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Dramatic Dream Team Results 1.03.2015: Tokyo, Japan

January 3, 2015 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
DDT Pro-Wrestling Image Credit: DDT Pro-Wrestling

Credit: Zack Zimmerman and Prowrestling.net

Super no-vacancy sellout. Every seat in the place is sold, and the line for standing room tickets was up five stories of stairs, out the door, and down the block. Unreal. At least 2,000 fans were packed in.

The show opened with the whole DDT roster in the ring to welcome the fans.

1. Shunma Katsumata forced Kota Umeda to submit to a Liontamer.

2. Makoto Oishi, Shuji Ishikawa, and Hoshitango beat Gota Ihashi, Yasu Urano, and Akito. This was a fun one. The finish came when Ishikawa hit a very impressive BT Bomb on the 300+ lb. Ihashi.

3. Masa Takanashi, DJ Nira, and Saki Akai defeated Antonio Honda, Takao Soma, and Yoshihiko (the doll). Akai reversed a rana by Yoshihiko (the inanimate doll) and scored the pin, and by virtue of pinning Yoshihiko, won the 24 hour Ironman Heavymetalweight Championship. However, after the match, the legendary Aja Kong made a surprise appearance…

4. Aja Kong beat Saki Akai to win the Ironman Heavymetalweight Championship. Kong immediately hit a brainbuster on Akai and pinned her to win the title, which is defended under 24/7 rules.

5. Sanshiro Takagi and Toru Owashi over Super Sasadango Machine and Bernard Ackah (in a Super Sasadango Machine mask). Machine is a mock of Super Strong Machine and wears a similar mask, except his name Sasadadango means “dumpling bowl,” in typical DDT fashion. Takagi is the owner of DDT and does a Stone Cold type gimmick which is super over. Mid-match, Bernard was unmasked, so Machine hilariously removed his mask to cover up Bernard, before realizing he had exposed his face to everyone in the process. In the end, Takagi scored the win for his team with a modified cradle on Machine

6. Gorgeous Matsuno and The Brahmans (Brahman Shu and Brahman Kei) retained the KO-D 6-Man Tag Team Titles vs. Kota Ibushi, Daisuke Sasaki, and Suguru Miyatake. This one involved a real severed pig head, a teased bump off Korakuen’s balcony, squid ink, protein shakes, a squid ink protein shake power-up, and a slow-motion Last Ride ‘rana reversal. Needless to say it was hilariously enjoyable for what it was. In the end, Matsuno scored the win for his team with a rollup.


7. Konosuke Takeshita beat Tomomitsu Matsunaga following two discus lariats and a German suplex hold.

8. Yukio Sakaguchi handily defeated Kazuki Hirata. Funny clash as it was “Dancing K” taking on the shooter of DDT. Sakaguchi put him away with a sleeper hold followed by a stiff Penalty Kick to the chest.

9. KUDO beat MIKAMI. MIKAMI brought a ladder to the ring with him so the match was built around some impressive and rough ladder spots. KUDO scored the pinfall following a diving double knee drop.

10. KO-D Openweight Champion HARASHIMA pinned KO-D Tag Champion Tetsuya Endo. Quick but action-packed. HARASHIMA won with his running double knee strike.

11. Michael Nakazawa vs. Shigehiro Irie ended in a time-limit draw. This was a very entertaining match, but I have a really hard time watching unprotected headbutts and Irie uses them generously.

12. Michael Nakazawa’s Army (HARASHIMA, Yasu Urano, Akito, Kota Ibushi, Daisuke Sasaki, Suguru Miyatake, KUDO, Yukio Sakaguchi, Masa Takanashi, Tomomitsu Matsunaga, Bernard Ackah, Super Sasadango Machine, Saki Akai, DJ Nira, Shunma Katsumata and Gota Ihashi) defeated Danshoku Dino’s Army (Antonio Honda, Konosuke Takeshita, Tetsuya Endo, Gorgeous Matsuno, Brahman Shu, Brahman Kei, Shigehiro Irie, Soma Takao, Sanshiro Takagi, Toru Owashi, Kazuki Hirata, MIKAMI, Yoshihiko, Hoshitango, Makoto Oishi Kouta Umeda and Shuji Ishikawa). This one was so fun it felt illegal. Hilarious spots throughout including every member of the DDT roster being sent crashing into a cornered Nakazawa and a mid-match breakdown brawl throughout Korakuen as music hit and Dancing K got his groove on in the middle of the ring. This was awesome and the crowd ate it up. The finish came when Nakazawa removed the thong from under his trunks and performed a clawhold STO with his thong on his hand. As a prize for winning, Nakazawa won a stack of tickets to sell to DDT’s Saitama Super Arena show in February.

The show closed with another in-ring skit involving the whole roster with Michael Nakazawa coming out the butt of the joke.

Just a note: one thing that really strikes me with DDT is how comfortable they are with their identity. The only thing I can compare it to in that sense is PWG, in that both groups know so firmly who and what they are and they do what they do so well. DDT is silly; sometimes bordering on absurd, but I’ll be damned if they don’t put on one of the most entertaining wrestling products in the world.