now!

(it should be noted that Wheeler Yuta continues to look disgusted throughout).

*To the ring, and here comes Adam Cole (BAYBAY!) WELCOME BACK chants for Cole, as he takes a moment to sink it in. Who’s ready for Story Time with Adam Cole BAYBAY? Cole tells Roddy. Mike, and Matt that he has to do this on his own. He doesn’t think anyone wants to hear about his recovery, but rather they want to hear him talk about MJF. Life is a battle between good and evil, and sometimes, you have to fight evil with evil. MJF will tell you that Cole broke his trust and betrayed him. Cole is a lot of things, but STUPID is not one of them.

(Good, Randy Orton wouldn’t like it if you were)

The MJF that he saw behind closed doors is the one that we are seeing now. All MJF cares about is himself, and not the company. IN one word, Cole says MJF is fake. Everything from head to toe, including two surgeries on his hair.


MJF is an insecure little boy, and Cole tells the fans to trash MJF, he will act like he doesn’t care, but he will be crying in the corner of his hotel room. MJF is a phony, he can’t be trusted, and everyone in the locker room is agreeing with what Cole is saying. Cole says we have the best locker room in the business, and some of the young guys are going to get better and better, making AEW the best company in the world. It makes him sick when the young talent look at MJF and think that is the path to success in the company. MJF thinks he is special, that he is the best thing ever in AEW, but everyone hates you. Cole hates the sound of his voice, the way he looks, etc. Cole challenges MJF to come down to the ring and he’ll kick his ass. How about it, Brochocho?

MJF’s music plays, but he doesn’t come out. Instead, he is on the tron. MJF says at 28 there has been a lot of gains for him. There is no trust in wrestling, there are too many jackals. They want to chew you up and spit you out. He said he would never let it happen again, until Cole came into his life. Cole stabbed him in the back, and he can never EVER trust anyone else again. It’s not his fault, it’s Adam’s fault for the void that he made. He knows Cole wants nothing but revenge, but it isn’t going to happen. You will never get MJF in the ring, and he will dangle the carrot in front of his face. For that sad and lonely life, you can thank Max later!

Cole says he knows MJF better than anyone else, but he can run, but he can’t hide. And when he gets his hands on him, he will give him the ass beating of a lifetime and will make you regret they ever met!

(Well, that was some nice fire by Adam Cole there).

*Back to WrestleDream, as Renee Paquette interviews Chris Jericho. Jericho says he feels vindicated because he lost. Jericho is co-starring in a film, his band is touring across the country. But, as Jericho suspected, Mark Briscoe cheated to win that match. Video follows of the end of the match. Jericho wants a rematch, and soon. He awaits his response and throws another jab at Jay Briscoe.

*To today, and Renee has Mark Briscoe. Jericho says a lot of dumb stuff, but the world saw Briscoe beat his ass at WrestleDream. Now he wants a rematch? He can’t let Jericho slide by evoking his brother’s name. You got your rematch, he wants to get his hands on him. Next week on Dynamite, Briscoe and JEricho, LADDER WARS! But tonight (Here comes FTR), these guys are going to get ahold of The Bad Apple and Big BIll and kick some ass!

As if on cue, we go to ring side for our opening match!

FTR vs. Big Bill and Bryan Keith
Harwood and Keith will start us off with a headlock and shoulder tackle. Keith with a lariat, another one, he takes Dax to the corner. Harwood fights out with a snap suplex and a leg drop. To the corner for the tag, double team work by FTR, Wheeler with the cover for a two. Keith fights off with a scoop slam, and tags in Big Bill. Bill with some clobbering forearms, he backs Wheeler in the corner with chop after chop. Irish whip, Bill catches Wheeler, but Cash wiggles away. FTR members punch Bill around. Bill says no mate and hits the BOSS MAN SLAM to take us to PIP break!

PIP thoughts:
-LINDOR CHOCOLATE…is overrated lol.
-My teeth aren’t as sensitive as I am!
-It always cracks me up in drug commercials when it says don’t take this if you are allergic to it. Like, no shit?
-American dad is STILL going? Wow, good for Seth.

And we’re back, as Keith is working of Wheeler. Cash out the back, tho, and hits a back suplex. Both men looking for a tag, here comes Bill first, but Wheeler ducks, and he gets to Harwood. Dax takes on both members of the Learning Tree, jumps from Bill to Keith! Short arm lariat to Keith! Here is Bill and he DROPS Harwood like its nothing! Bill looking for a powerbomb, but here comes Wheeler with a crossbody, Cash knocks down Keith. Looking for the Shatter Machine but NO, Bill said F that lol. POWERBOMB to Harwood, Wheeler to the floor! Keith with the Diamond Dust! Big boot by Bill! Wheeler leaps over the ref to break up the pin! Wheeler and Bill fight on the arena floor, Wheeler back in, SHATTER MACHINE to Keith and that’s good for the three!
TIME: 8:23
THOUGHTS: Good showing for The Learning Tree, but FTR was going over.

We see the “New” LFI watching on from the back, but here come the Outrunners! Turbo and Truth celebrate with FTR with the SON OF A BITCH HANDSHAKE!!!! YOU FEEL THAT IN THE CHEAP SEATS!!

To the back, and Renee has The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass! Billy says they are heading to the gym, and he is going to get the car ready. EVERYONE LOVES THE ACCLAIMED! Max has his jacket back! They want more and more and more and more and more! But here comes MVP and Shelton Benjamin! MVP hands him his card, and Bowens said they don’t need anything from him.

Back to the ring, and we have a TBS Title match coming up!

TBS Title Match: Mercedes Mone (C) vs. Queen Aminata
Kamille swipes at the leg of Aminata, and Mone takes advantage. Mone with an arm drag, reversed, and Aminata puts her ass in Mone’s face!


Waist lock by Aminata, reversed into a roll up, that’s countered, two count on both! Aminata catches Mone, Fallaway slam! Kamille rescues Mone from the ring, so Aminata comes out and headbutts Kamille! Mone takes advantage with a drop toe hold and then Meteora into the ring steps on Queen! PIP Break!

PIP thoughts:
-DC goes all in! (TK sues for the use of this phrase!)
-Meoimi…sorry, the dude looks like Drake lol.
-LOL, Kelly Clarkson was that close to saying WTF.
-Romantic, holiday theme film on Hallmark! It’s a hit!
-Ancestry, because get your 23 and me shit out of here!
-Love the dude’s beard in the cars.com commercial.
-Ricky and Morty the Anime!

-And we’re back, as Mone has Aminata on the mat. She gets up, but no, Mone keeps her grounded. Queen is up, gets the double leg for a pin for two count. Elbow strike, Aminata has Mone up for the Air Raid Crash, cover, a two count! Aminata with a sunset flip off the ropes, a two count! A backslide by the Queen, that’s a two. Aminata with a spinning neckreaker, another cover for a two! The Queen applies a body scissors, Aminta now does the rolling cradle around the ring, she stops for the pin, another two count! Aminata with a snap suplex! Aminata charges in, MOne with a knee strike, Mone off the top with a botchy looking double knee. The snap into the Statement Maker, and Aminata taps out!
WINNER: Mercedes Mone (Still Champion)
TIME: 8:32
THOUGHTS: A good showing for the Queen, but no drama involved, as we knew Mone wasn’t losing.
RATING: **3/4

*We go back to Saturday and see the highlights from the AEW Tag Team Titles match between The Young Bucks and Private Party. To the here and now, as both teams are here. Technical issues cover up some of what is being said, but the bottom line is that Private Party want another shot. Nicholas Jackson said that the group is more than a mid-card act, but that doesn’t work for them brother. They walk away, and here comes Stokley Hathaway. He says they could have had him in his corner, but they refused. The next time the group loses, there will be no Private Party, and Stokley says Isaiah is the real singles star here. This seed of doubt leads into our first full on commercial break!

*And we’re back, as the entire Elite is here. Jack Perry speaks, today is a special day for all of them, because today is Kenny Omega’s birthday! They want to get him something special on his birthday! It’s a cake, but it gets covered in intestines! Kazuchika Okada says Happy Birthday…BITCH! Perry says get better, or die, he doesn’t care.

To the ring, with the Conglomeration! Here come the Bucks up on the elevator, they drop the coin, and shit just got real!

The Young Bucks and Kazuchika Okada vs. Orange Cassidy, Kyle O’Reilly, and Rocky Romero
Okada and O’Reilly start us off, as the fans are behind Okada. Okada stops the 50/50 exchange with a big boot and tags in Matthew Jackson. Cassidy and O’Reilly work over Jackson, but Okada comes back in. Chaos everywhere, as Orange to the outside! Romero to the outside! This will resume after a PIP Break!

PIP thoughts:
-Ricky and Morty the anime!
-Don’t take medications you are allergic to! DUH!
-Did you know nachos could slam dunk? Now ya do!
-Smile 2 is…interesting? I didn’t really like the first one.
-I better get to Kay to get a layaway on my ring…I said never lol.

And we’re back, as Cassidy is trying to fight off the Bucks. The Bucks get Okada in the ring, as Orange tries to the sunset flip, but Okada flips him off! But Orange takes the chance to take in Kyle. It was an Okada and O’Reilly exchange, but the Bucks are back, but KOR takes both Bucks out. Okada is back, RAINMAKER, but O’Reilly counters with a hanging guillotine. Matthews Jackson saves Okada with the top rope elbow drop, Okada with the pin for a two count. Okada hits KOR with the neck breaker, but Romero makes the save. Rocky looking for the Forever Clotheslines, but The Bucks cut that off. Quick tags by the Elite after Okada hits the Tombstone Piledriver on Romero. The Bucks take a long time to pump up the kicks, Cassidy is in the ring. KOR and Orange do the High-Low on Okada, but the Bucks are back in, fake out on Romero, DDT by Matthew Jackson. Orange hits the spiked DDT on Mathew, Orange looking for the Orange Punch but here is Wheeler Yuta to attack OC!
WINNER: The Conglomeration by DQ
TIME: 9:14
THOUGHTS: Solid match with all the hits being played until it was interrupted.
RATING: **3/4

*The New BCC attack the Conglomeration as the Elite watch from the ring entrance. Top Flight is here to help, but they get taken out by the BCC. Here comes The Dark Order to help out, but they do about as well as you would expect. The Elite finally walk back up the tunnel, as Alex Reynolds gets strangled against the ring post by Marina Shafir using Moxley’s pants belt. Moxley on the mic, if you are involved with AEW in any way, you are under attack. If you don’t like this, you need to understand this is just the cost of doing business. The BCC leave through the crowd as we get more help in the ring.

*The announce team discuss what happened and what it could mean for the company. We go to the back, and we see the Elite walking in the hallway. They are EVP’s and they don’t have to worry about it. Daniel Garcia confronts them, say they should help out, but they keep walking. Private Party have his back, though.

*Back to WrestleDream with the Swerve Strickland segment. Back to the ring, and here comes Lio Rush with Leila Grey!

Lio Rush (W/Leila Grey) vs. Shelton Benjamin (W/MVP)
Shelton’s in-ring debut in AEW, what a treat for us and the fans in person in San Jose! Rush tries to get low to take down Shelton, but Benjamin shoves him to the corner. Rush with the drop step and goes behind, but Benjamin shoves him off, and throws him to the corner. Rush up and over the top, boot caught, and a big shoulder tackle! Benjamin with the clothesline in the corner, Rush counters the charge, but Benjamin won’t go down. To the apron, he knocks Benjamin off the apron, but Shelton climbs the apron to knee Lio in the face! To the floor, and Benjamin CHUCKS Rush across the arena floor! PIP Break!

PIP Thoughts:
-What you looking at babe? New cars! And a posh guy lol.
-Greenies commercial is so funny!
-Has anyone ever ridden a motorboat into a pool?
-What is the economy? Good question, kid!
-Advil liquid gels do work fast! I swear by them, and so does my liver!
-Xfinity is overrated and overpriced shite.

And we’re back, as Benjmain stalks Rush back into the ring. OUCH, that was some throw there during the commercial break, that bump makes Darby look bad lol. Benjmain whips Rush the corner, he ducks, this only makes Shelton mad. Rush counters again with a bottom rope stunner. Lio for the hurricanrana, countered, Lio on his feet, knocks Benjamin outside. Rush with the tope suicida! Rush tries to get Shelton back in, but he throws him in instead. Back in, and Lio with the cutter! Rush slowly to the top rope, frog splash but no. Shelton around the corner with a big kick! Shelton has him up, Lio looking for a roll up, countered, Lio tries again, Shelton catches him, but Lio takes a page from Orange Cassidy’s book with a spinning DDT for a two count! Rush goes to the top again, but Benjamin with that agility jumps up and throws him to the mat! SHELTON chants now, as Benjamin waits for Rush to get up, HUGE release German Suplex! I think Rush is in Sacramento now lol! ANOTHER big overhead suplex! HUGE SUPERKICK TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD! Benjamin whips Rush into the ropes, drops him down. The Exploder Throw, and that will do it for this one!
WINNER: Shelton Benjamin
TIME: 11:05
THOUGHTS: Good debut for Benjamin. It could have been shorter and more dominant, but it didn’t hurt to have Rush get some hope spots in.
RATING: ***1/4

*Post match, MVP shoves his business card into Rush’s pants. MVP on the mic, says Swerve needs to reconsider turning them down, or else his future will be like Rush, laid out on the mat. They need to have another discussion when they see each other again.

*The announcers mention that Darby Allin has been unreachable after the events of the main event at WrestleDream. Before the show Saturday, however, Allin had an announcement for a charity event him and Tony Hawk were doing. This takes us to commercial break.

We are back, Excalibur lays out the schedule for the next month-plus. In the back, Renee has Strickland and Prince Nana. Strickland saw what Benjamin did to Rush, he knew that would be the outcome. They want to come to Swerve, yes, anytime, anywhere. He is coming after the most dangerous man in AEW, don’t miss! WHOSE HOUSE?

-Tony Schiavone is in the ring, we’re having a press conference with Don Callis! Don comes to the ring with Lance Archer and Brian Cage. Callis says that with all the news surrounding the family, he wanted to hold a press conference. He pulled off a great trade weeks ago when he acquired Archer, and apparently, he acquired Cage as well. He wants Archer and Cage to win the AEW Tag Team Titles, then he introduces Kyle Fletcher and the new TNT Champion Konosuke Takeshita to the ring. Callis and Takeshita are going to every corner of the globe to defend the TNT Title. Konosuke speaks in Japanese, then in English, saying he will defend the title against all challengers. Last but not least, he wants everyone to show some decorum for Fletcher, as has a lot to get off of his chest. All he has heard is, “Why, Kyle, why”? Everyone wants to know why Kyle did what he did, well TOO BAD! Callis says the family has never been stronger than they are today!

*To the back, with Renee and Mariah May. Explain to her why the woman she killed is on the cover of the magazines, and why is Mina still in Japan? Bring her someone, anyone, from Japan, or Mexico, bring her someone! AEW is where the best is afraid of The Glamour? Here comes Anna Jay, she gets in May’s face, here comes Christopher Daniels to break it up, but Jay ends up striking Daniels in the face! LOL! Nigel loves it!

*We are told that Benjamin and Strickland will happen in two weeks at Dynamite in Cleveland! Noice! The main event of Christian Cage and Jay White is coming up after the commercial break!

*We’re back, as Renee has Ricochet here. If he is being honest, he hasn’t been pinned since he got here. Takeshita screwed him not once but twice out of the TNT Title. You don’t need two people to do your dirty work if you are the best, your work in the ring does. Ricky will be at Collision this Saturday, and he will show them and everyone why he is out of this world!

*We’re in the back, as apparently the BCC is still fighting with Dark Order and Top Flight. The BCC gets into their Dodge Ram and drive off after the damage that they have inflicted. Evil Uno challenges the BCC to a street fight next week. Top Flight is challenging for the Trios Titles at Collision, apparently.

*Back to the ring, and it’s main event time!

“Switchblade” Jay White (w/Colten Gunn and Juice Robinson) vs. “Father of the Year” Christian Cage (W/ Nick Wayne and Mama Wayne)
White approaches Cage, but Christian bails out to the floor. Cage gets back into the ring, and they lockup! To the corner, White gives a break, Cage slaps him, but White drops him with an uppercut. And another one. White beats on Cage in the corner, hard stomach first Irish Whip to the corner. White has Cage in the middle of the ring, he takes his sweet time putting on the Indian Death Lock, as Cage makes it to the bottom rope.

(Hilarious roast of Schiavone by Nigel during this as well lol).

On the outside, the Waynes manage to get Robinson and Gunn ejected from ring side, but Gunn attacks Nick from behind, as both men drag Nick back up the ramp, as Mama Wayne follows behind! That takes us to PIP!

(No PIP thoughts this time, it is time for a drink lol! Sorry!)

And we’re back, as Cage has turned the tables on White. White back up and hits Cage with punches, but Cage knocks him back down. Cage with a headlock takeover, he applies a neck crank. White back up, right hands to Cage’s midsection, but Cage throws him out of the ring. Cage stalks him, but White reverses him and whips into and over the ring steps. Both men beat the count at nine to get back into the ring. A hockey fight takes place in the middle of the ring, as both men trade shots. Cage off the ropes, but a backbody drop by White. White has Cage in the corner, turtleneck over the eyes! Punches in the mount! Now the shirt is completely over the head of cage lol! DDT by White, cover, that’s a two count! Waistlock, Cage tries to fight out, he sends White face first into the bottom. Out on the apron, Reverse DDT on the apron by Cage! Cage throws White shoulder first into the corner. Cage up top, grabs White, Tornado DDT! Cover, a two count! Cage looking for the Spear, but here is Kip Sabian with the distraction. But here is Hangman Page at ring side! Cage snaps the neck of White over the top rope. Cage back in, URANAGE by White, that’s a two count! White looking for the Bladerunner, Cage gouges the eyes, KILLSWITCH! One…two…NO! 2.9999! Cage is livid, he slaps the back of White’s head, but White baits him in with a flatliner! Both men to the corner, Cage hanging on, but a Saito suplex by White! Suplex into the corner by White! White puts Cage up top, Cage throws him off, Cage with the diving headbutt! Two count! Sabian is back up, but so is Page, he hits the Buckshot Lariat on White! Referee didn’t see it! One…Two…Three!
WINNER: Christian Cage
TIME: 16:10
THOUGHTS: Good main event, kind of surprised that White loses here after he beat Page at WrestleDream, but it makes sense that Page screwed him over.
RATING: ***1/2

The show concludes with White writhing in the ring in pain. And with that, we’re done!

The final score: review Good
The 411
A good show tonight, the main event was good, and Shelton's debut was exactly what it needed to be. We got some storyline advancement, as the war continues on between the BCC and the "delinquents" of the AEW Roster who stand to oppose them. This will not stand to be the greatest Dynamite of all time, but they all can't be home runs, either.

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AEW Dynamite, Ryan Ciocco