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Cook’s ROH TV Review 10.1.21

October 4, 2021 | Posted by Steve Cook
ROH TV Image Credit: ROH
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Cook’s ROH TV Review 10.1.21  

Hey kids! Today’s Ring of Honor TV episode gives us some of ROH’s past, present & future. Let’s hook it all up!

Cook’s ROH TV Review 10.1.21

VLNCE UNLTD opens the show. Chris Dickinson challenges any 4 wrestlers on the roster to a match today. Brody King tells us there’s violence in honor, gives us the faction name & woofs. Danhausen wanders in, comments “Very violent.”, then scampers off. Homicide points at Brody & Tony Deppen & says “That’s your problem.”, as he wants nothing to do with Danhausen. Homicide is obviously the brains of the operation.

Match graphics!

Ian & Caprice are on the call as usual.

Alex Zayne says he’s going to be 4-0 in ROH after tonight. Beating the Briscoes would be a great way for him to head into a match with Bandido. Taylor Rust says they’re there to reclaim the honor. Jay & Mark hit a bump in the road at Death Before Dishonor, but they’re still rolling like a freight train. They want these guys to bring their ass.

Taylor Rust & Alex Zayne vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe: Handshakes exchanged. Mark starts with Taylor Rust. Rust gets the first takedown and works the left arm. Works into an abdominal stretch and spends a minute or so stretching Mark and doing basically whatever he wants. Rust to the headlock, but Mark takes over with some strikes. Jay tags in and stomps Rust down in the corner. Mark tags back in and hits some more strikes. Vertical suplex gets 1 as we go to Ice-T & Mr. Biggs.

We’re back, and Mr. Zayne has entered the match. Jay with the takedown, Zayne works into a face, hammer & head lock. Rana, Zayne vaulted onto the apron then a headscissors. Jay strikes Zayne down and throws him outside. Mark off the apron with a karate chop to the neck. Mark suplexes Zayne on the apron, then Jay tosses him into a Mark boot. Rust gets a clothesline for his troubles. Back into the ring and the Briscoes take turns on Zayne. Zayne fights back for a second, but Mark belly to bellys Zayne. Jay tags in, big clothesline in the corner and a running foot strike. Zayne fights back, slips out of a back suplex and tags in Rust, who has strikes for both men. Scissor kick to Jay, and one for Mark. Locks in a Rings of Saturn variation on Mark before Jay breaks it up and we go back to commercial.

We return to Rust working Jay into an ankle lock & Mark breaking it up, only to get caught in an anklelock of his own. Rust gets knocked outside, but yanks Jay outside. Mark gets knocked over the top by Zayne, who takes them out with a springboard Asai moonsault. Mark & Rust back in the ring, Rust runs into an elbow but meets Mark up top. Zayne handsprings off a bent over Rust to rana Mark off the top. Cover gets two. Briscoes take over on Rust, send Zayne outside, Zayne runs back in, gets suplexed by Mark, Jay sets up the Jaydriller, gets blocked, but hits a clothesline, and now there’s the Jaydriller. Mark hits the Froggybow for the three count.

Winners: Jay & Mark Briscoe (11:16 via pinfall)
Match Rating: ***

It took some time, but the Briscoes eventually put away dem young boys. Handshakes exchanged afterwards.

Danhausen is gathering other partners for this open challenge. Seems like he has his team!

The new ROH Women’s Champion Rok-C makes her way to the ring. It means everything to her to be the new champion. Her family & friends were watching from home, her parents were in attendance to see it. She promised to make history here. She bled, cried, was looked down upon, been told no, but has scratched & clawed & risen, and wants to prove she is far from cliche. She will defend the title with honor against anybody anytime, anywhere and anyplace.

Here come the Allure! Mandy Leon wants to talk about the champions that came before her. It’s the Allure’s house. Angelina Love says that the C in Rok-C doesn’t stand for Champion, but she can’t say what it stands for on TV. Miranda Alize comes down to the ring, and then Trish Adora comes down to the ring. Then Willow comes down to the ring and the announcers lose their shit. Then there’s Allysin Kay. Rok-C starting to look worried now. Now here’s Maria Kanellis Bennett. She will make two 3-way matches, the winners of those will face off the week before Final Battle, then the winner will face Rok-C at Final Battle. Seems fair to me!

Apparently Miranda Alize attacked Rok-C during the commercial. What a cad! Quinn McKay comes out to check on Rok-C, then we go to Ian & Caprice in a room somewhere. Odd since they’re usually next to the entrance.

VLNCE UNTLD (Brody King, Tony Deppen, Chris Dickinson & Homicide) vs. TEAMHAUSEN (Danhausen, Sledge, DEMONIC FLAMITA & PCO): The facts for TEAMHAUSEN are as follows:

-Hopefully Steve does well this time or he’s cursed (what the fuck did I do?)
-Flamita seemed pretty evil
-Brody King frightens even Danhausen

Oh I’m expecting some good bullshit from this match. Danhausen’s got the teeth! He’s staring a hole into Brody King! I’m sure that’ll end well. It will be the two captains, Danhausen & Homicide starting this thing. Some chain wrestling! Sunset flip by Danhausen gets two and he gets the headlock. Headlock reversed. Homicide bites the fingers! You don’t know where those have been! Danhausen hits a cutter for one, then a t-bone suplex for one! STF by Danhausen! Cide gets to the ropes and we go to commercial. GIVE ME MORE OF THAT.

Flamita & Tony Deppen have tagged in. Flamita stomps away on Tony then shoulderblocks him off the ropes, but then we get a big ol exchange. Deppen gets the upper hand. He kicks Flamita down, then works into the corner for a tag to Dickinson. They doubleteam, Deppen hits a running European uppercut and Dickinson covers for two. Flamita works out of a DVD, kicks him in the throat and tags in Sledge. Sledge hits the vertical suplex for two. He hits everybody in that VU corner, but Dickinson hits him with a second rope dropkick. Stomps the man down. Brody tags in, he chops Sledge & stomps him down. Then the VU folks choke Sledge with the boots while Brody has the attention of the referee. Tag to Deppen, who lands some strikes on Sledge, including a Panic Attack in the corner. Tag to Dickinson. Some kicks, DDT, weird sell from Sledge, gets a two count. Tag to Homicide, he works the arm. Sledge tries to fight back. Doesn’t last long. What I’m getting out of the commentary is that Brody King is Tony Soprano & Homicide is Junior Soprano. Might not end well. PCO gets the tag from Sledge and all hell breaks loose. He giving clotheslines to everybody, we go to commercial while he’s standing against Brody King.

We back and the two big men are going at it. For two former tag team partners there seems to be no love lost here. PCO hits a pop up powerbomb for two. Brody fights back and piledrives PCO, which leads to a malfunction for PCO. He wanders to the apron and asks for a tag from Brody. I guess it induced a flashback. Brody tags PCO, then PCO chokeslams Danhausen! Sledge & Flamita run into strikes from PCO. This is the kind of nonsense I expected from this match. Now PCO asks Brody to chop him, and Brody complies. Brody holds Sledge for the PCOsault. Then PCO covers Sledge, and the referee’s not having any of that since he knows who the teams are. Danhausen breaks it up and tags PCO, then he goes for a German suplex on Brody King, which seems unlikely. Didn’t work. He does hit a boot, and a tornado DDT! Northen lights on Deppen! German on Dickinson! But Dickinson hits a tornado kick. Flamita tags in, takes Dickinson out, but Deppen hits a Hoboken Destroyer. PCO gets the advantage on Deppen, running powerbomb takes him out. Homicide & PCO facing off. Clothesline by PCO, he goes up top for the sault, Homicide crotches him. Sledge runs in, hits a variation of a Michinoku Driver on Homicide. Brody comes in, hits the Gonzo Bomb on Sledge for the three count!

Winners: VLNCE UNLTD (15:05 via pinfall)
Match Rating: ***

The violence obsessed lads hug and raise their hands while Danhausen rambles to himself.

Next Week: S.O.S. vs. Dalton Castle & Dak Draper, The OGK vs. Bandido & Rey Horus

The final score: review Average
The 411
Some good in-ring action this week. My main disagreement: why have the Briscoes go over Zayne & Rust? If you're trying to build those young kids for title shots, which ROH is certainly trying to do with Alex Zayne, you need to have them beating established veterans. The Briscoes' standing with this company is unaffected by any win or loss, they're always going to be accepted as credible threats to any championship. The announcers tried to play it off as "individuals vs. a tag team", but it still seems to me that Zayne & Rust could have used a win on TV for those of us that haven't seen them lately to accept them as threats. Was happy with the use of Danhausen rounding up team members.

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ROH TV, Steve Cook