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Csonka’s WWE Super Showdown 2020 Review

Csonka’s WWE Super Showdown 2020 Review
– The Good brothers defeated The Viking Raiders @ 10:00 via pin [**½]
– Tuwaiq Mountain Trophy Gauntlet Match: The Undertaker won @ 32:40 via pin [*]
– Smackdown Tag Team Title Match: Miz & Morrison defeated Champions New Day @ 13:00 via pin [***¼]
– Angel Garza defeated Humberto Carrillo @ 9:10 via pin [**¾]
– Raw Tag Team Title Match: Champions Seth Rollins & Murphy defeated The Street Profits @ 10:50 via pin [***]
– Mansoor defeated Dolph Ziggler @ 9:20 via pin [**½]
– WWE Title Match: Champion Brock Lesnar defeated Ricochet @ 1:30 via pin [NR]
– Cage Match: Roman Reigns defeated King Corbin @ 13:35 via pin [*]
– Smackdown Women’s Title Match: Champion Bayley defeated Naomi @ 11:45 via pin [**½]
– Universal Title Match: Goldberg defeated Champion The Fiend @ 2:10 via pin [NR]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– Cole, Graves, & Saxton are on commentary.
The Viking Raiders vs. The Good Brothers: Karl and Erik start us off, locking up and Erik takes him down, follows with a slam and tags in Ivar. They work double teams, working over Karl in the corner. The Vikings use quick tags as Ivar grounds things. Karl fires back, Erik tags in and double teams follow as Erik covers for 2. Karl fires back, Gallows tags in and delivers body shots on Erik. The big boot connects and Gallows covers for 2. Karl back in and he follows with knee strikes, Gallows back in and delivers clubbing strikes. The suplex follows and the elbow drop and leg drop gets 2. Gallows grounds things, follows with strikes and Karl tags in. he works over Erik in the corner and grounds things. Erik battles back, tags in Ivar and he takes control. The seated senton follows and the clothesline takes down Karl. Gallows and Erik tag in, they trade, XPLODER by Erik and Ivar works over Gallows as double teams follow. It breaks down, Karl is dumped and Gallows tree slams Erik. Karl tags back in and eats the knee strike. Ivar follows with a rough looking back handspring elbow, fights off Gallows and heads up top. The moonsault misses, Gallows in and they dump Erik, magic killer on Ivar and that’s all. The Good brothers defeated The Viking Raiders @ 10:00 via pin [**½] This was a solid, but somewhat flat opening tag.
Tuwaiq Mountain Trophy Gauntlet Match: AJ Styles vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Lashley vs. Truth vs. Andrade vs. Erick Rowan: Truth and Lashley begin. They lockup as Lashley takes control and hits a shoulder tackle. Truth counters back with a RANA, strikes and then gets dumped. Lashley follows him out, slams him to the barricades and back in, Lashley delivers strikes. The delayed suplex connects and Lashley covers for 2. He grounds Truth. Truth slowly fights to his feet and they trade. Truth fires up but Lashley mows him down. Truth counters the dominator, hits the Cena tribute offense and side kick. Lashley fires back, hits the flatliner and the spear misses and Truth cradle shim for the elimination @ 5:40. Lashley then beats his ass, posts him and runs him into the steps. He rolls Truth in and hits the spear. Next in is Andrade. Andrade works over the shoulder that Lashley injured, grounds Truth and then follows with knee strikes in the corner. Andrade hits the double knees and covers for 2. Truth fires back, fights off the hammerlock DDT but Andrade starts attacking the arm again. He drops the kneepad, misses a charge and spills to the floor. Back in and Truth follows with rights, the spinning forearm and they then clunk heads; Truth falls on Andrade and pins him @ 13:30. Rowan and his cage are next. Rowan hits the corner splash, slam and an elbow drop. He then lays in ground and pound, but Truth fires back and dumps Rowan. He follows with a plancha, but Rowan dropkicks him into the steps and cage. Rowan repeatedly slams Truth to the steps and follows with a head butt. He hits Truth with the steps and he’s been DQ’d @ 17:50. Rowan is pissed and lays out Truth with the claw slam. Styles is next, Truth misses a punch and falls down as Styles dances to mock him. Styles lays the boots to him, does the running man and continues to beat on Truth. Styles does the cabbage patch, follows with more kicks and locks on the calf killer and Truth taps @ 23:30. Rey id the final entrant. Styles smiles, Rey’s music plays but he’s not here. It plays again and Styles just smiles again. Backstage, the Good brothers kick the shit out of Rey and lay him out. Styles gets a mic, and says little Rey won’t get up from that so he wins via forfeit. Styles demands they ring the bell and declare him the winner. The ref counts for Rey, we see the Good Brothers laid out backstage and Taker’s boots walk into frame and leaves. The Undertaker’s dong now hits and he makes his way out to the ring. Did he eat Rey or save him? So after 5-minutes of entrance, Styles talks shit to Taker, Taker chokeslams him and pins Styles to… I guess… win? The Undertaker won @ 32:40 via pin [*] So, Undertaker just Shane McMahoned his way to the Tuwaiq Mountain Trophy, Sure, it gets us to Styles vs. Taker, which is all well and good but this was bad, long for the sake of being long and not that anyone really cares, but they killed another Saudi special match with a winner that wasn’t even involved. Easiest paydays of Rey & Taker’s lives.
Smackdown Tag Team Title Match: Champions New Day vs. Miz & Morrison: Miz and Big E lockup to begin, follows with a slam and dances. Miz attacks with kicks, strikes but Big E counters into the ass slapping abdominal stretch. Morrison tags in, he runs into a suplex as Kofi joins in for double teams and the cover gets 2. More double teams follow on Morrison. He begs off, dumps Big E and Miz attacks. Morrison follows with a corkscrew dive and back in, lays in ground and pound. Miz tags in and they double team Big E. The Miz knee strike follows for 2. Miz grounds things, works a sleeper and Big E escapes until Mz takes out his knee. Morrison joins in for double teams and the cover gets 2. he follows with strikes, Miz in and Big E dumps Morrison and follows with the uranage on Miz. Tag to Kofi and he runs wild on Morrison. Flows wit a run up RANA and running double stomp for 2. The running knee strike connects, and the boom drop follows. He dumps Miz, Morrison counters into the Alabama slam and running knee for 2. Kofi counters moonlight drive into SOS for 2. Big E tags in and the doomsday double stomp follows for 2. Miz takes out Kofi on the floor, DDTs Big E and covers for 2. He follows with kicks until Big E counters back, Morrison tags in and double teams follow; starship pain misses and Kofi tags in, dumps Miz and Big E blind tags in and the midnight hour follows and Miz makes the save. Kofi misses a dive, crashing and burning. Miz hits skull crushing finale on Big E and that gets 2. Miz lays in kicks, corner knees and then misses as Big E looks for a tag, gets it and he cradles Miz for 2. Chair shot by Morrison and Miz cradles Kofi with the tights and we have new champions. Miz & Morrison defeated Champions New Day @ 13:00 via pin [***¼] It started a bit slow, but developed into a good match with the expected title change.
– Seth & Murphy are interviewed. Seth says that he respects the Street Profits as athletes, but their moral compass is off as they stand against him, It’s destiny that they retain tonight, and that the threat be dealt with along the way,
Humberto Carrillo vs. Angel Garza: They lockup and work to the ropes. They work into counters and Carrillo follow with kicks, a springboard head butt and follows with the springboard arm drag. RANA on the floor by Carrillo and then follows with a suicide dive. Back in and Carrillo covers for 1. The basement dropkick follows, and Garza cuts him off with the corner dropkick. THE PANTS ARE OFF, running boot by Garza and the camel clutch follows. Carrillo counters out and follows with the jawbreaker. He hits an enziguri and follows with a disaster kick. Carrillo heads up top and Garza cuts him off with an enziguri. He follows him up and Carrillo shoves him off and then flies into a dropkick for 2. Carrillo fires back, hits a superkick, they trade and Carrillo sorta hits a destroyer. He follows with strikes and Garza cradles him for 2. Carrillo cuts him off, heads up top and Garza counters the moonsault and they trade cradles until Garza gets him. Angel Garza defeated Humberto Carrillo @ 9:10 via pin [**¾] This was pretty good, but not as good as their recent work on Raw, plus the crowd just didn’t care.
– Bayley is interviewed. She will make history tonight and beat Naomi. She will prove that she’s the most dominant champion in Smackdown history.
Raw Tag Team Title Match: Champions Seth Rollins & Murphy vs. The Street Profits: Dawkins spears Murphy and follows with ground and pound. Ford hits a dropkick, the challengers run wild and isolate Murphy. Ford follows with the dropkick and covers for 2. he takes out Seth until Murphy attacks and dumps him. Back in and Seth delivers ground and pound. Murphy tags back in and they double team Ford. Murphy then grounds things, Ford fights back until Murphy hits a running meteora for 2. Murphy dumps Ford, Seth attacks on the floor and then tags in. He lays the boots to Ford, and then grounds things. He umps Ford, Murphy joins him but Ford whips him to the barricade, does the same to Seth and Murphy cuts off the tag. Seth follow with strikes, does the deal with the falcon arrow and that gets 2. Murphy in and double teams follow as Murphy covers for 2. Ford counters back and tags in Dawkins. He runs wild, hits dropkicks and the bulldog. XPLODER on Seth and that gets 2. Ford tags in and they double team Seth, but Murphy makes the save. Dawkins is dumped, Ford hits an enziguri on Seth and heads up top. The sky high frog splashes follows but Murphy makes the save. Dawkins takes out Murphy and Seth counters doomsday, dumps Ford and Murphy tags in. Ford flies in, cut off but the challengers counters into DDTs. Ford’s tope is caught, he’s slammed to the barricade and Dawkins follows wit a high cross from the apron. Back in and Murphy hits a knee strike, blackout on the apron by Seth and Murphy pins Dawkins. Champions Seth Rollins & Murphy defeated The Street Profits @ 10:50 via pin [***] This was an overall good match, but it never locked into that next gear I had hoped they’d hit because they are all capable of much more.
Mansoor vs. Dolph Ziggler: Roode is out with Ziggler. Roode talks shit to Mansoor and eats a dropkick. Roode is booted to the back. thanks for coming. They lockup, working to the ropes and Ziggler follows with kicks and grounds him. He follows with a shoulder tackle, they lockup and Mansoor takes control and grounds Ziggler. He follows with a shoulder tackle, and then a standing moonsault for 2. Ziggler cheap shots Mansoor, follows with a dropkick and covers for 2. Ziggler then follows with an elbow drop and that gets 2. He grounds Mansoor, maintaining control and talking shit. Mansoor fights to his feet, Ziggler cuts a him of and the neck breaker connects. He posts Mansoor, and the slam follows for 2. Mansoor fires back, hits an enziguri and slingshot neck beaker. He follows with a powerslam and that gets 2. Mansoor heads up top, Ziggler cuts him off and the zigzag follows for 2. Mansoor counters the superkick and avoids the charge and follows with an inverted sliced bread/DDT. Mansoor up top and the moonsault finishes it. Mansoor defeated Dolph Ziggler @ 9:20 via pin [**½] This was solid, but Dolph is such a bland performer these days. Mansoor looked good and has potential, but they need to use him more than twice a year. Also, stop calling each win “a miracle win,” it’s already old. The crowd is really fading as this show goes along and is making it drag along at a crawl.
– Mansoor cuts the post match babyface promo.
WWE Title Match: Champion Brock Lesnar vs. Ricochet: Ricochet charges and that was a mistake as Brock starts to maul him. Brock follows with Germans, just rag dolling Ricochet. The F5 follows and then Brock dances on Ricochet’s corpse.

Champion Brock Lesnar defeated Ricochet @ 1:30 via pin [NR] Thanks for coming Rick O’Shea.
Cage Match: Roman Reigns vs. King Corbin: Reigns chains the door shut as Corbin attacks. He follows with clotheslines, strikes and whips Reigns to the cage. He does it again and grinds Reigns’ face off the cage. He whips him to the cage again. Corbin looks to escape and does so slowly. Reigns cuts him off. they work on the top rope as they trade strikes. Reigns knocks him to the mat, Reigns looks to escape but Corbin stops that. Reigns knocks him to the mat, and follows with a double axe handle for 2. He follows with strikes, the big boot, clotheslines and Corbin counters the superman punch into deep six for 2. They trade strikes, Corbin counters into a spinebuster and that gets 2. Corbin gets the key from Reigns, tries to unlock the door and does. Reigns cuts him off, but Corbin lays in ground and pound. Reigns keeps fighting back, Corbin looks to escape until reigns hits him with the door. Corbin counters back into a chokeslam for 2. Corbin gets the chain from the door, but Reigns hits him with a superman punch. They climb, trading strikes on the top as they sit on top of the cage. Corbin drags Reigns back in and they fight on the top rope. Reigns crotches Corbin, follows with superman punches and gets the chain, superman punch and pins Corbin. Roman Reigns defeated King Corbin @ 13:35 via pin [*] This SUCKED. The work has no intensity to it, no sense of urgency, there was no drama, it felt like it lasted an hour, and the dead crowd didn’t help. WWE cage matches continue to be horrible. Keep these two away from each other forever, it doesn’t work, it has never worked, and will never work.
Smackdown Women’s Title Match: Champion Bayley vs. Naomi: The ladies are wearing shirts over their gear once again. They lockup and Naomi follows with a shoulder tackle. Bayley counters back, takes her down and Naomi fights to her feet and follows with another tackle. The back elbow connects and split leg rope follows for 2. Bayley attacks with kicks, grounds Naomi until Naomi trips her up and follows with a leg drop for 2. Bayley tries to run, and then cuts off Naomi in the ropes until Naomi follows with a RANA. Naomi follows with a plancha, but Bayley then cuts her off and whips her to the barricades. Back in and the cover gets 2. Bayley grounds things, Naomi fights to her feet and follows with strikes until Bayley hits a clothesline for 2. Bayley grounds things again, works her over in the corner until Naomi counters back with kicks. Clotheslines, a dropkick and jawbreaker follows and the disaster kick follows. Naomi springboards in with a high cross of sorts for 2. Naomi follows with a submission until Bayley makes the ropes. Naomi follows with kicks, soul food but Bayley hits Bayley to belly for 2. They trade strikes, Bayley takes out her knee and covers for 2. Bayley starts working the knee, a Saito suplex and Naomi fights off the rose plant but Bayley hits a knee strike. Bayley up top, Naomi cuts her off and the split legged moonsault misses. Bayley ties Naomi’s foot in her shirt and the Rose plant finishes it. Champion Bayley defeated Naomi @ 11:45 via pin [**½] Despite some rough edges, this was solid. In theory the thing they had going for them is that unlike Natalya vs. Lacey, they were allowed to work an actually babyface vs. heel match, but it didn’t add much at all as this crowd is dying. At least the finish was creative.
Universal Title Match: Champion The Fiend vs. Goldberg: Goldberg hits the spear for 2. Fiend gets the mandible claw. Goldberg escapes, spear, spear and spear for 2. Fiend gets the mandible claw, Goldberg fights and follows with knee strikes, the jackhammer and wins. Goldberg defeated Champion The Fiend @ 2:10 via pin [NR] Just as expected with the looming PPV deal coming up to make Mania look bigger.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 94. On the show, Larry Csonka & Steve Cook hit a quick news roundup on Samoa Joe, NXT Japan and more, review NXT vs. Dynamite (2.26.20) and then preview AEW Revolution. The show is approximately 79-minutes long.
* Intro
* Quick News Roundup (Samoa Joe, Matt Hardy, NXT Japan, NJPW Cancellations, More): 2:05
* AEW Dynamite (2.26.20) Review: 27:05
* NXT (2.26.20) Review: 40:40
* The Head to Head Comparison: 54:10
* AEW Revolution Preview: 58:55
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– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.
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