wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s Impact Wrestling Review 6.01.17

Csonka’s Impact Wrestling Review 6.01.17
– Impact Grand Championship Match: Champion Moose defeated Eli Drake via split decision [**½]
– Allie defeated Amber Nova @ 3:30 via pin [*¾]
– GFW Tag Team Tournament Finals: LAX defeated The Veterans of War @ 7:00 via pin [**¾]
– X-Division Title Match: Champion Low Ki defeated Andrew Everett @ 13:35 via pin [***¼]
– GFW Title & #1 Contendership Cage Match: Champion Alberto El Patron defeated EC3@ 15:55 via pin [***½]
– This is the last set of tapings prior to the content taped in India, which starts airing next week.
– We get highlights from last week’s show… ugh, focusing on the Mathews vs. Borash feud. And THEN they get to the #1 contender’s match.
Opening Talky Bit: EC3 makes his way out to the ring for a celebration. He has a barbershop quartet with a string bass player and a fiddler in the ring to sing his theme song. He is on the way to reclaiming his world title, and no one can deny that he is the #1 contender. On July 2nd he faces Lashley, and they’ve done the dance before but this time, he has something special for Lashley, which led to more singing. El Patron is out, but so is Dutch, Karen and Prichard w/Tryus. Prichard books Patron vs. ECW, with both the GFW & #1 contendership on the line. And we’re making it a random cage match. In a time where the ratings need any help that they can get, you’d think that common sense would prevail and that they’d do their best to advertise a steel cage match with such big stakes instead of just tossing it out there. And I don’t want to hear 100 excuses, they control the product, the could have shot an angle on last week’s show at the end to justify the match and then had a week to promote it.
Impact Grand Championship Match: Champion Moose vs. Eli Drake: Adonis is out with Drake. Dutch Mantel, Bruce Prichard and Scott D’Amore are the judges tonight. Moose lays out Drake with kick to begin, and then starts to toss him around the ring. Drake then starts to fight back, attacking the knee of Moose. Drake controls the rest of the round, working the knee and locking in a figure four as the round ended. (Drake wins round one 30-27). Round two begins as Drake continues to work the leg, slamming it off the post. Moose then fights back, hitting a dropkick and sending Drake to he floor. Moose then hits a powerbomb, senton and moonsault but couldn’t cover as the round ends. (Moose wins round two 29-28). They brawl to begin the final round, Moose then hits go to hell and that gets a near fall. Moose then fires up with rights, but Drake cuts him off with a flapjack for 2. They trade strikes again; head butts by Moose follow and then forearm strikes. Adonis grabs Moose’s leg, allowing Drake to hit the air raid crash and the round ends. Champion Moose defeated Eli Drake via split decision [**½] Solid match, but they continue to fail in executing the rounds system well. There was no drama, and Moose didn’t look like a winner. This is another grand championship match that would have been better off as a regular match.
– Allie cuts a promo about Rosemary helping her last week, acting all afraid of her. Rosemary arrives, and says that she heard her calls for help and is here to protect Allie.
We're intrigued with this developing friendship. What will happen next b/t these two? @AllieImpact can't figure it out either #IMPACTonPOP pic.twitter.com/xm8bCVqPoh
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) June 2, 2017
– Swoggle is in the crowd.
Allie vs. Amber Nova: They lock up and Nova quickly slams Allie down. Allie looks for a go behind, but Nova slams her down again. They work to the corner, knees by Nova and Allie fights back, hitting a corner clothesline. She misses another, and Nova slams her to the buckles and follows with boots. She then uses a head scissors to slam Allie repeatedly to the corner, covering for 2. Allie fires back with forearms, and then hits a clothesline and another. The back elbow follows, Nova cuts her off with a boot, but Allie then hits a DVD, and covers for the win. Allie defeated Amber Nova @ 3:30 via pin [*¾] Not bad, Nova looked better than most of the newer women they’ve brought in, and showed good confidence in her TV debut. I hope she gets more chances. Allie picks up the win. I do feel that we’re hitting the expiration date on the “cute Allie that doesn’t really know how to wrestle” gimmick though.
– Borash & Park arrive in a golf cart.
GFW Tag Team Tournament Finals No DQ Match: LAX (Ortiz & Santana) vs. The Veterans of War (Mayweather & Wilcox): Konnan, Diamante & Homicide are at ringside. We get an all out brawl to begin, with Homicide and Diamante in to help out. Wilcox quickly fires back with clotheslines, tagging in Mayweather. They work some double teams, with Mayweather tossing Ortiz around and clearing the ring. Santana in and clip out Mayweather’s knee and LAX takes control, using the numbers game to beat down Wilcox on the floor. Back in they work double teams on Mayweather, and keep the pace up while doing so. Santana stops Mayweather from tagging in, Mayweather hits a big backdrop but LAX quickly cuts him off, again targeting the knee. Mayweather managed to fight back, hitting a catatonic on Santana. Hot tag to Wilcox, he runs wild tossing Ortiz around and hitting a Samoan drop. Diamante pulls out the ref, Konnan hits Mayweather’s knee with a pipe; Homicide nails Wilcox with a title belt then LAX hits the dooms day blockbuster for the win. LAX defeated The Veterans of War @ 7:00 via pin [**¾] Pretty good match, with LAX playing to the rules of it well and utilizing the numbers game. The VOW were… fine, but this wasn’t on the level of the matches that LAX has been putting on.
– Borash and Park are interviewed backstage. Borash has always wanted to be an announcer, but never wanted to be a wrestler and certainly doesn’t want to face Scott Steiner. Park gives an inspirational speech and says that they just need to train and become a great team. Borash says Park is insane and bails.
– Sonjay Dutt is out on commentary, wearing an eye patch to sell the injury from Low Ki.
X-Division Title Match: Champion Low Ki vs. Andrew Everett: They work a slow beginning, with both men looking for an opening. Everett then counters with some flippity doos, and hits a dropkick. Ki quickly fires back, hitting kicks and mounted rights in the corner. Everett hits the enziguri and sends Ki to the floor. Ki then dropkicks him to the barricade and talks shit to Dutt as we take a commercial break. Post break, Ki has Everett grounded, working a chinlock. Everett looks to fire up, but Ki cuts him off with kicks and covered for 2. Ki continued to control, stomping on Everett’s face. Ki started to just look to mess with Everett a bit too much, Everett hits a dropkick, a boot but Ki then pulls him off the ropes to keep control. Ki again grounds Everett and then follows with knee strikes. Everett then finally puts some offense together, hitting a RANA and running shooting star pres for 2. Everett then slips off the ropes, allowing Ki to cover for 2. Ki sets him up top they battle for position and Everett sends Ki to he mat and the shooting star press eats knees. Ki hits the shotgun dropkick; heads up top and the double stomp to the back finishes Everett. Champion Low Ki defeated Andrew Everett @ 13:35 via pin [***¼] I have no idea why Everett is getting a title shot, considering that he recently lost a shot at the title in an Ultimate X match. I really wish that they would work on that, as it is still something that hurts the division. The good news is that after a slow start; they had a good match with a great final minute. Ki has been motivated and a lot of fun since his return.
– Post match, Ki talks shit to Dutt as they further their issues.
– Spud is here and attacks Swoggle in the crowd. They brawl to ringside and Spud gets the hammer and beats on Swoggle with it. He hits in the balls for good measure as Spud keeps yelling WHY… Swoggle got busted open by his eye during the attack.
GFW Title & #1 Contendership Cage Match: Champion Alberto El Patron vs. EC3: EC3 runs and tries to escape at the bell, but Patron cuts him off and then slams him to the cage. This is win by pin, submission or escape. EC3 fires back, laying in rights and then choking out Patron in the camera hole cut in the cage. EC3 looks to keep control, they work to he cage and Patron hits a back elbow and a DDT. Thy battle on the top rope, EC3 looks for a German, but then hits the super Samoan drop as we take a break. Post break, EC3 maintains control and hits a series of suplexes, and picks up a near fall. Clotheslines follow for EC3, and he then starts to attack the knee of Patron. Patron manages to hit a tilt a whirl back breaker, and then looks to climb out of the cage but cuts him off, hits an electric chair drop and covers for 2. EC3 then climbs, and patron hits a sloppy back stabber off the ropes for the double down. They trade strikes back and forth; Patron takes out the knee and hits a superkick for 2. Patron then hits a series of clotheslines, but EC3 avoids the enziguri and hits a modified DDT for 2. Patron hits a single arm DDT, avoids the TKO and locks in the arm bar. EC3 escapes, avoids the charge and then hits the TKO for the near fall. EC3 then hits a sitout powerbomb, covering for 2. He then looks to climb and escape, EC3 makes it to the top and Patron follows and they brawl up top for position. Patron starts to kick away at EC3 and EC3 falls into the tree of WHOA; Patron hits the big double stomp and then hits a frog splash to pick up the win. Champion Alberto El Patron defeated EC3@ 15:55 via pin [***½] After a slow start, they worked hard, played well off of their previous meeting and in the end delivered a very good match. Patron moves on as the new chosen one to face Lashley at Slammiversary. Patron has had some good TV matches, but i’m still uncertain he can deliver on the big show as a main eventer, he’s too hard to predict as a performer.
– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”
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