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Dolph Ziggler On Triple H Taking Over Creative, If He Has Noticed Anything Different Backstage

September 13, 2022 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Dolph Ziggler Raw WWE, Nic Nemeth Image Credit: WWE

Dolph Ziggler is the latest to weigh in on Triple H’s takeover of WWE’s creative process, and he says he hasn’t noticed much different in terms of backstage processes. Ziggler spoke with the In The Kliq podcast for a new interview, and you can see some highlights below:

On Triple H taking over creative: “Well I mean, Triple H has been in the system from start to finish, and helping young guys out in NXT, helping us out backstage. Hell, even when I was in the Spirit Squad 15 years ago, him and Shawn Michaels were helping us out. So I think it’s a great fit, that’s the guy to do it. It’ll be a fun way to just switch things up a little bit for us.

“But I mean, we’re surrounded by some of the greatest minds in the world, we’re very lucky, my — I would say, teammates, because we all kind of work together to put on this awesome show. And it’s just, there’s something special about having all this talent, all these superstars, all these great minds behind the scenes. And when it comes together as this group effort, it becomes something special. It’s why it’s the greatest thing in the friggin’ world when it goes great for us.”

On if he’s had a chance to talk with Triple H about what’s next for him: “His door’s always open. And we all live in different places, but Monday and Friday are the craziest days, I mean — I don’t think I would believe it if someone told me how crazy and hectic things were for me, like how changes happen, how you’ve gotta be ready to go on the fly. But that’s what’s the best part, we have all these awesome guys and gals, these superstars that can do anything at the drop of a hat. We need to get to a commercial break, they can make it happen. We can get things through, beat somebody up, take somebody out. But having that open door to be able to like, ‘Hey, can we maybe go if this direction if we try this stuff out.’ That’s what helps keep the gears going in our business.”

On what changes he’s noticed backstage: “You know, I haven’t really noticed anything different. Everyone’s like, ‘Oh, cool. Someone else who’s calling the shots.’ But, it’s still all this group-team effort where everyone’s pitching an idea. Like I said a second ago, there are so many awesome minds behind the scenes that help us out with things/

“There’s a reason that some of us, even myself with 18 years can come out looking good every night and make something happen or have some story advance, or make some match awesome. It’s not just because we’re great. We have these minds behind the scenes. So we’re all waiting, like, ‘Hey, is this going to be different, are things going to change?’ And what’s happened is I haven’t noticed anything personally, I just think we’ve had a really fun time and it stayed a group effort and I really think that when you have this team put together like we do, behind the scenes and in front of the camera, that we can do anything.”

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit In the Kliq with a h/t to 411mania.com for the transcription.

article topics :

Nic Nemeth, Triple H, WWE, Jeremy Thomas