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Column of Honor: 12.31.11: Final Column 2011—ROH Yearbook Part Two
If you haven’t read Part One of this year’s Final Column feature, click that link and go do it!
Ring Toss
Ring of Honor Yearbook:
-Feuds, Beefs and Issues of 2011
-Comedy Moments of 2011
-Steen Spotlight 2011
-DVD Covers of 2011
-Predictions 2011 / 2012

American Wolves: Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards Rise to Prominence
It truly was the year of The American Wolves as Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards became the top stars of the promotion, spending the better part of the year either fighting for or defending the title, teaming up with each other against common enemies or fighting against each other in some of Ring of Honor’s biggest events of 2011.
The American Wolves were one of Ring of Honor’s most successful tag teams, winning the titles in April 2009 and going on a nine-month run of dominance. However, ROH began to transition them towards the singles division in their booking. By 2010, Eddie Edwards became the TV Champion and Davey Richards was threatening to win the ROH World Championship, coming close in some heated competitions against Tyler Black and Roderick Strong. However, it would be Eddie Edwards and not Richards who struck world championship gold first. He had won the 2010 Survival of the Fittest Tournament and cashed his title shot earned there against Roderick Strong at Manhattan Mayhem IV.
Eddie Edwards won the ROH World Title at Manhattan Mayhem IV, but Davey Richards won the title by defeating Edwards at Best in the World 2011. Their rivalry was borne out of respect and the need to prove who was the superior wrestler and alpha wolf of their team. However, by the end of the year, disagreements and slowly creeping feelings of ill-will had found their way between the two of them. They were both brothers, but they were after the same thing and only one of them could be champion at any given time. Richards used the struggles of his career as motivation to propel his way to his win, but as Edwards explained, deep down he needed to have the title belt to prove that he was better than Richards and a worthy champion. Ultimately, while Edwards proved he was “Die-Hard” and could take as much damage as humanly possible without dropping, Richards proved to be the alpha wolf by retaining his title in their big showdown in New York City at Final Battle 2011.
Richards and Edwards had been able to continue to team up as the Wolves throughout much of the year, but when Edwards took the idea to train with Dan Severn, it was a betrayal of their bond that Richards could not tolerate. They have stopped training with each other, and a recent promo from Richards seems to indicate that The Wolves will no longer be together as a team. However, after their Final Battle 2011 title match, Richards left the door open for a Wolves reunion.
(For more about the Richards vs. Edwards series, see last week’s Column of Honor for the detailed breakdown of their rivalry and preview for their recent main-event bout at Final Battle 2011)

Steve Corino is an Evil Man Trying to Change
In the aftermath of the ruin and destruction left by the Kevin Steen and El Generico Final Battle 2010 showdown, Steve Corino was left without a protégé and a tag team partner and questioning whether or not he had done the right things not just in the past year in Ring of Honor, but throughout his entire career. He had begun to realize that he had led Steen down the path which led him out of Ring of Honor. He had cost someone a job and had tortured and ravaged the likes of Generico, Cabana and others in the promotion. Steve Corino knew that he was an evil person, but more than that he knew that he had to make a change, for once in his life.
So, the entirety of 2011 for Steve Corino was to travel on the path of redemption…to make those changes which would make him a better person. He would make amends to those he had hurt, including El Generico. He would prove to ROH that he was a better man for having gone through these experiences, and that they could depend on him to be a positive contributor to their company. He would be seen watching ROH’s Top Prospect Tournament and offering advice and insight to the younger roster members. Many ROH officials and wrestlers had their doubts that this was a sincere effort by Corino…for instance, Corino tried to reach out to Grizzly Redwood to provide him help and mentoring, but Redwood resisted the idea of being paired with him. Then it took almost the entire year for Corino to convince Generico that he was earnest in his attempts to earn forgiveness. However, the fans immediately embraced Corino’s road and began to support him, especially when he set his sights on the unpopular bullies of the promotion such as Mike Bennett and The House of Truth.
Corino’s path of wrestling sobriety took some twists and turns and unfortunately, Corino still ran into trouble whether or not it was his intentions to do so. Corino “fell off the wagon” in his three-match series against Mike Bennett and knew that he needed help from someone outside the ROH circle who could calm him and keep him in check. That sponsor was Jimmy Jacobs, a former ROH roster member and multiple-time ROH World Tag Team Champion. Jacobs also had been an evil person and would be a horror story for ROH wrestlers and officials at his darkest hour as the leader of The Age of the Fall. The ROH officials were extremely hesitant to allow Jacobs back into ROH. However, after many passionate defenses by Corino, ROH did acquiesce and allow Jacobs to be at ringside for Corino’s matches.
However, Corino was not through making requests for people to re-enter the promotion…there was someone out there who had reached out to him, telling him he too wanted to make a change for the better, if only he would be allowed back into Ring of Honor. Corino had felt responsible for the events of the past year and to him, getting this man back into ROH would be one more step in the path to making amends. However, it was his efforts to bring Kevin Steen back to ROH which would provide to be his own undoing…
(For more about Steve Corino’s Redemption Days, see the January 29th, 2011 Column of Honor)

The Exile and Return of Kevin Steen
Kevin Steen had lost his “Mask vs. Career” match against El Generico at Final Battle 2010. As a result, he could no longer wrestle for Ring of Honor. That left Steen at a crossroads—in exile in one promotion and uncertain about his future in professional wrestling. He needed to revitalize his career elsewhere, so that is exactly what he did. Steen returned to Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, the scene of his first major United States independent wrestling success story, and became the MVP of that promotion. He would wrestle multiple times on one show and even became the PWG World Champion.
However, inside of Steen that anger and evilness was festering. New career triumphs did not assuage the darkness inside of him. He knew that he belonged in ROH, and damn it, come hell or the end of the earth, he would make it back there. So that is when Steen contacted Steve Corino. One has to assume that Steen saw Corino doing the “redemption” bit and thought that it was simply a gimmick, Corino’s way of getting back in good graces with ROH so that he could stay and resume his agenda. When Steen contacted Corino, he must have soon realized that this was not a long con, but rather Corino was being earnest. That behavior disgusted Steen to the very core—to see someone he considered a mentor and friend betray his very nature. So Steen knew he couldn’t ride with Steve Corino anymore, but he could use him to return to ROH.
So, Steen feigned that he too wanted to redeem himself and atone for his past transgressions. He just wanted an opportunity to speak to both ROH officials and fans in public. He asked Corino to get him onto one of ROH’s biggest shows of the year, Best in the World 2011. When ROH officials balked at the idea, Steen knew he had to take matters into his own hands. He convinced Corino to sneak him into the building, because he knew that if everyone just heard what he had to say, he could change their minds. Well, the rest, as they say, is the apocalypse. Steen conned Corino into convincing Jim Cornette to let Steen speak and then, in a moment vaguely reminiscent of Final Battle 2009, Steen betrayed his supposed best friend. He destroyed Corino and Jacobs, spewed epithets at ROH and Jim Cornette and vowed he would be coming back to ROH to destroy everything and everyone, but especially Cornette for reveling in his misery, Corino and Jacobs for betraying their very nature and El Generico because he would never let up his hatred for his former tag partner.
Steen was now officially public enemy number one and absolutely no longer welcome in Ring of Honor. That wouldn’t stop him from breaking and entering into ROH events like Death Before Dishonor IX and Glory By Honor X and then continuing his onslaught against all of his adversaries. Likewise, many fans wanted Kevin Steen back in Ring of Honor, but Jim Cornette still resisted. Finally, Steen threatened a lawsuit against Cornette and ROH, which finally brought Cornette to the bargaining table. Steve Corino came up with the idea of fighting Kevin Steen in a match at Final Battle 2010. If Steen won, he was back in. Steen loved the idea. Cornette wanted Jimmy Jacobs in as special guest referee to oversee the madness which was sure to come and Steen agreed to that as well, but he wanted Cornette there at ringside to witness it all.
So it was, that last week Kevin Steen’s exile came to an end, and in the worst possible way for members of the ROH roster. Steen bested Steve Corino in a brutal and violent battle, but not only did he hurt Corino, but he also knocked out Jimmy Jacobs and injured El Generico in the process. Kevin Steen’s evil has been unleashed once again in ROH…and given that Steen decimated his enemies so thoroughly, it is difficult to imagine who will stop him in 2012. He has already made a promise to take the ROH World Title from Davey Richards next year…and that claim is something that should give the current champion pause.
(For more about Kevin Steen and his Nightmare of Violence, read the November 26th, 2011 Column of Honor)

The Briscoes vs. The All-Night Express
Though The Briscoes and The All-Night Express had been frequent opponents in 2009 and 2010, the rivalry between the two teams stepped it up into a full-blown blood feud of hatred and ill will in 2011. It all began with the changing mood of the fans as it regarded The Briscoes…there was a seeming loss of good will and support for Jay and Mark, while at the same time the fans seemed to be picking up on the improvements and hard-working efforts of Kenny King and Rhett Titus. King and Titus already had culled some support in their recent challenge for the ROH World Tag Team Titles at the Ninth Anniversary Show, but they were the recipient of a surprising amount of support in New York City at Manhattan Mayhem IV against The Briscoes.
The Briscoes had lost the people the most in New York City after running in on the Kings of Wrestling vs. Motor City Machine Guns back at Supercard of Honor V in 2010, followed up by the freakshow sight of Mike Briscoe teaming with his sons against The Kings and Shane Hagadorn at Final Battle 2010. At Manhattan Mayhem IV, a majority of the fans chose to throw their support to the All-Nights and against The Briscoes. If it unnerved The Briscoes, they didn’t show it, because they wore a mean streak throughout the match. However, to their surprise, they lost the match as a result of a roll-up sequence. Jay and Mark were furious at the loss and continued to brawl with King and Titus after the match.
That brawl set the stage for the next five months of bloody warfare between the two teams. They brawled against each other in tag matches throughout the touring circuit. Blood was shed in almost every match, whether it was Jay, Mark or Rhett Titus, who showed some amazing resolve and courage by never backing down from the fight. If anything, Titus broke out the most through this feud, his willingness to fight and to bleed and never backing down at all.
They brawled in street fights. They were handcuffed to the ring posts in singles matches and broke free to continue the fight. They used tables, ladders, barricades, chairs and even just their own fists to try to settle the score. Finally it had to come down to a Ladder War, one of ROH’s most out-there and violent ways to end a blood feud. The All-Night Express survived the match and earned themselves a ROH World Tag Team Title shot, which they used at Glory By Honor X in November, a losing battle against then-champions Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin.
In a post-script to the long war between the two teams, The Briscoes managed to defeat The All-Night Express in a final match on SBG television in order to earn a tag title shot of their own. They cashed that match in at Final Battle 2011 and were able to succeed in defeating Haas and Benjamin for the straps (with whom they had their own little war for the last six months of the year, stemming from The Briscoes attacking them after the Four-Team elimination at Best in the World 2011). It just goes to show that you can win the war, but lose the title chase in the end.
(For more about The Briscoes and All-Night Express in Ladder Warfare, see the September 17th, 2011 Column of Honor)

Ciampa Undefeated
Prince Nana was looking to make a big splash in 2011. He sacked the entire Embassy roster due to their slate of losses in 2010 and turned to a gaunt and overly loquacious lawyer by the name of Barrister R.D. Evans for assistance. Evans was charged with the mission of rebuilding The Embassy and to stock it only with royalty. There was Princess Mia Yim, who quickly became Nana’s paramour and then The Embassy soon found a new crown jewel in “The Dominant Male” Tomasso Ciampa. (still a horrible nickname by the way, and I can’t help but sing the old WCW tag team American Males theme in my head whenever Ciampa is referred to as such). Evans claimed Ciampa was of royal decent in Sicily (a claim which I don’t believe has ever been substantiated, but given Evans’ trustworthiness I would never think that he was attempting to bamboozle Nana in an effort to suck out all of his money…no…neverrrrr think that).
Ciampa would soon go on a tear in Ring of Honor, winning a string of matches against the likes of Adam Cole and former ROH World Champion Homicide. By the end of the year, Ciampa would go undefeated and unpinned in singles action (though he did participate in a few multi-man matches that he did not win). His highest profile victories were against Homicide and then just last week against the original Embassy Crown Jewel, Jimmy Rave, at Final Battle 2011. This sets up Ciampa for strong consideration for contention to some of ROH’s titles in 2012.
(For more about the resurrection of The Embassy, read the August 6th, 2011 Column of Honor)
The Year of The Prodigy?
“The Prodigy” Mike Bennett made his major run debut in Ring of Honor with a series of vignettes that vaunted how he was a hot commodity who had offers from WWE and TNA before signing with ROH. He had come from the brutal training camps of “Brutal” Bob Evans and was full of himself, because he had made it through them and become Evans’ top student. ROH even went so far as to have Jim Cornette and Cary Silkin on these videos to hype up Bennett’s skill and future potential.
Bennett claimed that 2011 would be “The Year of The Prodigy” and that he would win the ROH World Title before the end of the year. He seemed off to a good start by winning the Top Prospect Tournament on HDNet, but before long it became clear that Bennett would not be making good on that claim. No World title shots were in his future. So Bennett upped the ante, claiming that he would win not the World Title, but ANY of ROH’s three major titles, by the end of the year. Though Bennett won more matches than he lost this year (15-9 win-loss record in 2011 including television and house show appearances), he was unsuccessful in all three attempts to win the TV Title and did not fulfill his promise. 2011 was decidedly not The Year of the Prodigy, though I’m sure having Maria Kanellis to comfort him at nights makes things slightly better for him. Maybe next year.

January 2011: No Title Shots
February 2011: No Title Shots
March 2011: 1 TV Title Shot versus Christopher Daniels. UNSUCCESSFUL.
April 2011: No Title Shots
May 2011: No Title Shots
June 2011: No Title Shots
July 2011: No Title Shots
August 2011: No Title Shots
September 2011: No Title Shots
October 2011: 1 TV Title Shot versus Jay Lethal. UNSUCCESSFUL.
November 2011: No Title Shots
December 2011: 1 TV Title Shot versus Jay Lethal and El Generico. UNSUCCESSFUL.
-Papa Mike Briscoe lays a big ol’ smacker on Sara Del Rey – Final Battle 2010, December 2010.
-Caprice Coleman vs. Colt Cabana – Champions vs. All-Stars, January 2011.
-Paul Turner provides the “footstool” for Richards in his test of strength against Claudio Castagnoli in the eight match tag match. Champions vs. All-Stars, January 2011.
-Homicide stays with the fans at ringside and tries to pry apart the barricade. Only the Strong Survive, January 2011.
– “Jay, don’t you die on me.” – fan during Roderick Strong vs. Jay Briscoe match at Only the Strong Survive, January 2011.
-“You can’t do that to Davey!” – fan during Davey Richards vs. TJ Perkins match after Perkins has placed him in a submission hold. Apparently he could do that to Davey. – So Cal Showdown II, January 2011.
-Homicide steals a roll of streamer and tucks it into his shorts. World’s Greatest, February 2011
-The Bravado Brothers introduce the Bravado Bandwagon. ROH on HDNet, March 2011
-Roderick Strong threatens a little kid at ringside. Revolution: USA, May 2011.
-The Larry Sweeney Tribute Match: Colt Cabana vs. Delirious – Revolution: Canada, May 2011.
-The Bravados hold fan meet & greets inside the men’s bathroom. (May ROH shows)
-Barrister R.D. Evans badgers Ernesto Osiris and takes photos of his injuries done to him by Homicide. YouTube – May 2011
-Barrister R.D. Evans files a civil lawsuit on behalf of The Embassy and Prince Nana against Homicide, charging him with a litany of grievances including “attempted murder” and alleging the speed at which he threw a chairshot at Ernesto Osiris threatened to induce undesired time travel.
-Barrister R.D. Evans goes off on Homicide, threatens to steal Homicide’s baby’s pacifier (“because tu family, el Homicide, hit me with a chair, en la cabeza!”) and answers a call from Prince Nana (“He said dodo-dodoo-do…”) ROH Videowire, June 23rd, 2011 (starts at 6 minutes in)
-The Bravado Brothers prepare to play cricket and find out they’re not booked for New York. ROH Videowire, June 23rd, 2011 (starts at 10 minutes in)
-“I’m talking about an event that will make the William & Kate wedding look like an ice cream social.” – Barrister R.D. Evans, YouTube, August 2011 (also, “…and other Embassy superstars” and Ernesto Osiris is not wearing pants)
-Delirious Black Friday Madness Sale promo video with Grizzly Redwood. YouTube– November 2011
-The Bravados wearing argyle and sweater vests. (anytime)
-The Michael Moore looking dude on the Kevin Steen lawyer video.
-“Hey, everyone eat(s) chicken.” – Mark Briscoe. YouTube– November 2011
-“On the other hand, I’m the cool, calm and collected one, like Double Oh-Seven.” YouTube– November 2011
-The Briscoes Answer 10 Questions from their fans, ending with Mark Briscoe perhaps launching a bid for Presidency of the United States of America. YouTube – December 2011

A selection of some of the best (and some of the best of the worst) of Kevin Steen’s words and actions
-Kevin Steen gets an ROH Forum member to give him his password and he posts a huge diatribe filled with curse words and threats against ROH.
-“I’m Kevin Steen and F**k You Ring of Honor.” – Steen at Best in the World 2011 June 2011
-Post-attack on Corino and Jacobs, Steen is carried out by the arms and legs over ROH security, wrestlers and other staffers. – Best in the World 2011 June 2011
-Steen wears an El Generico mask and attacks both Generico and Jacobs. –Death Before Dishonor IX September 2011
-“Corino, you’re in Japan now, you see Davey, tell him he’s a f**king pu**y and if he was a real champ he would have been here.” –Death Before Dishonor IX September 2011
-“Jim Cornette, Vince Russo could kick your f**king ass.” –Death Before Dishonor IX September 2011
-Steen then starting a “Let’s Go Russo” chant…and some people actually chant it! –Death Before Dishonor IX September 2011
-“If I was doing things my way, I’d just beat the s**t out of you.” – Steen’s video to Jim Cornette and ROH November 5th, 2011.
-“I am coming back to Ring of Honor. I am not going away.” – Steen’s video to Jim Cornette and ROH November 5th, 2011.
-“The only numbers I’ll have tattooed across my chest will be the numbers [of] the day you die.” – Steen to Jim Cornette on ROH TV – on ROH Television November 2011.
-“You don’t like me because you can’t control me and you hate the fact that I became a star in Ring of Honor without your help.” – Steen to Jim Cornette on ROH TV – on ROH Television November 2011.
-“Hey Steve.” – Steen to Steve Corino on ROH TV – on ROH Television November 2011.
-Steen has a ticket to watch the show, but antagonizes Jimmy Jacobs until Jacobs retaliates. Later returns to fight Davey Richards. –Outside after ROH’s Glory By Honor X event in Chicago Ridge, Illinois, November 2011.
-“Once I get my job back in that company I will turn it upside down, inside out, rape it, do whatever I want to it…until the Ring of Honor World Title is around my waist.” –Outside after ROH’s Glory By Honor X event in Chicago Ridge, Illinois, November 2011.
-I am Kevin Steen, I, not some drugged up piece of S**t, am the Anti-Christ of Pro Wrestling…and I will burn this place to the ground… and the fire trucks are already here (camera shifts to actual fire trucks outside the building). –Outside after ROH’s Glory By Honor X event in Chicago Ridge, Illinois, November 2011.
-“I’m no longer the young up-and-comer. I AM Wrestling…Steve, I know you’re a great wrestler, the problem is YOU haven’t known that! …it either all comes to an end…or it gets sooooo much worse for everyone else.”–Outside ON A SWING AND A CHILDREN’S SLIDE after ROH’s Glory By Honor X event in Chicago Ridge, Illinois, November 2011.
-“Merry Christmas, the devil is back!” – Final Battle 2011, December 2011
Kevin Steen wearing a Ring of Honor hat:
“Hello, um, I’m sure you’re all wondering why when you click on the forum link on the beautiful ROH wrestling.com website you get this instead of the usual message board with the in-depth, hard-hitting important conversation like “Should we being in Chris Masters HNNN?” Sorry guys, that’s done. We’ll never find out if Ring of Honor should get Chris Masters to come in because I’ve decided to give Ring of Honor a taste of its own medicine.
You see for the last few months, Ring of Honor has gone to great lengths to try and erase me from history. If you went on the message board and typed in anything resembling my name it would come out a bunch of “X’s”, which is like if people were talking about porn or something. Which is pretty ironic considering how bad I’m gonna FUCK Ring of Honor. (slight laugh) But it’s not just on the message board is it? It’s also on the main page if you go in the title history, my name, same thing, has been stricken from that thing and it’s all X’s up there, which I gotta say, Ring of Honor you might think that upset me, but you know, you’re wrong. It actually makes me feel amazing, to know that you went to those lengths to do that, to try and take away my accomplishment in your company, that’s better than winning any championship. To know that I’m in your head that bad….PHHHH…AH, it’s almost orgasmic.
I gotta say, the only thing that pisses off because of how hypocritical you are. Because you want to censor me from the website? Fine. From the message board? Fine. But when it’s time to sell your “Best of HDNet” compilation, my name and picture are everywhere! But to me that just says that you know, deep down, how important I am. And yet… (deep breath) you try to keep me away like I’m a disease. Well that’s fine, because now I’m doing this. You wanna take that away from me? I’m taking away your message board. Now let’s not kid ourselves, that’s really no big loss…but it’s a start.
And let me just say this, you know the people doing this, because I didn’t do this myself, I don’t know jack s**t about computers, the people that helped me do this, they’re fans of your product. Or at least they were. They were people who’d go to your shows, who’d buy DVDs, but now they say there’s something missing and you’re looking at it. And to thank them for their help I promised them one thing. I’m either going to bring Ring of Honor back to what it used to be or I’m gonna kill it. For good. And that’s just Step One. Step Two comes this Saturday in New York City. Now don’t panic, I know you’ve already “heightened security” (said sarcastically) but calm down. I’m in a much better place than I was last June, the last time I was in New York City. I really am.
All I want is to buy a ticket and watch the show as a fan. I’m excited, I got my plane ticket, I’m gonna go to New York City, I’m gonna take in the sites, I’m gonna enjoy the city, then I’m gonna line up, fourteen hours before the show with the fans, talk about stuff that doesn’t matter, and then I’m gonna buy my ticket. I’m gonna have my hat on (tips the ROH hat) and everything. I’m just going to see the show as a fan; I want to take in the wrestling matches …as a FAN. But I got say because it’s a little weird, because I tried buying tickets already…and it’s impossible. It’s almost as if you guys don’t want me to have a ticket. But I’m sure that’s not the case, because you know there’s some pretty smart people running Ring of Honor and I’m sure that you guys realize that you really have two options. You either sell me a ticket and know exactly where I am the whole time, or you don’t and then you get to wonder all night, where and when I’m coming.
Now let me close out by saying this-there’s one match in particular that had me really excited, that when I saw the match announced I decided-I’m going to see this match live-and when I declared that I was going to see this live…one of the people from that match backed out. Steve (deep breath) not only did you back out, but you took a plane to Japan? I can’t believe that I’m saying this but are you that much of a FU**ING PU**Y. God how do you look in the mirror? How do you look at Colby and… (stops short)… Ugh. Disgusting. I’ll see you all in New York City.
(Fixes hat, straightens it out and screen goes black)
-Kevin Steen Shoots on ROH outside the Manhattan Center after Death Before Dishonor IX, September 2011
Other Honorable Mentions
-Davey Richards celebrates his ROH World Title victory with a very emotional post-match speech with Eddie Edwards, Kyle O’Reilly and Tony Kozina. –Best in the World 2011, June 2011.
-Davey Richards’ final promo to hype up Final Battle 2011 and Richards / Edwards III. –ROH Videowire, December 22nd, 2011 (see above)
-The Bravado Brothers cut a promo in their grandmother’s dining room. –ROH Videowire, January 12th, 2011
-The Bravado Bandwagon is injured and complains about Future Shock. –ROH Videowire, June 9th, 2011
-Steve Corino’s promo in front of a glass of beer, talking about recovery and relapse in New York City. –ROH Videowire, March 16th 2011
-The Kings of Wrestling bully and condescend to Adam Cole & Kyle O’Reilly – ROH Videowire, March 30th, 2011
Unfortunately this was a weaker year for DVD artwork in ROH though still some shows managed to standout from the rest as having impressive visual design to complement the actual contents of the DVD inside its package.
10. Only the Strong Survive: I like the ridge-y, newspaper like tears of the front cover (which is followed-up on with the spine) and the logo font is very strong (no pun intended) as well. The blood spatter is attention-grabbing. Jay Briscoe and Roderick Strong make convincing mean-mugging faces on the top half while Davey Richards kicks Chris Hero’s head in on the bottom in an impressive “in the moment” visual capture.
9. Champions vs. All-Stars: This, to me, is all about the two teams facing-off in the main-event of this show, so focusing on the participants is the obvious and correct choice to make for the cover. The other major picture that draws your eyes is the shot of a bloody Rhett Titus on the bottom left of the back cover. Titus made his bones with some hefty blood-letting this year, so this picture says it all about his 2011.
8. Davey Richards: The American Wolf: Davey Richards giving the Wolf sign in front of American flag-HELL FREAKING YEAH, man. This is a MANLY shot of the current ROH World Champion and a money-shot to sell a best-of DVD about the man. It makes me want to do manly things like camp in the woods, put on Axe deodorant and beat up on some fools picking on the defenseless.
7. Final Battle 2010: When you look at the front DVD cover, it is the Kevin Steen-El Generico feud in pictures: a bloody and torn Generico still showing resolve; a stern and mean Steen wearing the Headless Generico shirt as a symbolic gesture of his plans to kill him in this final battle; a montage of some of the main-event’s highlights. It all works together and impresses the eyes about this match being the one to watch. The back cover is messily clipped together, holding it back from going further on the list.
6. Tag Title Classic II: The big showdown between The Wolves and The Kings is featured on the front cover, and a fantastic face-off it is—emphasizing the height difference between the two teams, but also their personalities. Richards and Edwards give the cut-throat sign to the champs, signaling they will end them, while Hero and Castagnoli have their heads and shoulders held up high, establishing their confidence and feelings of superiority. A great color palette choice enhances the presentation on the DVD cover.
5. Roderick Strong: Messiah of the Backbreaker: Following in the same presentation style as the Davey Richards compilation, the front cover features an upper body photo of Strong on the left-hand side with two additional highlight photos on the right. The darker cover allows for a moodier tone and gives shade and texture. The fonts and layout of the titles add style to the substance. These new compilation DVDs are some of the better covers of the year and hopefully similar releases will continue to deliver. This could sell as a full-sized poster.
4. Defy or Deny: I really liked this cover-from the large titling and positioning of the words “Deft or Deny” on the front cover, to the separation of champion on top and his three challengers on the bottom of the page. The picture used for Strong is an excellent selection, and his facial language reads cocky heel champ. The marine blue works well with the mix of black on both the front and back. Adam Cole’s screaming pose looks great as well on the other side of the cover and the use of the text works to help make him stand out as well.
3. Revolution: Canada: Love the Canadian color undercurrent going on in the background (and the maple leaf underneath the DVD title). Great shots of Chris Hero on the front and Steve Corino on the back make both sides of the DVD cover stand out. It’s one of the better put-together and professionally produced pieces of the year.
2. Honor Takes Center Stage: Chapter One: ROH World Champion Eddie Edwards dominates this DVD cover. First, he is flying through the air with the greatest of ease on the front plastering Christopher Daniels with his missile dropkick. That’s a great visual and it sells the main-event of the show, thus earning its spot as the center-piece of the box for this event. On the back is Edwards in a resolute championship stance, looking confident with the title belt on his shoulders. Some fantastic looking black and white photos of some of the highlights (many of them great captures of strikes in mid-connection) link the front-and-back cover together. A fantastic concept, fantastic framing and a cool and competent looking font style and color all combine for second place this year in the gallery of DVD artwork. But only one DVD was the best in the world of Ring of Honor in 2011…

1. Best in the World 2011: The stare down and face-off between the two tag team partners Richards and Edwards says it all here. You know instantly that this match is THE big deal of the show. I love the grayed-out / monochromatic vibe here, which makes the ROH World Title plate stand out that much more. A picture-perfect front cover, a cool font for the text (with jagged edges on the bottom of the numerical that feel “Wolf-like”) and it all adds up to the Best DVD cover in the World (for ROH) in 2011.
Every year I try to prove that I’m a proficient prognosticator and that I’m no Pinocchio with a prominent proboscis by laying out a few predictions for the year that is to come. So now it’s time to find out how right or wrong I have been-which side am I on, the plus or minus column? Then I’ll lay out a few new guesses for the coming year and we can do the whole thing again next time. So, am I like Christopher Daniels—a leader of The Prophecy? Or am I a bust out at making claims, like Mike Bennett with his “Year of The Prodigy”? Let’s see:
Predictions From 2011:
-“The Prodigy” Mike Bennett will NOT make-good on his prediction to win the ROH World Title within one year, but he may very well snake the TV Title during that timeframe.
Half-Credit. Man, had I known that Bennett was going to go all-in and extend his claim to winning not just the ROH World Title, but ANY title, then I may have written that he wouldn’t have won ANY title. I did predict he’d be iced on winning the promotion’s top belt, and he didn’t get anywhere near it this year.
-Dark City Fight Club, Erick Stevens and Necro Butcher will all return from their “hiatus” at some point during the next year.
No. None of these men returned to ROH during 2012 despite being told they were simply on hiatus and would be brought back into the promotion after some months away. DCFC ended up working for Gabe Sapolsky’s promotions while Necro is still doing North American independents. Erick Stevens may have disappeared into himself after losing so much weight that he appeared to be almost two-dimensional in pictures (…think about it, think abooooout it…).
-Homicide will reform The Rottweilers sometime during this year, but whether or not they are a force for good or for chaos remains to be seen.
No. Although something of the sort was teased with a short backstage segment featuring Julius Smokes, nothing actually came up with a rebirth of The Rottweilers as a stable.
-Davey Richards will win the very next ROH World Title match he wrestles, whether it’s against Roderick Strong or someone else.
DING DING DING! Richards waited on his one opportunity, but when the title match against Eddie Edwards was thrust upon him, he seized his opportunity and won the title in June. Finally I’m on the board with a full point!
-The World’s Greatest Tag Team will win the ROH World Tag Team titles and it will happen no later than Death Before Dishonor IX.
DING DING DING! The WGTT took the belts in April, a good five months before Death Before Dishonor IX, although last year’s DBD event was in June. Either way, a prediction correct is a prediction correct.
-No matter what the stipulations said, Kevin Steen WILL be back in Ring of Honor by the end of 2011.
DING DING DING! Kevin Steen returned to ROH “unofficially” in June at Best in the World, and then in his first official match back as an active wrestler at December’s Final Battle 2011 event…and now, the devil is back and must be given his due.
-This year will see special guest appearances by the following: Jerry Lynn, Prince Devitt, Ares, Joey Ryan and yes, Kenny Omega WILL be in at some point.
No. I was way off on my “Returning to ROH Radar” and not one of those men made an appearance in 2011, which sucks, because it would have been interesting to see the likes of Devitt and Omega back and there are endless possibilities of programs to run with Joey Ryan.
-ROH and HDNet will begin to provide internet streaming for their television show, although it may be for a small fee.
Half Credit No, ROH did not do this while on HDNet, but Ring of Honor did begin their “Ringside Members” deal with the new Sinclair Broadcast Group era, where they offered internet streaming of the show (for free on Thursdays with a general membership) and early access with membership fee.
-Matt Hardy has a short stay (similar to his first cameo with the company) and will receive a super, white-hot heel reaction from the fans while he’s there.
No. In hindsight, thankfully Matt Hardy did not end up returning to ROH considering what happened with his personal and professional life this year. White-hot heat is NOT worth the cost of negative publicity and decrease in reputation stemming from the downfall of Matt Hardy.
-Finally, three simple words: SCRAMBLE CAGE MELEE!
No. Scramble Cage will have to wait for some other time then.
So all told… four out of ten predictions correct for 40%. That’s slightly up from last year but not as well as 2008 and 2009. The psychic detective agency will have to wait. Shawn Spencer, consider yourself lucky. There is still some work to do if I want to beat out President Abraham Lincoln for future employment in making decisions on people’s futures, so here I go again on my own with more ROH musings about the year-to-come:
Predictions for 2012:
-“Mr. Wrestling” Kevin Steen is THE next ROH World Champion and you can take that one to the bank.
– El Generico will not appear in Ring of Honor for the next six months.
– 2011 may not have been “The Year of The Prodigy”, but Mike Bennett will steal the TV Title from Jay Lethal sometime this year, likely on one of the early 2012 television tapings.
-The Young Bucks will be forced to shake hands with a tag team by the end of the year.
-Maria Kanellis will appear for ROH again.
-The House of Truth will lose one member AND gain at least TWO new ones in the coming year.
-2012’s many happy returns: BJ Whitmer, Colt Cabana and SAMOA JOE.
-2012’s ROH debuts: Sugar Dunkerton and Willie Mack.
-Bold Prediction of the Year: Ring of Honor will return to broadcast Pay Per View with a live event sometime in 2012.
-Finally, two simple words, one name: LOW KI!
That brings us to the end of the ROH Yearbook and this year’s Final Column feature. Early in the year will bring my 2011 Year-End Awards and the Top 50 Matches of ROH in 2011, so be on the lookout for those special features when they drop. Until then, thank you for reading and for the comments both here at 411Mania and through Twitter. A big thanks to Chris Miccio, Kelly Stange, Larry Csonka, TJ Hawke and the rest of the 411Mania staff (past and present, you know who you are), Darren Wood and David Schimida over at The Wrestling Press, Chris Gee Schoon Tong, Jerome Cusson, Matt Waters, Kevin Ford and Brad Garoon over at Pro Wrestling Ponderings for their support, help and assistance in delivering my columns and podcasts throughout the year. Happy New Year to everyone and see you in 2012.
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