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Csonka’s WWE Mixed Match Challenge Review 3.27.18

March 27, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
WWE Mixed Match Challenge 32718
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Csonka’s WWE Mixed Match Challenge Review 3.27.18  

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Csonka’s WWE Mixed Match Challenge Review 3.20.18

– Bobby Roode & Becky Lynch vs. Finn Balor & Sasha Banks @ 11:15 via pin [***½]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

NOTE: After Charlotte Flair underwent minor dental surgery for a mouth infection last Wednesday, WWE has pulled her from tonight’s Smackdown and Mixed Match Challenge.

– Commentary welcomes us to the show.

– Becky Lynch is replacing Charlotte.

Bobby Roode & Becky Lynch vs. Finn Balor & Sasha Banks: Balor & Roode start us off. They work some basic back and forth, with Balor controlling early on. They work into a stand off, and Banks and Lynch tag in. They work into some back and forth, with Lynch getting a roll up for 2. Banks with the lucha arm drag, but Lynch answers with arm drags. They tease duking it out, and talk trash and Lynch mocks Banks. They shove each other and Banks attacks. Balor and Roode tags back in, Balor hits arm drags, and then work to the ropes. Roode teases the DDT, countered and Balor covers for 2. Roode connects with a knee strike, covering for 2. He grounds things, and follows with a suplex for 2. Balor battles back, and hits the PELE. Banks and Lynch tag in, Banks controls and hits a running meteora for 2. They trade strikes, but Lynch cuts her off and hits an XPLODER. Lynch up top and the missile dropkick follows for 2. Banks counters into a roll up for 2, follows with a knee strike, but misses the charge. She follows with a knee strike; heads up top and Lynch cuts her off, following her up top. The superplex follows. Tags to Roode & Balor, and Balor runs wild. The standing double stomp connects and he follows with chops. The enziguri follows and Balor hits the final cut for 2 as Lynch makes the save. Roode counters sling blade, and follows with a blockbuster for 2. Balor counters the DDT and hits sling blade. He follows with the John Woooooooooo! Banks tags in, hits meteora on Lynch and kicks Roode to the floor. She follows with a suicide dive. Balor hits John Woooooo on the floor. Lynch rolls up Banks in the ring for the win. Bobby Roode & Becky Lynch vs. Finn Balor & Sasha Banks @ 11:15 via pin [***½] This was a very good match, with a great pace and sense of urgency, and was the best match of the entire tournament so far. The finals will also serve as some final hype for Charlotte vs. Asuka.

– Next week is the finals with Miz & Asuka vs. Bobby Roode & Charlotte.

– Kurt Angle arrives and hypes next week’s finals.

– End Scene.

– Thanks for reading.

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“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Good
The 411
This week’s episode of WWE Mixed Match Challenge was a very good show, featuring the best match of the tournament so far, and setting up a final that will also help build a WrestleMania match.