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Cobra Kai‘s Paul Walter Hauser Believes WWE Culture Is Driving Away Fans

June 4, 2019 | Posted by Jeremy Lambert
Cobra Kai

– Cobra Kai star Paul Walter Hauser recently spoke to WrestlingInc about current issues in WWE. Below are highlights:

On WWE Culture: “I think WWE, on some note, they have to grow with the times more. They have to be cognizant that meeting quotas of social justice aren’t a good thing. Cody [Rhodes] said it best, ‘We’re not trying to meet the quota. We’re not trying to have one gay wrestler or one transgender person. It’s just about great talent and inclusion.’ Hopefully WWE will see that. But I think right now their wallet is big enough where they’re just gonna buy everyone up and not know what to do with them. How do you rip the toy out of a wealthy only child’s hands. The moment you pull that toy, the kid is just gonna cry. With Vince, you would have to restructure his entire mind to get him to understand the self-awareness that creates newness. I don’t think that newness can come through Vince, but I think it could come through [Triple H] or Stephanie.”

On Writing For WWE: “[WWE] let me write for the Edge and Christian Show. I’m friendly with Edge as he asked me to write on Season One of their show. They paid me well, so I feel bad for saying this because I love WWE. But also, I love my Christian faith and if the church does something wrong or immoral, I’m gonna call them out. You have to call out injustice and not let tribalism win over.”

On WWE Signing Indie Talent: “I think right now with WWE buying up all of the indie talent and going, ‘Oh, PWG, we’re gonna offer you more money than you’ve ever seen and take 17 of your guys.’ You don’t even have room for these guys or a game plan for people like Keith Lee. Keith Lee is one of the most fascinating, exciting people alive. The guy is the size of Dusty Rhodes, moves like a luchador and has charisma. Keith Lee could headline WrestleMania with Velveteen Dream in three or four years. But the problem is, they don’t know how to use him and a year from now we’re gonna be watching Keith Lee lose to Baron Corbin on SmackDown and we’re all gonna want to blow our brains out.”

article topics :

WWE, Jeremy Lambert