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Cook’s TNA Slammiversary 2024 Review

July 20, 2024 | Posted by Steve Cook
Nic Nemeth TNA Slammiversary 2024 Image Credit: TNA Wrestling
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Cook’s TNA Slammiversary 2024 Review  

Hey kids! Steve Cook here with you for TNA Wrestling’s latest Slammiversary, live from Montreal. Any wrestling stuff ever happen there? Not sure. Anywho, it’s kind of amazing to me that in all of my years doing live coverage and reviewing shows here on 411, I’ve never done a Slammiversary. How did that slip through the cracks? That changes tonight, as I join you for all kinds of fun & exciting things. TNA is on quite the hot streak right now, including selling out the Verdun Auditorium for tonight’s proceedings. What will happen tonight? Let’s find out together!

Before we do that, we have a Countdown to Slammiversary to cover. The biggest crowd for this promotion in over a decade! Tom Hannifan & Matthew Rehwold are our hosts.

Xia Brookside vs. Gisele Shaw vs. Tasha Steelz vs. Faby Apache: We have a second generation star, two former Knockouts Champions & a Mexican legend. Should be good! TNA chant to start things! Shaw & Brookside hit superkicks early and seem to agree to form a team. They team up on Apache until Steelz intervenes and kicks people down. Big knee to Xia gets two. Faby back in the mix, she takes Steelz down. Faby goes for the surfboard, always a crowd favorite. Shaw breaks that up with a kick to Apache. Shaw with Shock & Awe on Apache for two. Faby goes to work on Xia, gets a big boot on her. Steelz with a Codebreaker to Apache, then a dive to her on the floor. Shaw takes them out with a dive, then Xia does the same! Shaw drops Steelz & Brookside in a Cradleshock, but Apache breaks up the count! Shaw reverses an Apache rana with a powerbomb, gets two. Shaw & Brookside in the ring now…Shaw hits the big knee! Steelz breaks up the count, tosses Shaw outside and covers for three!

Winner: Tasha Steelz (6:36 via pinfall)
Match Rating: **1/2
Nothing wrong with this early match to pop the early arrivals. Worth keeping an eye on Tasha Steelz, she’s been on top of this fed before and could be again.

Kushida vs. Rich Swann: Kushida rocking that Hakushi body paint that apparently happened to him after getting misted by Jonathan Gresham. Gresham was supposed to be the opponent, he couldn’t be here so it’s Rich Swann instead. Some flippy moves exchanged before Swann takes the heel advantage. Swann with a rough kick to Kushida, then a sleeper. Kushida meditates his way out of the sleeper, then kicks Swann in the face. Swann with some thumbs to the eyes and a kick in the corner. Kushida with a dragon screw. Handspring back elbow for Kushida, but Swann fights back, hits the reverse rana. Lethal Injection gets two for Swann. Tanaka punch knocks Swann silly, Kushida misses the moonsault. Swann with a kick that gets a two count. Kushida joins Swann up TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship Match: The Malisha (Alisha Edwards & Masha Slamovich) (c) vs. Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat): Jody & Masha start. After they work neutral, they tag in their partners. Dani seems to have an advantage on Alisha. Dani slams her down. Tag to Jody, they hit some double teams. Slamovich breaks up the double slam attempt, the referee seems way too distracted by the babyface corner and that leads to the Malisha taking advantage. Dani Luna getting worked over by Slamovich. She takes her opponents down with a dropkick and tags in Jody. Jody works over both opponents. She suplexes Alisha on top of Masha for two. Hart Attack to Masha gets two! Masha hits the Snow Plow on Threat, throws Alisha on top and that only gets two! Belts in the ring! Threat introduced to the belt in the middle corner. The Malisha hit the top rope Steiner bulldog and get the three count.

Winner: Kushida (6:45 via submission)
Match Rating: ***
Not gonna lie, I’m all about Kushida embracing his inner Hakushi. Good for Swann stepping up into this role where it was always obvious who was going to win.

TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship Match: The Malisha (Alisha Edwards & Masha Slamovich) (c) vs. Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat): Jody & Masha start. After they work neutral, they tag in their partners. Dani seems to have an advantage on Alisha. Dani slams her down. Tag to Jody, they hit some double teams. Slamovich breaks up the double slam attempt, the referee seems way too distracted by the babyface corner and that leads to the Malisha taking advantage. Dani Luna getting worked over by Slamovich. She takes her opponents down with a dropkick and tags in Jody. Jody works over both opponents. She suplexes Alisha on top of Masha for two. Hart Attack to Masha gets two! Masha hits the Snow Plow on Threat, throws Alisha on top and that only gets two! Belts in the ring! Threat introduced to the belt in the middle corner. The Malisha hit the top rope Steiner bulldog and get the three count.

Winners: The Malisha (8:45 via pinfall)
Match Rating: **1/2
Feels like the Knockouts Tag Team Division always gets this slot.

Santino Marrella is here! The fans couldn’t be happier! He runs through the typical babyface material then introduces our next pre-show match.

Eric Young vs. Hammerstone: Holy hell, Hammerstone looks bigger than any time I’ve ever seen him. He boots EY down. Young hits a dropkick for one. Hammerstone tosses Young to the floor without much effort. Missile dropkick gets two. Hammerstone works EY over. Suplex into a clothesline in the corner. EY does the Flair Flip and takes advantage. He slams Hammerstone, goes up top for the elbow but Hammerstone stops him. EY with some biting, hits the elbow drop for two. Gorilla press drop, somehow EY gets a rollup and a victory!

Winner: Eric Young (5:24 via pinfall)
Match Rating: **
Not sure I would have used Hammerstone to job to EY at this moment, but EY did need to beat somebody here. I get the idea, but I would have used somebody else.

Cook’s TNA Slammiversary 2024 Review

“Broken” Matt Hardy vs. JDC: JDC decided to destroy Matt’s brother & wife a few days before this match. We assume it’s because they couldn’t make it through the border. Matt & Johnny attack each other before the bell. JDC avoids Matt as much as he can and wears the American flag like he’s a political candidate. Curtis keeps biting away. Dango with a body scissors to wear Matt down. Matt evades a legdrop on the apron. Some head bangs to the apron, a vertical suplex, and an elbow from the second rope! Side Effect gets two! Falcon Arrow by JDC, but Matt meets him in the corner. Twist of Fate off the middle turnbuckle gets three!

Winner: Matt Hardy (4:31 via pinfall)
Match Rating: **

TNA World Tag Team Championship Match: The System (Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards) (c) vs. ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey): The System out here in American colors like they’re working Mexico. ABC wearing the pink & black. Austin stomps a mudhole in Myers. ABC with some double teams, a Hart Attack gets two. Chris Bey eats some double teams for two. Alisha works Bey over on the ring ropes to get the fans more mad at these guys. Austin tags in and the System gets dumped outside. Bey takes out both Systemers on the floor. Edwards blocks Austin on a springboard attempt. That feud may never end. Edwards eventually takes Austin over in the ring, then tags Myers back in. Austin gets decapitated on the bottom rope. Alisha loves putting her hands on Ace is all I’m saying. Ace fights out of a chinlock, but can’t get the tag when the official sees it. So annoying. Myers with a modified Cobra Clutch. Austin fights out, but Myers hits a back suplex. Austin blocks a move in the corner and hits a kick to Myers. Edwards & Bey tag in, Bey takes Edwards & Myers down with chops. Alisha blocks Bey from doing what he wanted to do. Bey cuts Edwards down on the apron, Austin hits Soar to Glory! A frog splash on Edwards in the ring gets two! Bey gets taken out by a spear that gets two. ABC hits a Magik Killa for two! Alisha gets knocked out by some nonsense. The 1…the 2…the 3…leads to new tag team champions!

Winners: ABC (16:42 via pinfall)
Match Rating: ***

Mike Santana vs. Jake Something: Two men that have been on a tear lately. Santana working that rasslin style. Something wants some more. Something keeps running Santana over, then dives onto him on the floor. Santana with a crazy dive onto the floor! Santana keeps working over this guy but it’ll take awhile. Santana gets whipped into the turnbuckle. Commentary does a good job telling us about the history of these two, I doubt the live fans can hear it. Rolling cutter by Santana gets two. Reversals, DDT by Santana, dropkick, cannonball in the corner gets two on Something. Santana with some shots. Something catches Santana on a cannonball, hits a sitout powerbomb and gets two! Something goes up top, Santana meets him and hits a German off the top rope! They fire punches. Something kicks out of a lariato at 1. The STB by Santana finally gets the 3 count.

Winner: Mike Santana (11:34 via pinfall)
Match Rating: **1/2

The Rascalz (Trey Miguel, Wes Lee & Zachary Wentz) vs. No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne & Tavion Heights): Miguel gets the advantage early on Borne, so Dempsey tags in. Wes Lee tags Miguel. Lee gets the advantage on Dempsey. Headscissors, dropkick on Dempsey. Wentz bronco busts Dempsey! Wentz gets suplexed, and gets dropped a couple of times by Heights. Miguel owns the world for a minute, but a distraction lets that go. Miguel gets worked over for awhile. Miguel gets slammed into the corner. Heights suplexes Miguel and slows things down. Some clotheslines, Miguel fights back! Wes Lee goes after all three, DDTs Dempsey for two. 3 on 1 in the ring. Wes Lee manages to kick out. Wes keeps fighting. Tags to Trey & Zach, who keep fighting. Wes & Zach combine to take everybody out on the outside. We had some submissions in the ring for the NQCC, but they got broken up. Rascalz come back, they hit some moves and it’s over!

Winners: The Rascalz (14:05 via pinfall)
Match Rating: ***

TNA Digital Media & Canadian International Heavyweight Championship Match: A.J. Francis (c) (w/Rich Swann) vs. PCO: AJ lets us know that PCO won’t be coming here tonight. He wants a referee to come down here and raise his hand as the winner. PCO’s entrance spectacle breaks that up. PCO is alive! This is a Montreal street fight, so we can throw all rules out the window, as PCO usually does. PCO hits the cannonball onto Francis on the apron. PCO sault onto Francis & Swann on the floor! Swann goes after PCO, which seems like a terrible idea until Francis hits a superkick on PCO. PCO fights back against Francis & Swann. Francis finds a trash can, which he wanted old wrestlers to put their valuables into. Francis went off with chair shots in the general area of PCO. Legdrop gets two. Francis electric chairs PCO into some chairs for two! Of course this leads into Francis getting slammed through some tables. Francis’s hired guns go after PCO afterwards. Joshua Bishop bounces PCO off a chair. Sami Callihan comes out and gets attacked by Rich Swann. Rhino’s music plays! He goes after Rich Swann! Gores him out of his shoes! PCO gets Francis back in the ring, hits the moonsault and it gets 2? What are we doing here? Francis hits a tombstone & PCO kicks out. PCO chokeslams Francis into the chairs! PCOSAULT! History has been made in Montreal!

Winner: PCO (13:50 via pinfall)
Match Rating: **

Steph De Lander asked PCO to marry her, he said Oui! By Gawd!

TNA Knockouts World Championship: Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Ash by Elegance (w/Personal Concierge): Ash fights back early on in this contest. Grace with some power moves. Concierge making some moves, and he gets ejected by ringside. Rosemary comes down with a knife and that guy is probably gone lol. Ash dumps Jordynne on the floor, then stomps on her on the apron. Ash with a Backstabber, then a submission. Grace with a couple of slams. Muscle Buster gets two! Ash with a tornado DDT for two. Both women go up top. Superplex into a jackhammer gets two for Grace. Grace lands a lot of shots to Ash, but Ash blocks all of that and hits a Destroyer. Some reversals! Grace tries to meet Ash on the top rope. Ash with an Avalanche Sliced Bread for two! Grace tries to kick out, and locks in a sleeper! Grace with a clothesline, Ash gets out of the Grace Driver, gets a nearfall, Jordynne fights back, hits the Grace Driver and it’s all over.

Winner: Jordynne Grace (12:16 via pinfall)
Match Rating: **1/2

TNA X Division Championship Match: Mustafa Ali (c) (w/Campaign Singh) vs. Mike Bailey: Veda Scott at ringside cheering her man on. Ali has much more people along ringside cheering their man on. Bailey going off early on Ali. Singh distracts, which leads to Ali gaining the advantage. Bailey moonsaults Ali on the outside. Ali fights back with a tornado DDT on the outside. Neckbreaker back in the ring gets 2. Ali goes to the chinlock. Ali gets a Gory special for two. Ali tries to set up some moves and gets kicked in the back of his head. Bailey with a Falcon Arrow, then a shooting star press gets two! Bailey misses double knees on the apron, which leads to more nonsense. Bailey Spanish Flies Ali into the mess of people on the floor! Bailey tosses Ali into the ring, and Ali kicks the man in the head. Ali had a three count but the feet were in the ropes! Bailey with an Asai moonsault on the floor! Ultimate Weapon into the knee! Ali gets Bailey with a knee, but only gets two! Ali goes back up top. Misses the 450! Ali blocks Bailey on the next attempt. Both men up top, poison rana by Bailey! ULTIMATE WEAPON gets two, I really don’t know what we’re doing here. We got security guards surrounding the ring, Ali hitting a couple of 450s. What the hell?Welp. Trent Seven is here and he pulled the referee out of the ring. Seven took a bunch of people out at ringside before Ali took him out again. Ali with another chair to Bailey. EARL HEBNER IS HERE! The Hall of Famer referee has returned! Ali locks in a Sharpshooter! Earl doesn’t call for the bell! Bailey comes back, locks in the Sharpshooter! Ali taps!

Winner: Mike Bailey (20:17 via submission)
Match Rating: ***1/2

TNA World Championship Six-Way Elimination Match: Moose (c) vs. Josh Alexander vs. Steve Maclin vs. Nic Nemeth vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Joe Hendry: We’ve got all kinds of characters here with all kinds of motivation. Hendry is the wrestler of this moment. Kazarian sees this as his ultimate endgame after a couple of decades. Alexander had to give up this title and hasn’t gotten it back yet. Maclin wants it back. Nemeth wants it once. Moose has to defend it from all of these people. Moose gets his ass kicked early. Hendry with a stalling vertical suplex. Hendry takes Moose onto the floor and does the same thing. Hendry tosses Nemeth onto Moose. Alexander & Maclin team up and then wrestle each other. Alexander suplexing everybody. Maclin kicks out after about 18 German suplexes. Moose breaks things up, Nemeth comes back not long after. Kazarian has cutters for everybody, including Moose! Seemed cool, but only two. Moose taken out on the outside. Maclin taking care of business in the ring…until he gets speared by Moose & eliminated. Moose working all these leftovers. They all work their way up to the stage, Kazarian gets sent through a table. Moose slams Alexander & Nemeth down in the ring. Here comes Hendry, a cutter on Moose gets two. Hendry with a couple of fallaway slams. He’s got Moose for one! Moose kips up and hits some spears. Hendry clotheslines Moose out of his boots. Standing Ovation eliminates Moose from the proceedings! Alexander with a low blow to Hendry! C4 Spike to Hendry! Alexander & Nemeth go at it afterward. Nemeth superkicks Alexander out of the match. Kazarian slips in and tries to get the win but can’t do it. Nemeth & Kazarian exchange superkicks. Some exchanges lead to a Zig Zag and a new champion!

Winner: Nic Nemeth (28:10 via pinfall)
Match Rating: ***3/4

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
The worst thing I saw tonight was on the pre-show. Everything else was pretty great! TNA is on a pretty good roll and they're not trying to mess it up too much. We've got Nic Nemeth as a champion, which is a pretty good thing for most promotions to have. We'll see how the ratings & PPV buy rates go, but I can't knock much of what TNA did tonight.

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TNA Slammiversary, Steve Cook